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Fantasy School of Elemental Arts

He smiled "It's cool." He said before placing his hands on all of them and making them all appear in his office while a hologram began blinking on his desk. All it said was 'Recall'

The two children oohed and awed in amazement, running around the office. Kiara smiled, taking in a deep breath. "God I've missed this place . . ."
The two children oohed and awed in amazement, running around the office. Kiara smiled, taking in a deep breath. "God I've missed this place . . ."

Marcus smiled "It's time to make a difference in the world...." He said looking at the Recall. "Here we go" He said, then proceeding to press the yes button sending a message out to all those with powers


Kaylin backed away a little bit further from the monster staring her down only to hit something behind her. She slowly turned and broke out into a smile before running around and climbing up onto the ship waiting for her which could have only meant one thing. "Welcome back Marcus." Kaylin smiled and waved at the monster snarling at her before the ship took off towards its destination, where she assumed would be the island. "It'll be good to see everyone again."
Kiara gripped her fist, as a strange red aurah covered it. "It's coming back . . . slowly, but it's coming back."

Raven Crocetti

Raven had just barely been able to notice Roman's presence as he made his way up the parking garage, constantly being under the influence had dulled her sense of life energy a bit. She caught a whiff of his magic radiance taking note of the fact he was probably a magic wielder or creature. While a little annoyed that he had essentially intruded in on her, she was a little relieved to have some of that back in her life. Having spent so long away and in a fog she missed the company of other magical beings. She looked down at her Hang, as he moved around behind her, feeling for his movements. As he approached she switched tunes to one a slower and less involved to allow for conversation. 

"Ya, dat meh.", she answered him, keeping her eyes forward and off in the distance. "Generally, dat mean meh want to be left alone."

He smiled "Get the kids settled. I'll leave a clone to watch over them. We have some catching up to do" He said happily

She smiled, turning to him and biting her lip. "Yes we do . . ." she turned to their kids, nodding at them to run off and play.
Vallen absentmindedly flicked through his email. then he noticed it; a message. "You have gt to be kidding" Vallen said opening the message. Reading it's contents Vallen smiled and rubbed his wrists. He jumped up and threw on a coat on before shutting down the generators powering his shop. He exited the workshop and out into the salty air of the caspian sea. the ship he stood on was anchored in the middle of the water but another boat waited for him off starboard. "Took you long enough Marcus" Vallen said grabbing a pack and jumping down into the boat. As the boat sped away from the ship Vallen took out a small trigger and activated it. the ship exploded in a ball of emerald fire and Vallen felt tears fall down his cheek as a faint echo of a song started playing in the back of his head. Soon he would be restored. Soon he would be whole again.

Raven Crocetti

Raven had just barely been able to notice Roman's presence as he made his way up the parking garage, constantly being under the influence had dulled her sense of life energy a bit. She caught a whiff of his magic radiance taking note of the fact he was probably a magic wielder or creature. While a little annoyed that he had essentially intruded in on her, she was a little relieved to have some of that back in her life. Having spent so long away and in a fog she missed the company of other magical beings. She looked down at her Hang, as he moved around behind her, feeling for his movements. As he approached she switched tunes to one a slower and less involved to allow for conversation. 

"Ya, dat meh.", she answered him, keeping her eyes forward and off in the distance. "Generally, dat mean meh want to be left alone."




Roman hopped up and sat on the railing, looking down once again. It was a nice day out, though having some peace and quiet was always nice. He noticed a magical energy nearby, and he was only near one person, assuming it was this person. He gave her a smile and looked her way, "I see. Well, I hope you don't mind, but you have company now." he said with a laugh. "I'm joking. I could always leave, but then I'd be bored. You're literally the second person I talked to since arriving in this place... That being conversation wise." he added. "I'm Roman. Always a pleasure to meet new people, am I right?"


