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Fantasy School for the Supernatural

Grey gives a quick a flap of his wings sending him backwards away from the flames "okay maybe her death wasn't normal" he says as he turned himself around in the air and saw the tree in the middle and looked it up and down "Roxus I'm starting think we need to get out of here" he says
The mist began to clear completely, Kimura turning to her physical state. She looks back at the two of them. "You two are the first to ever set foot in here besides me... To enter here, must mean that you are either idiotic, or interested in finding out more about me... I feel the urge to force you out, but at the same time, wish to let you stay..." She walked up to the center tree, lightly pressing her hand against it. She seemed calm, as though she has little to no intentions of harming them, which in fact, she wouldn't even think of harming them, even if they choose to attack her.
Grey listened to her words skeptically at first but his nerves calmed and he slightly smiled "well I've been accused of being a bit idiotic in my actions but I am curious about who you are" he says to her
"My name is Kimura. I know nothing else, aside from that I've lived in this forest for around four hundred years..."
Grey looks around the forest taking in everything made out of ice "I can believe that but I've been through this forest hundreds of times and I've never seen this place before" he says looking at her "my name is grey" he tells her
(There should definitely be a point where the part in the history books she's part of, as well as the legend based on her, are found ^^)

She walks over to him, her eyes just reflecting emptiness. "You haven't seen this place before, as I allowed you to see it... The fog that constantly covers this forest is my doing, and while it is in effect, I can blend this part to be like the rest of the forest. I can even make the tree vanish, and the frozen lake become real water..."
Kimura's hand slowly begins slipping inside the tree, as though her hand or the tree were non-physical, even though she was clearly in physical form.
She pulls her hand out slowly, what seems to be blue and red flames swirled around a tear made of ice. The flames swirl around her hand, the bead between two of her fingers.
Grey looked the girl over again as he gently flapped his wings "You... look oddly familiar" he says as he looks into the girl's eyes
She crushes the small object i her fingers, the blue and red flames shooting out and up, giving the tree flames in the shape of leaves. "The last person to see me was around four hundred years ago... This means, it is merely me looking like someone you know..."
Grey shook his head "No you dont look like anyone i know... you look like someone ive seen in one of my history books" he says curiously as he watched the flames take shape of leaves
Wind started to blow around the tree lightly, carrying a few of the ice leaves from other trees around it. The leaves reflected the light of the flame leaves. The leaves began to swirl around faster and faster, until they were worn down to little fragments that couldn't even be seen, other than the gleaming effect they gave to the tree while still being moved by the wind.
John was bored, and decided to just take a walk. "Damn it... should've stayed at my old school..."

I spot a girl, talking about a a strange subject, and cautiously, approach her.

He wonders how the ears had gotten on Aqua's head in the first place. "What the..."
Aqua's ears twitched as She juggled three apples. She catch all the apples and stares at John. She tilts her head as her tail swished.
"What..." He decides to calm down, trying to not run. "Hello, I-I am new here, can you explain-I mean tell me what this is?"

In a flash of fury, he yells; "Listen, just tell me where I am and I will leave you alone. I don't handle anger well, especially with damn nekos."
Aqua said blankly,"That's very offending considering being called a neko when really I'm a kitsune. You're at a school for supernaturals. To be honest you're being rude, it certainly makes me feel like I'm the criminal."
He looks ashamed for a little and finally says something. "Oh... Im sorry, it just that, I have a lot of things on my mind-" He clenches his forehead. "God damn it, it hurts..." He looks up again. "I'm just so tired... And I have a question. Why are all the demons so murderous here? I mean-nevermind. Let me start over. I just need to be shown around here. Is it okay if you can tell me all the points of interest?"
Aqua tilted her head again and gave him a apples as the rest disappeared,"Not all Demons are murderous...I know a few who aren't."

Aqua walks away then stops looking back at him and smiled,"Come on I'll show you around the school, after that I'm sure you'll need to rest. If not your going to end up passing out."

Her ears twitched as she talked.

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