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Fantasy Serving the Seven Sins -- Character Sign-up

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Name: Ito Mitsu
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Sin: Servant of Pride
Personality: Ito can be seen as short-tempered, competitive, and rude. She never really took to talking, often letting others speak as she sank into the background. Ito has a very tell it as it is personality, never one to sugar coat anything. She is unpredictable. And independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. Ito isn't one for loyalty though there are a select few who she would help no matter what.

Unseen to the public eye she can be quiet loving and silly but only to a select few she deems as worthy. Closed off to most its a struggle to get her to actually say a full sentence. It isn't that she thinks she is better than anyone, well perhaps she does, she just doesn't see the point in talking if she doesn't have to. She knows it can drive most crazy, especially when it seems she doesn't take things seriously but she doesn't see the point.

Appearance: Ito has a very petite stature, some mistaking her for a young teen instead of a strong-willed woman. Some often finding her appearance unsettling. She has sharp almond shaped eyes framed by long dark lashes. Ito believes her eyes are hazel although they give off a yellowish tint when she finds herself in the sun. Her features are soft and rounded. Although her hands are small her fingers are thin an long, like that of a piano player. Her lips have a healthy tint of pink to them, and can almost always be found in a smirk. Ito's face is surrounded by long voluminous white hair.

History: Soon after her birth, Ito's mother ran. Ito often jokes it was due to her being such a hideous looking baby. After the disappearance of her mother, Ito's father rebuked her and denying to take care of his only child as he blamed her for her mother's...change of heart. Ito was passed onto her grandmother where she grew up to be what some would call "stuck up". At 18 Ito moved out vowing she was made for something more than the small town life. Although Ito had such grand plans on moving away her plans fell short, working odd jobs although she always seemed to hold herself a little higher than most no matter what work she was in. She supposed this is what caught the attention of the Sin Pride. Although she hated the idea of working under anyone it was a no-brainer for her to accept his deal. Living forever and working for someone with similar ideas seem as good as it was going to get for her.
Accepted! Now I just have to make the main RP page and we're all set!
Regina Schwartz





Regina has hazel hues that seems to change color depending on the lighting and cinnamon like hair. She stands at 5'7. Notable features about her is the beauty mark near her bottom lip and the snake tattoo on her right wrist
Regina hotheaded, passionate, and always itching to prove herself. Thanks gift for self expression, Regina can be the life of the party, and a social butterfly when the time needs her to be.

Emotional and vulnerable, When hurt, she withdraws into a cloud of silence, she eventually emerging from her reticence either with jokes and laughter that cover up her true feelings or becomes moody and cynical when depressed. Regina is considered to be humorous, yet it can be very sarcastic and quite dark.

One of her notable traits is her proneness to boredom. She is constantly agitated by lack of work, describing peace and quiet as "hateful". Another trait about her is constant feeling of empitiness, she will often try to find ways to make herself be satisfied. From drugs and food to murder, but nothing truly works. She is constantly amused, by the blind-trust and limerence of the servants in comparison to herself. Regina also has a major manipulative streak and will often take advantage of people in order to get her way, even trying out her skills on her master once or twice.

Most of her memories has been taken or altered by Greed after accepting the life of servitude. However, there are part of her memories that she's sure hasn't been taken for whatever reason.

Regina comes from a family of cops, her father Henry being an officer and, later, a detective for the NYPD while her mother was a attorney. When Regina was very young, her mother nearly overdosed on drugs while Henry was at work. When she had also left the oven on and subsequently ended up unresponsive on the bathroom floor, causing Regina to call the police. Before Henry and his partner were able to arrive on the scene, the stove caught fire and Regina was almost killed; as she was standing in front of the flames when Henry finally reached her, but the pair managed to get both Regina and her mother to safety. Regina repressed her memories of this event and Henry told Regina that her mother had died, but in reality she had left. Because he didn't want his daughter to grow up believing that she'd been abandoned. Henry told her stories of the mother he knew Regina deserved, not the mother she really was. Afterwards Henry started to invest his daughter in the ways of police work.

