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Servant X Mi'Lady

Evangeline nodded and did as she was told creating a bow with a vine for the string and then wooden arrows with rocks for the sharp point
"Prepare to fight on my signal, and Evangeline you do the talking@ he said to her as he walked to the gates and the leader was already waiting. "I see two little runts had arrived.
"I'm what they call a professional killer" he smirked at them both and held his hand out for the money "If your lucky I want to see if you would pay for the boy anyways." He said to the girl


Drake sighed and kept silent though he knew it was risky to do this.
Evangeline looked at the money in her hand and then at him, "How do I know that you will keep your word."

Glaring at him she held herself proudly, her chin tilted upwards and her chest proudly poked out.
He smirked at her comment "Bring our the boy!" He shouted and soon after a boy with chains appeared from the gates "I always had a weakness for woman..." He said to her.
Evangeline looked at him not a hint of any expression, "Give him to me and I will give you this."

Holding the bags in her hand she waited for them to allow Justin to come to her.
He smirked evilly and as Justin was brought to them he made a hand sign and suddenly an arrow was shot aiming for Evangeline.


Drake saw the arrow and he pushed her out of the way and he took an arrow directly into the chest and he puked up blood.


"It's a shame your boyfriend is gonna die first..." He smirked evilly and unsheathed a sword.
Evangeline screamed and she looked at the man, "Screw you."

her hands by her side she glared at him and the earth began to shake is it rose in bits and pieces. Suddenly a large creature was formed and it gave a thundering roar.


(Sorry need to ask but can I swear?)
(Go ahead)

He smirked at the creature and suddenly about 100 archers shot at the creature to take it down. "So it seems like your still able to stand... How about after this..." He said and attempted to stab into Drake's skull.
(haha~ I just wanted to ask for future reference ^^)

The creature swished it's long tail at the man and slammed him into the wall, hissing and it's tongue flickering it looked at the man with it's beady red eyes. Suddenly it jumped back and then looked at the girl slashing wind blades.

"Don't touch them," growling from ontop of the other forest creature, Cerine looked at the man with glowing blue eyes.
"It's a shame you didn't consider making a deal but for disobeying ill show you what happens." He said and suddenly Drake was crushed into the ground and he made it sink.
Cerine looked at the man and hopped down, "How about this... Me and the money for the boy."

Evangeline looked at Cerine distraught. How am I suppose to stop her! Shaking she tried to let Cerine do as she will. Hopeing she had a plan
He was hardly breathing and it seemed his injuries were serious.


The man looked at Cerine "if you want to have the boy I want a good enough offer that I can accept.
Cerine looked at him and then stopped as Evangeline stepped in front of her, "take me."

Blinking Cerine looked at Evangeline, "Evange...."

Evangeline looked at the man with her proud appearance, "Take me and the money."
"Hm, I think that's just too pricy, I'll just take you and give the boy back" he said and smirked. He knew she would accept it since she was offering herself up.
Evangeline handed the bags to Cerine who tried to stop her. Pushing Cerine away coldly Evangeline made her way to the man.
He smirked and tossed to boy to the maid girl "Seems like that he was very important to you to give your self up girl." He said to her.
Evangeline said nothing and looked straight ahead.


Cerine caught Justin and began to cry, "Evangeline... Evangeline!"

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