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Fantasy School of Elemental Arts: Character Sheet


I am the Joker....Welcome to my Game.

Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:

Moral Standing:

Elemental Art:




Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Relationship Status/Crush:

Any other information?:

Main Thread: 
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Name: Alex duncan     Nickname(If Applies): Alex Age: 18  Gender: Male    Sexual Orientation: straight    Moral Standing: good    Elemental Art: lightning    Likes: animals, people, girls     Dislikes: cats    Personality: hey is a nice person and likes to talk but can get hot headed at times. He falls in love easily but judges everyone at first as if they are all strangers because well... They are XD. He has a leadership personality in times of panic and stress but can take orders from others just fine.

Kaylin Jones

Nickname(If Applies):

Kat, Kay





Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:


Elemental Art:



+ Painting

+ Drawing

+ Photography

+ Cooking


- Bugs

- Insects that sting

- Fish


A true sweet-heart at, well, heart she is the person that you want to be around whenever you are feeling down in the dumps or going through personal troubles. She also has her own issues but chooses not to burden others with her problems unless they are persistent enough to hit her breaking point.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


(Above: Pre-timeskip

Below in Spoiler: After two year timeskip)


(Above:After 2 year timeskip Below: Clothes she wears after 2 year timeskip)





Relationship Status/Crush:

Any other information?:

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Name: Victoria Grey

Nickname(If Applies): Vic

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Moral Standing: Chaotic Neutral. She isn't trying to destroy the world be she isn't in a hurry to save it either.

Elemental Art: Darkness


Onyx: I really really like to eat. I spend about 50% of my energy eating, 40% of my energy completely destroying my sleeping schedule and the other 10% is spent doing things that are actually useful Like reading, listening to music, writing and playing guitar. I'm also unusually attracted to the night time. I like sex. A lot. Its the closest thing that I will ever get to feeling anything for anyone besides my cat. As you can see, being social is not on that list, lets keep it that way.


Onyx:  Where do I even start? First of all I hate people who think they're better than everyone. Like you won a 7th grade Science Fair project, don't break your neck getting a big head. Besides that I hate the usual things. Bullies, people in general, and bad food. I don't hate really nice people but im kind of a dick to them. I mean its cute that your're happy go lucky 100% of the time but seriously fuck off. 


Onyx: A lot of people say that I am harsh but that's just because I tell it how it is, if you can't handle the truth don't talk to me. I have to admit that I curse more than I really should, ive been trying to tone it down but its really fuckin' difficult. I'm definitely rebellious, I don't do what people tell me to do unless it is a dire situation, im not stupid, survive first ask questions later. I guess you could say im reckless but im not, I go by instinct, I go by what I feel is right, if you have a problem with that you can make like the optimist and fuck right off. I have trust issues, bad. I don't trust anyone to do anything for me except myself. I don't trust people who say they love you or care about you, it all ends up in lies and manipulation later on.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



Vic was a bad kid. She drank, smoked pot and screwed like no other. She thought she was the Devil reincarnated because that's what her parents told her. When weird stuff starts happening in a small ass country town the first conclusion anyone jumps to is that its devils work. They called her the devil, the treated her like the devil, so she acted like the devil. Making mamas cry when they found out that their good little boys slept with Satan was her favorite past time. She could always get them to lay with her, male, female, no matter. They always did, makin' the way of Eve because fruit tastes so much better when its forbidden. One day, after being beaten by her father, something snapped inside of her, a rage unlike any she felt before. She blacked out, coming to, to see her parents lying dead on the floor with blades in their chest. At first she blamed her powers for taking over but she knew that her powers didn't cause the darkness inside of her, she did. Her powers didn't kill her parents. She did. So. She ran. She ran until she couldn't run any longer and when she stopped she was panting and heaving up the whisky she had drunk. She saw a black car pull up to her and she knew it was over. No matter what this person intended on doing, she knew one way or another that they'd end up dead just like her parents. Even though she was nearing black out drunk they still explained that she was being taken to a hidden place where she wouldn't hurt anyone else. Part of her was relieved and part of her doubted that what they said was true. She thought it would be some sort of prison for psychos like her, or maybe a Psychiatric ward like in Arkham knights, one things for certain. She was definitely not expecting a school.

Relationship Status/Crush: None.
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Kaylin Jones

Nickname(If Applies):

Kat, Kay





Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:


Elemental Art:



+ Painting

+ Drawing

+ Photography

+ Cooking


- Bugs

- Insects that sting

- Fish


A true sweet-heart at, well, heart she is the person that you want to be around whenever you are feeling down in the dumps or going through personal troubles. She also has her own issues but chooses not to burden others with her problems unless they are persistent enough to hit her breaking point.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



Relationship Status/Crush:

None yet but pm me

Any other information?:


Accepted. I'll create a PM as to when the RP will begin.

Name: Victoria Grey

Nickname(If Applies): Vic

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Moral Standing: ????

