• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Sedar Hospital |IC|


gogo dancer
Sedar Hospital

Sedar Hospital is one of the many hospitals located in the city of New York. It was founded in the summer of 1921 by Elliot Sedar. Since it's opening opening nearly 100 hundred years ago, it has changed a lot. The staff at said hospital are one of the finest; it's said the hospital only accepts the best from the best.

The hospital provides care for everyone, including those with mental problems. Patients are treated with the highest amount of care. Many patients form tight friendships with doctors working there. As well as that, the doctors already have tight relationships with each other. They all try to make the hospital a comfortable and somewhat fun environment. The doctors don't want the patients to be reminded of death when there.

Relationships will be formed, lost and build... Love will happen, drama will happen and sadness will definitely occur. Watch as this group of people going through hardships and struggles whether they're apart of Sedar's staff or patients there.

Things to know\\
-You can have up to two characters
-Your characters can either be patients, doctors or nurses
-Sure your characters can die XD
-At least one paragraph per reply (5+ sentences per paragraph)
-Note: Drs + nurses had to go to college for this. They're not going to be twenty years old.
-You will be required to form relationships with other people
-Dw. This rp won't always take place in the hospital
-Please make sure to remember if your character is a sick patient.... thing will happen to them.
-Realistic fcs or descriptions
-If your character dies you're allowed to make another.
-Patients can be of all ages
-@ people who you would think would be interested please
-anyone can join

in character


Like usual it was early in the morning when the doctor arrived. He always left late, and arrived early. Sure, it wasn't good for his health at all, but the patients lives mattered more to him than his own. He made sure to drink loads of coffee to keep himself energized throughout the day. It didn't need to doze off while speaking with someone.

He stepped into one of the rooms of one of his patients, a sweet old woman with kidney problems. She had just had a kidney transplant a few days ago, and was recovering from the surgery. Jun Yul reached for the clipboard hanging off the edge of the bed to check the data that had been recorded. Glancing up, he heard a faint voice, presumably of the old woman. "Ah. You're here too early," She whispered as she shook her head in disapproval.

"I agree," He paused, "But I get paid more if I get here early," He joked, causing the grandma to let out a weak laugh. "All jokes aside, how are you feeling?" He asked, generally concerned. Last night he had really stressed over this old woman. It was dangerous operating on the elderly. It brought much more risks than operating on a younger, healthy person.

"Ah. Wonderful! I feel like I could go home tonight," She smiled, her eye wrinkles deepening. "Stop being so worried. I'm completely fine. You should be worrying more about the patients in more critical condition."

"I know..." He exhaled a sighed as he put the clipboard back. "I should probably check on my other patients..." He trailed off, earning a nod from the old lady. The two bid their goodbyes before the doctor was back on his way. He sent a smile towards the staff who walked by as well as the occasional patient that was with them.

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Bai stood inside his room, staring at the boring white wall he saw everyday. The same thing everyday, therapy, watching tv, playing his guitar. It was very boring, he didn't even have any friends other then Ki Moon and that was his therapist. He hated this life, and he had only been here a year. His depression wasn't getting better, and his hemophilia obviously wasn't either.

"Come on Bai. Let's go to the music room, I'll let you play my guitar." Ki Moon gently knocked on the door, wakening the boy from his daydream. He beamed at the thought of playing the guitar, it was pure black and it was perfect in Bai's eyes. He quickly followed Ki Moon down the stairs and towards the room, walking inside without hesitation and grabbing the guitar.

Ki Moon was always a 'sunshiney' type of guy, for his patients at least. He had his troubles too, and right now, he wasn't happy. One of his patients had died in the night. He adored that kid a lot, he was always happy and bright he reminded Ki Moon of himself as a child. As he led Bai into his office, he put the picture up of the kid on the wall, with the pictures of all of his patients that had passed, it was only two though. The kid and an elderly woman. He smiled sadly at the picture and sat down on a chair, watching Bai tune the guitar.

"Ki! I love it." Ki couldn't help but grin at the cute accent as he talked.

"I know you do kid, that's why it's yours." Bai's eyes lit up and he hugged Ki tightly, "Thank you!"
Time blurs together when your alone for so long. It isn't healthy to be locked up in a room unable to go anywhere. The paint chipping on the white wall was driving him insane. He wanted to desperately leave the hospital after only being there for five days. Five, yet it felt like years. The first two hadn't been bad everyone had come to talk, but now it was nothing new. People got hurt everyday, he would heal, he would move on.

