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Searching for long term partners (open to your ideas)

I'd be super tempted to try the rodeo plot! As a someone raised around horses myself, I can get a little . . . . Fangirly? Maybe just excited. :) Are you thinking more western or more show type events? And if western, more roping, cutting, speed events, or bronc riding? 
I'd be super tempted to try the rodeo plot! As a someone raised around horses myself, I can get a little . . . . Fangirly? Maybe just excited. :) Are you thinking more western or more show type events? And if western, more roping, cutting, speed events, or bronc riding? 

I was going for western. When it comes to events does it really matter? I was thinking it would be centered around the whole PRC. I haven't been around the whole rodeo thing as a whole. When I was younger I was around team roping a lot but this past year I've been working on a cutting horse ranch which is an event all its own, completely out of the PRC really. 

What are you looking for?
Well . . . . It kinda does? For instance, speed events such as barrels and poles are mainly limited to national competitions; and even then, mainly the United States. Roping tends to be something slightly bigger nationally, but again is limited in the world scope. Cutting is basically the Western equivalent of The major horse races throughout the world, such as the Kentucky Derby.

In addition, the training for each of the different events is way different. A horse being expected to work with cows needs to be around them so it doesn't spook. A cutting horse is trained to be ridden without bridle, since you aren't allowed to touch your reins while competing. A speed event horse needs to know proper lead changes in order to avoid knocking over barrels and poles. 

I like most events. My Uncle trained cutting horses for many years, and now I train horses for speed events, roping, and cattle drives. I'm not as familiar with the bronc aspects of rodeo, which was mainly why I was asking. 
Well . . . . It kinda does? For instance, speed events such as barrels and poles are mainly limited to national competitions; and even then, mainly the United States. Roping tends to be something slightly bigger nationally, but again is limited in the world scope. Cutting is basically the Western equivalent of The major horse races throughout the world, such as the Kentucky Derby.

In addition, the training for each of the different events is way different. A horse being expected to work with cows needs to be around them so it doesn't spook. A cutting horse is trained to be ridden without bridle, since you aren't allowed to touch your reins while competing. A speed event horse needs to know proper lead changes in order to avoid knocking over barrels and poles. 

I like most events. My Uncle trained cutting horses for many years, and now I train horses for speed events, roping, and cattle drives. I'm not as familiar with the bronc aspects of rodeo, which was mainly why I was asking. 

Well you are way more versed than I am with this world. I hope you wouldn't mind working with someone like me on this. >.<

I just know enough to get me in trouble really. 

You could educate me further on it. I'm all ears ^^

I'm not to familiar with bronco or bulls either. If you want to decide one which one I'll take your lead on that. 
Definitely don't mind! I just wasn't sure what you knew and what you didn't, and what fit with your idea of the plot better. :) I suppose if you're wanting something like a tour then probably roping and speed events would be the best bet. Speed events tend to be a female sport while roping is a male sport, with the exception of team roping which is usually a male-female pair. They tend to be events that are held at the same rodeos as well, which would give characters a greater opportunity to run into each other randomly but would also explain a long separation. 

Cutting is something that tends to be "all" the cutters are there and doesn't have the same "tour" aspect of it - it's much more "go, race, come home" than the speed events and roping are. 
Definitely don't mind! I just wasn't sure what you knew and what you didn't, and what fit with your idea of the plot better. :) I suppose if you're wanting something like a tour then probably roping and speed events would be the best bet. Speed events tend to be a female sport while roping is a male sport, with the exception of team roping which is usually a male-female pair. They tend to be events that are held at the same rodeos as well, which would give characters a greater opportunity to run into each other randomly but would also explain a long separation. 

Cutting is something that tends to be "all" the cutters are there and doesn't have the same "tour" aspect of it - it's much more "go, race, come home" than the speed events and roping are. 

Yeah I'm good with the roping and speed events. I do know barrel racing is majority ladies and roping is the men. I do think those would fit the plot best. We can leave cutting out for the obvious reason. I figured you would have the other typical events with rodeo as well, like bull dogging, bulls, and broncos. 

I know we have characters we need to get worked out and things of that nature. I would like the female role but as I mentioned also that I am not aposed to playing the male role either. I do play multiple characters as well so if I play one gender as main I usually play the opposite for another character. Just to let you know.
I've been craving plots revolving around returning soldiers and the aftermath they experience for years... and I would seriously love you forever if you and I did the Coming Home plot! Like, oh my goodness, I don't think I could ever grow tired of the plot, honestly. I'm pretty sure one of the first 1x1 rps I made when I was about 12 revolved around soldiers and WW2. So please, if you're interested, shoot me a message and we could work something out! I can totally provide a writing sample if you're into that, and we can just go from there! 
I've been craving plots revolving around returning soldiers and the aftermath they experience for years... and I would seriously love you forever if you and I did the Coming Home plot! Like, oh my goodness, I don't think I could ever grow tired of the plot, honestly. I'm pretty sure one of the first 1x1 rps I made when I was about 12 revolved around soldiers and WW2. So please, if you're interested, shoot me a message and we could work something out! I can totally provide a writing sample if you're into that, and we can just go from there! 

I love the fact you're excited about it!! I enjoy this plot as well. It makes for a very interesting and eye opening modern day plot. I'll shoot you a message here shortly so we can work out the details ^^

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