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Fantasy School for the Supernatural

Aqua looks confused,"This is normal...."

Aqua walks into the school expecting John to follow.
John follows Aqua into the school. "So this is the school huh... Kind of big... And what is it like being a kitsune?"
Aqua slowed down so john would be walking next to her,"What is it like to be a Kitsune? I don't really know what you mean, but it feel normal."

Aqua started to show him the room and soon finished.
"You know it sucks being human, I mean, we don't have any powers like you guys. In fact, you guys could've destroyed us by now..." He looks very, very nervous, keeping a small distance between them.
Aqua said in a calm tone,"Not all supernaturals kill you know. You human always jump to conclusion too quickly...."

Aqua looked down a bit and mumble,"If you only gave us time we wouldn't have so much hate."

Her tail swished,"Well we are done now, I hope you anjoyed the tour."

"I jump to conclusions to quickly... how is that... oh yeah..." He rolls up his sleeves to show scars from battles long ago. "I couldn't defend myself. Demons, angels, whatever. They have attacked me before. So before you say You humans jump to conclusions, which I find very offensive, I would recommend you ask the person, or group what they have been through." He smiles all of the sudden. "Thanks for the tour. Its just-You don't need to know."
Aqua said blankly,"I never said it was just conclusions, it depends on each supernatural, how they were rised, etc. Each supernatural has their own stories and so do I. Your welcome, I'm going to the library now, you should get some rest."
"I was actually supposed to go there as well..." He starts quickly walking toward the library, as he walks, he drops a small, object. He swears and puts it back in his pocket.
Aqua was staring at him from the side and her ears twitched. She started walking there with silence.
John walks in the library, grabbing every book on anatomy, for all species, and starts to read. He talks to himself in a strange whisper. "Huh... I didn't know that..." He pulls out the small object, which looks like a small ball. He presses a small button and a holographic keyboard comes out, and he inputs some data. A few seconds later, he puts the object away. "Almost done..."
He thinks about what to say for a few minutes, and finally decides to tell the truth. "Fine. You want to know what is really going on? Follow me."

He then walks outside toward a random direction.
He makes sure that nobody else is following and finds a small tree. He puts the small object inside and a trapdoor opens. "Follow me."
Grey looked at her and thought for a moment "you... You remind me of a old story I read about a princess or a queen who was murdered I believe then she can came back as spirit and when the man who murdered her entered the forest that her spirit was in she in turn killed him" he said think for a moment "but that happened centuries ago and in a different part of the world" he said looking a little baffled
Kimura walks over to Grey, standing right in front of him. "How was the woman killed, and how was the man killed in turn...?"
He climbs down a ladder, and flicked the switch. All of the sudden lights and gears shifted. There were some holographic consoles, showing movement of all supernatural activity. There was a small checklist with some checks in, "Welcome to my home..."
"Listen, humans have been too underequiped to fight supernatural entities for... forever. Don't you think the governments know about this? They would rather fight each other than the real problem..." He chuckles for a little, then resumes talking. "Because of this, I am now developed weapons for use against them. Right now, you could probably kill me. You are much stronger in all aspects. But I have several tools to help..."

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