That kind of thinking wasn't healthy either, so he sighed helplessly waiting to be rescued from his captivity. He tried to move his arm , but with it being in a cast there was nothing he could do. His arm, his finger , and even a leg. It was ridiculous. Every time he thought about it , it made him feel weak. He shock his head, watching the halls out side the door. Not that he could see them. But he could here the tap tap tap of shoes as they walked by.

It wouldn't have been so bad if he was just here for blood work like every week he was stuck coming here, but no. The car just decided at of the people it hit him. And what about school? How much of it was he missing? He was going to fall behind now that he could not do the work. He groaned in fustration. 'They could have least left me some music to hear, then maybe I would have been able to sleep.' He though. (Short I know but I'm so freaking tired)
It had started as a normal day, just like any other for Software Engineer Kasey Suzuki. Today was her day off, and she was just going to head to the clinic for a Doctor's Appointment, which she was now having to do once a week now that she was thirty-six weeks pregnant. En rout to the clinic near her lovely home with her darling husband, another car would run a red light and strike the car that she and her husband were in. He was killed on impact, as the other car would hit from his side and within seconds, her car was overturned and slowly started catching fire. Onlookers called 911 while Good Samaritans tried to break the car open to help free the expecting mother. The last thing she heard the was a wailing ambulance and the last thing she saw was a paramedic cutting her seat-belt.

EMS began rushing Kasey into the Hospital. In the crash, she had sustained multiple injuries: She had a Fractured Wrist, a Broken Ankle and Second Degree Burns on her Shoulder and her back. Surgeons had to be rather careful as they were treating a pregnant woman, meaning they also had to monitor the unborn baby. Amazingly, the baby itself was not harmed at all in the accident as there was no injuries to the abdominal area. The surgeries on her left ankle and her right wrist took a couple of hours to complete. The second degree burns on her back and shoulder, however, were much easier to treat, as they were only patched up with bandages soaked in burn medicine. After the surgery, Kasey was wheeled into one of the rooms, which she had to herself. An EMT briefly entered the room while nurses got her into a Hospital Robe, as her Hospital Bag was found in the car when they decided to see if they could recover any keepsakes and possessions. The car itself was totaled, but the keepsakes and most of the belongings in the car were recovered and put into a bag next to her Hospital Bag on a nearby coffee table. Aside from the monitors consistently beeping, Kasey didn't really move as she was still sound asleep following her surgery. Before leaving, the EMT that had come to visit her, placed her husband's wedding ring in her hand, while placing his Dog Tags with her stuff. The last thing for Kasey was a blanket being draped over her swollen belly.

When she finally awakened, Kasey was drowsy and it took a few minutes for her vision to clear. Her husband wasn't in the room, which made her rather scared. So she decided to wait patiently for a doctor to show up before talking. In the meantime, she just rested, mainly musing with her unborn baby and caressing her belly.
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Like said tired af
Sunny trailed the hall, early as ever ready to start the day. She had a noticeable bounce in her step as she greeeted fellow nurses and doctors. She grabbed her clipboard from her little adjourning office and slipped into uniform.

She glanced at it, seeing a new name on her list. 'Ah~ Let's go great the new patient.' She thought happily as she read through the files. 'This is....tragic. ' the report the paramedics wrote was very through and detailed, enough to make even her want to cry. Sunny walked through the halls, stopping to check and make sure everyone was feeling well and was cared for. She reached the woman's room. She opened the door slowly , making sure she was awake before Sunny entered. "I'm Sunny, I will be checking in with you occasionally as well as other doctors who take care of patients. " she explained, stopping to take a breath. "How are you feeling miss? Do you need anything? " she asked politely. BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Jasmine Miranda
Jasmine sat still on her hospital bed, her feet swinging back and forth slowly. She hadn't gotten up since her last incident (not too long ago). Her heart had slowed down. As much as she wanted to get up and move, the purple haired female was told not to by one of the nurses.

"Just relax for a few minutes. Don't move so much,"the nurse had said. "A doctor will be coming to check up on you once one is available. In the meantime, just please sit down and relax."

Jasmine wanted to protest that, but she knew it was know use. And besides, if she did try and attack them they would most definitely over power her and sedate her. "Hurry up!"she yelled out, getting annoyed at the fact that they were taking forever.

