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Realistic or Modern 𝐬𝙚𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝙚 -- 𝘤𝘴

  • im so tired of love songs

    oh minjoon

    the basics.


    Oh Minjoon

    nick name

    His brothers call him 'Aegi-Min' (Aegi means 'Baby' in Korean)









    Date of Birth

    25th August

    Place of Birth

    Seoul, South Korea


    Korean and English

    face claim

    Ha Hyunsang

    Tired of love songs, tired of love



    Velvet black coloured iris, monolid-shaped eyes and slight aegyo sal


    Black, thick hair with a scissor cut hairstyle


    183 cms


    67 Kilos

    Skin tone

    Fair to olive skin tone. In winter, his skin tone is more on the fair to very fair scale. However, during summer, he naturally tans to an olive shade. Although, he is still considered very pale next to his parents and brothers.

    Clothing style

    Min-Joon doesn't believe in dressing to impress or spending money on clothes when he can get them free through hand downs from his older brothers. If anything, he dresses for comfort and convenience. His favourite outfit generally consists of his favourite pair of blue denim jeans, a plain shirt and a jumper or jacket that was probably handed down to him by his brothers and therefore a size or larger than him.

    Body type

    Ectomorph - long and lean. He has a shocking metabolism and no matter what he eats, he can never seem to turn it into fat. He's often seen as one of those people who are 'blessed' because they can eat what they want and not gain weight


    Left earlobe. Will commonly have a silver round stud earring in. His older brothers brought him to get it done for his sixteenth birthday without their parents knowing about it. Well, they sure had a surprise when they came home to find their youngest son with some new bling-bling.

    Other body mods

    He has braces to help straighten his teeth. As a child, he was always self-conscious about his teeth. However, due to his family’s financial situation, they were never able to pay for braces. Once he turned fifteen, Min-Joon had his first full-time job. Within a year and a half, he had managed to save enough money to pay towards his braces. At the age of sixteen, he was fitted with his first pair of braces which he's due to have removed very soon. Once removed, he'll have a metal retainer to wear full time for ten weeks.

coded by weldherwings.


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