Poetry Scribbles from a tattered notebook.

Mr Roboto

The Modren Man
Hi there! Long time lurker, first time poster. I've been hanging around the site for a while, enjoying the content and getting inspired by you guys.
While I haven't worked up to joining an actual RP yet, I've been scribbling some lyrical efforts for a while, and was recently encouraged to share some of it.
I'm no wordsmith, but I thought I'd start with one and see how it goes from there.

This is one is about a friend.


Poem 01

I see the hurt
Painted on your face
In muted color
I know you too well
Not to notice

I want to break the silence
But I can tell
That this particular silence
Is yours

And yours alone

Sometimes we must dig deep
To find the strength
To do nothing
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It's snowing outside. Snow covered woodland hills are beautiful, but treacherous.
Anyways, scribbled this down at the cabin.



Little worlds
From frozen crystals spun
To purest white

Floating down
Soft and pale throughout
A blanket lays

Covers all
A thousand secrets still
To gently keep

In stillness
To lie and be forgotten
Until spring dawns

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