Forget it! Im exploring, she thought to herself. The alternative patient hopped off the bed and tip toed to the doorway. She stopped and looked out, nails peeling the chipped paint off the white walls. Its clear! Jasmine did a small dance in celebration and started walking out of her room to go wander the halls.
Location: Wandering around the hospital unsupervised after a heart incident/ Mood: Calm, Cautious/ Interacting with: Anybody
coded by dwale
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Because her husband has yet to show, Kasey began to worry a little bit. However, she had to keep calm and relaxed because if she got stressed out, she would also stress out the baby. As her Doctor had warned her early in the pregnancy, a stressed mother means a stressed baby. Luckily the moodiness didn't affect that stress level. The fetal monitoring device on her belly was starting to get uncomfortable, but doctors couldn't remove it yet, since they had to be one-hundred percent sure that the baby was okay after the car accident. Finally, a female doctor entered the room. While she was happy to finally get some human interaction. The Doctor, who introduced herself as Sunny, asked how she was feeling and if she needed anything. The young woman simply frowned and rubbed her belly. "I'm okay. But...where's my husband?" She asked, worried.
q r o w q r o w


Location: Mental Wing, Room 707
Mood: Agitated, bored
Interacting With: no one.

Kaiden was just starting to get used to the lack of any semblance of creativity in the design of his room. Almost everything was white, no glass or metal or anything a kid could possibly think to use as a weapon against others, or against himself. That hadn't been a problem for a few hours, so the 11 year old was convinced that the rule was pointless. Aside from nothing, there was only a small white bed, thin grey sheets, one pillow (two required a doctor's order), no window, a long crack in the ceiling and of course the humming florescent light that annoyed Kaiden to no end. A few of the other mental patients were allowed books or CDs, but since Kaiden came here from juvy he didn't have anything remotely entertaining. He didn't even get to have a roommate, after his first one nearly smothered him. Besides, there weren't many kids in the mental wing of the hospital.

He couldn't go anywhere without a doctor or other hospital employee with him (to Kaiden's dismay, the custodian didn't count). As such, he just had to wait in his room until someone told him where to go next. Not exactly fun.Kaiden paced around the room, chewing a lock of his long, layered blond hair. He was bored, so very bored.... and that usually was a recipe for trouble. He had nothing to think about, but his mind quickly concocted a whirlwind of blurry and nonsensical thoughts, which even he knew would lead to inescapable impulsive actions. Not a very optimistic way to start the morning.​
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Apollo James Clarke

Location - ICU
Mood - Panic//Fearful//Sad

Drowsy eyes woke to a white room. It was unfamiliar. The smell was also unfamiliar. The feeling of his head on something soft was unfamiliar. He tried to make sense of everything around him whilst his eyes got used to the light. His head and limbs hurt. He looked down at his arms, his eyes soon adjusting to the light. There were tubes in his arms. He was hooked up to a few different machines and he didn't know what any of them did. He began to panic, his heart rate on a monitor increasing. He was in a hospital. He hated hospitals. They took his Mom away from him. He then did the only thing he could think of; rip out everything medical from him.

He uncovered his body and removed all of the wires and tubes. Once that was done he stood, his legs wobbled, and he fell the ground. A pair of crutches were by a chair next to his bed. How convenient. He used them to stand and began to hobble out of his room. Apollo began to wonder how this all happened. He mentally facepalmed; of course he knew what happened he never needed more than a second to think about it.

Apollo never understood why his Dad did it. Maybe it was his Mom, maybe it was the drink, maybe it was just him. He didn't know but he didn't really care that much either. His Dad hit him. End of story. Pieces began to piece together in his head. He got into a fight with his Dad. His Dad punched at him for a while before one punch sent him flying off of the banister. It was black from there.

He was starting to panic now. It was visible in his eyes. Just the thought of what he did and sent to him could turn him into a mess. He didn't know what to do. He was panicking. His head hurt. Everything was spinning. Tears began to role down his face. His Dad did this to him. His Mom was dead. His hands clutched his head. He hyperventilated. She died at a hospital just like this. Oh god. It was happening again.
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Normally when your a trained surgeon and have some years under your belt, you operate with a confidence and careful awareness that newbies just can't match. Because you no longer have the nerves and first time jitters to naw away at you. While it's true and this particular surgeon: Doctor Jack Alastair Evans though he quite prefers just Doctor Jack Alastair for reasons that are personal and deals with his past. Anyways Jack has seen it all.... Almost, performed many different kinds of surgery and faced the highs and lows of the operation game. Except it's not like your buzzer when you touch the sides board game that we all grew up with, no it was the game of life and you didn't nor couldn't afford to sound that buzzer or foul up. Other wise- It's game over.

