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Servant X Mi'Lady

Justin was gently breathing as he was with Cerine.


The man walked into the gates and it shut after he entered. he smirked and put gloves on her so he wouldn't have any access to her hands and he put a magic seal on her gloves so only he can take it off. Then he took off his hood and the man was Jason "long time no see my love." 
Evangeline looked away but peaked out of the corner of her eye to see Jason, "..... Jason....."


Cerine watched Evangeline leave and cursed under her breath, "I have to get you both home..."

The forest giants had disintegrated due to Evangeline leaving and she lifted the three of thme into the air with her powers.

"We will be back Evanegline."
"Long time no see my love and now it's time to get even" he smirked as he took her into the office and took out a knife. "Let's see how much you can handle before you start begging me to kill you." He said and put the knife in her chest and twisted it around.
Evangeline cried out and gritted her teeth, it hurts... It hurts..... Closing her eyes Evangeline tried to ignore the pain.


Cerin made it back to the mansion and began to hastily tend to the two boys.
Evangeline closed her eyes and bit her lip blood trickling down.


She had finished with the treatments and was now pacing the room, What do I do... What can I do...
Justin woke up and saw Cerine "That man, he's dangerous..." He muttered...


Jason smirked "alright let's see then" he said and he took a machete and he chopped one of her hands off "Don't worry I'll heal it back on when I feel like your in need of more torture."
(holy shit this is getting a little gruesome.....)

Cerine looked at Justin and stopped pacing, "Who is he?"


Evangeline bit her lip really hard and a cry escaped between her small lips.
(I think I found out how I fix it alittle :P )

He smirked slightly at her and he heal her hand back on her "So tell me how did it feel?" He asked evilly.


"I don't know but I felt like I knew him from somewhere..." He said to her sighing
Evangeline gritted her teeth and didn't say anything, He will just do something worse.


Cerine looked at him, "familiar?"

Going through her brain she tried to think
He grabbed her face and he growled "Tell me or I will punish you" he said to her and growled.


Justin "Someone who is strategic" he said to her and couldn't get his mind to figure it out. 
Evangeline felt her her face get pulled to face him and she whimpered softly, "... it hurt..."


Cerine looked at where they had left Jason after defeating him and noticed that he wasn't there. how... HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT FUCKING IDIOT HAD DISAPPEARD!? Looking at Justin she spoke a dangerous hushed voice.

"... Jason...."
"He's dead I killed him I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be dead..."

He said to her thinking and sighed "I know I stabbed him through the heart."


"Good girl. so prepare for preparations your gonna be the new slave for every rebel" he said and he took her to a jail cell and chained each limb to two sides of the wall. "Night Evangeline" he said evilly and he went to his room.
Cerine sighed and sat at the edge of his bed, "How are you feeling... Sorry... I am... I'm just worried about Angel..."


Evangeline gasped as he took her to a cel and chained her up, her eyes empty as he said good night and left her alone.
Justin sighed "The boy Drake got himself almost killed didn't he." He sighed without looking at him he knew. But for Angel she was hard to know she was a strong person for a lady.
Cerine looked at Drake who hadn't stirred yet and nodded, "Yeah... He has done something stupid... Maybe we should have though through it more carefully..."


Evangeline's tears had stopped and she was finally returning to her old self centered self hard headed and stubborn. She knew this wasn't going to help her but she wasn't going to allow Justin to do anything to her family members.
Cerine blinked, "When did you do that!?"

She tried to think but couldn't remember anything that would suggest something like that happening.


Her arms were starting to ache and she wanted to allow her arms to fall to her sides but the fact they were handcuffed to a part of the wall above of her didn't help. She didn't whimper but tried to find a ledge on the brick wall so that she could get up a little.
"When I first met her, then when I remembered I put on you. So I have markers to teleport to." Had smiled at her and sighed but his hands glowed alittle bit "as of right now I can't teleport I'm too weak."
Cerine looked at him and rolled her sleeves, "Well, we are going to need to fix you up!"

She chuckled as her own eyes glowed blue.

"Evangeline has faster healing powers... But I can heal with my powers as well..."

Closing her eyes she muttered under her breath words to fast to pick up and then opened them.

"We are going to have to repeat that several times..."


Finding a ledge to stand on Evangeline sighed as her hands felt a little bit of relief and sighed looking at the ground. What am I doing here....

You are here for your friends remember...

Thinking she was being delusional Evangeline dismissed the fact she could hear another voice in her head, Oh.... that's right... Cerine... Drake.... Justin.... I hope you are alright...

don't worry Evangeline... They will be here for you...

Evangeline smiled to herself as she slipped from conscious to unconscious, that would be nice...

Yes it would... wouldn't it....
(Evangeline is delusional NUUUUUUUU)

Justin sighed and just felt better but didn't want to make Cerine weak he sighed and soon just teleported to Evangeline "you okay mistress?"

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