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Realistic or Modern School Vs. School


Basic Bitches Not Wanted

Right outside of Atlanta, Georgia there are two schools. The first one, Everson High is a prestigious school, the majority of students that attend are wealthy and are some of the smartest in the state. The school is in pristine condition and have very little to no trouble students. The second school Makinley High is the trouble maker school basically, here is where everyone else who isn't allowed to go to Everson goes to. Majority of the student who attend this school are juvenile delinquents, most of the time the police are there more than the students.

After a big storm Makinley was severely damaged, the board of educations of both schools came to the decision that until Makinley is repaired and back up to code, that the students would have to attend Everson high.

*Okay to sum it up, this will hopefully surround a group of students that attended the "rich kid" school Everson along with the "Bad kids" from Makinley. To see how the two schools get along or not. Drama is a big thing students from opposite schools fighting*

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