The worst feeling in the world and the most intense pressure you could have and that's another's life in your literal hands. Each surgeon had his field of expertise, practice and common field of operations. Jack however kept up with all kinds of surgery except plastic. Making him a all around kind of Doctor, perhaps? However despite his years of practice Jack never took any surgery lightly and always went extreme with his pre-surgery process when it came to the matters of the heart..... Not your emotional, mental kind either. The kind that actually dealt with the physical heart.

You see Jack had been in surgery for more then six hours. Keep in mind a common heart related surgery took between 3 to 6 hour, Dr. Alastair was in their with a patient he'd come to know well over the past few months for more then six hours. Complications arose mid surgery and Jack wasn't losing this one! He may have been a mets fan, but Jack wasn't letting god take this one.

Jack came to know this man well and met his wife, children and sister over those few months. He came to learn and care for this man and his family during that time. So Jack simply wasn't letting some damn complications take over and end this mans life. Instead Jack battled, fought his teared up eyes when it looked hopeless, pushed on and kept working, kept using every trick, bit of knowledge he had and yes it became personal...

Jack was many things to different people. A gambling addict, a heavy drinker and a guy who couldn't show his serious side as much as they'd like. But one thing about him was that he cared, he cared too much for human life and his patients to just take this job and treat it like a robot might. Maybe he was too emotionally invested? Perhaps he allowed himself to get too close and taking his losses too hard and personal? For all his ego about his skill as a surgeon, he was a man like any other and like any other he cared and in his case perhaps too much. He had his demons, he had his issues and times of self hating and unable to love himself or accept himself. But he was a surgeon and a damn good one if he said so himself. He wasn't losing this patient today....

So while hours whined down, minutes passing by the team like they were seconds and facing a complicated and delicate matter of life or death. The team led by Jack Alastair continued on until that moment finally came when a shot of hope and success was reached.

After nearly ten hours of surgery and using up every ounce of knowledge and skill he could muster. The patient was alright and made it through surgery, he was now taken to care and Jack was able to shower up, wash off and relax...... somewhat. They weren't quite out of it yet and Jack wasn't leaving nor resting until he knew for sure his patient a Mr. Allen Bormann was going to make it and live to see his kids, wife and sister again.

Meanwhile the tired, sweat pants and zipper hoodie with no shirt underneath wearing Doctor with a white overcoat and badge wandered the halls aimlessly. Looking up one hall and down another, a soda in hand and tired gaze about him as he smiled toward some faces he saw walking past him or had been in their rooms with open doors. Why was he shirtless and wearing sweats with partially zipped hoodie you ask? Well in honest he was tired, Scrubs needed washing and the only clothes had available to fit him were some sweats and a hoodie from his locker. It wasn't since yesterday morning that he'd been back at his apartment and luckily his next door neighbor was awesome when it came to looking after his bulldog; Shakes, short for Shakespeare though Jack rarely admits it publicly as that takes away from his joke.

Whenever he was on shift and in one of his modes. She was always ready and willing to look after his old, beloved dog and companion. The old English bulldog had seen Jack through some tough times and helped him more then Shakes would ever know.

Now however Jack was wandering and found himself near the mental wing. A smile and thought crossed him, he wondered what Kaiden was doing now? Knowing mental ward patients couldn't leave without a attendant. It was likely getting pretty dull for a young guy like Kaiden.

Personally Jack didn't really know Kaiden too well. Only seen him around once in awhile and learned his name from his doctor and hearing he's a patient at Sedar hospital. Since it was early and Jack liked people, plus needed to stay awake in his mind, decided to go and meet this young man himself least meet him in a more get to know style.

So walking down the hall and turning into the mental wing, Jack walked down toward room 707. Looking to offer the kid a chance to get out for awhile and see the limited sights of the hospital.

