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Fandom Seiryūden ― OOC

Hellkite said:
Are people working on posts at the moment, or shall I jump back in?
@The Architect and I are working on a post together! It shouldn't take to long to finish once we're both online and working on it ^^
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KaiaWolf said:
@The Architect and I are working on a post together! It shouldn't take to long to finish once we're both online and working on it ^^
Cool, in that case I'll hold off posting and look forwards to it!
Alright, so for Squad Four, I'm going to be waiting for Edward Valentine to reply, then we can do a timeskip for as Hellkite deems necessary. We will probably do another timeskip to avoided wasted posting for training.

In regards to Team Three, I literally thought that DreamBeat hadn't posted yet, aaaand then I went back and realized I overlooked it. My bad; working on a post now.

As for everyone else: remember ze challenge.
Aaand, as promised, a post for my Squad. You'd think it would be the one I focus on, too. I'm thinking that I just got scattered with all the posts. Anyway, I'll try to avoid such problems in the future.

This post was kind'a Juro-heavy, so @Sha should enjoy the limelight. :P Team Four is waiting on @Edward Valentine because no man gets left behiiiind. And yeah, stuff.
So, guys, once the current challenge, which again is to guess my favorite Naruto character (the reward being one of the neat custom banners I make), I will be setting up a surprise pole! :D Soo, take a guess if you haven't yet, and we can be one step closer to the poles!
Alright, sooo... no one is taking guesses. :P Odd. Anyway, I'm considering opening up Kirigakure. Who'd be interested? Oh, and I did make the Mizukage... she's a thing now.
Aaaand, I have interested people again! That means anyone who wants to try out for the Jounin spot should. :D If you've sent me a character idea before, go ahead and send it to me again. Since Hellkite already has a Jounin, she's kind'a exempt from this one. Oh, and since only two people even took guesses in the last challenge, I've decided to simply make them both banners and end the challenge.

Sooo, @Hellkite and @DreamBeat will both get banners eventually...

And, Jounins! :D Everyone is welcome to apply, and I'll pick the one I feels fit best. I will note that Satoshi Uzumaki is destined to be in this group and he uses Kenjutsu, so something along the lines of Kenjutsu/Taijutsu would be a nice change of pace. Both Kokuro and Hayato use ninjutsu primarily.
I can make another Jounin or Genin to fill out another group if need be.

I do want to express a bit of concern over opening up another village, though. Having the Mizukage is great, as that character would exist regardless, but I feel given the number of people currently in this RP group we simply don't have enough players to open applications for a new village right now. Of course if everyone were to create another character for the other village it would work, but if this were the case I feel it would almost need it's own thread to avoid confusion.

Just my two cents.

There presently is a two-character rule at the moment. Something I hate is when roleplayers massively populate the roleplay, seemingly artificially. If you make a second character, be sure of it. I won't up it to three for a while. I would suggest against a second Konohagakure Genin. You may, however, apply for the Jounin spot, which I don't have any qualms against. I would still note that I'm looking for someone to match up with Satoshi presently, so kenjutsu/close range would be preferable.

Anyway... for similar reasons to why I have a character limit, everyone making a new character for Kirigakure would defeat my goals. If I opened Kirigakure, it would be to allow more options for more roleplayers. It would be another incentive to join, essentially. I would write our Kirigakure Genin completely differently than Konohagakure; they would be darker with more cultural influences. You are right; they we don't have enough characters to open up Kiri; but, I would hope that by opening up Kirigakure, we might enlist some more. Statistically, Kirigakure is the second most active village in any Naruto roleplay; behind Konohagakure and just ahead of Sunagakure. I'm just trying to open more avenues for roleplayers. Not only that, if anyone else were interested in Kirigakure specifically, telling me would give me more incentive to design the part of the tab. It's not exactly a quick, simple task to write out a whole village, part of its history and make it easily/readily capable of being used for character creation. While I am in fact looking to expand, I'm also trying to do as many favors to you - my roleplayer base - as I can.

