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Abella lowered her volume a tad so that people wouldn't hear her, "I won't kill you if you don't tell anyone!" She followed him over the obstacles he tried to put in the way and found that he was in pretty good shape, she hadn't expected that based on the pastimes she assumed he had. She kept going though not willing to give into the boy and his desperate escape, she couldn't let him go, what if he told someone? She couldn't bear to think about what might happen to her and if he was running there was a high chance he'd call for backup.
He was going to respond but he found himself face to face with his door and it was luckily for him, unlocked and he barged in without a second thought. He smiled when he was inside and closed the door behind him immediately. He leaned against the door and stayed there, letting loose a sigh of relief. There was a chance that Abella was secretly crazy and she'd break in anyway. He shook his head. "Don't think like that...you'll only end up making panic decisions which he actually can't afford.
When Abella made it to the house she had the door shut in her face. The girl fell down onto her knees and looked down at the ground, what now? Would he call someone? He had to have a phone in there somewhere, Would he sneak out of the back? She wondered if she should go see if it was unlocked, but then what if his parents were home? She took a huge sigh and moved away from the door, sitting on the front steps. She dug into her pockets, but all she had on her was her knife. Abella looked around and found the news paper sticking out of the boy's mail box. She ripped of the corner and attempted to etch the address of the house into the paper, after a few minutes and some rips Abella had it. There wasn't much else Abella could do short of breaking into the house so she put her hood back up and walked back to her hideout with her head down.

Once there, Abella changed back into her clothes from before and returned her outfit to where it was supposed to go. She then walked out and up to a small gas station, it was dingy and gross but Abella found what she needed, some small batteries for her ear piece. As she left, Abella put the batteries into the device and put it on but was careful to make sure her hair covered it, she didn't turn it on though. She just wanted to be prepared.
Archer stood leaning on his door for quite sometime and after a while decided he'd check if she was still around. He slowly opened the door, just a little bit, only to find out that she wasn't anywhere to be seen. All caution Archer had previous had was gone and he opened the door completely and his face was soon decorated with a triumphant smile. "Haha!" He laughed dramatically. He quickly silenced himself and then clenched his face before jumping into fanboy mode. "Ooooo! She was so awesome! That guy stood no chance! He straight up, rocked her in the face and she ate it for breakfast and she took him down with barely any effort. Amazing!" He pretty much squealed, He closed the door and ran up to his room. "Ah! When I see her in school tomorrow, we're going to be the best of friends! I just know it!" He uttered to himself.
Abella walked back to her house, she figured enough had gone down that night, she deserved a break. Once home, she went straight up to her room despite her parents being home. She had felt a disconnect with them recently. She hadn't told them about her ability, although she wondered if they had known before. Abella found out about her powers about a year ago and this stupid boy was the only one who knew about them. She wondered if it might be a good thing, but quickly cast away the thought. She worked alone, plus she didn't want to be around that weirdo, it could completely ruin her reputation. She decided to try to forget about if for that night and went to bed, even if her life was insane she still needed sleep.
The day went by really quickly and soon enough, it was the next day. Archer was up and at the ready, taking a shower and then getting dressed. He wanted to get to school as quickly as possible. He had so much to discuss with Abella and her heroic acts of well...heroism. He didn't even say goodbye to his folks and he sped out of the door, marking the first time he's going to school early and not to mention, on time. He found himself smiling quite a bit on his way. He just couldn't help it. A real life super heroine and he actually knows her! Who wouldn't smile?
Abella woke up with a heavy feeling of regret in her stomach, she really didn't want to face the day, but if she didn't it wouldn't go well. She got up at the normal time and meticulously applied her makeup, then curled her hair just so. She looked at the beautiful girl in the mirror and took a big sigh, it would be a tough day. She put on a glamorous and modern outfit, it consisted of red heels, dark wash jeans, a red jacket and a black tank top. She left for school a little bit earlier then usual and after the usual walk found herself there ten minutes early. As she entered people turned to see her and she strolled with confidence and smile she didn't truly mean
Archer had been walking back and forth in front of his locker for quite sometime, waiting for Abella's arrival and soon enough, she had arrived. He smiled when simply felt her presence. He slowly but surely approached her which was an odd sight. He, the school's geek would be approaching the one of the school's most popular girls like it was birthright. He walked up to her slowly and then smiled. "Hey there" He said with a dismissive wave and the tone of his voice held a type of air that made it seem like they had been friends for years.
When Abella saw the boy, she hoped that he was scared enough to avoid her, after their last meeting she thought he might have decided that she was bad news but low and behold, he did exactly the opposite from what she had hoped he would do. Right in front of everyone, the boy walked up to her and said hello, and in a totally comfortable way. She had to act like she didn't know him. She gave him a look of confusion and replied in a way to make her peers feel better, "What do you want, nerd?" She spoke as if it was a serious disposition to even let him be in her presence. She wondered why his attitude had changed so quickly, he went from being afraid for his life to completely comfortable. She was completely buffaloed.
Archer grinned slightly. He hadn't expected her to be nice despite knowing what he knows. That's a good thing in his book. He cleared his throat and then shrugged. "Just dropping a hello. Nothing wrong with that right?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. He chuckled lightly and when began to walk backwards and then sighed. "Well, I'll see you around then. Have yourself a good day" He uttered as he handed out a dismissive wave and soon was out of her line of sight
Abella gave her best 'I'm better then you' tone and replied, "I, ug, suppose," Then she rolled her eyes. She people around stared at the outlier with shameful glances and sarcastic comments were exchanged by out lookers. She felt the pressure to keep it up and get him out of there as quickly as she could, he needed to leave her alone, "Yeah, thanks, I guess," She replied pouting slightly. As the boy went out of her view Abella wondered if she did the right thing or not, after all he did have dirt on her. She went to her classes quickly after that, trying to focus on her studies.
Archer chuckled lightly to himself as he attended his class and soon enough the day was almost over. He found himself doodling Abella in her outfit punching and kicking people, something he often did with the heroes he would make up in his head but now that there a legitimate heroine living in his neighborhood he no longer needed to make them up, all he needed to do was look at Abella, and his heroine would be there. He had some many questions he wanted to ask her but he'd have to do several things before that the first and probably most important step would be to become her friend and be on her good side.
Abella sat through all her classes trying to be as attentive as possible, but nothing could cloud her mind. It kept coming back to the night before. Abella decided to attend all her classes, often she would leave early to fight but she had missed a lot of class. Once the end of the day came Abella was antsy and all she wanted to do was get back on the streets. She used to love school, she felt important and enjoyed the time she spent with her friends but the more time she spent saving the town the more the school started to become less of a new toy and more of an unnecessary nuisance. She walked out as she did every day with the same confident posture but she wondered if the boy would follow her again.
Archer, as Abella had been wondering was indeed following but not as close as he was yesterday. He didn't want to run the risk of being caught this time. He always made sure to pack his bow and arrow with him this time around and then grinned evilly to himself as he sprinted to another hiding location. He would attempt to assist his heroine and maybe, just maybe she might take him as a sidekick like in all the comic books, and manga he's read in his life so far. He felt all giddy inside and he only usually felt this way when it came to video game so he felt quite strange but that was overshadowed by excitement.

