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Archer was surprised but he didn't let it show. He was quite happy that Abella decided to actually go along with his request to name her and pouted playfully when she said it can only be a single word. While it would be difficult, he would most certainly try his best to come up with a name that would be suitable for her. He closed his eyes once more as he began to come up with many, many names but soon shook his head. He needed to focus. "Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked, still worried about her physical condition and now mental condition.
"Yes, of course," She replied a bit snobby, wanting to make it obvious,"It wouldn't be safe for me to go alone, if that psycho found me I'd be done." She pointed her nose up in superiority. "I need to go back and change first though," She added and started in the direction of her hideout. She wondered if the boy enjoyed this. He seemed to be, but that had to be an act. She treated him horribly, but he was still right there for her. What a strange kid.
Archer stared blankly at her as she began to walk away from him. "She's a tough one." He muttered to himself as he followed in silence. I had an arrow in his hand just in case he needed to fire one quickly and he didn't want to waste time drawing one. He followed in silence and then realized he'd have to wait outside for her to change and it was only as he thought of her changing did a small blush decorate his features. He quickly shook his head, mentally slapping himself for thinking like that and dismissed his thoughts, focusing only on her safety while they walked.
Abella strided with confidence, despite her danger, she wasn't the best at assessing danger and while she was careful she was also not scared. She didn't look back at the boy, she didn't particularly want to talk to him, at least that's what she told herself. She had finally found a friend who knew about her and what she had been through and yet she couldn't find herself socializing with him, it was a tad uncomfortable in fact. Once she saw the hideout come into view, she sighed in relief, glad to be able to change out of the costume that was basically a target on her back. Although she didn't have many enemies, she wasn't all that used to having any at all. She walked inside silently, closing the door behind herself and changed her clothes, then exited.
Archer watched her walk inside the hideout and waited patiently outside, knowing that if he walked in while she was changing he'd be labeled a pervert and he really didn't want that. He blushed slightly at the thought but quickly dismissed it with a shake of his head. He hadn't realized how much time had past until he saw that she was standing there in normal clothes. He raised a brow for a moment. She looked so plain, you wouldn't expect she was fighting crime. Now that he thought about it, why was she fighting crime in the first place? The police weren't all the incompetent...never mind, that's a lie. They were. "Ready to go?" He asked even though she was clearly ready.
"Yeah, let's go," she replied with a bored voice. As they walked Abella figured she should probably let the boy ask her some questions if he wanted, after all this was probably a lot to take in. She wasn't sure how to bring it up though, the silence was defining, it almost felt wrong to break it. Regardless, she decided to though while trying not to sound interested, "So, do you have any questions about this?" Not that she wanted him to know what was going on, she just thought it was only fair to answer what he wanted to know.

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He glanced at her for a moment but didn't speak right away. He cleared his throat and then spoke. "Yeah, just a few for now. The first one being, why do you fight crime?" Archer felt a tightening in his chest. He really wanted to know why it was that she put her life on the line for the good of the people who may or may not even care about what it is she is doing. He waited patiently, not wanting to bombard her with too many questions, this one alone might cause some distress if she has a personal reason for fighting crime.

(Sorry for the late reply)
Abella took a moment to think about her answer, it wasn't something she thought about a lot, finally she shrugged and answered, "I guess, sense I have this power I felt like I needed to use it somehow. I really can't see any way other then this to use it, that is without being taken by the government or something." She walked for a bit then added onto it, deciding to explain something she hardly even let herself think about, "Also, if there's someone else out there who can do things like me but for the wrong reasons then I really don't know if the police or the military would even be able to compete with them but if I train I should be able to become stronger and if that situation were to arise I would be able to do something," she blushed a bit, it felt more like something coming out of a comic book then a real danger.

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Archer smiled slightly at her answer. "Alright, another question is...well...how did you get your powers?" Archer asked, folding his arms across his chest as he returned to a neutral expression. Now that he thought about it, his relationship with her was just like the comics as well. The hero/heroine is doing fine keeping their identity a secret but there is always that one person who happens to find out their identity and everything else pretty much takes off, usually in a romantic way. Archer shook his head, he could possibly imagine a relationship emerging from this. If it ever did, then he'd know that his life is pretty much scripted at this point.

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