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Serendipity | Chico + Midnight


falling with style
"Serendipity" - (n.) : luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for

~ Chico + Midnight ~
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Rain stood with her back to the mansion behind her, arms folded across her chest. The night was quiet, but for a few rustles of the wind. She was dressed from head to toe in black, a matte mask obscuring her face. Without light, she would be nigh-on undetectable. That was the idea, really. Her long brown hair was twisted up into a bun at the nape of her neck that bobbled slightly when she turned her head sharply. She could have sworn there had been sound from the left side of the garden, but it turned out to only be a squirrel.

Unlike before she was brought here, the girl didn't react to its cuteness, or the way its fluffy tail twitched as it checked her out. She was devoid of emotion. After all, what use was a soldier who hesitated to kill? Who took the time to process their thoughts? A useful soldier was a stone cold killer; someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill even their family. That had been the first test, to see if the commands were truly set in her mind. It had been a success.

There were two other sentries standing watch in the perimeter. Each of them had a radio in their ear, and a 'panic,' button if anything went wrong. If it did, the other mutants would be summoned to help. Pressing a finger to her ear, her ice bracelets clinked as she cleared her throat softly. "Nothing new here," she murmured, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. They hadn't ever had an incident. But could you ever trust that you were truly safe?



Peter was as quiet as a cat when he dropped onto the ledge of a high-rise building. The sky was clear of clouds, and small stars twinkled overhead. Every now and then, a stray cat yowled, or there was the sounds of people fighting. In other words - typical New York. Home. His legs were starting to get a bit stiff from the crouching position, so he switched to sitting on his bottom instead. One foot perched on the edge of the ledge, knee raised up; the other was hanging off the edge, swinging childishly every now and then.

It was nice, being part of SHIELD now. Tony Stark coming into his bedroom had been one of the biggest surprises of his life - and now, Spiderman was a real hero. Ahh, and it felt good to be recognised for his achievements. After all, he was the best thing to happen to New York City. Well, one of the best things, anyway. There weren't many heroes who battled petty crime as well as crazy aliens and Greek gods. The poor old ladies of NYC needed help, too!

He wasn't sitting in the dead of night, freezing his ass off on a stone ledge for nothing, however. Recently, he'd discovered a little birdie who'd been singing the songs of secrets to a good few gang bosses and all-around-baddies. Peter knew that real crime was impossible without information, and if he took out a link... Well, at the least, it'd slow them down for a while. The girl was just about impossible to catch, however. He didn't know if she was a mutant, or if she was a techno geek, but she seemed to disappear into thin air. He hadn't had a long enough confrontation to tell yet, but hopefully he'd get to observe a bit more tonight.

And so... He waited.
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Tony Stark rested his chin on the top of his hand, his fingers brushing across the stubble on his chin as he stared at a screen. Orange points dotted the city, marking the spots where the reported murders had occurred. New York City was filled with plenty of problems, and that's how it would always be, but the Avengers tried to help with the most important issues. A few months ago, SHIELD brought a new problem to Tony's attention. A group of masked vigilantes were making their mark on the city, killing for sport without noticeable pattern or cause. Normally, organized crime cases like this were for NYPD, except for the strange methods. SHIELD surveillance caught glimpses of this group using powers, some elemental and others not. They kept monitoring the group to confirm that they did have supernatural abilities, and now it was time to put an end to their destruction.

Tony yawned a little, tired because he hadn't been sleeping well since...well, since a long time. At least being here gave him something useful to do. He touched the screen, pulling up the bits of surveillance feed SHIELD managed to salvage. There wasn't much to see, since these criminals were intelligent enough to expect cameras and had destroyed plenty in their rampages. Tony noticed one female in particular. She appeared to be moving water, shaping it to her will. Ever since the first time Loki landed on Earth, Tony felt like superheroes were cropping up all over the place. These criminals looked rather young, he noticed. Maybe they were like Wanda and weren't born with special abilities but rather acquired them by chance. He couldn't really be sure.

"So it's just you and me on this one, huh? I guess everyone else gets the night off?" Clint Barton entered and took a seat across the table from Tony. He folded his arms as he looked at the surveillance feed.

"What, are you disappointed? I thought you'd be glad to have some alone time with me," Tony said, acting offended. Clint ignored Tony's joke and turned toward back toward the screen. His eyes narrowed as they scanned the information, and then he frowned.

"Tony, these are just kids," he said.

"I know, Barton, that's why we're not bringing the whole team. It's just us, and maybe the spiderling. These kids have powers that they're using for bad things, but they're still kids. We have to be sure not to screw anything up, or we'll never hear the end of it. It should be a quick and painless task."

"I'm gonna hold you to that," Clint replied.


Charlotte pulled on her gloves, climbed out of her window, and stepped onto the fire escape. She hopped down to the ground and crept along the dark alleys for about three miles. She took her time since she still had about an hour before meeting one of the downtown gang leaders. Charlotte knew that releasing rival gang hideout locations could take the city's gang tensions to a new level, but it didn't matter much to her. After she handed the information over, she'd be $350 closer to buying a house. When she thought about it that way, it didn't sound so glamorous. But if she had three or four jobs a week, she would be doing pretty well for herself.

The girl kept close to the buildings, creeping along the walls as she walked. When she was little, her parents always warned her to keep away from the dark alleys. If they only knew how comfortable they had become for her. Charlotte always felt a little guilty when she imagined what her parents would think about all this Chameleon business, but then none of this would have happened if they were still alive. Life would have been much easier.