Upon reaching the door and seeing the room number read, 707.. Jack paused and gave a polite knock before stepping into the doorway. "Kaiden right?" Jack asked noting the young males chewing of hair and obviously bored state. "I'm jack! Thought you could use some get out of dodge time and since I'm authorized, gives you a shot. How does that sound?" Jack offers with a smile and small laugh. Perhaps he should have said doctor Jack or some deal, but despite his hoodie and sweat pants he thought the stethoscope, badge and white overcoat would be rather telling of his position here at sedar hospital.

Mood: Tired, kind, mind racked with thought and concern
Interactions: Alone-(Starting off) Kaiden-(Present) Olivier Olivier
Location: Mental Wing, Room 707
Mood: Curious, but still agitated
Interacting With: Jack The Silent Z The Silent Z

"Jack..." Kaiden mused quietly, eying the doctor with a quizzical expression. He stopped chewing his hair for a moment, allowing a scheming grin to spread across his childish features. He finally had a chance to escape this mind-numbing room. He was almost... grateful, if you could call it that. He laughed gleefully, bouncing up and down on his heels for a moment before it occurred to him that he hadn't even said anything to Jack. Social skills were not Kaiden's fortรฉ, to say the least.

"You're really gonna let me out? Like, actually out, and not just down the hall to shove pills down my throat? I mean, are you new here? You gotta be new, else you'd be like the rest..." Kaiden stammered excitedly in a slightly lisping New York accent, running up a bit too close to Jack, looking the man up and down as if to make sure he was real. To be honest, Kaiden wasn't certain he could trust Jack. After all, the guards in Juvenile Detention had mishandled him more than once, and he generally had trouble with people. He quickly forced back his doubt, though, and grabbed Dr. Jack evans by the hand. "Well, c'mon, before you change your mind. "
Jack stopped short of chuckling and just looked on toward Kaiden.the boy must not be familiar to the normal life of treatment if the boy reacted in such a way. He had this look about him with that grin, quietly speaking the doctors name. "Yep that's me." Jack spoke with a smile. Truthfully his information on Kaiden was lacking, but the kid was human and Jack knew kids need care and attention some times too, not all childhoods were perfect. Not everybody had the best family, best homes, best experiences growing up. And while Jack couldn't say he knew what Kaiden was going through, he did know how being troubled felt and what boredom was like. It didn't always end up with creative, positive results either.

"Well you're human right? I heard we have some new fresh faces in town. Like these hairless little faces with tiny hands and feet... Aliens right?" Jack joked with a clear laugh to show he was only joking. "Turns out they are babies, who knew? Never can be too careful." He added with a grin. Doing his best to keep it light and full of smiles, while joking a bit in his tired state. "But no I'm a vet here kinda and hey, if you want pills I suppose we could check your chart and timelog. But I'd prefer chilling out and taking in the sights of Sedar hospital. I'm betting your cool with that too, no?" The Doctor smiled, aiming to earn his trust and show not everyone was the same. Meanwhile a genuine and kind smile crossed Jacks tired looking face and nodded to Kaiden as the boy took his hand and commented. "Sounds good. How about we start with the kitchen and get some grub huh? I think I can convince the chef to make us something better, then routine mash and veggies with jello." Jack offered the idea and began to walk alongside the young Kaiden.

Interactions: Kaiden Olivier Olivier
Mood: Friendly, Joking about, tired
Location: Mental Wing, Room 707
Mood: Nervous, pressured, irritable
Interacting With: Jack The Silent Z The Silent Z

Kaiden's gleeful expression faded the second Jack mentioned food. He cringed back, but still held onto Jack's hand. He hissed through his teeth as if in pain. "Oh no. No way. I'm not eating. You can't make me." He snapped, sounding somewhere between angry and nervous. A stark contrast to his previous cheeriness. Though any sane person would have known that Jack was just trying to be friendly, Kaiden wasn't exactly a sane person. He wasn't very good at judging others' motivations, and he jumped back and forth between being too mistrusting and being downright gullible. Besides, he wasn't in the best of moods due to being bored. So in short, he was more emotionally vulnerable than he might have been otherwise. He was avoiding eye contact with Jack, but the fact that he still held the doctor's hand indicated that Kaiden still wanted to trust the doctor. He hadn't really had any good experiences since he got arrested at school, let alone any positive relationships. And most of all he was bored. Hopefully he hadn't already screwed up his opportunity to get out of his room for a little with his emotional instability. He doubted anyone else would offer him temporary freedom anytime soon. "L-Let's just go see the babies..."
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Whoa.... Where did the change come from with this kid? Jack pondered noting Kaiden's remaining hand holding his own, though the hissing and sudden change was still in mind. Instead of a harsh or defensive response to the young patient, jack kept mellow and shrugged gently. "Well..... If your sure, I can postpone some chow time." Jack spoke easing off the food subject and listening to the young kid. The doctor couldn't say what's wrong about food though if perhaps it was a trick used by the staff to get him to take pills? Then perhaps Jack was starting to see. While Jack himself wasn't aiming for a trick and merely looked to chow down after hours in surgery, he understood the hesitation and didn't mind holding off for a bit. Plus the fact Kaiden still held his hand and didn't pull away kinda took notice for Jack. It was a small sign that perhaps this kid was still willing to give a new face a shot. A Good sign?

