Mr Roboto

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  • Hey howdy hey! I saw that you viewed my interest check, I’d like to ask if there’s any feedback you could give me that would make my roleplay more appealing?
    Mr Roboto
    Mr Roboto
    Howdy indeed!

    I see you've got the RP started. Nice one, hope you have a good run.
    I'm not sure I'm the best person to give feedbak. I used to RP quite a bit back in the day on other sites, but I've only been lurking lately. However, I'll gladly give you my two cents if you'll take 'em.

    Personlly, I'm a fan of the "straight to the point approach". I never learned the fancy programming and formatting watchamacallits, and i sometimes think it subtracts from the content.
    I also like the fact that I can hear that atrocious cowboy accent in my head as i read your post =P.
    That my not be for everyone though, but hey, it's your roleplay. If people don't like your style of presentation in the Interest check, they're not gonna enjoy it in the RP. That's just life.

    The one thing I would say is maybe divide your introduction into a "flavour" opening part , to set the tone for the RP, and then follow up with a second, more informative part wihere you lay out the nitty gritty about said RP.
    The parts don't have to be long or super detailed, just give people a sense of the feel of your RP, and then hit them with some business-facts!
    I like this way of doing it, as it gives viewers a chance to catch the vibe you are going for, but at the same time know exactly what to expect from your RP.

    Anyways, just my personal thoughts. Hope they're worth something to you!

    Good luck, Sherriff.
    Thanks a ton
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