"Scratching the Surface"...ugh.


Three Thousand Club



I am so tired of seeing the phrase "Scratching the Surface" on the c/s threads. Like, can you think of something with a little more originality? Do you need ointment for that itch? Seriously, what is the point of saying that phrase? I bet that sentence is feeling pretty pimped out right about now. It's meant to make the character/author seem "deep", but...pffbt. Idk. Does anyone else feel the same way? Rant over.​
Darling, I'll scratch your eyes out.

If you hit the king, you'd better kill the king.
You really think I'm cute?


TBH I hate that expression too, but I hate most expressions.
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You're confused if you think I think about you, that rp...or even crude oil leaks in the gulf.
AlwaysYours said:
I am so tired of seeing the phrase "Scratching the Surface" on the c/s threads. Like, can you think of something with a little more originality? Do you need ointment for that itch? Seriously, what is the point of saying that phrase? I bet that sentence is feeling pretty pimped out right about now. It's meant to make the character/author seem "deep", but...pffbt. Idk. Does anyone else feel the same way? Rant over.

It feels kinda lazy to me. Like 'there's more to this, even more than you can assume, but I don't want to flesh it out right now.'

. . . any other reason that this phrase upsets you? What set it off? I'm sure there's more to this rant. We've definitely just scratched the surface.
@Ursus It's usually an indicator to bad writing. Like, horrible writing. And, I understand people follow "trends", but honestly I can do without someone working at half capacity to keep an idea alive, where as the people who do care about the piece don't get the full satisfaction of seeing it through. And, half the time, it's because the "Scratched Surface" dropped or has low interest. Like, what's the point of me making a thread if it'll only be plagued by the New Age of Role Playing?

And don't mind the heckler. She's just eternally pissed at me because I called one of her friends out on enacting the "Pretty Clause".
Oh I didn't recognize you! xD

You've changed your avatar haven't you? That's what I remember from people, not names.

The fact that you think I'm mad at you over something so frivolous is hilarious (> :D )

Why would I be angry over something so small? Sure I still disagree with you, but over something tiny that has no real base in my life. Why are you so focused on it? (> :D )
I don't mind the phrase. I don't really use it either (don't think I ever have on a sheet, but maybe, can't say for sure) but I don't mind it either. Well, UNLESS, UNLEEEESS it's a cop out but they don't even explain what IS under the surface.
I have never personally used 'and that's just scratching the surface' in any of my C/S, BUT I have used it in dialogue when my character is about to go on a rant about touchy subject or list, in the case I'm talking about, several incriminating facts about another character in a sarcastic, angry tone.

I don't really see it as bad writing per say, but more a development of a writing style. Everyone goes through different phases. Ie, I have an annoying habit of saying 'at least' in most of my posts right now.

So to me, it is simply a turn of phrase which is often used to entice the reader into thinking about the saying's implications. "OH you think that's bad? Just wait and see!" sorta thing. They are making an attempt at depth, or lack of thereof, for their character and for that, even if it’s a little one, I say well done.


When used properly it can be used to up amp up tension and intrigue, or even humor. Just like making a character on a boat, who's terrified of a Titanic repeat saying , ‘and that’s just the tip of the seemingly small but rather pointy iceberg’ (Although that might just be me who finds that or anything from my post funny).

In other words despite the saying cropping up quite a bit, I am not about to call someone out for being lazy or rate their C/S lowly, because they are in fact trying.

So they used a common saying? Its common because, on the whole, it often works. Plus originality is often built off experience and encouragement, so don't be too hard on those who are going through the motions of finding their own style.

However that is just my view on 'the phrase'. Everyone has pet peeves, mine largely revolving round the love at first site thing, followed by characters banging it out after, in real world terms, one whole sentence of dialogue :P .

Okay that's my piece done, will probably edit later due to fear of angering people, but the worst that came happen is people disagreeing. No harm peeps, hf :)
I find character sheets hard to make. I'd much rather develop my character based off the interactions of the rp, than try to be overly creative with an introductory post.

Character sheets should be used as a reference for others, outlining what a character is like and where they hail from. Anymore than that and it becomes a wasted effort. It's far more interesting seeing a character reveal something traumatic in character, than it is for a role player to do it before the roleplay begins.

But that's just my take on it. I've got my own pet peeves, but the phrase isn't one I've ever really seen myself.
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What you're saying is totally understandable especially since it's a peeve, but I've seriously got to agree with Lokipi. Said exactly what I was thinking.
I have to admit, I'm guilty of using that phrase, but that was just a phase. I just thought it was fun pairing "Scratching the Surface" with "Digging Deeper" and "Exploring the Edges" - hopefully that didn't make people think I was a bad writer!

But I also think it's odd when people name the tabs of their CS something completely unrelated to the information in that section for the sake of sounding cool
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CS's in general need standardization. They explain to everybody else what your character is, and what they're about. Unfortunately, often people hurry and post half finished CS's because they are afraid that a RP will start without them, or that the other participants won't read it anyhow.
This thread should be renamed to "I'm tired of these old idioms" over and over again.

There's another one that I loathe with a shaking fist: "It's not rocket science."
I quite like the 'song lyrics' incorporated into Accordions or Tabs, I also prefer writing something that could detail my character.

Exhibit A-

*Character happens to be a ghost*

-The Crumbling Gravestone.

'Scratching the Surface' seems to be a common default however it doesn't aggravate me as much as it serves to make me veer away from putting it.
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Annabella said:
I quite like the 'song lyrics' incorporated into Accordions or Tabs, I also prefer writing something that could detail my character.
Exhibit A-

*Character happens to be a ghost*

-The Crumbling Gravestone.

'Scratching the Surface' seems to be a common default however it doesn't aggravate me as much as it serves to make me veer away from putting it.
But I feel like song lyrics generally have nothing to do with the information on that accordion or tab
Semblance said:
But I feel like song lyrics generally have nothing to do with the information on that accordion or tab
If they pertain to your character's personality, then they do.

If they are in relation to the RP, that is fine as well.

A theme song tends to show more about a character than words ever could which is why I utilize lyrics that are relative to my character or the RP in question.

It's only my opinion however I quite like seeing people connecting a song with their character.
Ursus said:
It feels kinda lazy to me. Like 'there's more to this, even more than you can assume, but I don't want to flesh it out right now.'
. . . any other reason that this phrase upsets you? What set it off? I'm sure there's more to this rant. We've definitely just scratched the surface.

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