Due her father's extensive police training during childhood and early teenhood, Regina developed an adeptness and a fondness for police work. She took up multiple jobs along with school to keep the bills in check. When in his late teens, she discovered that her mother was alive, she began hating his father, and consequently lost interest in becoming part of the police force since she did not want to follow her father's footsteps. She would constantly get into physical fights with other students and always maneuver her way out of punishment from her principal, receiving a slap on the wrist at most.

After graduating high school, She moved out of new york to Los Angeles. Making bad decisions left and right. She met Greed whilst being drunk and alone at a random party she was invited to. She offered her a life of servitude and she accepted without hesitation.

Anything else:

Her nickname for Isaac is "Ike"

She has a habit of looking up at the sky every once in a while, especially at night
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Regina Schwartz





Regina has hazel hues that seems to change color depending on the lighting and cinnamon like hair. She stands at 5'7. Notable features about her is the beauty mark near her bottom lip and the snake tattoo on her right wrist
Regina hotheaded, passionate, and always itching to prove herself. Thanks gift for self expression, Regina can be the life of the party, and a social butterfly when the time needs her to be.

Emotional and vulnerable, When hurt, she withdraws into a cloud of silence, she eventually emerging from her reticence either with jokes and laughter that cover up her true feelings or becomes moody and cynical when depressed. Regina is considered to be humorous, yet it can be very sarcastic and quite dark.

One of her notable traits is her proneness to boredom. She is constantly agitated by lack of work, describing peace and quiet as "hateful". Another trait about her is constant feeling of empitiness, she will often try to find ways to make herself be satisfied. From drugs and food to murder, but nothing truly works. She is constantly amused, by the blind-trust and limerence of the servants in comparison to herself. Regina also has a major manipulative streak and will often take advantage of people in order to get her way, even trying out her skills on her master once or twice.

Most of her memories has been taken or altered by Greed after accepting the life of servitude. However, there are part of her memories that she's sure hasn't been taken for whatever reason.

Regina comes from a family of cops, her father Henry being an officer and, later, a detective for the NYPD while her mother was a attorney. When Regina was very young, her mother nearly overdosed on drugs while Henry was at work. When she had also left the oven on and subsequently ended up unresponsive on the bathroom floor, causing Regina to call the police. Before Henry and his partner were able to arrive on the scene, the stove caught fire and Regina was almost killed; as she was standing in front of the flames when Henry finally reached her, but the pair managed to get both Regina and her mother to safety. Regina repressed her memories of this event and Henry told Regina that her mother had died, but in reality she had left. Because he didn't want his daughter to grow up believing that she'd been abandoned. Henry told her stories of the mother he knew Regina deserved, not the mother she really was. Afterwards Henry started to invest his daughter in the ways of police work.

Due her father's extensive police training during childhood and early teenhood, Regina developed an adeptness and a fondness for police work. She took up multiple jobs along with school to keep the bills in check. When in his late teens, she discovered that her mother was alive, she began hating his father, and consequently lost interest in becoming part of the police force since she did not want to follow her father's footsteps. She would constantly get into physical fights with other students and always maneuver her way out of punishment from her principal, receiving a slap on the wrist at most.

After graduating high school, She moved out of new york to Los Angeles. Making bad decisions left and right. She met Greed whilst being drunk and alone at a random party she was invited to. She offered her a life of servitude and she accepted without hesitation.

Anything else:

Her nickname for Isaac is "Ike"

She has a habit of looking up at the sky every once in a while, especially at night


Servant of Envy


Katerina inherited most of her mother's features; from the delicate jawline, the low arch of her brows to her rounded cheeks. Only the amber eyes, the light blonde hair and pallor of her skin are inherited from her father's side of the family.

She also has a rather lithe figure and an unimposing presence, standing at 160 cm (5'4") and weighing at 52 kg (114 lbs). A black rose is tattooed below the base of her neck with its thorn-filled stem going down the line of her spine.

Her usual choice of wardrobe can be quite flamboyant and extravagant, from jewel-studded dresses with daring cuts to tailored jeans and silk blouses. This style of hers accompanied by a rather sizable collection of jewelry and accessories just about make her seem like a spoiled brat.

