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Search for the Moon

"How about we go for coffee sometime? Get away for a moment, just us girls?"

There was a muffled sound of the toilet flushing and Nate emerged, his lips in a tight smile, as he nodded at Nixie."Thank you!"

Cassandra held out a card with her number to Nixie. "When you have time..."
"Of course," Nixie lied with a smile as she took the card. "It was so nice meeting you both," she told them as she stood from her place of the couch, ready to see them to the door.
"Much obliged." Cassandra offered her hand to Nixie once more.

"What? We're leaving?" Nate looked between his wife and Nixie. "But we only just-"

"We don't want to impose, Nate, dear. She's a busy woman and it's best we get out of her hair." She lowered her hand and grabbed Nate's arm instead as he started escorting him to the door. "Call me sometime, Nixie. It was a pleasure meeting you..."
"Of course," Nixie smiled as she followed them to the door. "I'll talk to you soon And we'll have that coffee,"she assured, though as soon as they were out the door, she closed it behind them and heaved a sigh, thankful they had finally left. She made her way back over to the living room where Chloe was still sitting on the floor, playing with her blocks. Nixie plopped down beside her and pecked a kiss on her cheek, which Chloe promptly wiped off with a playful grin.

"You wanna go get your shoes so we can go to the store now?"

"Can we get gummy snacks?" Chloe asked hopefully.

"If you get your shoes," Nixie responded. Chloe happily jumped to her feet and rushed off to her room.
Cassandra growled as they walked from the house, raising a hand to strike Nate across his ear. "Subtlety, Nate! Subtlety! You've no sense- You were staring at that child like a vulture and now that woman is already terrified of us. I should have went alone."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He jerked away from her, staggering off of the sidewalk and on to the asphalt as they crossed the road." You're paranoid. She don't know nothing about us! We're just a couple of suburban yuppies. If anything it was disgust for your little fuckin' sad housewife act-"

"Don't ever underestimate your targets, that's how you get killed. That was probably her husband's mistake. I'm not going to be responsible for one of your little messes, Nate. I've heard enough about you from what was left of your little pack."

Nate snorted as they approached the car, pausing to open the passenger door for her only for Cass to circle past him and get into the driver's end. "What are you doing?"

"Get in. I'm driving we've already wasted enough time making no progress with you. "
Hans sat hunched over at the kitchen counter in plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt with a laptop and several books spread around him. His eyes were glued to the screen, four paragraphs in and he had no idea what else to add to his paper, the third one this week, and lack of sleep wasn't helping. He pushed a hand through his blonde hair and grabbed a nearby cup of coffee, emptying the last of it's contents, then looked down at the nearest psychology book and read a few lines before realizing he wasn't taking any of it in. When he looked back to the screen, the words seemed to swirl around with no regard for his desire to read them. With an exasperated groan, he closed the laptop and laid his head down on top.

"I'll never finish this by Monday..." He spoke to his companion, though he wasn't sure the man was even in the room or awake anymore, and he wouldn't have blamed him if he'd left. He turned around to check, blonde curls propped atop his head in a floof and his cheek red from propping it on his hand.
"Then you should just go to bed...." Lee's muffled voice came from the living room, not too far away, a pair of legs were draped over the sides of the sofa, pantsed in dark brown corduroy and with feet in thick cotton socks. His body obscured with a light flickering from a television screen displaying an infomercial on nonstick cookware. "You should have done it sooner, you've brought this on yourself so don't think I'm going to feel sorry for you..." His voice began to recede into a mumble. The shuffle of fabrics and cloth when he popped his brown face over the couch, his dark hair disheveled in every direction and eyes weary with the dark of sleep making bags underneath them. He peered over at Hans through the doorway, squinting his gaze. "You've crammed this much in the last hour, I'm sure you can cram the rest tomorrow morning before class starts."
"I think I just need a break," Hans stated as he rose from his seat and made his was into the living room, rubbing his eyes, he plopped beside Lee on the couch. "And you'd better feel sorry for me, after all, it's your fault I had to put this off until today. You're a distraction." He swiped up the remote and turned down the volume, the excessive yelling about pans was making his head pound. "A terrible distraction. You should repay me by bringing me to the store for more coffee. It's only fair."
Lee let his head drop on to Hans's lap and he sighed up at him.His long lanky arms were folded across his chest. " No. It's too late to go anywhere right now. We're not going out.. not even to go across the street..." He turned his attention back to the television. "Besides," Lee yawned. "You don't need more coffee, you need sleep. I'd even haggle for a nap.." He closed his eyes for a moment but quickly blinked them open. "Just take a power nap if you have to..."
Hans leans his head back on the top of the couch and placed a hand on Lee's head. His eyes fell shut, unable to focus on anything anymore. "Nooo," he complained through a yawn. "If I go to sleep now I won't wake up until tomorrow. Just tell me a story or something while rest my eyes so I don't fall asleep."
"A story?" Lee grinned up at him, his teeth an unnaturally bleached white and pristine. "I don't know any stories, Hans." He signed. "Hans....." He stared up at the man's chin for a moment before sighing. "What kind of story?"
Hans shrugged, his fingers now twirling in Lee's hair. "I don't know. Something interesting enough to keep me awake. It doesn't have to be a real story. Just tell me about your day or something."

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