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Futuristic Service to the Flag: 1st Cavalry Barracks


Axel The Englishman

The Holy Crusader
Note: All personnel reports are stored with individual confidentiality as the highest priority.
High Command of Military Operations
Army Administration

Army of the Federal Republic
Individual Personnel Report - 5th July 2226

Precedence: Minimal


Date of Birth:

Date of Enlistment:
Rank: [Private - Captain]
Combat Role:

Background Report:

Psychiatric Report:

Field Arsenal:

Signature of Individual

[FONT=verdana]High Command of Military Operations
Army Administration[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana]Army of the Federal Republic
Individual Personnel Report - 5th July 2226[/FONT]
[heightrestrict=20][/heightrestrict][bg=black; height:10px; padding:0][bg=transparent; display:none;].[/bg][/bg]
Precedence: Minimal
[border=6px solid white][bg=#515151][/bg][/border]
Date of Birth:
Date of Enlistment:
Rank: [Private - Captain]
Combat Role:[/FONT]


[FONT=verdana]Background Report:

[FONT=verdana]Psychiatric Report:[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana]Field Arsenal:[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana]Signature of Individual[/FONT]
[heightrestrict=20][/heightrestrict][bg=black; height:10px; padding:0][bg=transparent; display:none;].[/bg][/bg]
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High Command of Military Operations
Army Administration

Army of the Federal Republic
Individual Personnel Report - 5th July 2226

Precedence: Minimal


Name: Benjamin Montgomery de Boer
Age: 23 Earth Years
Date of Birth: 01/03/2203

Nationality: English/Dutch-American, Third Generation
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 162 lbs
Date of Enlistment: 14/12/2221
Rank: Sergeant [E-4]
Combat Role: Squad Leader

Background Report:
Subject born to Second Generation English/Dutch-American immigrants, Class-1 Citizenship within state of West Virginia. Graduate of Tygarts Valley High School, and attendee of West Virginia University studying Military History until dropping out six months after enrolling. Subject enlisted into Federal Republic Military, Army infantry, and dispatched to Camp Tegan, Kentucky for Basic Training. Subject was assigned to 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Battalion of 7th Cavalry Regiment under 3rd Armoured Combat Brigade Team after completion of Basic Training. Subject served two tours of duty on eastern frontier colonies before reassignment to northern frontier colonies during Newland Insurrections under 3rd Battalion of 8th Cavalry Regiment. Subject notably served as acting squad leader after unit aerial transport was shot down 20 miles behind enemy lines. Subject eventually returned to friendly territory with full roster accounted for, later awarded Bronze Star Metal for battlefield conduct.

As of recent subject has been assigned to 3rd Battalion detail stationed at Camp Logan, SA-312 in preparation for assault against identified enemy strongholds 35 miles northwest of New Randolph Frontier Colony.

Psychiatric Report:
Subject displays obvious contempt for insurrectionists. Methods conducted against identified terrorists considered questionable, though overlooked by commanding officers. Other behaviour includes tactical aggressiveness, enthusiasm, and overzealousness during deployments. Disregarding of inexperienced personnel. Possible psychopath. Psychiatrist recommended for further inspection. Nothing else of note to report.

Field Arsenal:
- Standard Issue P11 Personal Armour w/ BDU
- Carryall w/ Supplies
- P10A2 Assault Rifle
- P09A2 Service Pistol
- P98A2 Grenade Launcher
- P01 Survival Knife
- P15A1 Heartbeat Sensor

BdB Signature.png

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High Command of Military Operations

Army Administration

Army of the Federal Republic
Individual Personnel Report - 5th July 2226

Precedence: Minimal


Name: Winston Churchill Aka Atlas
Age: 30
Date of Birth: earth year 2196
Nationality: Irish/German
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3
Date of Enlistment: 2215
Rank: Corporal [E-3]
Combat Role: Team Leader: Fireteam

Background Report:

Eldest son of a large family on New Germany. Went into service to prevent his younger brother from having to join. Enjoys a good fight and will protect his comrades passionalty. Much is unknown about his childhood or education.

As of recent subject has been assigned to 3rd Battalion detail stationed at Camp Logan, SG- in preparation for assault against identified enemy strongholds 35 miles northwest of New Randolph Frontier Colony.

Psychiatric Report:
Natural born leader, cares for his men. He is rebellious and has sympathy for others. Is unable to promote until he can prove his commitment. Has unusual predisposition to violent resolution. He is considered unstable and unpredictable. Has possible uses. Psychiatrist recommended for further inspection. Nothing else of note to report.

Field Arsenal:
- Standard Issue P11 Personal Armour w/ BDU
- Carryall w/ Supplies
- P10A2 Assault Rifle
- P09A2 Service Pistol
- USF P65A5 Flamethrower
- P01 Survival Knife
- P15A1 Heartbeat Sensor
Name: James Whitton
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 5/10/2207
Nationality: Irish/ English Descent
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 190 lbs.
Date of Enlistment: 10/6/2223
Rank: Corporal
Combat Role:Combat Lifesaver

Background Report:
Subject was born to Class-1 Citizens, state of South Carolina. Reports suggest childhood in poor neighborhoods, and the lack of a father. Subject turned to petty theivery at a young age, before enlisting into the military shortly after marrying. Subject seems to have joined in order to get Class-2 Citizenship for him and his family. He had no experience in medicine, yet was the first to volunteer to become combat lifesaver after hearing that it gave one's family Class-2 Citizenship as well. He was recently transferred to the 1st Cavalry after putting down an insurectionist uprising in his home state. Earned Bronze Star after saving several wounded comrades while under heavy fire. Loyalty in question.

Psychiatric Report:
Subject has very little loyalty to the state. Lack of a father seems to have caused him to have a contempt for authority. Has been known to disobey orders, though never being full-blown treason. Recommend that close eyes are kept on subject, as chances of treason are above average. Termination possible if subject betrays state. Subject also shows extreme fear of death and loss, so threats to him and his family could persuade subject to stay loyal.

Field Arsenal:

De Beer P13A1 Submachine Gun

De Beer P09A2 Service Pistol

Standard Issue P11 Personal Armour w/ BDU

Carryall w/ Supplies

P01 Survival Knife

P15A1 Heartbeat Sensor

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