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Fandom SeaClan: Chatting Page (Warrior Cats RP)

Mmm, the skip a moon option sounds like a good idea. I don't feel comfortable killing off other people's characters without their consent, so I think Silverpelt will just "disappear" from the RP to avoid possible conflict and I'll reopen the deputy position. Any takers?
I was just thinking about him. xD Yes, that's perfect. In fact, I think a good way to open would be with the deputy ceremony (or with the end of it, rather). I shall get started on that!
@CGULL9313 : So I was reading over the RP as it is right now and was wondering what you're going to do with Ramses and Coyoteclaw. Considering we're moving the RP up by a moon, should we say that the clan are letting them stay as "guests" for the time being, or did you have other plans for them?

ALSO, @DemonKitten @TheRubyWolf : Mothstar, Wolffang, and Fawnpaw were going to go to Pathway to the Sky before all the chaos in the clan happened. Should we say that they got delayed because of the events and have them go after the deputy ceremony, or would you guys rather have that all said and done and just continue as though Fawnpaw was made a medicine cat apprentice and Mothstar got some kind of message from StarClan and all that good stuff?
Staying as guests would be fine. As for the stuff with the pathway and StarClan though I was hoping that they would have had a chance to meet with NoName there.

Ramses wouldn't be well enough to travel and CoyoteClaw would stay with him. He had offered his help to the clan as well.

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