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Fandom Servamp


Arc One

In the year 1964, seven siblings (between 11-13) decided to go exploring one day in a forest that was once known for its poisonous radiations. They thought it would be fun and decided to explore it. While exploring the met an old man in the forest that was severely injured. The siblings helped the old man back to his home where the patched him up. The man was very thankful and wanted to give the siblings something in return. He pulled out the bottle a poured seven cups and told them that this was ancient water that would grant them "eternal life". The thought the only man was only kidding and decided to drank from the cup. Once they had drunk from the cups the couldn't remember anything from there past. They all remembered they were siblings but nothing more. The old man told them that he had granted them the ability to be vampires and that he would teach them everything they needed to know. The siblings knew there true past was missing but they only knew the could trust the old man. As the children learned about there abilities they each began taking the power of one of the deadly sins. After each child reached a certain age they stopped aging. (they would have stopped age between 17 on up) One day out of the blue the old man left a note that said... You have proved to be powerful vampires/Servamps. Go out onto the world and use your power the way you wish. While some of the siblings wanted to stay together, in the end, the gone their separate ways in search of the perfect Eve. (Just because the went there separate ways doesn't mean some of the vampires haven't seen each other. We can decide that in rp)

In the present day, the Servamps and the present Eves have begun to feel a strange aura emitting in the air. If they decide to follow it the would arrive in a city called Nagoya. There they would realize that they would be dragged back to there home town and a new danger coming into there lives.
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