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Servant X Mi'Lady

"Evangeline... You need to look after everyone I find no use in staying... If you give me a reason I might change my mind" he said to her and smiled kindly.
Evangeline bit her lip and then grabbed him by the collar and pulled him forward pressing his lips against hers and then stepped back.

"I love you..... Is that a good enough reason...?"
He blinked as he brought him to her lips. He fixed his collar and smiled "It is a good enough reason for me..." He said to her and got on the back on her horse.
Evangeline blinked and a small giggle slipped through her lips and tears fell down.

"Oh gosh... Look at me..."

Wiping the tears she looked at Justin, "You are convinced to easily..."

Looking at him with gentle eyes she gave another smile, "But those are one of the things I love about you."
He sighed and nodded "Don't tell Drake or Cerine. So tell me more about what makes you love me." He said to her and waited for a response.
Evangeline blushed darkly and got up on the horse with him, "You will have to find out."

Teasing him she wrapped her arms around his waist and lent against his shoulder blades.
He smiled and he hated being teased but she always did it to him. He started to ride back to where they came from. He just was sighing and looked at the way out.
Evangeline looked at him and then went to say which way to go and then stopped as she spotted Cerine.

"Where have you- Justin!"

Cerine moved her horse so that it was beside them and she frowned at him, "You can't just leave like that!"
Evangeline caught his look and then looked back at Cerine and watched as Cerine wanted to shout at him but didn't. Sighing she gestured to him to follow and they rode back in silence. Making their way back to the castle, Evangeline hopped off the horse and gave the black horse a teasing kiss and then headed off disappearing as she tended to do so.
Justin sighed as he went to their little hide out. He was wondering if Cerine was gonna give him a lecture or something.


Drake saw Cerine and he kissed her on the cheek, and waited to see her response.
Cerine blushed darkly and looked at the floor. Giving a small pout she knew that she wouldn't be able to scold Justin if Drake kept doing that.

".... Justin... Why did you leave?"
Justin saw her she seemed like distracted but ready to scold. "I just did so that I can have my time alone" he said to her. He just looked at her since he was always afraid of her.


Drake happened to sneak off and go to Evangeline's room knowing she's there "Sister we should make Justin and Cerine to get along better. Theu always are going at each other." He told her and sighed.
Cerine sighed and then looked at Justin, "Did you think about for Evangeline would feel about that?"


Evangeline looked up at her brother and tilted her head, "But Cerine really likes Justin..."

sent from my phone
"I didn't but it's because for another reason..." He said to her and zoned off.


Drake sighed and looked at Evangeline "Maybe but it seems she's always so aggravated with him. I think I would know since I'm her boyfriend."
Cerine looked at him and tilted her head, "What's the other reason?"


Evangeline looked at her brother and chuckled, "Good on you brother! Finally after all these years!"

Then turning back on the topic she looked over at him, "Yeah... But Justin has saved me several times and Cerine isn't going to hate him... Just... Trust me on that.."
"Alright i trust you" he said to her and sighed. Drake hoped Cerine wouldnt be angry but he sighed. When he gets marked to be king be wondered who shall crown him Cerine or Evangeline.


"That's none of your business Cerine something's arent supposed to be told okay?" He said trying not be so rude.
"Thank you..." Looking at her brother she smiled softly and then hugged him.


"...." Staring at Justin, Cerine tried to calm down and then sighed, "Whatever."

Dusting her skirt she looked at him, "Hurt Evangeline, ever. I won't let you just get away with it."
"Cerine... I was the one who saved you both... Many times I wouldnt just hurt Evangeline, especially since..." He zoned out.


Drake looked at Evangeline then walked out and hugged Cerine, giving her a dog kiss.
Cerine looked over at him and gave a soft smile, "Cause you love her right?"


Evangeline blinked and then giggled, "Eww~! Drake!!"
(Wait who? I know that Drake gave her a kiss... Isn't she talking to Justin though? And if you mean't Drake giving evangeline a kiss I made her react like that cause you said he gave her a dog kiss.... Doesn't that mean he licked her face...?)
"Cerine can we just go on a walk alone only the two of us?" He asked her and smiled.


Justin found that Cerine and Drake an alright couple but yet Cerine usually has the final say as he can notice their conversations.

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