Elemental Art: Darkness


Onyx: I really really like to eat. I spend about 50% of my energy eating, 40% of my energy completely destroying my sleeping schedule and the other 10% is spent doing things that are actually useful Like reading, listening to music, writing and playing guitar. I'm also unusually attracted to the night time. I like sex. A lot. Its the closest thing that I will ever get to feeling anything for anyone besides my cat. As you can see, being social is not on that list, lets keep it that way.


Onyx:  Where do I even start? First of all I hate people who think they're better than everyone. Like you won a 7th grade Science Fair project, don't break your neck getting a big head. Besides that I hate the usual things. Bullies, people in general, and bad food. I don't hate really nice people but im kind of a dick to them. I mean its cute that your're happy go lucky 100% of the time but seriously fuck off. 


Onyx: A lot of people say that I am harsh but that's just because I tell it how it is, if you can't handle the truth don't talk to me. I have to admit that I curse more than I really should, ive been trying to tone it down but its really fuckin' difficult. I'm definitely rebellious, I don't do what people tell me to do unless it is a dire situation, im not stupid, survive first ask questions later. I guess you could say im reckless but im not, I go by instinct, I go by what I feel is right, if you have a problem with that you can make like the optimist and fuck right off. I have trust issues, bad. I don't trust anyone to do anything for me except myself. I don't trust people who say they love you or care about you, it all ends up in lies and manipulation later on.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

View attachment 237563


Vic was a bad kid. She drank, smoked pot and screwed like no other. She thought she was the Devil reincarnated because that's what her parents told her. When weird stuff starts happening in a small ass country town the first conclusion anyone jumps to is that its devils work. They called her the devil, the treated her like the devil, so she acted like the devil. Making mamas cry when they found out that their good little boys slept with Satan was her favorite past time. She could always get them to lay with her, male, female, no matter. They always did, makin' the way of Eve because fruit tastes so much better when its forbidden. One day, after being beaten by her father, something snapped inside of her, a rage unlike any she felt before. She blacked out, coming to, to see her parents lying dead on the floor with blades in their chest. At first she blamed her powers for taking over but she knew that her powers didn't cause the darkness inside of her, she did. Her powers didn't kill her parents. She did. So. She ran. She ran until she couldn't run any longer and when she stopped she was panting and heaving up the whisky she had drunk. She saw a black car pull up to her and she knew it was over. No matter what this person intended on doing, she knew one way or another that they'd end up dead just like her parents. Even though she was nearing black out drunk they still explained that she was being taken to a hidden place where she wouldn't hurt anyone else. Part of her was relieved and part of her doubted that what they said was true. She thought it would be some sort of prison for psychos like her, or maybe a Psychiatric ward like in Arkham knights, one things for certain. She was definitely not expecting a school.

Relationship Status/Crush: None.

Accepted. I'll create a PM as to when the RP will begin.

Name: Alex duncan     Nickname(If Applies): Alex Age: 18  Gender: Male    Sexual Orientation: straight    Moral Standing: good    Elemental Art: lightning    Likes: animals, people, girls     Dislikes: cats    Personality: hey is a nice person and likes to talk but can get hot headed at times. He falls in love easily but judges everyone at first as if they are all strangers because well... They are XD. He has a leadership personality in times of panic and stress but can take orders from others just fine.

Need a picture  but afterwards accepted
Name: Camathien Teris

Nickname(If Applies): Cam or Grand Master

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Good

Elemental Art: All Arts, but specializes in Fire 

Likes: His students and school

Dislikes: Anyone who seeks to harm his family

Personality: Kind, Sweet, Caring and Loving

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred) 


Backstory: Will be revealed in story

Relationship Status/Crush: No one.

Any other information?: Is the Grand Master

Good in my eyes
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Name: Vallen Knight

Nickname(If Applies): Valentine

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Chaotic Neutral

Elemental Art: Lightning

Likes: Reading and working on machines. sour candies and bitter sodas.

Dislikes: Sweet things.

Personality: Vallen is polite and kind most of time save for when he's working on a project. He fights for those he trusts and dosen't change his mind easily. Once he decides he likes someone he'll do almost anything for them.





Relationship Status/Crush:

Single and ready to mingle/ for a pringle

Any other information?:

Kiara Tetania Scarlet

Nickname(If Applies):

Scarlet, K, KT, Ki


12-19 Depending on where the story is placed.



Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:

Kind and fair, wanting pure justice but while still being naive. She would do anything for the ones she cares about, and wants to end things peacefully and calmly, but when things turn serious she won't hold back against anything. She is peaceful but rude, bipolar but simple, it's hard to pinpoint exactly where her stand point is, since she's stubborn to a level where you actually wish her dead, enemy and friends alike, but i'd have to simplify it as a chaotic naive persona.

Elemental Art:

A sort of, Energy projection. Able to manipulate and project the forces of energy, most commonly lightning.


Running, track, training and fighting.


