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Fandom SeaClan: Chatting Page (Warrior Cats RP)

@Cyber Wolf Yes, you're correct. c: The wheels for the plot that'll involve the entire clan hasn't been set in motion yet, so all is well.

Also, while I have you here: a couple pages back I decided on mentors for the apprentices. Is it fine with you if Snowtuft mentors Lionpaw (TheRubyWolf's character)?

@The Velveteen Rabbit Here's a question for you: Sandpaw is twelve moons old. Are we rping it so that Shadowclaw is his new mentor (meaning that the old one died)?
Gull, would it be ok if Pinegaze looked up to Coyoteclaw when he was a kit? and that he was deviated when Coyoteclaw left? If not, that's fine! :3

CoyoteClaw lived far away from SeaClan. Like...probably states away. However, he's been in the territory before, has lived in the area for a while now and may have come across the group several times. Whether Pinegaze met him during that time is all up to you. :)
Hey guys! I've been a little preoccupied as of late, but I'll be putting up replies for Mothstar and Company sometime either tonight or tomorrow, just so you all know. c:
In terms of stuff happening in the rp that could affect everyone, Shadowclaw got Snowfall captured by rogues and then he came to camp to inform Mothstar about the attack, conveniently leaving out his involvement in the matter (Velveteen's post is on page 16 if you want to give that a read).

We could have them finish their race back to the camp, or you could place Silverpelt elsewhere if you'd like. It's up to you.

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Ok well I'm back, and ya. I will be posting in about 10 minutes, and sorry for not posting in a while I'm sick and ya. So if someone could catch me up on clan life I would appreciate it.

Just so you know, I saw your tag and I'm not ignoring you. Mothstar's just occupied at the moment. Maybe you could have Sunpaw run into another cat on his way to her?


I'm going to wait until Jinx responds before I have Mothstar and Company react to Coyoteclaw's announcement, if that's alright with you.
I'm going to be away from my computer until Monday/Tuesday, so I likely won't be able to post until then. Have a good weekend everyone! :)
I'm really sorry for not being on. I had my senior prom, graduation, and others things that I had had to attend. Most of those took up my free time, so I wants able to get on. Can anyone tell me what I missed?
My real life kitty is sick and I don't have the money to take her to the doctor. I wish there was a medicine cat around somewhere. :(
I'm so sorry about the absence everyone. I've been a little preoccupied as of late, but I'll be hopping back on the RP horse soon. Promise.

@CGULL9313 I'm sorry about your cat. :( I lost one of mine a few months ago to FIP. I hope your kitty gets better soon.
I'm here! I was dealing with a cold and low muse, but I'm back this time and planning to get back on my feet with this RP.

I'm just going to do a quick roll-call. Like this post or leave a comment if you're still here/interest in the RP. I know it's been awhile.

@Cyber Wolf @DemonKitten @xsmallcarsx
Hey guys. Trying to think of what to do with Mothstar's response at the moment. Jinx didn't respond to the roll call so I'm a little at loss of what to do, since her character and Mothstar were interacting IC before the break.

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