Life would also be much easier for Charlotte without a certain superhero lurking about. She couldn't decide if Spiderman was smart for taking the high ground where he could see easier or stupid for sitting where it was easy for her to see him. Charlotte sighed. She hoped to get by without being confronted by him, but she had to get past where he was perched. Even if she took a long route, there was no guarantee he wouldn't spot her. Charlotte's eyes scanned the buildings ahead of her, taking note of the colors. Then adjusted the settings on her suit to blend in better and slipped behind a run-down hotel that was hopefully out of Spiderman's sightline.

Rain waited a while longer, eventually shifting to be more concealed underneath the shadows of a weeping willow tree. The long tendrils gently swayed in the gentle night breeze, rustles of the leaves sounding like millions of flying insects. From the mansion, elegant music drifted down into the gardens. Tonight, it was the birthday of the lady of the house. She was the wife of a prominent politician, who was running for mayor of New York. The politician himself was particularly against mutant rights - of course he'd be their target.

Security had been sharp, but they'd been sharper. She waited for a while longer, before a whisper came over the earpiece. "We have infiltrated. Get ready." Smiling slightly, she slunk, the black trainers on her feet barely crinkling the grass. There were agents, of course, patrolling the gardens. Unwinding a length of water from the ice bracelets around her wrist, the small girl approached them from behind. Her fingers curled as she brought her arm back, then suddenly flung it forward - icicles flew through the air, and impaled the men from behind. They cried out, reaching for their guns; they were too late. Gurgling on their own blood, they fell. Rain didn't notice how the one pressed a button at his ear, a shaking movement before he fell still. She was already walking away.

There were similar noises throughout the garden as security was dispatched. A boy appeared out of nowhere, blood dripping off the razors that ran parallel to his forearms. They were the back door crew – less powerful and less experienced, but nonetheless deadly. The boy’s name was Andrew, and Rain nodded to him as they proceeded to run up the steps to the back door. There were screams as people outside on the patio saw the carnage in the garden, and the black-clad figures rushing toward them. The girl scared them with water, cutting a few of them – terror truly was a useful weapon. Naturally, they herded inside the building.

Andrew went invisible again, slipping amongst the crowd and shallowly cutting everyone he passed by with a swipe of his arm. Rain was a whirling dervish, a small smile on her lips. There was pandemonium as other mutants blocked the exits, and more were harming expensively-dressed people in the crowd. The politician was the one they wanted – but no matter if more had to be killed on the way. She took down another two security guards, their blood spraying and soaking into expensive carpets. People were crying and screaming and begging for mercy.

They were ignored, as the group of formidable adversaries moved forward.

[button = Alerting SHIELD/authorities]


Peter was glad that he did not have to wait for very long; it was chilly up in the air, especially in his spandex-like suit. Shivers were just starting to chatter his teeth, when he saw it – movement down below. Of course, there had been many people passing by. New York was the city that never slept, after all. But until now, he hadn’t seen anyone who had moved so slinkily, whose outline became unclear after just a few seconds of him looking for them…

Hoping that SHIELD intelligence had been correct, Spiderman shot webbing at a lamp pole down below and swung down. His legs were together, feet slightly pointed as he swung under the pole before landing on the top. The light flickered and bent under his weight, but he moved to balance himself on the slightly weak joints. His eyes scanned the area, Spidey-senses tingling that there was something – or someone, rather – out there. He was glad for the improved eyesight; being Spiderman would have been difficult with glasses perched on the edge of his nose.

Peter caught movement again, snapping his head toward it. “I know you’re there,” he said simply, dropping back down to the ground. His eyes roved the area he’d seen her last, but it was difficult to tell if she really was there, or the light’s movement was due to the breeze blowing through. “SHIELD’s onto you, y’know. You might not be doing the dirty deeds, but you’re making them happen – and I can’t let that continue.”

[i renamed the thread - the French was irritating me for some reason xD And it basically means the same thing]

When Nick Fury came in Tony almost cracked a joke about how stiff he looked, except that he had no time to speak before the agent did. "Listen up, you two. We've got some serious stuff on our hands. This group," he said, pointing to the screen, "is currently at the home of one of the candidates running for mayor. They decided to crash his wife's little birthday celebration and decorate the place their own way, if you get what I mean. At least five kills reported so far, but we don't have a lot of eyes in there right now." Fury turned his head, using his good eye to look at Hawkeye then Ironman. "We don't have a lot of backup available right now, but we're gonna send you in. Put a stop to this."

Before long, Tony was in his suit and flying out to the mansion. "Call the spider-kid," he ordered from inside the suit. The electronic voice responded to his orders, and Tony left a message for Peter saying that they needed his help and to meet at the mansion. If they were going to detain a bunch of people, the web slinger could be a useful asset.

"What do you have, Barton?" Tony asked as he flew into range and saw the SHIELD car with Hawkeye and two agents pulling up in the driveway of the mansion.

"Fancy party, lots of guests. Looks like a lot of cars are still here, so I'd say they're being held somewhere."

"Copy that. I've got three hostiles in the courtyard and I see two by the garden gate near you. You take the gate, and I'll meet you inside."

With those words, Tony landed in the middle of the garden. Before long, one of the mutants spotted him and started running toward him. Tony braced himself for the impact and pushed the mutant back several paces. Ironman's glove made contact with the mutant's shoulder, knocking the boy to the ground, but he was back up within seconds. The guy jumped onto Ironman's back, and Tony grunted. He flew backwards, slamming the mutant's back into a wall. The boy loosened his grip, but Tony could tell he was stronger than the average man. Taking advantage of the moment, Ironman grabbed the boy and threw him on the ground. When he stumbled to get up and eventually stayed where he was, Tony moved on to the next one.


Charlotte held her breath and pressed her back to the wall as she saw Spiderman drop to the ground several yards in front of her. As he came closer, she skirted around the corner and prepared to climb. His voice was getting nearer, but since she wasn't webbed up yet, Charlotte knew she still had a few moments before he would find her. Charlotte wasn't going to speak and give herself away, but she couldn't shake the feeling she had heard his voice before somewhere else. Maybe he was a regular at the breakfast restaurant where she worked mornings, or maybe a kid in one of her classes, but she couldn't quite place it without a face.

