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Multiple Settings Seeking long term partners!


Bored Ancient
Hello there people! You all can call me Siren, I’ve been roleplaying for about five years now (oh the weirdos you meet at the age of twelve). ANYWAYS! But as you can tell from the thread title I’m looking for some long term partners and potential friends to participate in these plots I have below. Firstly, I’ll lay down the minimal rules I have before getting into the plots!

1. Have fun for crying out loud - I want this to be an enjoyable experience for both of us! So if a plot starts getting boring or you want to change something up feel free to tell me or just go for it. I enjoy new ideas! Another part of this would be schedules, I’ll respect yours if you respect mine. There’ll be no stress about replies, so if you’re busy just let me know and I’ll do the same for you!
2. OC’s Only - I don’t like pairing up with people who use characters that, well, already exist. I like originality and a new experience with the characters I pair with. It should be noted that I only play straight male characters.
3. Comfortability - I'm okay with just about anything in a roleplay, but if there’s something you don’t enjoy like crude language, blood, or gore just let me know! I’ll avoid it for you.
4. OOC chat is encouraged but not required - I enjoy talking to people and getting to know them, but if that’s no your cup of tea then I’m fine with that.
5. Do not comment on this thread - I want to keep this thread clean and uncluttered so if you pose an interest just shoot me a message! (Btw, to prove you read my rules include your favorite color)
6. I only roleplay third person - This means I follow a book type format and use quotations for dialogue. I’ll have none of this *blushes* -winks- or :waves: bull crap in character xD
7. Reply length - I usually right a paragraph or so but this is not required of you. You write as much as you need as long as it keeps the plot moving!

Now that we’ve gotten all that crap out of the way, time for the fun stuff!!

Making A Monster
(Sci-Fi, Action, slightly futuristic era)

An organization tasked with exploring the human genome discovers what could possibly be an access to the next step in human evolution. By influencing the genetics of a test subject, they could allow them to be incredibly fast and strong. What’s more, the elements bend to their will. However these tests were deemed a crime and so the project was shut down due to the severity and the mortality rate of the tests. Though as usual, greed prevails.

Members of this old organization began working underground in order to continue this research. Children were stolen from their homes in the dead of night to act as subjects, due to their impressionability in genetics and availability worldwide. However as explained before, many of these children were to die of the constant stress on their bodies. It seemed like success was always so close only to be snatched from the researchers finger tips. Until at last, they managed to create the first life to embrace evolution. More answers more were succeeded after that, and these subjects were dubbed Adepts. Adepts have greater speed, strength, and endurance compared to that of normal humans. They can also control one of many elemental based powers such as ice, fire, and the very earth beneath their feet. These Adepts were then sold as weapons to all sorts of crime syndicates, rebellions, and even armies.

So Begins our story; Character A and B were both captured around the same time, and after being made as successful Adepts they were to be raised and trained together in an effort to create an efficient team that would go for a higher price. However before they could be sold and their memories scrapped, our hero’s find a way to escape the facility and enter the real world once more. So begins their plight to stay hidden from those seeking them and to escape the clutches of servitude and murder.

Paranormal Exterminators
(Horror, early 1900’s era, Action)

You’ve heard stories of people specialized in banishing and removing spirits, but this duo gets straight to the point and destroys the evil that plagues this world. You name it they’ll do their damn best to kill it. Be it Demons, Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Specters, and any other form of supernatural abominations they’ll take care of it. This plot can take many different turns, and all of them are bad. But something bigger and badder than what they’re encountered before lies in wait, and before they know it they’re caught in a full frontal invasion of earth from those they’ve slayed for years.

The pairing for this can be many things, some examples are friends, siblings, a potential couple, or even an already married pair. It’s all up to you! Just let me know when you first message me as well as tell me any questions you might have on this one.


The Bermuda Triangle is one of the greatest mysteries this world has to offer, although no one dares to explore it for fear of becoming another’s on of the victims lost inside. Our characters are to board a plane that unfortunately passes right over the heart of the area, and unsurprisingly has a technical failure and crashes right into the Atlantic Sea. Upon awaking, the two find themselves stranded on a deserted island as the sole survivors of the crash. The plot follows them attempting to find a way to possibly contact someone and leave while they attempt to survive the mystery’s shrouding the place such as ancient beasts long thought dead, machines built by a long stranded and now insane engineer, and the threat of a monsters beneath the surface of the ocean.

Sands of Egypt
(The 4th century, Action, Adventure)

I'm sure you all have heard many things about the pagan religions, the definition of which is a religion that existed before the rise of Christianity worldwide. Be it the religions dedicated to the Greek, Roman, Japanese, Norse, or the Egyptian gods. They all had a similar falling out due to the rise of Christianity and other major religions that are dominating the modern day world. But what if history followed a different course, in that these beliefs weren't replace but rather murdered. You can probably guess where this is going, but if you can't I'll give you a hint. God of War.

Our story will begin during the fourth century of the earth, in the ancient and thriving kingdom of Egypt. Not many adventures arise from ones death, but you'll soon find out that death can be a second chance for some people. Our characters have both perished by one mean or another, all in all it doesn't matter. The two are to depart on the same boat heading down the river leading to the Kingdom of the god of death Anubis. Their hearts are weighed and their sins judged, and both are to be found rejected of passage to the afterlife as the scales tip against them. However, Anubis does not devour their souls, and instead he stands from his throne and approaches the two.

"Normally mortal souls such as yourselves that are found guilty to the scales are to be devoured and destroyed for all time, but I would consider yourselves lucky. For I the great Anubis am feeling merciful this day, and so I offer you a second chance. There is an ancient evil, long thought dead, that is stirring in the land of Egypt. Four elemental constructs have risen and if left unchecked they will wreak havoc upon this world and leave it in ruins. I cannot enter the mortal world, and neither can any of my godlike companions. So I ask you, take yourselves up with weapons forged of my own design and seek out these constructs. Destroy them and you shall be offered not only your lives but once you perish once more the afterlife will welcome you with open arms."

Welcome To The Game
(Slight Fandom, Fantasy, Action)

This Roleplay kinda piggybacks off the plot of SAO in that during the wide release of a video game, players are suddenly trapped inside the game and forced to fight for their lives. So Character A and Character B are no different, however they make the smart decision of trying to work together instead of trying to survive alone. Now a lot of things are up for discussion with the such as various game mechanics, the use of magic, types of weapons, and coming up with classes that out characters can use. All in all it's a very creative plot to manipulate, though it isn't an original idea.

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