The same logic goes behind my previous 'challenge' and my idea for a pole. I wanted to open up the OOC more for discussion. The IC is incredibly healthy, and I'm quite proud of that; but, I do want to bring us together a bit in the OOC.
Yup, so we have; we've moved from the platform to the bar in my last post. I was then planning to do a brief section on Hikaru and Kyouka before Architect and I post our collab to wrap up day 1 of Team 4 and get the plot rolling.
@The Architect

I did not mean to imply it would be simple to craft a new village, nor did I say we should all make new characters. My only concern with creating a new village lies in the fact that (from my point of view) it would only serve to further separate the RPers involved unless enough people suddenly joined as a result of its introduction, which I find implausible. Perhaps introducing the new village is the way to go - that's your call as the GM, and if you think that it will significantly increase the number of applicants, great. That is entirely your decision to make, but as a member of the RP I thought it only right to express my concern to you so that you may take it into consideration when you make the decision.

As for creating a Jonin/Genin, I didn't have plans to as I generally don't like having multiple characters in a single RP. With that being said: If it is needed to get the ball rolling on a new team I have no problem in creating an application to help advance the RP and get everyone who wants to be involved included in the RP without having to wait longer than necessary.
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Oh, sorry I just finished reading the rules to this RP. Is this RP still open, it seems pretty interesting. If you guys are too far enough in the story, it's okay. I really like how this fanon is completely different than the rest.
@Edward Valentine

This isn't just at you, really; it's directed at everyone. You just brought it up. lol Anyway, the point being is my take on the Body Flicker Technique. I believe the Technique is relative to each shinobi, so it's not something you can really 'learn'; to exemplify this, I want to point out that Shusui Uchiha and A (the Raikage) are the only people generally listed with it. They were Jounin+-level shinobi whose mastery of the technique made it identify with them. In fact, Minato Namikaze was noted as Konoha's Yellow Flash, the only man faster than A and Shusui was noted to use the technique so well he could create illusions with it alone. In short, the technique isn't so much technique as it is raw bursts of immense speed. It's not something that can be taught; it is the result of intense training or skill. In theory, Rock Lee could likely utilize the jutsu to great effect.
TL:DR - Hi, new person to site! Working up a concept and hoping to join soon enough. I'm long winded. :P

Hello! hopefully I'm not butting in and speaking here out of place considering I didn't make a character or anything. I just wanted to say I'm new to the forums and I just happen to have a naruto kick (ssh, I don't know what you are talking about my Avatar giving it away!). I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing character wise, likely a genin given there is space for one and a possible team to jump in.

I am still exploring the ideas of a character, wavering behind creating a Kekkei Genkai (perhaps one that has benefits but also draw backs, such as being able to sense around a certain area depending on their chakra, but not having sight, stuff that gives benefits but also some drawbacks in exchange, so details couldn't be made out on stuff and there would be a limited range of sight as a vague example) or maybe just picking a currently existing one. There is also the possibility of a Jinchūriki, though the RP does seem focused less upon them (to the point of being mentioned they aren't involved) and truthfully I'm the weirdo that likes the idea of it going out of control and that danger over actually controlling it (well maybe eventually but I just like the element of it having that element of 'sure suddenly they are much stronger, but they are much more dangerous and nearly impossible to control).

Heck, I could possibly even fit the Jonin spot if there happens to be more Genin applications to fill out that spot just to have someone for it. It could be actually pretty fun playing a younger Jonin and first time leader of a group of Genin. I can see quite a bit of fun making a character like that who is quite quirky and comes off being a goof ball and not someone who you take seriously, yet is quite talented on her own to at the very least be considered skilled and still having room to improve herself. :P If you can't tell... my mind is all over the place when it comes to figuring out a character concept :P

