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Fantasy School of Elemental Arts

Marcus released some of his power as if to show his place on the totem pole "Enough. All of you. Your answer will come. But not right now." He said simply.

Kaylin winced at Marcus's power and she had walked off after Kiria did before finding herself in an abandoned part of the island. She drew back an arrow and fired it at the tree she was aiming at before and she felt someone's presence and she turned around, an electric arrow drawn back. "Who's there?"

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"H-Hey!" she yelled angrily, but followed regardless.

Marcus shut the door before turning to her and leaving the light off "You want to see why everything changed...?" He asked before undoing the Magic on his left eye. A giant scar ran down his face with his left eye turned blind "Because I was weak. If these students found out I was weak......They'd be scared of what is on it's way..."
Marcus shut the door before turning to her and leaving the light off "You want to see why everything changed...?" He asked before undoing the Magic on his left eye. A giant scar ran down his face with his left eye turned blind "Because I was weak. If these students found out I was weak......They'd be scared of what is on it's way..."

"W-What?" she asked, running over to him and checking his eye. "Oh god . . . Marcus-What-How-What's going on?" she demanded, staying firm. "I'm not dropping this this time, Marcus you tell me what is happening right now or I swear to god . . ."
"W-What?" she asked, running over to him and checking his eye. "Oh god . . . Marcus-What-How-What's going on?" she demanded, staying firm. "I'm not dropping this this time, Marcus you tell me what is happening right now or I swear to god . . ."


He looked down "I didn't kill him." He said quietly "No.......He defeated me....He was able to control that abyss......To try and kill me.....Then he left....I only got here by..." He was quiet for a moment before having pure darkness come out of his hands and flood the room in a terrifying scent. One of despair. "I had to harness the power of the dead...." He said quietly 
He looked down "I didn't kill him." He said quietly "No.......He defeated me....He was able to control that abyss......To try and kill me.....Then he left....I only got here by..." He was quiet for a moment before having pure darkness come out of his hands and flood the room in a terrifying scent. One of despair. "I had to harness the power of the dead...." He said quietly 

She blinked, watching him. "Did . . . Did you die?" she asked, slightly panicked.
His voice was stern "I promise...You will all be safe. I will find a way to stop them..."

She shivered, gripping onto him more tightly. She finally got him back, just to learn that everything would fall apart again? "Ok . . ." she said, finally letting go of him. "So, there's nothing we can do? We can't fight them?"
She shivered, gripping onto him more tightly. She finally got him back, just to learn that everything would fall apart again? "Ok . . ." she said, finally letting go of him. "So, there's nothing we can do? We can't fight them?"

He looked her in the eyes "I will stop them. I promise. I have a world to defend." He said softly 
"Then let me help!" she said, "I'll fight with you, we'll stop them!"

He smiled and looked at her "Just remember these words....A mortal is capable of more than a God. The Human spirit will save you....If you ever need my help...Gather the others and with all your power offer a prayer."
He smiled and looked at her "Just remember these words....A mortal is capable of more than a God. The Human spirit will save you....If you ever need my help...Gather the others and with all your power offer a prayer."

She cocked her head, "What? Marcus what on earth do you mean by that?"

(Hello all, I'm just here chilling out.)


//jk im sad af rn . . . .;-;

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