She quickly scaled up the wall onto the balcony, crouching down just before he turned the corner. The wood floor creaked, and Charlotte was afraid the balcony might crumble if she stepped in the wrong place. The girl peeked in between the balcony rails to catch a glimpse of Spiderman on the ground. He looked smaller from up here. Part of her felt the urge to drop one of her knives on his head and be done with it, but she was pretty sure that wouldn't work. He was just as fast, probably even faster than she and had reflexes like she had never seen before. Her best shot at getting away from him was taking advantage of when he couldn't see her and making a run for it.

Charlotte moved backward, toward the entrance into the main building. She could probably lose him if she went inside. Charlotte checked the time and frowned. She was doing fine, but if she had to deal with Spiderman it could make her late for the meeting—something she did not wish to be. She didn't have time to be concerned about SHIELD or whatever. They probably had more important things to be worried about if she had been doing this for several months without getting caught.

The mutants had taken out all of the guards inside the room - at least, the most obvious ones. They could easily still be lurking in the sea of black tuxedos and multicoloured dresses. Rain, despite her small stature, was feared terribly by the people in the room. They drew back from her as she stalked through the room. If one had been able to look from above, one would see three other paths made by other mutants. Her partner, Andrew, was still invisible - waiting to see if he was needed to strike. They were in control. The corners of Rain's lips flickered upward. She was not allowed to feel much emotion, but the Masked Woman at least allowed some pleasure in their work.

Unfortunately for the mutants, their control did not last for long. As Rain's eyes landed on the politician himself, there was the sound of yells in her ear from her radio. She whipped around to stare outside, as had most of the crowd. There were cries of relief, of joy, when the sight of Ironman came into view. But her blue eyes narrowed, and the water she'd been flowing around her in rings came to rest beneath her hand. It wasn't that they hadn't expected the Avengers to swoop in eventually - just not so soon. But she wasn't worried. They were a strong team, in sync due to the Masked Woman's charms.

The girl was next to the stage of the orchestra, and she jumped up when she heard a gentle whisper in her ear. Snatching the microphone from the stand, feedback squealed until she held it slightly further away from her ear. Nearby, Andrew had seized the politician. He was visible again, forearm-blades posed to slit his neck. The grey-haired man was gasping, pressing into the boy's chest and away from the glint of silver. The birthday girl herself was sobbing, pleading, held back by the girl who moved so fast she seemed to teleport. Every person who stepped forward was shoved back with the butt of a pistol.

"You all support a man who believes mutants are dirt," Rain spat into the microphone, keeping an eye on events outside. "You are the equivalent of Neanderthals to us, the Homo Sapiens. We are the future. More and more mutants are being born - and you want to restrain them, test on them." The room had fallen quiet, fear radiating off her audience. In this state, she didn't care one bit about the woman in the back who'd fainted, or the elderly man who seemed to be having a heart attack. Andrew dragged the politician onto the stage.

"We're stronger than you, and we're better than you. And if you don't start working with us soon... Well, this is the warning." The speech from the Masked Woman, implanted in her head, was finished. Rain nodded to Andrew, and he grinned as he started pressing the blade into the politician's neck...


Spiderman's enhanced senses let him hear the quiet footsteps, the soft noise against the wall. She hadn't replied, for one thing. He wasn't sure if she was smart, or... very stupid. If it got to the point that SHIELD started a manhunt, her punishment would work out to be far worse. He sighed softly, hearing the creak and stiffening. Shooting a stream of webbing, he shot up, and was that her-?

Urgent message - From Tony Stark. The harsh, very attention-grabbing voice sounded in his ear snapped him out of the quiet hunt in the dark. He landed lightly, albeit wobbling in a very uncharacteristic manner. Dang, he'd lost her outline. Whatever that was, it was good - albeit not quite as good as invisibility. Anyway, it seemed he'd have to continue this another day. Whatever the message was, it probably required him to do something, knowing Tony... "You've gotten away this time, but only because I've got bigger fish to fry. I'll catch up with you," he called out, before turning around and shooting off into the night. He let out a soft whoop as he somersaulted in the air, an agile figure outlined against the moon.


Peter listened to the message as he sped away from danger, changing his course to suit his destination. He'd heard about the mutant troubles happening in New York - and now, they seemed to be going even bigger. It was only a small task team going on, but it was interesting nonetheless that three Avengers had been called in for it. They were kids like him, by the sounds of things - the entire situation hadn't been explained, and he wondered what more there was to the story. Teenagers could be volatile, but not usually so violent...

He landed in the garden in time to see Tony slam a boy into a wall. "Hey Tony!" he called cheerfully, trussing the boy up in webbing. Whirling around due to his Spidey-Sense, he dodged a flaming fist and shot webbing into the girl's face. Only her hands and feet glowed with fire - she couldn't seem to throw it. Alas, fire spread. Another punch came too close to comfort, and it singed the side of his face. "Hey! Don't touch the suit!" he yelped, springing backwards onto his hands, and then back onto his feet. It seemed that more interesting things were happening inside.

"They're distracting us, Tony!" he yelled, shooting webbing at the mansion's awning and flying up the steps. There were no mutants outside the door - they'd been distracted by the superheroes attacking them. Peter punched the door's locks, and it flew open in time to see a girl frozen, a boy still as a thin trail of blood leaked down from the politician's neck. The man's eyes were wild as he stared at the hero, a hoarse cry for help escaping him.

