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Help scrollbar help?


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i was just wondering if it's possible to change the appearance of a scrollbar in a code. any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
i was just wondering if it's possible to change the appearance of a scrollbar in a code. any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
There isn't. The only way to truly change the appearance is through some hacky stuff (where you can change the color user overlays, but this sacrifices codes being more mobile friendly depending on how you do it). BBCode is a bit like shorthand CSS in a way, but in order to change the scrollbar you'd have to override the default class of the scrollbar which BBCode currently in unable to do.

You can do what other do and do a hidden scrollbar, but sometimes people will overlook hidden scroll content.
There isn't. The only way to truly change the appearance is through some hacky stuff (where you can change the color user overlays, but this sacrifices codes being more mobile friendly depending on how you do it). BBCode is a bit like shorthand CSS in a way, but in order to change the scrollbar you'd have to override the default class of the scrollbar which BBCode currently in unable to do.

You can do what other do and do a hidden scrollbar, but sometimes people will overlook hidden scroll content.
Ooooo that makes a lot of sense. Thank you!
I managed to dig out my awful 'hack', but it gives a general idea on the coloration of the scrollbar:
This box does scroll with a hidden scrollbar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed nisl lectus. Proin ultrices justo purus, ut luctus lacus convallis et. Sed velit arcu, maximus sit amet venenatis quis, scelerisque ut quam. In pulvinar scelerisque tellus a accumsan. Donec justo purus, porttitor et venenatis in, vestibulum eu lacus. Integer quis dui laoreet, elementum nulla eget, rutrum leo. Phasellus ultrices, nunc a molestie euismod, quam ligula pulvinar risus, at ornare sapien ex et ex. Nam id tristique nisi. Nullam maximus lorem augue, sit amet dictum nunc lobortis et. Sed a viverra sem, ut sollicitudin augue. Cras a pharetra mauris, a tempus purus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Aliquam a porttitor lectus. Aliquam accumsan nulla fermentum ipsum maximus suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In elementum urna vel sollicitudin placerat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris mollis nisi magna, in mollis dui varius nec. Morbi luctus augue sodales, accumsan nunc id, faucibus magna. Sed dui lorem, imperdiet aliquet lacinia dapibus, tincidunt feugiat ex. Curabitur ultricies tincidunt quam, vitae posuere enim rutrum a. Vestibulum fringilla rutrum mi, malesuada tincidunt nisi maximus vel. Duis ornare fermentum leo, id viverra leo. Aliquam eleifend justo nec vulputate porta. Aenean eu elit faucibus, placerat ipsum sed, pharetra risus. Phasellus sit amet euismod dui, ut posuere purus. Integer non ornare orci.

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