Sci-fi nation building plot creation.


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I was looking for around 2 experienced rpers who would be able to help me develop a plot line for a nation building rp. 

I already have the basic/general concept of what I want. but, it's my first time undertaking such a task.
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What scale are you aiming for — planet wide, solar system colonies,  galactic space opera, interdimensional?  Also, what are a few of the key elements you plan to include/showcase?
As of right now, I have a vague idea of who the main antagonists are going to be. As well as a vague idea of a few items that would be used against said antagonists. 

As well as a few things such as where the location of the beginning of the plot would be. 
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So you're planning to have a super antagonist that every civilization should be concerned about? If so then I suggest thoroughly detailing your antagonist with the goal of making them interesting (possibly sympathetic) in order to keep them from coming off as stock baddies.

Also, you said you have a location picked out to serve as a starting point for your RP — what is it and why did you select it?
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That's where I kinda lack/need some more experience. Creating a super antagonist with a compelling history.

As for the location. I alreayd know that I will be starting it off on a planet because, it would be tied to the main "super" antagonist. There would be a specific tech/item or signal to draw everyone in. 
That's where I kinda lack/need some more experience. Creating a super antagonist with a compelling history.

That's where I'd start.  Once you have a solid understanding of who exactly will be burning up your universe, a lot of your other narrative points should fall into place.

I'm happy to pitch a universal threat, but it'll take some time to work out.  The good news is your thread will have time for other site members to weigh in with their thoughts.
Yeah I do have a general vague idea of who will be the big baddie. And you pitching some suggestions would also be helpful. 
If they are another civilization, then I'd suggest their government type be one of three things:

1. Fascism/Empire: A pretty classic baddie government type, essentially an all powerful ruler. The difference between the two types in this option is that the former would be based upon ruthless efficiency while the latter would be more so for the pleasure of its one leader

2. Theocracy: It's easy to be a bunch of genocidal pricks, or a bunch of alien supremists when a diety of your religion says you should be that. The aliens would probably be much more fearless too, since it is for their God.

3. Warlords/unstable: The politics of this alien faction is by no means simple. Persons of power within their race constantly struggle for power, causing the strongest to be the big boss until someone stronger kills him, whether this be in one on one combat or in a full scale war. The aliens are likely to be savage and brutal, though they can still be quite intelligent.

Now, assuming it is still an enemy alien race, they can really attack one of two ways.

1. Frontal Assualt: without much thought to tactics, they just try to overwhelm their enemy with Brute force and numbers, or just intimdation

2. Strategy: Pointless targets may be avoided, and strikes will instead be aimed at supply lines, production planets, and capitals. Deception would be a common tool for this enemy, and they will constantly try to out think you.

Now, i assume they would have some advanced weapons, plasma at the very least. The most advanced I can think of is anti-matter, but in all honesty, what should be chosen depends on what these aliens are like.

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