When Spiderman made an entrance, Tony was just throwing his last obstacle to the side. "Took you long enough, what were you at a slumber party with all your little spider buddies?" He had the feeling the kid was right, though. There weren't enough people here for this to be the main event. Tony followed Peter to the mansion, though he flew instead of using the stairs. "Barton, we're headed inside," he said, sure that Hawkeye was paying attention to his communicator. "Beat you to it, old man," Clint replied as he aimed.

Tony saw what he was up to. "On my mark then," he said, "and then we have to get these people out of here." Ironman let out a high-pitched electronic sound that caused almost everyone to drop and cover their ears, though Tony noticed that a few of the mutants didn't seem affected. Hawkeye used the distraction and shot an arrow that grazed Andrew's shoulder, allowing Tony enough time to swoop in and force Andrew back with a powerful shove from the Ironman suit. The politician fled back toward the other party guests, and all the civilians started running toward their cars. Ironman hovered between the civilians and Rain and Andrew.

"Stand down," he commanded. "I don't know who you all think you are or what your game is, but you've crossed the line, and now we have to take you in. So you can either-" Tony didn't get chance to finish as he felt someone grabbing onto one of his boots and pulling him to the ground. He hit the mansion floor and felt someone—a strong someone—punching his helmet. The mutant was making a severe dent in his armor and Tony noticed that his fist was made of a steel compound. "Well I guess we're doing this the hard way then," he grunted.

Ironman shot back into the sky at a great speed, leaving the metal-handed kid on the ground. He raised his hand and destroyed some pillars, blocking the entrance to the garden so that none of the mutants could run off so easily. Tony raised an eyebrow, realizing that there were many more of them than he remembered. He counted seven, not including the three he had left in the garden on the way in. "Don't let anyone leave," he instructed Spiderman and Hawkeye. Ironman landed on the ground in front of Rain and Andrew, causing the mansion to shake a little with the impact. He stepped toward them, preparing to fight them off.


Charlotte waited for several moments after she heard Spiderman leave to "fry bigger fish." When she saw his outline in the moon and could no longer hear the annoying chatter bug, she carefully made her way out of the hotel and down to the street. She walked three more blocks to her destination, adjusting the lenses in her mask to search ahead for any potential threats before she approached the rendezvous point.

"Mr. Adams," she said cooly as she approached three men under the awning. She knew it was a fake name, probably a code to make sure Charlotte was who she claimed to be. One of the men stepped forward, signaling for the other two to follow and then stop behind him. He introduced himself as Mr. Adams and asked if Charlotte brought the information. She asked to see her payment first. When the formalities concluded, Charlotte unzipped the pouch on her mask, producing a slip of paper and some photos. "Here it is," she said. "A list of all the hideouts, just as you asked. And the photographic proof."

The man sifted through the photos and then nodded to his companions, handing them back to the man on his left. He then handed Charlotte the envelope with her pay, and they all parted ways within two minutes. She liked when the exchanges were quick and easy. Charlotte zipped the envelop in the pocket of her mask and started back to her apartment. She scurried across rooftops, enjoying the night air although it was a bit chilly as she wore only the thin suit and lightweight clothing underneath.

When she got back to her room, she climbed in through the window and then pulled it shut. Charlotte unzipped the Chameleon suit and removed her mask, putting the money in her lock box and stowing her gear in a plain-looking cardboard box in the corner of her closet. She flopped down on her bed before realizing she should probably finish the homework for tomorrow. Charlotte sent a quick text to Peter, asking if he had finished it yet.

A soft gasp escaped Rain as the heroes bursted through the door, guns just about blazing. She covered her ears as Ironman lifted up his hand, the palm glowing blue – she ducked, as all the others in the room did. She held her water beneath her hand still, suddenly bringing it up in a shimmering shield between herself and the heroes. Her bright eyes moved from one to the other, trying to calculate a way out of this. And to be honest… She wasn’t sure if they were getting out of here in one piece.

Tony’s little speech did nothing to quell their spirits. They’d been trained to resist other influence, by their own influence. Thankfully, one of the other mutants intervened with him – their own little ‘Iron Man,’ of their own. As the hero shot off, she made the move to escape; with a sound like an explosion, the exit collapsed. Her jaw slightly clenched, she whirled around to look at the heroes. There were seven against three, and it might have seemed the odds weren’t in their favour – if you didn’t know just how good these mutants were.

Rain’s hands splayed out before her, sensing for any more water in the room. From spilt champagne and blood, liquid flowed to beneath her hands, joining the transparent sphere already there. She threw her arm back, weight shifting onto her back leg as she suddenly flung an array of needle-point icicles at the heroes. With the other water, she used her other hand to try to wrap around Ironman’s legs – and possible invade his armour. It was a quick one-two motion, smooth and prepared. Electricity didn’t like water, did it?


"At least I have buddies!" Peter retorted cheekily as he assisted his fellow heroes in getting civilians outside, calling for them at a back door. He shot webbing at any mutant who tried to get in the way, or stop them. There were two stragglers who were having a difficult time getting outside, he noticed. The young boy swooped in, scooped one in his arm, and hurried back out to the cars. He did this twice more with injured or elderly persons. The people were the most important part here, after all. Villains could always be recaptured. Lives could not.

He returned to gang up on the mutants, eyes sweeping up and down their line. There had been seven a moment ago, but-? His Spidey senses suddenly kicked into overdrive as he rolled away from the icicles, twisting around to shoot web at someone invisible who had tried to attack him. It wasn’t her, was it? It turned out not to be, from the masculine grunt as someone fell over. Spiderman made sure to quickly try to ensare him in more webbing – but, already another mutant was fending him off. "Hey, that just isn't fair!" he exclaimed. This could end up being tricky. They were a better team than expected, and far outnumbered the Avengers. There was a gentle vibration in the pocket on his hip, but he ignored it - it probably wasn't anything important right now.
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He split his time between the air and the ground, delivering some punches and using the suit to blast parts of the building. Both of his team members were holding their own, but they were clearly struggling to keep everyone at bay. The Avengers were a force to be reckoned with, but without the whole team this fight was looking less favorable for them. Ironman could punch and blast his way out of many things; however, he still had to be sure not to kill anyone even if they kept coming at him.

