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Servant X Mi'Lady

Cerine looked back at Justin and then at Drake, hesitating for a second you could see that she still wanted to discuss things with Justin but decided that it could wait.

".... Yeah, sure."


Evangeline sat in her room thinking softly to herself what had happened.
He smiled and grabbed her hand and started walking around the castle "I'm probably thinking to let you to do the honors of crowning me Cerine..." He said to her and sighed. He was gonna be crowned king tomorrow but he still wasn't ready for it.


Justin join Evangeline in her room and sat next to her.
Cerine looked at him and blinked, "Shouldn't you at least get Evangeline to do that? I am just a maid...."

Her voice trailed off at the end and she looked at the floor.


Evangeline was still in her thoughts and it took her a while before she noticed that Justin was there. Gasping she nearly fell off the bed and then looked at him.

"... How long have you been there...?"
"Yet That's why, your my special maid. Like I told you a lot, you look beautiful in those maid clothes." He said to her. He knew that sometimes she didn't like the short skirts they had to wear but that was when she was younger or so. "Anyway what even is you last name?" He asked her.


Justin laughed and looked at her "about three minutes" he told her. He didn't really want to be scolded by Cerine again but it was gonna happen.
Cerine looked at him and then into the distance, "I am an orphan... I don't have one... I am lucky to have a name...."


Evangeline blushed slightly and thought about the weird faces she would have been making.

"..... You should have said something...."

Pouting she looked at him.
"You need a last name everyone has one..." He said to her. After about 30 minutes Drake eventually was done walking and it was dark now. "I'm gonna get some sleep can you setup my bed please?" He asked her.


Justin smiled and poked her shoulder. "It alright I was too funny for me to let you out of you little dream. So what were you thinking?" He said
Cerine walked with him in silence not saying anything, then as he asked her to make his bed she gave a nod.

"okay, I shall."

Walking off, Cerine made her way to Drakes room so that she could set it up for him.


Evangeline blushed again and pouted, ".... Nothing special~"

Looking away her blush darkened a little and she avoided his gaze
"It's about me Evangeline isn't it?" He asked her smirking. He then mocked her faces she made and laughed in a friendly way.


Drake sighed he wanted to make her have a last name. Evangeline and him had the power to do it but he wanted to ask her permission first to make her have a last name.
evangeline blushed hared, "Don't tease me..."

Looking at him she looked at him from under her fringe, "and if it was?"


Tidying up the room she waited for Drake to return
"I want to know what your thinking its not like I hold secrets." He said to her and sighed. Though he did keep only one secret he wouldn't tell anyone in the whole world.


Drake soon returned to his room and he kissed her cheek and smiled "good night my lovely" he said to her.
Evangeline gave a chuckle and tilted her head on the bed, "I seriously doubt that. Everyone has one or two secrets."


Cerine smiled softly and then nodded, "Good night..."

With that she began to leave the room.
Evangelien giggled and then looked at Justin and whispered quietly, "Why do we have to keep it a secret from Cerine and Drake...?"
Evangeline chuckled and then laid properly on her bed and patted the spot next to her.

"I am... *yawn* sleepy... let's go to bed.."
The sun shinning through the curtains made Evangeline cringe slightly and as she turned away from the light she blinked as she spotted a sleeping Justin. Slightly shocked and her memory still not there, Evangeline jumped back and then fell off the bed. Groaning she rubbed her head and sighed as she remembered slightly what had happened.


Cerine made her way through the corridors checking to see if everything was tip top shape for the coronation
Drake woke up and he sighed he wasn't in the mood to be out of his bed so he just stayed in there for alittle bit longer.


Justin woke up and saw Evangeline "good morning lovely. I'm gonna go for a walk" he said to her and walked around the castle.
Evangeline smiled at him and grinned as she watched him leaving. Sighing she got up to get ready.


Cerine looked over to notice that Justin had gotten up and made her way towards him.

"good morning Justin"

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"wanna tell me why you came out of Evangeline's room?"

She looked at him and then looked behind him in which in the corridor lead to Evangeline's room an raised her eyebrow at him.

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"None of your business" he said to her trying to hold back a blush. He was looking at Cerine "Don't you just have chores to do as a maid?" He asked trying to get the topic out of mind.
Cerine tilted her head the side and sighed. Looking at Evangeline's room behind him she looked at him.

"you didn't do anything did you?"

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