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Fantasy Seeking Fantasy RP!

Stories Abound

I love stories!
Hello All!

Below are some of the characters I've dreamed up. Some of these I've played extensively, others I have not. If any of these characters and their settings sound interesting to you, please message me! If you have a story you think any of them would fit into, even if its a minor role, I'd love to be considered! Please let me know!

  • Etanis Saar
    Age: 26
    Height: 6’0”
    Weight: 220lbs
    Hair color: Black
    Eye color: Dark Brown
    Family: Valisar Marcus Saar(Deceased / Disgraced). Salina Saar (Deceased)

    Blood flowed thick and syrupy from his lower lip to mingle with the sands of the training ground. Try as he might, Etanis could no longer push himself to his hands and knees. Each of the times that had preceeded this taunt, he had done so, only to catch the butt of a spear to his head, or the heel of a boot.
    He needed to get up. This was his chance. This was his chance to redeem his families honor. He pushed, and pushed with all of his might. His arms slowly lifted his battered and bloody frame from the ground and his head rose to look at the fiery haired woman standing just a few feet away with her spear in hand.

    She was Valisar Osaria, the Spear. She was the most renowned Valisar in the last twenty years, and all knew her. She had earned the title of “The Spear”, for her quick action when needed, that dove right to the heart of the matter. Now she stood against him, in his trial for entrance to the Valisar’s ranks. Why had this happened?

    It had happened because of his father. Valisar Marcus Saar. The first Valisar to the old emperor had failed in his duty. The emperor had died. His father, in punishment for his lapse, was scourged to death, but not before his wife, Etanis’s mother, was raped, and lamed before his eyes. Their family had been disgraced.

    All had the right for trial to enter into the Valisar. For the noble houses, it was expected that each boy or girl of age and sufficient training try for entry, for it would bring them political and military strength. For the low born, it would do so as well, and give them the chance to form their own house, or more likely be adopted into one of the greater houses. With his family shamed and ruined, this was what Etanis had hoped for. He’d hoped for a chance to rebuild, and bring some kind of honor back to his fathers name.

    He’d not counted on the hatred of the Empress, and her children. All knew the Spear was her former personal Valisar. She’d only come out of her retirement at the Empresses bidding. She was moving now. Moving toward Etanis. Her feet stopped next to his shaking form, and she slowly lowered to crouch.

    Nimble and strong fingers laced into his hair, and gave a sharp tug, pulling his face up to look at her. Etanis’s eyes were slowly swelling. He’d not be able to see by the next morning. Her voice came out as a hiss. “Foolish boy. Your family is disgraced, and will remain so. Did you think they would allow you to, a scion of a doomed house, a chance to enter our ranks and redeem your families honor? You are not worthy.”

    It was then that she drove his head down sharply, cracking it into the floor, and driving from him the waking world. Etanis Saar, had failed his trial for entry into the Valisar.

    Two years had passed since the day of his failed entry to the Valisar, and finding work had not been easy. His family name was known, and as such none wished to risk the wrath of the Valisar’s or the noble houses by employing one who had been so publicly shamed by the might of the Empire. Five long years. He’d taken what work he could, though often the jobs didn’t last.

    Despite it all, when asked for his name for the Imperial records, he’d not hide it, and he’d quickly be paid for the word done, and dismissed. Such things did have to be reported. It was while waiting outside one of the work houses that a man late into his sixties strode straight up to him. His age had not bowed him though. He was tall, broad, and still as strong as a man in his prime.

    His beard was close cropped, and his eyes were your average blue, save these were fiercer than anyone had seen. When he spoke, it was like one of the Gods had decided his voice needed to sound as hard as steel. It was the voice of a man who was used to command. “You. You are Marcus’s boy.” He said in a way that left no doubt he was not asking a question.
    “I am Valisar Rant. People used to call me the Hawk. You will call me Rant. You work for me now. Go and gather your things.”

    Etanis stood there looking somewhat dumbfounded for a minute, dark eyes blinking at the man’s fierce blue ones. A look of disapproval broke over the Valisar’s face. “What? You don’t need the work, or you want to go on mucking other people’s shit out of the city for the rest of your life? If that is what you want, so be it. If you want the chance, all be it a small one, at something you are more suited to, then get your things, and let’s get out of the flea warren. Now!”

    The last was a command. The man had a voice that belonged on a battle field. Etanis quickly spun and ran, quick to obey an order given in such a voice. It was only when he’d stooped to pick up his pack that he’d realized he’d reacted at all. Valisar Rant watched him, and though no change in his features could be seen those striking eyes seemed to twinkle with a knowing amusement.

    Etanis fell in beside the man, and Rant began leading him back to his manner. He was silent, and as he had not taken the time to explain why he’d want the son of a disgraced Valisar, or why he’d risk the anger of the Imperial Crown and the other Valisars, Etanis had to ask. “Why?” He asked simply.

    Rant gave a grunt, and looked over to the boy, before looking back to the road. “Because you got a shitty break lad. Your father was not responsible for the death of the Emperor. He was sent to the country side by the Empress, presumably at the order of the Emperor. He suddenly is poisoned, and your father not being there is to blame.”

    Rant grunted and shook his head. “The whole thing stunk, and your father, the honorable bastard he was, refused to save himself. He just died like a fool. Then you go to join the ranks, as was your right, and they dust off that old battle axe for your trial, just to keep you out.”

    The old man spit to his side, unfortunately right on Etanis’s boot. Rant took no notice as he went on. “No one has seen a trial like yours for entrance into the Valisar. By all rights, you had the skill to make it past the trial. You would have been one of us, if not for the Empress and her Spear.”

    Rant stopped and turned to look at the man. “You failed. That I cannot do anything about. You will never be a Valisar. There is nothing to stop you from Being one of the Valisar’s shields though. You will be one of mine. From this point forward, I will use you as a shield. Where I put you, you fight. You keep others from passing. You get me, lad?”

    Etanis looked to the older man in wonder. This man was beyond brave to speak such words publically, let alone to take him, and give him aid. He’d have to report this to the Empress. “I….but the Empress. She’l-“ He was cut off though by Rant shoving his shoulder and chopping a hand through the air.

    “The Empress will get her panties in a twist. She’ll order the Spear to challenge me, and the spear will tell her the same thing I’m going to tell you right now. She may be the most renowned Valisar, but I am the best. If she fights me, she will lose her precious Spear.” Rant grinned then, and the fierce look in his eyes told Etanis he was hoping for such an outcome.
    Etanis shifted. “So then…I am the chip you play to strike at the Spear, and the Empress?” Rant blinked slowly and then laughed. “Oh by the Gods, boy! I do hope for the outcome, but I don’t expect it. So in the present, I get a strong lad that is alright with a blade. You get a job, and don’t have to keep shoveling shit. Everyone wins. Now lets go”.

    Rant didn’t wait, he just turned, and walked on. It had been four years since that day, and since that day he had worked hard, and continued to, all at the services of Valisar Rant. He was told where to go, who to fight, and he did so. For that was his role now. Those that sought Rant’s service, would get the shamed son of a former Valisar, for Rant was far too busy with other matters, like training his girls for the test of the Valisar.

    One day though, when Etanis’s fame had grown too far, the Empress would send he Spear, or another to challenge Rant. That would be an interesting day indeed.
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Love story between Duncan and a witch oc, of mine!? Let me know!! (: or ya know any of your other male oc’s they were so great!?
Hello. I have some ideas that Ruindín might fit in to. I’m pm you.
New untried character posted! Etanis! Check him out if your interested in helping create a story, I'd love to hear any ideas!

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