As Tony flew up again, seemingly out of range, his eyes fell on the girl bending water to her will. He saw the icicles, and his palm glowed before shooting to intercept them after Spiderman ducked before the girl could do anything else with them. Yet he failed to notice the water seeping into his suit, until he felt a jolt and the suit told him that there were system malfunctions. Tony managed to control the flight function enough for him to land on the ground before it fizzled and his boots stopped glowing. While the Ironman suit did its thing and recovered, he would just have to stay grounded. "Guys, I'm on the ground for awhile," he said to Hawkeye and Spiderman before turning his attention toward Rain. Water didn't like fire, did it?

Luckily the top half of the suit still had most of its functions in tact. Tony raised his glove, palm glowing. The blast hit the ground just in front of Rain's feet, burning the carpet so that wisps of smoke could be seen rising up. He fired at the ground again, shaking the floor so that many people lost their balance for a second. Tony continued his pattern, trying to cause Rain to fall into a hole. He dodged a few hits from the streams of water coming toward him, but he felt several splash onto his armor. The water wasn't such a big deal unless it got into his armor, but the ice was able to make a mark.


(I didn't have much to say and it's cool if you don't have much for Peter's side for now)

Peter had often asked her if she wanted to study with him, but Charlotte wasn't going to wait around if he was busy tonight. She had no idea what he could be doing at this hour, but his lack of response didn't really bother her. She finished the homework on her own, though she was pretty sure some of the answers were wrong since she had a habit of falling asleep in class sometimes. It was hard being a student, waitress, and criminal informant with only so many hours in the day. Charlotte checked the time and turned off the lamp, the only light source in the single-room apartment. She couldn't complain about some extra sleep—the morning always came very early for her.
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((No worries! I'm sorry you don't have much to do with Charlotte at the moment :c Hope this is okay - the way the mutants are escaping~))


Her estimation had been correct, although the idea probably wouldn't have been created if not for the presence in her mind. Rain was not naturally a devious person. Alas, the person she'd been forced into being was. And that person was glad for having brought Ironman to the ground. Like this, he was vulnerable - albeit still a menacing figure to defeat. She continued to shoot streams of water at him, hoping to incapacitate his upper body as well. Above them had swooped in Angel, a blonde boy with wide feathered wings, and Sparrow - a girl who could teleport. Angel swept up two mutants in his arms, quickly escaping. Sparrow could take only one person at a time; she grabbed Andrew, then another mutant. Rain would be one of the last, being in the direct line of fire.

What she hadn't been expecting was the fiery blast at her feet. She recoiled at the heat that washed over her, immediately feeling the draining effect. Her legs and arms felt heavy, and she stumbled back. Fire and heat were her one true enemy, and her throat felt raw. She looked back up just in time for the floor to splinter beneath her feet. Her eyes met the Ironman mask for a moment before she fell through the floor. Below was the cellar - full of expensive wine - and she landed heavily on the hard floor. Her head hit the ground hard, and something snapped in her leg. A soft cry escaped her, pain breaking through her hypnotic daze for just a second.



Peter spotted that Tony was having a spot of trouble with the water girl, but he was a little preoccupied with his own battle. The boy with the blades was fiercely slicing through his webbing, and to be honest... Those silver, sharp weapons were pretty scary. "Can't we all just kiss and make up?" he teased, shooting yet more webbing at Andrew's feet. The fight did not last for long, though - a girl, who couldn't be older than 12, suddenly appeared next to his arm. A moment later, the mutant was gone.

"What the..."

Finally free, he spun around to help Tony. Peter defended the man's attack while he fought off the water girl, quips and verbal prods escaping his ever-chattering mouth. However, there was a loud crash, and a soft cry - he spun around to see that Ironman had managed to make her fall through the floor. Huh. That was some out-of-the-box thinking, right there. Shrugging, he spun around to see that few mutants were left. The boy with the wings was coming in to grab the girl with hands of fire, and the small girl was running toward the boy made of metal.

Tony watched as the mutant girl fell, though it surprised him a bit to hear her cry out. Her voice seemed so human, not something he expected from one of these mutants that looked like they were supposed to be strong warriors. Tony looked down where Rain fell, realizing that her body honestly appeared fragile. For a moment, he felt pity for her. Then he realized that she would likely be able to fight still, plus they were now surrounded by liquid in the wine cellar.

“I think they’re all gone,” Hawkeye’s voice said over the communicator. “They got me, and I can’t walk very well, but I don’t see any of them around anymore. Just disappeared before I could get any solid hits.” Tony’s attention snapped back to Rain. So she was the last one, if all the others had escaped. Tony wasn’t about to let her go.

Part of him was afraid he would severely injure the girl with what he was about to do, but they had to bring her in. And to do so, they would have to make sure she couldn’t fight them off. Ironman grabbed Rain’s wrist and easily flung her toward the cellar wall with enough force to make it hurt but not kill her. With luck, it would render her unconscious long enough for Fury to find all of them and get them back to SHIELD headquarters.

“Spiderboy, web her up. Let’s move out, guys,” Tony instructed with a sigh. He noticed Peter didn’t seem too beat up, and Tony himself felt a lot better than he did after most battles; however, he was still disappointed at the team’s results. This wasn’t supposed to be a difficult task. It seemed they had underestimated these young mutants, and as a result, nearly all of them had managed to escape.
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Rain looked up hazily as the sounds of Iron Man's suit swirled around her. Everything was blurry and out of focus - even sound. She struggled to get up before he got to her, but it was to no avail. A soft gasp escaped her as cold metal closed around her wrist in an almost literal iron grip, and she was suddenly... flying. Her body hit the wall with a thud and her head cracked against the wall. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she fell back down, on the ground, in a puddle of glass and wine.