"Ok you've got it. Let's start there... I'd wager some court side seats might be available." Jack replied with a soft tone and keeping chill. Meanwhile walking out of the mental wing and down toward the next few wings down where the babies would be found. "So Kaiden.... Got any hobbies?" He asked with a smile and taking a drink from his soda. Letting the cool, iced soda combined with the conversation to keep him alert.

Interactions: Kaiden Olivier Olivier
Mood: Curious, Chill, Tired, friendly
Location: Hallway
Mood: Calming down
Interacting With: Jack The Silent Z The Silent Z

Kaiden thought for a moment as Jack asked him about his hobbies. It was a bit of a tough question, since Kaiden's interests often didn't last very long, but eventually he came up with something. "I like to draw, I guess." He answered tentatively. He wasn't allowed to have pencils or pens in his room here, but he used to draw a lot at school, and while he was in juvy. It was possibly the only healthy coping mechanism he had.

For the moment, Kaiden seemed to have already forgotten his outburst, or at least temporarily moved on from it. As long as Jack didn't try to get him to do anything involving food, medication or therapy, he was happy. Besides, he was liking Jack more and more by the minute. He was the first adult Kaiden had met since his arrest that seemed to care, or perhaps want to help. That, in itself, was comforting. "So, uh... what about you, Jack? I mean, besides surgery or whatever you do here, what do you like to do?" He finally returned the question, already uncomfortable with the brief silence he'd allowed to elapse. He just wanted Jack to keep talking, as a reminder that for once Kaiden wasn't alone.​
Jack continued walking alongside Kaiden as they made their way for the baby wing. "Draw huh? Sounds like a little doubt In your voice. Tough call huh?" Jack responded with a smile. Perhaps this was something of a long list for the lad? Maybe he'd have some other hobbies with his drawing. " Maybe you could use some alternative to drawing norms? You might not be allowed the standard pens and pencils. Perhaps some chalk and markers?" Jack pondered aloud. Thinking perhaps if the boy didn't get to leave his room much and he liked drawing, perhaps that'd brighten things up for the boy.

It was a learning curve so far. But it seemed like Kaiden's outburst was brief and mellowed out since then. Perhaps the doctor was getting through to him and warming up? Listening to the boys returned question and giving it some thought. Jack looked toward the boy and smiled. "Yeah that's my jam. I'm a surgeon and occasional doctor outside that operating room. But as for my Hobbies?" Jack paused and wondered his own order of a list. Though likely it was long tie for which hobby would be first. "You know..... It occurs to me that I started training for wrestling around your age. Kept me out of trouble and was actually fun. But to answer... I'm a sports fan, watching. Listening. Playing and training as a wrestler remain my passions and hobbies. Outside of this whole doctor thing, of course." Jack responded with a grin. Gaining a new idea as he spoke. Perhaps this kid just wanted company without pills? Maybe a new therapy tool could just simply be having fun with other kids and people? Sports helped him in different ways. Maybe that could make things easier for everyone involved in the mental wing and hospital.

Interactions: Kaiden Olivier Olivier
Mood: Friendly, curious, thinking, chill

Angel was perched precariously on the side of his freshly made bed, scribbling away at his latest drawing with a surprising amount of speed and passion.

As much as he disliked being in the hospital, at this particular moment in time, the snowy-haired boy wasn't really there. Biting his lip in silent determination, Angel watched as the messy pencil sketch began to take form into something eerily beautiful.