Water, giving up, hateful people


Hot headed and steel minded. Extremely, horrifyingly, indescribably stubborn. She won't give up, ever. Her Willpower strong enough to cast fear into the hearts of those who dear to underestimate her.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



 She is from an unknown family of gang leaders, mafia, you name it. A family filled to the brim and almost drunk on power, wealth, women (or and med), and everything a person could dream of. And Kiara was the successor to such a line of powerful mercenary type beings. Trained all her life, to be strong, smart, and witty, as her sweet moves and smooth talk got her out of many bad situations. That was, until she got a letter stating she was off to some grand resort in some far away island. Her parents agreed, as they admitted that Kiara needed some time with people outside of the family, to teach her management skills. Annoyed, she went regardless, as she was NOT one to piss her parents off. She fell asleep on the train on the way there, not waking up to an island, but a school, where she is told she has power beyond a humans wildest dreams!

Relationship Status/Crush:

Single, secretly very dirty minded but doesn't like to show it.

Any other information?:

She is trained heavily in both hand to hand combat, and weaponry work. Her main weapons being her fists, a short blade, or a katana.

She can not manipulate plasma, yet.

Main Thread: Idk what this means . . . .


Nickname(If Applies):

Kya, Ami, Kai, Miya





Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:

Chaotic Neutral

Elemental Art:

LOL can I be a normie?

I dont want powers just a fun rp thats active


Not yet determined 


Not yet determined


Not yet determined fully.

Supernaturally gifted with most art and entertainment crafts

Doesnt need physical combat; he fights with his mind using psychology to take on enemies but can physically instinctively fight if need be; great reflexes,

mysterious, depressed,  

doesnt care about anyone or anything unless they somehow see a reason although it is rare

Lots of emotional barriers so they dont get hurt

works solo so they dont get hurt

self interested but still attempts to do small things etc to make change. To help out etc.

doesnt make a big deal out of things and is brief  

Mentally unstable, although quite smart

Even people closest to him he may still dislike or betray unexpectedly (or act hostile to)


They let people handle themselves unless they see another side

Looks at things from all sides - sees the unseen - proves you wrong alot.

Fast on his feet and with his mind although his bouts of greatness are rare

He is big at persuasion and charm

His confidence gets him what he wants or needs sometimes 

Has at least 1 plan for everything

theres a lot more im not just listing things this is basically me irl almost

He is hard to fool or manipulate and has quite a strong instinct

Hidden motivations to his actions

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

Think L from Death Note


He woke up in the island's center

Think "The Maze Runner" type memory loss

but a quarter of it instead of full strength/effect

Relationship Status/Crush:

None, might change

Any other information?:
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18 minutes ago, Mori-Jin said:


Kiara Tetania Scarlet

Nickname(If Applies):

Scarlet, K, KT, Ki


12-19 Depending on where the story is placed.



Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:

Kind and fair, wanting pure justice but while still being naive. She would do anything for the ones she cares about, and wants to end things peacefully and calmly, but when things turn serious she won't hold back against anything. She is peaceful but rude, bipolar but simple, it's hard to pinpoint exactly where her stand point is, since she's stubborn to a level where you actually wish her dead, enemy and friends alike, but i'd have to simplify it as a chaotic naive persona.

Elemental Art:

A sort of, Energy projection. Able to manipulate and project the forces of energy, most commonly lightning.


Running, track, training and fighting.


Water, giving up, hateful people


Hot headed and steel minded. Extremely, horrifyingly, indescribably stubborn. She won't give up, ever. Her Willpower strong enough to cast fear into the hearts of those who dear to underestimate her.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



 She is from an unknown family of gang leaders, mafia, you name it. A family filled to the brim and almost drunk on power, wealth, women (or and med), and everything a person could dream of. And Kiara was the successor to such a line of powerful mercenary type beings. Trained all her life, to be strong, smart, and witty, as her sweet moves and smooth talk got her out of many bad situations. That was, until she got a letter stating she was off to some grand resort in some far away island. Her parents agreed, as they admitted that Kiara needed some time with people outside of the family, to teach her management skills. Annoyed, she went regardless, as she was NOT one to piss her parents off. She fell asleep on the train on the way there, not waking up to an island, but a school, where she is told she has power beyond a humans wildest dreams!

Relationship Status/Crush:

Single, secretly very dirty minded but doesn't like to show it.

Any other information?:

She is trained heavily in both hand to hand combat, and weaponry work. Her main weapons being her fists, a short blade, or a katana.

She can not manipulate plasma, yet.

Main Thread: Idk what this means . . . .


Accepted. You be rocking dat Elsword tho. I'll send you a PM as to when I'd like you to jump in. So just hang out here for now, I'll place you in the OOC
Name: Vallen Knight

Nickname(If Applies): Valentine

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Chaotic Neutral

Elemental Art: Lightning

Likes: Reading and working on machines. sour candies and bitter sodas.

Dislikes: Sweet things.

Personality: Vallen is polite and kind most of time save for when he's working on a project. He fights for those he trusts and dosen't change his mind easily. Once he decides he likes someone he'll do almost anything for them.


View attachment 238830



Relationship Status/Crush:

Single and ready to mingle/ for a pringle

Any other information?:

@StarKeeper you are accepted when we work in where you will go you will be pm'd but lightning is being used to much so if you could change your element that would be amazing. Welcome aboard.

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