Born as the middle child to a wealthy entrepreneur and a lady of high society, Katerina never really grew up not getting what she needs and wants materialistically. She was provided for, had people waiting on her, received only the best of tutors and was allowed luxuries most children did not get.

However, her father was rather distant to her and her mother seemed to hesitate around her for some reason. All the while, her older brother and younger sister, Mathias and Helene, received all the affection in the world, leaving Katerina yearning for any acknowledgement from her parents. At first, Katerina threw herself into studying and hobbies that she thought would make them proud, trying to win their affection, their attention. But as the days went by, excuses were given, gifts were sent instead of affection, Katerina grew resentful, envious of the fact that no matter what she accomplished, they did not give a damn.

So began a series of unfortunate events that fell upon her siblings. The pianist her sister had been working with for months couldn't make it to the performance due to a family emergency; her application to her dream university was never considered after a musical prodigy found himself with sufficient funds to apply to the same university. Fundings behind her brother's ideas and plans were shifted into bigger and better businesses and opportunities as they found the platform to advertise them, while rumors of off-shore accounts arose as well. Of course, to prevent any suspicion of sabotage, Katerina even arranged a mishap with one of her investments that cost quite a bit of fortune and trouble to sort out. This, however, did not end that well. Her siblings were doted upon, comforted and helped - after being reprimanded, in her brother's case - while she was only told to be more responsible with the family's money and left to her own devices once more.

In an attempt to not explode in anger, grief and resentment, Katerina decided to travel and get out of the stifling environment she had made for herself. It was during one of the times she was feeling particularly sorry for herself and her situation that she met Envy, having gone out to drink and maybe get inspiration to further sabotage whatever accomplishments her siblings can get because she might as well make them miserable when she can. Instead she came back to her residence, sober and bound to Envy - as if she wasn't already in the first place.
Katerina has the makings of a role model.

As evidenced by her broad set of skills, driven completely by her want of parental attention, she has a tendency to excel whatever she sets her mind to and has great confidence in what she does. She can be quite outspoken, daring to stick her neck out for her convictions, but at the same time, she knows how to read the mood of the room, able to switch from loud and proud to charming and polite in a manner of seconds.

Despite all of this, Katerina is hardly the material for a role model. She's spoiled, arrogant and vicious.

Her upbringing has given her a sense of entitlement, used to mostly getting her way. Her confidence can be quite stifling to the point of arrogance - whether this is brought on by the self-importance caused by her background or by her own faith and overestimation of her own skills in unknown. She can also hold a grudge for a long time and usually in a rather extensive matter, usually having the resources to destroy a person's life if she so wanted.

In addition to all that, Katerina also has quite the temper and doesn't really know how to deal with it when things don't actually go her way, known to either throw a fit or drink herself to oblivion.


jesh bellini


Forced servant of the deadly sin, Pride. Though, with how prideful he is himself, he could easily be mistaken as the sin. He's likely only kept around for his determination and the hours of entertainment he provides.

Jesh has a bit of an overbearing personality, one that not many people can handle being around for more than a few minutes at a time. As to be expected with anyone serving Pride themselves, the main thing that sticks out about the boy is his overabundance of confidence and unrelenting competitiveness. While he is very talented in many aspects, the level at which he sees himself is generally skewed with reality. He refuses to accept this fact, though, and can have a bit of a temper when someone tries to challenge his ideals.

However, despite his obvious shortcomings, no one can call Jesh ignorant or a slacker. He's highly ambitious, and everything that he does, he does with his all just to solidify his point that he is the best. And while he may be one of the most infuriating creatures to ever be around, he is the best person to go to when looking to improve yourself in any aspect.


Born in the mortal realm to a pair of hotshot surgeons as parents, Jesh has always had the absolute best that life had to offer him; the best food, the best clothes, the best schooling. But like almost every other stereotypical rich kid, the one and only thing that he ever lacked was attention from his parents. His solution to this was to make them proud, to be the best at everything he put his mind to. However, his innocent cry for attention soon turned into an obsessive ideal; to be the literal embodiment of the best. His plan worked too, for he truly was the best (in comparison to his peers; ) he scored the most goals, composed the best pieces, and sang the best songs. What he didn't expect was for everyone, including his parents, to only see a cocky child flaunting his wealth.