Long rant aside, hopefully you are all fine with having me around. I'll be working on my character once I better formulate an idea (I'd contact the GM to pester a bit to solidify a good direction but... anti-spam stuff means I still need posts. I tend to usually ask GMs directly to make sure my ideas are alright in general >.<) and hopefully I'll be able to provide an interesting character concept. Given the RP gains a good amount of steam to keep it rolling, I'd be happy to be involved and help with alternate stuff such as big ol baddies or just random NPC and the like as needed (I'm one of those crazy people who don't mind creating and playing characters who end up dying. :P ). Anyways, enough of my rambling... hiya and hopefully I can find my way into the game! :)
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Hanarei said:
TL:DR - Hi, new person to site! Working up a concept and hoping to join soon enough. I'm long winded. :P
Hello! hopefully I'm not butting in and speaking here out of place considering I didn't make a character or anything. I just wanted to say I'm new to the forums and I just happen to have a naruto kick (ssh, I don't know what you are talking about my Avatar giving it away!). I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing character wise, likely a genin given there is space for one and a possible team to jump in.

I am still exploring the ideas of a character, wavering behind creating a Kekkei Genkai (perhaps one that has benefits but also draw backs, such as being able to sense around a certain area depending on their chakra, but not having sight, stuff that gives benefits but also some drawbacks in exchange, so details couldn't be made out on stuff and there would be a limited range of sight as a vague example) or maybe just picking a currently existing one. There is also the possibility of a Jinchūriki, though the RP does seem focused less upon them from what I skimmed over and truthfully I'm the weirdo that likes the idea of it going out of control and that danger over actually controlling it (well maybe eventually but I just like the element of it having that element of 'sure suddenly they are much stronger, but they are much more dangerous and nearly impossible to control). If you can't tell... my mind is all over the place when it comes to figuring out a character concept :P

Long rant aside, hopefully you are all fine with having me around. I'll be working on my character once I better formulate an idea (I'd contact the GM to pester a bit to solidify a good direction but... anti-spam stuff means I still need posts. I tend to usually ask GMs directly to make sure my ideas are alright in general >.<) and hopefully I'll be able to provide an interesting character concept. Given the RP gains a good amount of steam to keep it rolling, I'd be happy to be involved and help with alternate stuff such as big ol baddies or just random NPC and the like as needed (I'm one of those crazy people who don't mind creating and playing characters who end up dying. :P ). Anyways, enough of my rambling... hiya and hopefully I can find my way into the game! :)
Hi! Looking forwards to seeing what character you come up with, and hopefully to rping with you!

Thanks! Yeah my mind just bubbles up crazy ideas when I see something I'm into, it's just about focusing myself then figuring out what works the best, and well an idea that sounds acceptable to have. :P Still I have to admit I'm fumbling on my genin concept(s) or perhaps even (pending no interest for the part) just doing a Jonin and playing out a less experienced individual and first time squad leader, full of quirks though quite talented in her own right and having room for improvement herself in the long term. So full of ideas, just need to figure out what might be needed more and what idea resonates more. ^^
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The Architect] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14880-dreambeat/ said:
@DreamBeat[/URL] @Sha
What's up, guys? >.< Kind'a need to get the IC moving a bit.
Sorry, I've been a bit busy this week and kinda had trouble coming up with a post. It's up. Agh, it's been a hectic week.
@Hellkite[/URL] and @DreamBeat will both get banners eventually...

And, Jounins! :D Everyone is welcome to apply, and I'll pick the one I feels fit best. I will note that Satoshi Uzumaki is destined to be in this group and he uses Kenjutsu, so something along the lines of Kenjutsu/Taijutsu would be a nice change of pace. Both Kokuro and Hayato use ninjutsu primarily.
Ah, awesome! For some odd reason, I wasn't getting notifications for this until now, or it's that it was buried among the many notifications I missed during the week. Anyway, thanks! :D

Since the week when the teachers like to cram all the tests and quizzes is FINALLY over, I'll post more often... as in more than once a week
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Reward #1 @Hellkite

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