(Sorry, My posts are coming a little late because I have limited access to my sisters laptop since my own laptop has ceased functioning.)
Abella continued her walk to her usual hideout, she didn't see any reason to change it the boy would follow and find it again sooner or later anyways. She was careful to make sure all her blinds were closed and the door was locked this time before she began to change into her usual outfit and put her earpiece on. Today though, she put an extra battery in her pocket, just in case. She was out of the room and ready to go within a few minutes and began to run as fast as she could without the assistance of her device. It felt good to be moving, she had wanted out of that school all day, but now she was free and her problems felt like they were melting away. That is until she felt an arm around her throat and a voice coming from behind her, a familiar voice that she had never thought she would have to deal with again, "Hey pretty lady, thanks for almost landing me in jail," She froze, it was the bigger man from the day before. She struggled against the grip and tried to hit her ear piece, but the grip was to tight. "They didn't have enough evidence on me. So I got bailed out," She tried to produce a vine that could pull him off, or poke and eye, anything. Alas the one thing produced was a weak little vine, only a few inches long, she didn't have enough energy. Then she felt a metallic object against her head "Learned from last time, unlike you." moved the gun a bit and Abella shuttered, she could do nothing. "Now you need to tell me exactly what you were taking that made you take me out yesterday but useless today." Abella didn't make a noise, if she told this thug her secret he was sure to kidnap and use her for his own sick reasons. For the first time in a long time she wished that someone was watching.