Life was rather depressing for Jesh at this point, as none of his peers or even his parents thought too highly of them. However, those who were depressed were not at their best, so he refused to dwell on it, and simply pushed himself to learn more and be better at more and more. Perhaps he seemed vulnerable, or perhaps his attitude was catching, but he was eventually approached by a man that called himself Pride and was offered a proposition. Believing it to be a joke to mock him, he had told the man quite pointedly where he could shove his offer. He quickly realized after that that gods get what they want, when they want it. While it still kills him inside that he has to serve anyone, it wasn't as if his parents would even notice his absence; this really was the best opportunity he'd been given in a while.



code by pasta



Servant of Envy

Katerina inherited most of her mother's features; from the delicate jawline, the low arch of her brows to her rounded cheeks. Only the amber eyes, the light blonde hair and pallor of her skin are inherited from her father's side of the family.

She also has a rather lithe figure and an unimposing presence, standing at 160 cm (5'4") and weighing at 52 kg (114 lbs). A black rose is tattooed below the base of her neck with its thorn-filled stem going down the line of her spine.

Her usual choice of wardrobe can be quite flamboyant and extravagant, from jewel-studded dresses with daring cuts to tailored jeans and silk blouses. This style of hers accompanied by a rather sizable collection of jewelry and accessories just about make her seem like a spoiled brat.

Born as the middle child to a wealthy entrepreneur and a lady of high society, Katerina never really grew up not getting what she needs and wants materialistically. She was provided for, had people waiting on her, received only the best of tutors and was allowed luxuries most children did not get.

However, her father was rather distant to her and her mother seemed to hesitate around her for some reason. All the while, her older brother and younger sister, Mathias and Helene, received all the affection in the world, leaving Katerina yearning for any acknowledgement from her parents. At first, Katerina threw herself into studying and hobbies that she thought would make them proud, trying to win their affection, their attention. But as the days went by, excuses were given, gifts were sent instead of affection, Katerina grew resentful, envious of the fact that no matter what she accomplished, they did not give a damn.

So began a series of unfortunate events that fell upon her siblings. The pianist her sister had been working with for months couldn't make it to the performance due to a family emergency; her application to her dream university was never considered after a musical prodigy found himself with sufficient funds to apply to the same university. Fundings behind her brother's ideas and plans were shifted into bigger and better businesses and opportunities as they found the platform to advertise them, while rumors of off-shore accounts arose as well. Of course, to prevent any suspicion of sabotage, Katerina even arranged a mishap with one of her investments that cost quite a bit of fortune and trouble to sort out. This, however, did not end that well. Her siblings were doted upon, comforted and helped - after being reprimanded, in her brother's case - while she was only told to be more responsible with the family's money and left to her own devices once more.

In an attempt to not explode in anger, grief and resentment, Katerina decided to travel and get out of the stifling environment she had made for herself. It was during one of the times she was feeling particularly sorry for herself and her situation that she met Envy, having gone out to drink and maybe get inspiration to further sabotage whatever accomplishments her siblings can get because she might as well make them miserable when she can. Instead she came back to her residence, sober and bound to Envy - as if she wasn't already in the first place.
Katerina has the makings of a role model.

As evidenced by her broad set of skills, driven completely by her want of parental attention, she has a tendency to excel whatever she sets her mind to and has great confidence in what she does. She can be quite outspoken, daring to stick her neck out for her convictions, but at the same time, she knows how to read the mood of the room, able to switch from loud and proud to charming and polite in a manner of seconds.

Despite all of this, Katerina is hardly the material for a role model. She's spoiled, arrogant and vicious.

Her upbringing has given her a sense of entitlement, used to mostly getting her way. Her confidence can be quite stifling to the point of arrogance - whether this is brought on by the self-importance caused by her background or by her own faith and overestimation of her own skills in unknown. She can also hold a grudge for a long time and usually in a rather extensive matter, usually having the resources to destroy a person's life if she so wanted.

In addition to all that, Katerina also has quite the temper and doesn't really know how to deal with it when things don't actually go her way, known to either throw a fit or drink herself to oblivion.

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