She was a rather pitiful looking figure, mask fallen off and clothes soaking up red alcohol. There was a gash and a mess of blood and hair at the back of her head. Various lacerations covered her arms from the glass and fall, and her leg was stuck at a strange angle.


The last of the mutants escaped before Peter managed to get them, and he huffed softly as he turned back to see what Tony was up to. He was in time to see the figure fly across the room and hit the wall. He was surprised that she hadn't screamed - these mutants seemed terribly calm for so young. Even he got scared sometimes, and he was 17. They had made barely a sound when his punches had hit.

"Little rough, don't you think?" Spiderman commented, honestly a little taken aback at the violence. Hopping down, he shot webbing at her and trussed her up - a spider would be proud. He bent down to pick up the small figure, looking up at Tony. "You gonna take her back to SHIELD? Jeez, Fury's gonna have our asses for letting them get away... Maybe she'll know something, though."

((sorry it's a little short! Rain's sort of had to be, but ahhh))
(Sorry I've been slow! I've been unexpectedly busy/traveling a lot within the past few days.)


The mask folded upon itself, revealing the man's face. His eyes were wrought with concern as he looked at the damage that he had done. Perhaps it had been unnecessary, as Spiderman said. Tony pulled his eyes away from the unconscious girl, turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Yeah, we better hope she does know something," he sighed.

When the team got back to SHIELD headquarters, Fury led them to the medical wing. Doctors rushed to clean Rain's wounds, as her condition was far more severe than any of the others. Hawkeye had a fractured ankle, but Ironman only had scratches and minor injuries. Fury frowned as he looked around the room at each of the Avengers. "Care to explain what happened here, Stark?" he asked, crossing his arms and giving Ironman a stern look.

"All right, I'll admit things got a little out of hand. We underestimated the abilities of these mutants, and—"

"A little out of hand? Tony, the politician's house is an absolute wreck, and you only managed to capture one mutant, and we're not a hundred percent certain she's gonna make it through this!"

"Fury, I know. Okay, I know." Tony ran his hand through his hair and then placed it on his chin, pacing back and forth in frustration. "Look, I'm not proud of how things happened today, but we clearly weren't ready for this. If we had the whole team, sure, but we worked with what we had and we tried our best. There were no civilian casualties, and as far as I know, that's a lot better than we've done in the past." Tony let out a breath. "Let me know if the girl comes to, maybe we'll learn something then."

Tony bit his lip and started for the door. He could feel the muscles in his arms trembling, partially from the adrenaline of the fight and partially from the shock of the aftermath. He had to get out of here; he couldn't stand to look at Rain as the medics flocked around her or even Hawkeye as he hobbled over to sit on one of the medical beds. Tony could feel Fury and Peter staring at him as he left, and it hurt to know he was supposed to be a leader they could count on but that his leadership never seemed good enough.
((Don't worry about it!))


Peter headed back to SHIELD headquarters with the girl in his arms, glancing down at her every now and then with some concern. She really had taken a beating, but it had been necessary to do it. That group had been about ten times stronger than they had expected. When they reached the medical wing, doctors just about swarmed over to take the girl from his arms. He couldn't look - he'd learned the hard way that sometimes you had to divide your feelings from your work, if you didn't want to go mad.

As Fury and Tony argued, he pulled out his cellphone to check if he'd had any messages. Ah, Charlotte - asking him about the homework. Of course, he hadn't had time yet tonight. Later - took my Aunt out to dinner tonight :) he replied quickly, feeling the burn of Fury's disapproving stare on the top of his bowed head. As he hit send, he tucked his phone back into his pocket and gave him a look that was cheeky even despite the mask hiding his face. It was a talent of his. He glanced sideways as Tony left though, and a small frown crossed his face. The older man was basically their leader - Peter looked up to him. And yet, he wasn't really acting like the Tony that he knew. Where was the snark, the wisecracks? It was sort of weird.

"I- uh, I gotta go. School and all," he explained, waving at the two other agents left behind. Fury raised an eyebrow, and Peter made little shotguns with his hands at him, before hurrying away. Soon enough, he was swinging through the streets of New York, making his way home.

((Skip to the next day? :D ))

When Tony got the call from Nick Fury, he was already awake. He hadn't been sleeping well recently, often waking up in the middle of the night because of terrifying nightmares. Of course, he never mentioned this to anyone. Whenever the nightmares occurred, he simply went downstairs to do what he did best—build things. Tony had done some repairs on his suits and added a few new features within the past two weeks. That was the nice thing about being a man with plenty of wealth and smarts; he would never run out of things to work on.

Tony told Fury that he would be on his way soon and headed up from his workshop to shower and get changed. He got ready rather quickly, recalling yesterday's events and wondering if they had learned anything about the mutants yet.Tony clicked the button for his car, and stepped into the sleek vehicle that took him to SHIELD.

"You called me pretty early, Fury. Couldn't wait to see me again? Or are you just feeling extra chipper?" Tony strolled into the building and grinned as he stopped in front of Nick Fury. "Is that a new eyepatch? It looks shinier than the last one." Fury simply folded his arms and waited for him to stop talking. He remained silent as he motioned for Tony to follow him to the medical wing. "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Tony commented on Fury's silence.