(((( Sorry for the short post. ))))

Raven Crocetti

Raven continued playing as Roman sat to the side of her swaying gently to the rhythm. As she went to shot him a glance he did the same and they met eyes. She couldn't readily tell his intent by his gaze but at the same time it seemed anything but malicious. She looked back out at nothing as he spoke. 
"Ya need not leave, boy.", she told him. " Ya don't botha meh none." Though he had initially been a slight disturbance his magical nature and calm demeanor complimented her vibes very well. 
"I'm Raven.", she exchanged after he told her his name. They sat quietly as she played for a few moments before Raven broke the silence. "So what brings ya round to meh, Mista New-in-Town?", she asked jokingly, wondering his business in town as well as why he bothered to come up after her. "Just meetin new people?", she said semi-rhetorically, semi-sarcastically. 

@Roman (no problem, short and sweet is hundreds of times better than purple prose :D

Raven Crocetti

Raven continued playing as Roman sat to the side of her swaying gently to the rhythm. As she went to shot him a glance he did the same and they met eyes. She couldn't readily tell his intent by his gaze but at the same time it seemed anything but malicious. She looked back out at nothing as he spoke. 
"Ya need not leave, boy.", she told him. " Ya don't botha meh none." Though he had initially been a slight disturbance his magical nature and calm demeanor complimented her vibes very well. 
"I'm Raven.", she exchanged after he told her his name. They sat quietly as she played for a few moments before Raven broke the silence. "So what brings ya round to meh, Mista New-in-Town?", she asked jokingly, wondering his business in town as well as why he bothered to come up after her. "Just meetin new people?", she said semi-rhetorically, semi-sarcastically. 

@Roman (no problem, short and sweet is hundreds of times better than purple prose :D

Roman smiled and ran a hand through his hair, leaning back on the railing as he listened to the girl. Nice to see she was willing to let him stay and that he wasn't a bother. He took those as compliments too. As the girl revealed her name, Roman nodded, "That I can remember." he responded, laughing lightly. Upon being asked what his business was in the city, Roman shrugged, "Opportunity I guess." he said, though this wasn't a lie. He didn't know exactly why and sometimes felt as if he were just wandering aimlessly... That was a story for another time though.
Vallen's boat pulled up to the dock and he stepped off. THe island was as it had been when he arrived two years prior and Vallen inhaled the salty air. HE walked up the pier and began yelling out.
Roman smiled and ran a hand through his hair, leaning back on the railing as he listened to the girl. Nice to see she was willing to let him stay and that he wasn't a bother. He took those as compliments too. As the girl revealed her name, Roman nodded, "That I can remember." he responded, laughing lightly. Upon being asked what his business was in the city, Roman shrugged, "Opportunity I guess." he said, though this wasn't a lie. He didn't know exactly why and sometimes felt as if he were just wandering aimlessly... That was a story for another time though.

Raven Crocetti

"Opportunity ya say?", Raven questioned, eyebrow raised as she turned just her eyes in his direction. "Very little "opportunity" be found atop garages, boy", she joked changing her meaning to him having followed her up. "Less so round da likes a' meh." Raven continued toplaying her Hang, now staring down at it as she did. In the distance you could just make out a small black mass airborne and inbound. After a few contemplative moments of chilling, her song appeared to be coming to a close. As it did, Nicolo cawed in greeting and landed on her shoulder closest to Roman. He inspected Roman with a few head tilts and low rattles before puffing up and letting out a long, droning caw. 

"Shut ya head now, Nicolo!" Raven ordered recoiling at the sound. "This man done no ill will.....far as we know.", that last part was said under her breath. Nicolo brought his feather back down from a ruffled mess to their usual sleek arrangement and stared at Roman intently, just long enough for it to be taken notice of. He then turned to Raven and put his beak up to her ear, between her hair, making hoarse cooing noises and short rattles. 

Raven had already stopped playing and at this point had set her hands down on the Hang.

She squinted and looked off to one side as Nicolo, apparently, told her something. 

"Meh have no leanin's ta sail-gone ta some Farrin-", she began before being cut off by Nicolo's bird talk again, seeming to issue a rebuttal.

"Meh hated it when Luca dun brought me to da Jamrock; why would I go back to da tropi-", she started to counter before she was cut off again. 

This time her demeanor changed from a annoyed to playfully pensive. 

"Ya, dat tru......dem did have masta herb daer....." Her disposition changed once again.

"but de sun....and da heat....ya kno meh nah do too well in sultry environments." 

Raven continued debating back and forth with Nicolo about mounting the cruise to the Island, unintentionally ignoring Roman.

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