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Fantasy Seekers Of Ash


Ink Without A Master
The Seven High Lords of Vultien

  • High Lord Steven Lynder


    67 Years Old


    Caring, loving and happy-go-lucky, Lord Lynder is a carefree but gentle man. He knows when he needs to be stern and is often quite the jokester. The other Lords consider him the jokester of the group.

    Carries a Round Shield and a Great Sword.

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Factions (Classes)

  • Mage/Wizard/Sorcerer/Witch

    One who studies and uses magic. This also includes the Dark Arts, which is dark magic.

    While most spells are committed to memory, more complicated spells (such as summoning a shield) must be read out of the book. Each time a mage uses a spell, the energy generated from the spell is taken from the user. If a spell is used often, the mage’s tolerance to the spell's draining effect becomes higher (much like drinking alcohol). But if a mage uses a spell that he or she is not ready for or hasn't used in a while, the energy taken from the mage can result in fainting or in extreme cases, death. If this were to occur in the middle of a spell, that spell would quickly dissipate to nothing. The energy would be used up, unable to return to its user. Same goes for finishing a spell. Once a spell is complete, the energy does not return to its user. The user must rest in order to gain what energy they have lost

The Nation of Vultien and its Kingdoms

  • Nation of Vultien

    Vultien is a nation consisting of of little crime. Rolling plains to the east provide excellent farm lands and plenty of space for livestock to roam.

    Castel Range is a mountain range that runs along the southern border and stretches up into the center of the Vultien. The middle of the nation consists mainly canyons and Castel Range. The middle west part of the nation consists mainly of a forested region called Illumis Forest. Illumis forest is known for its fog casting illusions. No one is quite sure why the fog is the cause of this, but the fog can be found in any weather condition, day or night. The Western edge of the nation is ocean. Many ports here provide the land with fish and other goods from other nations. The northern border is covered in a desert. As such, few people live here. And those that do are nomadic to keep up with the beasts that live there.

    Link to Map Below!



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