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Realistic or Modern -secret lives of the teenage wonderland-


queen of myself
Secret Lives of the Teenage Wonderland

View attachment 244577

[SIZE= 11px]Teen Couple Found Dead[/SIZE]

A hefty article title, but I digress: It only gets worse from here.

Quinn, AZ was known to be a silent town when it came to these sort of situations.  With the majority of residents being fenced in, crime wasn't forethought.  The only worries among these kids were acne and stepping out of the line set by the Six.  If you knew better, you stayed under the radar and didn't fuck with them.  Hell, they might have been the ones to kill Tevin and Miranda.  The two were previously part of the Six before being axed by the girl who replaced the Queen.

What no one realizes is that this is not the first killing nor will it be the last.

 Welcome to Angleton Prep, folks.  Everybody's got a secret, a motive, and a reason to end someone.


 Hi, this RP was made by tour GM @R E V E N A N T[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)], I'm just your coGM. The plot is prettty simple: Figure out who is killing everybody before you get ganked.  Now, there are specific roles I want to be filled.  I'm just gonna list them and let the players fill in the blanks.  It's pretty type cast, but I and my coGM will be the deciding factor on all of this.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]THE SIX[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]The King[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]The Queen[/COLOR]

The Techmaster*

The Jack of Trades*

Gossip Girl

Bad Boy Wannabe



No Shit, Sherlock*

The Side Kick

The REAL Bad Boy*

The 1-UP

Tev's Sister


*= not bound to any gender




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