As they reached the medical wing, Tony could feel his chest tighten a little. He thought about all the time he and his fellow Avengers had spent down here after their battles. They weren't necessarily pleasant memories. Tony soon found himself standing next to the mutant girl from yesterday. She did look a little better; her wounds had been treated and she had an IV in her arm. A nurse stepped in front of him and replaced the oxygen mask on her face. "Her condition is stable," the nurse said to Tony and Fury. "Her heartbeat is steady, but she hasn't woken up yet. We expect her to come to pretty soon, but we have her on oxygen and fluids until then. We decided to put restraints on her arms and legs in case she panics and tries to fight when she comes to."

Tony looked down at Rain and at the heart monitor, glad to know that the girl was going to make it. "Honestly a smart idea," he agreed wit the nurse. "She's probably going to be confused as hell when she wakes up."


The bell on the door chimed as Charlotte left the restaurant. She rolled up her apron and shoved it into her backpack, waving goodbye to her boss before jogging to catch a city bus. Charlotte put her headphones on and hopped on the bus, sitting next to an elderly woman until the bus reached the stop closest to school. The girl stepped off and walked toward the campus, a small yawn falling out of her mouth. She was always a bit tired since she was so busy all day and night.

"Hey Char, where's Peter?" one of her classmates asked.

Charlotte took off her headphones and shrugged. "How should I know? I just got here."

The friend also shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I just figured since you two are, like, always together, you might know."

"We're not always together. I do have other friends, you know," Charlotte mumbled. Okay, so maybe that was only partially true— she didn't really have that many other friends.

"Okay, well let me know if you see him. I just have to ask the tech geek about a computer problem." The other girl waved, and Charlotte put her headphones back on as she walked to her locker.

Maybe Charlotte was pretty attached to Peter at school, but they didn't actually spend much time together outside of campus. They hung out say once a week, maybe twice if they were studying for an important test. They didn't really intrude on each others' personal lives, and Charlotte liked that he never pushed her to talk about that sort of thing. There were plenty of things she preferred not to tell Peter, even if they had been friends for awhile. Charlotte looked at her planner and noticed that she wasn't busy later. She'd have to ask Peter if he was busy tonight. Maybe they could catch a movie or chill at the arcade. Charlotte closed her locker and headed to her first class.

It might be initially surprising to one that Rain slept like a log that night - no dreams, no restlessness, no breaks inbetween shut-eye. But when it was considered what her mind and body had been put through for several months, perhaps it wasn't. Everyone had their breaking point, where the only option was to collapse. She'd reached hers a long time ago, but had been forced to artificially carry on. In a warm bed, wrapped up in the effects of painkillers, she made up for the sleep she'd missed out on.

Finally, she'd had enough, and the hypnotic hold over her mind had faded away. It was her own again. Free. As she heard voices hazily floating over her, the girl frowned. Her entire body ached, and she just wanted to roll over and fall back into slumber, but... Her blue eyes opened, and a second later she was bolt upright, clutching at her sheets in a panic. Head whipping from side to side, there was a nurse and a man, a man she remembered - Stark, the one who'd been her enemy, who she'd fought last night.

But this wasn't the warrior any longer. This was a scared, injured girl, who scrambled to the other side of the bed before realising just how useless her leg felt, and the pain that was awakening all over her body. A soft moan escaped her, pressing herself against the headboard. The nurse, looking concerned, hurried out - saying something about calling security. Rain's wide eyes were riveted to Tony. Her memory was hazy, but she could recall some of last night. He'd been violent. "D-don't hurt me, I'm not- not like that - not like last night," she rambled incoherently, raising her arms in self defence and cringing away from Tony.



Peter yawned, groaning and stretching in his bed for just a moment as he stared up at the ceiling. He sighed, picking up his phone to check the time - yep, time to rise up. Unfortunately. His daily morning routine went without a hitch, hurrying out the door with a 'good-bye' to his aunt in her pajamas. He caught the bus at the corner, and rode it all the way to the stop closest to school. He wasn't late, thankfully - this particular bus was usually good about that. The boy thanked the driver as he hopped down onto the asphalt, and made his way inside amongst everyone else.

The bell for first lesson rang as he dug through his locker, taking his beloved, dog-eared chemistry textbooks in hand. Science just made sense to him. Logic spoke to him in a way that ordinary words could not. He broke into a short jog as he spotted a familiar head of hair, and came into step next to Charlotte. "Mooorning," he greeted her, thumbs tucked into the straps of his backpack as he grinned. Even on school mornings, his happy nature was present. It was like his neutral state. "Managed to get that homework done. Sorry about not answering you earlier! I'll help you out with it later - if you want me to."

As Tony continued to stare at the injured mutant girl, he noticed her start to stir. He was a bit surprised when she sat up, blinking. Her blue eyes grew wide as they looked at him, and his own eyes stared back at her. For a few moments, everything around him became a blur—the nurses and doctors coming over to make sure nothing bad would happen, more security filing in, voices all around asking questions and giving orders. Tony's first instinct was to take a step forward, but the girl pulled away, scrambling to put distance between them. So he took a step back, placing himself at the foot of her bed instead of by the side.

"Hey, hey, easy," Tony said, raising his hands a little as if telling her to relax. "We're not going to hurt you as long as you don't hurt us, okay? See, no suit. We're just people. I'm Tony, and this is Agent Fury, and we're both here to help. Your injuries are still being treated, but you're safe." The man stood still, not moving closer to Rain as he noticed her fright. The room felt tense, and Tony could feel Fury's gaze tightly on both of them. Luckily, the agent wasn't making any sudden movements or hasty decisions—he seemed to be giving Tony the chance to take charge of the situation. Tony took a few deep breaths and asked Rain to do the same. Deep breathing normally helped people relax and relieve some tension. When the situation had cooled down a bit the medics started getting back to work and security backed off, waiting outside the medical wing in case they were needed quickly but allowing for more space and less tension in Rain's room.

