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Fantasy Secrets of Soul Reach OOC



New Member
Hundreds of years ago in a world known as Soul Reach, creatures of myths and legends were the most powerful beings in the world. They used this to their advantage to herd humans into certain areas where they were allowed to settle and develop communities. While they are protected by some, others despise humans and wage battles against the human governments that were established. Since then, humans have adapted and moved higher up on the food chain from the advances. They came to the decision that they want to be able to expand and cohabitate with those around them without fear of those groups that look for their downfall. Their weapons have proven to useful to an extent, but villages still routinely get destroyed by those mythicals that have more power than the average human even if they are heavily trained as soldiers.

A secret group came up with a plan to combat the threat by selecting children using a roulette system and performing military experiments on them at two separate facilities. Over the years, they finally came up with a formula that allowed these humans to develop powers and tattoo symbols of the single power that they had would manifest on their being. They were trained to become soldiers and weapons against the dangers of the world. Unfortunately, both the human governments and the gentler mythicals found the treatment of these children to be inhumane and intervened with the experiments. One of the facilities was completely destroyed with the help of the mythicals but managed to get a message out to the other in time for one of the sympathetic lab assistants to get the children out before the second facility was destroyed. It has been many years since the destruction of the experimental facilities and the children have grown into adults and are dispersed among those living in Soul Reach.

They must continue to survive under the radar of the governments and face off the threats from the dangerous mythicals in a modern world. Most of the experimental children live amongst the multicultural center of Soul Reach where the mythicals set up an experimental settlement where anyone can live, myth or human. It just makes sense for them to be able to blend in.

In this roleplay, you can be anything you want whether that is an experiment child, friendly mythical, or a dangerous one. The only thing I ask is that you be respectful of others and follow the rules. Other than that, please have fun!

This is the OOC thread for the roleplay. Any questions or plot points that need to be worked out can be done through here.
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