Having never been able to participate in physically demanding activities due to what he liked to call his 'broken' heart, Angel had long since devoted most of his time to art in all it's forms. The stand beside him was littered with what seemed like hundreds of unfinished drawings amongst the get-well-soon cards, and his pale wrists swirled with cursive words of tragedy and hope, lyrics he hadn't yet added to his ever-growing notebook.

After a while, he set down his pencil, finally pleased with what he'd achieved. It would of course require plenty of work later, but for now at least, Angel felt rather satisfied with his creation.

He would tuck it away as soon as he heard someone approach as he rarely shared his work, but for now, Angel admired the design with a childlike smile that made his usually sad blue eyes sparkle with hope.

if only your chances were as easy to improve as artistic ability...

mood: artistic, distracted

currently: admiring his drawing

with: n/a

mentions: n/aโ€‹
Location: Hallway
Mood: Reminiscent, lonely
Interacting With: Jack The Silent Z The Silent Z

"Wrestling, huh? That sounds fun." Kaiden smiled, looking up in curiosity. "I probably wouldn't be good at that. The kid they tried to room me with at first almost beat the shit outta me, but that wasn't really fair. He was a lot bigger, and the others said i shouldn't have..." Kaiden trailed off, but then laughed, almost bitterly. He never did finish his last sentence, falling quiet for a second before matter-of-factly saying "No one really likes me." In truth, that last part was a bit of a baited statement. He kind of wanted Jack to argue him on it, say something, anything to the contrary. Was that manipulative, fishing for attention and compliments? Probably, but Kaiden had been lonely his whole life, and he had a few reasons for feeling like he wasn't well liked by others. That was really the root of his problems, aside from his genetic disposition towards mental illness. A lot of the time it was Kaiden's fault for starting fights and alienating people, which perhaps made his loneliness unjustified. But maybe Jack would turn out different.​
Sunny stayed silent as she listened to the woman's concerns. Sorrow felled her eyes, her smile faded as she approached the bed. She gently took the woman's hand, she didn't mean to scare the woman, but it was the only way Sunny would be able to tell her what happened.

"Miss Kasey.." She started. "Your husband.." She took a breath, scared to tell the woman the next part. " died upon impact of the accident, He was dead before the paramedics got to the scene. She said sadly, feeling nothing but sadness they couldn't save him, and now a woman was husband less and a child would never meet their father. BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Apollo James Clarke

Location - ICU
Mood - Sad//Generally Awful
Interactions - Open for Interactions

Apollo's panic attack wasn't subsiding anytime soon. It was only getting worse. His chest ached from not being able to breathe, his hands were clammy and his eyes couldn't stop watering. This was normal for him during a panic attack but being in a hospital was making it worse.

He's hated hospitals ever since his Mom died. It just brought back old memories that hurt Apollo in more ways than one. His mother's death lead to his sister running away and his Dad turning abusive. He wished he didn't have to go through with any of it. He wished he didn't have to be in the hospital. He wished that he could just die already.

It was here when he slipped over, his legs giving way and he collapsed to the ground, hard and loud. People were bound to notice he was out of his bed by now. He was royally fucked. Why did this have to happen to him? He really was all of what his Dad told him. He was a disgusting useless I'm uncultured who didn't deserve to be his son.

Shon, Hanamaru

It wasn't unusual for Hanamaru to arrive at the hospital looking like mess and a half.
Hell, it was unusual to even see her looking put together. With her hair a wet and barely styled mess, wearing what seems to be a scrub top two sizes too big and jeans that seemed to hang around her waist, she would look more like a homeless patient rather than a doctor who had come to work later than usual. Of course, she would get scolded by the director, but at least this was one of her first late days. Hanamaru would usually come looking like she was now, but a little less late. Hanamaru put her things in her quarters locker and soon made herself a little presentable for the patients by putting her now damp hair into a loose bun on top of her head and putting on her work scrubs on. She quickly jogged and tried to find Jun Yul, her co-worker to give her inquiry about the patients, to chat. Later, she would have to visit one of the other patients in hospital under her care.

"Hey, sorry I'm late; Any new patients and or situations?"
Hanamaru panted. She knew she had to go check on the other patients but thanks to the "Noodle Incident" that happened this morning, she became late and didn't have enough time at the moment to chat, but she would at least check up with Jun Yul. She knew she would get scolded, but it didn't matter to her.