((totally fine :) Post when you can ))
Archer had been careful when following Abella, making sure not to slip, kick rocks over even step on branches. He felt that the girl had heightened senses so he needed to be extremely careful about every move he made. He continued to follow in silence when he felt that something was really, really wrong and he drew his bow and arrow and readied a single arrow while moving carefully. He took a single deep breath and then came upon the sight. The man from before that Abella had completely destroyed was now holding her hostage and from the looks of things, she didn't look like she would be able to get out of this one otherwise she probably would have done so by now. Though tempted to grab his attention with his voice he took into account several risks that would take. The first being that he'd shoot her from being startled. The second one is that if his reflexes are fast enough, he'd turn around and shoot him or even use Abella as a hostage to make a getaway. He gritted his teeth as he also felt that firing an arrow would also be risky as he might still shoot her, again, from being startled. Conflicted about what to do, he finally decided to fire an arrow at the hand the man was holding the gun in.
"Owww! What the heck!?" Abella heard the man yell as his grip loosened around her. Abella move quickly out of his grip and pressed her ear piece. She heard the familiar beep and was ready for action. She looked over to see the man doubled over with an arrow in his hand, what an odd weapon choice Abella thought to herself and looked around her only to spot the boy. So he had followed her. She gave him a quick glance before she jumped into action. She kicked the man in face and grabbed his collar, holding his face close to hers. "Don't you dare try that again, or you'll feel lucky to get the arrow to the hand and not somewhere else." She dropped the man down and walked towards the boy, feeling frustrated although her face didn't show it. She grabbed his shoulder, motioning to follow her and began to walk away from the criminal.
Archer didn't say anything while he looked back at the man for a moment before he cleared his throat and began to follow Abella. "Hey, are you alright? No injuries or anything like that?" Archer asked, his voiced bathed in concern. Normally he would have just asked why she didn't handle him like she did yesterday but he knew that she was still more human than mutant. He narrowed his eyes and kept a close eye on her for a moment before looking around and then saying nothing for quite sometime.
Abella walked silently and didn't respond until she was far enough away that the man wouldn't hear her, "I'm alright," She took a breath and then quietly added the words that made her feel the most embarrassed, "Thanks, I should have been more," She paused again to think of the right word, "Prepared." She looked down at the ground, not wanting to see his questioning looks. She felt so embarrassed, how could she let this weirdo save her? She should have been able to defend herself. She pressed the button on her earpiece, and it made the normal beep. She sighed, then decided to ask him a question, "Are you, any good with electronics and stuff?"
Archer nodded slightly. "It depends on what I'm working with? If we're talking the Hadron Collider, no but everything else is pretty good. Why? Do you need me to make something for you?" He asked, suddenly happy that he may be of some use to her after all. He grinned and couldn't help but tremble a bit from excitement. He chuckled lightly and folded his bow while he waited very eagerly for her answer.

(Sorry it's a bit short)
"Good," She paused for a moment, she was about to tell this boy her secret. She wasn't sure if it was truly such a great idea, but then again, he had just saved her life so she probably owed him at least the truth. She looked around to make sure no one was watching them. Then she took off her earpiece and played with it in her hands, showing it off to the boy. "This gives me more energy and power, basically. Since my ability allows me to use photosynthesis, this device is an altered plant light that sends out more light then the average one. I place it behind my ear, and the vine behind it soaks up the energy and gives it to my body. Then, I just have to drink lots of water and I am able to fight more easily and produce vines that are stronger then the average plant." She then grabbed the boy's hand and placed it inside of it, "I need you to improve the battery life, I need to be able to keep it on for long periods of time. You have one night, because I'm not going without it longer then that." She then added with a matter-of-fact like tone, one more thing, "You need to walk me home, just in case though. Then tomorrow, around seven or so, place it in my mailbox. I'll grab it on my way to school. Understand?"
Archer raises a brow as she speaks. While yes, he was excited, he was also very confused. She was giving away her secrets. If he wanted to be a villain right now, he could. He knows how to beat her right now. That meant she trusts him and he was more than happy. He wanted to hug her to show her but he didn't and instead waited until she finished speaking to respond. "Alright, I can upgrade this. I thought it was something much more complicated. This is as easy as taking a nap. Don't worry..." He paused. "What should I call you while you're wearing this?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a little bit as he himself hadn't thought of that before. If someone was listening and heard him say her real name her life would most certainly be in danger and he didn't want that.
Abella was glad that he could fix the earpiece, but his comment about it being 'as easy as a nap' made her feel a bit disrespected, she could handle it though. She simply tried to forget it and listened to him continue. Her face turned a little red from embarrassment upon the boy's question, what was she some sort of superhero? She turned away in an attempt to look disinterested as she replied in a ever so slightly annoyed voice, "Whatever, just don't make it sound stupid," In actuality, she had never thought of anything like this and had no ideas. She didn't want him to know that though.
Archer delicately put the device in his pocket and then redirected his attention towards Abella. He folded his arms across her chest when she looked away. He could have sworn that she looked a little red. Was she blushing? Highly unlikely. He shook his head and closed his eyes when she pretty much gave him the a-okay to give her a superhero name. He didn't want to make up a bad one. "I'll think of one for you while I fix your machine. I'll try my best not to make it horrible and I'm sorry if some of the ones I come up are bad." Archer said, offering the girl a cheeky smile.
Abella listened to the boy's comment, then let the conversation lull for a moment, before adding a somewhat out of place comment to his job, "Only one word though, I don't need something stupid like Captain America or Superman." She tried to hide the fact that she cared, but it was tough. This boy was so odd, nothing like anyone she had ever spent time with. Her gut reaction was to get as far away from him as possible, but she couldn't and maybe she didn't want to? No, that couldn't be true, he was just some geek, they could never be friends.

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