"Last night got a little crazy, but why don't you just tell us what you remember? You said that you're not like that—not like you were last night. What did you mean by that?" Tony was confused at her choice of words. It seemed that she was in a more conscious state, like she knew that last night was different from how she normally behaved. The girl certainly did appear completely different—scared, fragile, not the fighter Tony had faced in battle. "Or why don't we start with something easy. Do you know your name?"


"Oh please, as if I didn't figure it out on my own." Charlotte rolled her eyes, more teasing than actually annoyed at Peter. She was never all that surprised when his responses were late. He always seemed busy with who-knows-what, but so was she. Actually, she wasn't sure if she had figured it out on her own, but she had given it her best shot. "Oh, and that blonde girl that sits in the front row of our physics class wanted your help on some computer problem. She didn't tell me what the problem was, but hey, maybe if you fix her computer, you can get her number and move on out of nerdville. Just don't forget about me," Charlotte smirked and bumped his shoulder as they walked to their first classes. Peter was so intelligent and inventive—he deserved more recognition for his talents than just a science/tech geek got. Maybe they both did. But this was high school, and the chances of either of them being anything but nerds was slim.

"See you in Chem," she said. "Oh, and if you're not busy tonight, we should hang out and do something. Movies, coffee, I don't know." Charlotte waved to Peter as they split for their separate first classes. She walked to her usual seat near the back and took out her textbook. Charlotte normally stayed focused for the first half hour, but after that it could be difficult even though she tried her hardest not to fall asleep or start working on something not related to class. The teacher started the history lesson, and the brunette looked down at her notes.


Rain trembled as she cowered, watching the scene from behind the shelter of her forearms. Security filed in, looking threatening as they checked on the situation and menacingly hovered close to her. She could only remember back to last night, but if it was true - then she could see why. It didn't mean that she wasn't upset about it. In fact, as the situation hit her full force like a ton of bricks, her eyes began to water with the onset of tears. Her mind was telling her to be strong, but her shoulders gave a jerk as she let out a small sob, ducking her head as she tried to hold it together. They... were treating her like she was going to hurt them. What sort of monster had she become?

It was at that point that Tony started speaking to her again - the scary agents had gone away, for the most part. There was still one left, staring at her with - one eye? It took a moment for her to drag her gaze back to the kinder looking man, hiccuping despite herself and lowering her arms. Deep breaths. Like he said. "My... My name is Rain," she whispered. "Rain Rowe." She bit her lip, glancing away from him as she tried to steady her breathing. "I meant - I don't want to hurt you- or, or anyone. I r-remember fighting, and violence..." Things that she would never have done normally. He had to believe her.



Peter raised his eyebrows at her, still grinning as he chuckled. Charlotte really did make him laugh. She was smart and funny as well, a perfect combination for wicked wit. Sort of like me. If he didn't have the whole superhero thing hanging over his head, he might've asked her out. At least, that was what he told himself. If he had the guts to do so - that was a whole different beast. He was jolted out of his ponderings as she nudged him, blinking for a moment before snorting and glancing away. "I could never forget about you," he grinned, tugging on the straps of his backpack before sticking his hands into his pockets. "I'd be kicked out of nerdville, into the slums of geekville!" he exclaimed.

As they came to parting, he tilted his head slightly at her suggestion. His heart gave a little involuntary start - what was that for? - before he replied eagerly. "Yeah, let's do it! Maybe we can see that new DC comics movie. " Peter was a particularly avid fan of superhero movies - they often mirrored his own shenanigans. He waved at her as they went their separate ways. As he sat in Economics class, he couldn't help but think about this evening. He had to be on duty from eight o'clock, but hopefully it wouldn't be a problem.

((Skip to after school, maybe? What do you think? I'm chill with whatever))
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Tony's eyes widened a bit when Rain started crying. He wasn't used to dealing with remorseful villains. Most of them were haughty and arrogant, but Rain was different. As she sat there in the hospital bed and hiccuped, she really did look a harmless kid rather than any sort of evil villain. Tony continued to breathe deeply and encouraged Rain to as well. He nodded and gave the girl a smile. "Rain Rowe?" he said. "That's a nice name, fitting to your powers. You landed a pretty good hit on my head, probably not enough to knock any sense into me, though." Tony joked, hoping it would make her laugh, but he wasn't sure if it was too soon.

"Well, Rain, you're in pretty bad condition so let's just take it one step at a time. You don't have to try and remember everything all at once. If you remember last night, let's just start there. And why don't you try drinking some water? It'll help you feel better." Tony nodded at the nurse, who left and came back with a plastic cup filled with cool water. Tony's eyes watched as the liquid sloshed and settled when the nurse put the cup on Rain's bedside table. He was a little concerned having the open water by the hydrokinetic mutant, but he didn't think she would be able to do much damage in this weakened state. If she was able to drink, he was certain it would make her feel more energetic.


Charlotte stood outside the movie theater and leaned against the railing as she waited for Peter. The new DC movie looked pretty interesting to her, since Charlotte was also a fan of superhero movies. Yet now that she hung in the alleys during her free time, she felt herself sympathizing with some of the shadier characters from the movies. It's not like everyone did bad things just because they felt like it. Charlotte shook the thought from her head as she saw Peter walk up. She smiled and fell into step beside him as they went to get their tickets. "Well I don't know about you, but I'm excited," she said. "The cast list looks pretty promising!"

When they entered the theater, Charlotte led the way up to the top row. It was sort of a habit, she figured. When she was younger and her parents took her to the movies, they always sat in the back because her dad was so tall. She really missed the simple things they used to do together sometimes. As the previews started, Charlotte got quieter and put her phone on mute. The girl wasn't much of a talker during movies unless she had seen it before, but she certainly knew that Peter was the type to add some snarky commentary every now and then. She honestly didn't mind that much; she was used to it by now.

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