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Jasmine Miranda
As the purple haired girl roamed the halls, it was quiet. She had to hide alongside the walls because some nurses where started to arrive. If she was caught out of her bed, most likely they would "scold" her and pester her with explanations of why they tell her to do things. She didn't like that. It kind of got annoying after a while.

Out of nowhere, a loud crashing noise came from a room causing her to yelp loud. It caught the attention of some nurses and soon enough they were dashing down the hall to check what happened. Jasmine panicked a little and tried to stop herself from worrying too much. If she did that something will surely happen to her heart..again. She didn't need two electrical treatments in one day.

She quickly ran into a random room, shutting the door behind her. She turned around leaning against the door with her whole body weight (which wasn't much), with her eyes closed. Trying to calm her breathing as much as possible, she opened her eyes and looked down directly at a brown eyed guy. He was clearly struggling on the floor. Jasmine's breathing started becoming harder but she tried calming herself down.

"S-sorry, sir."she said and quickly regretted that. Why would you call him sir Jasmine? He looks young as hell, she thought to herself. "Do you need help?"she asked him
Location: helping Apollo/ Mood:Cautious, Nervous/ Interacting with: MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
coded by dwale
View attachment 310845
Location: Hallway
Mood: Reminiscent, lonely
Interacting With: Jack The Silent Z The Silent Z

"Wrestling, huh? That sounds fun." Kaiden smiled, looking up in curiosity. "I probably wouldn't be good at that. The kid they tried to room me with at first almost beat the shit outta me, but that wasn't really fair. He was a lot bigger, and the others said i shouldn't have..." Kaiden trailed off, but then laughed, almost bitterly. He never did finish his last sentence, falling quiet for a second before matter-of-factly saying "No one really likes me." In truth, that last part was a bit of a baited statement. He kind of wanted Jack to argue him on it, say something, anything to the contrary. Was that manipulative, fishing for attention and compliments? Probably, but Kaiden had been lonely his whole life, and he had a few reasons for feeling like he wasn't well liked by others. That was really the root of his problems, aside from his genetic disposition towards mental illness. A lot of the time it was Kaiden's fault for starting fights and alienating people, which perhaps made his loneliness unjustified. But maybe Jack would turn out different.​

Jack looked toward Kaiden as he spoke, offering a smile as the young man replied with 'Wrestling, Huh? that sounds fun.' It was nice to see another thought so as well. Growing up Wreslting was a big part of Jacks life especially when his idol the Ultimate Warrior appeared on the screen. But that seemed to fade when he mentioned his comment. A troubling thought to the older surgeon. "It can be fun. But that's not wreslting you experienced. That was a unfortunate situation fight, the roommate match seems like a poor one. Wreslting is more about the show and putting on a safe match, portraying characters. You could get good with training, the right attitude and some amateur Wreslting skills." He paused looking toward the young man hearing talk about being a unliked boy.

Shaking his head gently and walking down the hall coming into view of the maternity ward and it's room with the young babies.
"Your playing it solo, Bro-K. Gotta realize what's beside you and give some peeps a shot." Jack smiled with a thumbs up. Aiming to make a point and see if the boy takes some info and point of view. "Alright maybe it's a tough road, maybe we've got some troubles. But give it a shot and maybe you'll see not everyone shares that opinion. You've got me busting you out for awhile, can't say I'm doing it for my job, now huh? Some peeps might harsh your mellow, but some might just jam to your groove, catch my drift?" Jack offered in countering the view of not being liked Kaiden had now. "I think I get it though, some staff mates don't quite use kind methods with you and your pills. Perhaps the food reaction tells some of that, right? Or you really got some food hate. *chuckles* But some can be awesome. Give them and some others a shot and maybe you'll meet some cool cats. It's two way street you know? I know it's tough, I've been there, can't say we have or had the same problems, but I had troubles too at your age. Just give it a shot and who knows..... Maybe quite a few things could brighten up for you. Make sense?" Jack spoke trying to relate to the boy the best he could. Meanwhile talking with some lingo before his time for reasons even Jack couldn't say why. They were just coming to him and he threw down some old terms like, Cats, groove, jam, mellow and some other seventies terms.

Jack couldn't say what all Kaiden has experienced, the kind of people he may have dealt with in his life. But atleast he could relate to growing up with tougher circumstances and realities then some more loving home and perfect childhoods other kids might of had in their experience.

Interactions: Kaiden Olivier Olivier
Mood: Kind, honest, attempting to turn things into a positive outlook

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