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Fantasy School For Supernatural


The seraph hesitated on even answering the boy in front of him. He could sense his confusion and his doubt, and it in turn made himself feel doubt. He looked down at the hand offered to him, but only closed his eyes and shook his head. He turned away from Noah and looked up into the sky, the sun shining down on his face and his eyes almost shining. "No.." he whispered. "I'm not going back yet.." he added, sighing. He shook his head again and shoved his hands into the pockets on his trenchcoat, looking down now. "I'm not ready to go back yet.." Nathaniel looked back at Noah. "Thank you, Noah. For caring."

@MintPanda ]

Molly Bright Molly knocked herself out of her trance, looking back at the two in front of her. She let out a cooing noise, sighing deeply after and listened to their conversation. "I'm ready to get to my dorm too mate, I'm tired of being out here." She sighed once more, not liking the constant returning boredom.
Well, that felt like a punch in the face. He lowered his hand down and touched Nathaniel's shoulder, serious expression. "I understand..." As he said thank you Noah's tail started wagging and he let out a little bark. " No problem...ill be at the front area.." And with that, Noah took off, ears and tail behind him following until he made it to the front entrance lading in the middle of everyone. @Cookie Dough @Comet @Love You to Death @JaCrispy
Jordan saw Noah run out of the woods towards them so he got up and went to him. "Hey Noah , Is everything alright?" I hope Nathaniel is okay. He gently took his hand and lead him over to the others , he sat down again.

Molly Bright "Hey Noah~ nice to meet you." Molly cooed, smiling at the wolf boy. "I never introduced myself To you, I'm Molly bright. It already know what I am from Natey's reaction." She scoffed then sighed, feeling like shit for making the boy cry with her hostility.

@MintPanda @JaCrispy @Love You to Death
Noah looked at molly. "N-nice to meet you too.." His tail went in between his legs as he looked at the girl. "Nathaniel? He's ok... Just doesn't want to come back yet.." He howled and sat on his butt, both hands in the middle, like a dog. He looked at the other girl and whimpered, not knowing who she was made him uncomfortable. @Comet @JaCrispy @Love You to Death
He looked at the cute boy and smiled " Hey I know we don't know each other well, but can I pet you?" He gave him puppy dog eyes and shuffled closer.

Noah hesitated and his ears dropped. "O-okay..." Nobody ever really asked so this was strange. He sat there and looked at him, then asked, " What are you?" He tilted his head and his ears flopped over. @JaCrispy @Comet
Jordan reached over and gently rubbed his head and ears " oh I'm a werewolf, why'd ya ask ?" He loved animals of all kind and he'd never met a neko before.

Aria watched the two with a slight smile. At first she'd been put off by the Neko... She'd never really been a fan of dogs, but he looked so cute. She supposed she would make an exception, just this once. She stepped closer to them. "Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I kinda zoned out." She smiled sheepishly, "I'm Aria."



Orpheus Ester

Orpheus shrugged sheepishly at his compliments, really not believing he was all that great. But whatever. It wasn't really worth an argument anyways when the person was only complimenting him. And he probably couldn't tell because most artist said their art was bad even though it's like picasso or something. He shook his head at the boy's question. "I don't. I was kinda just waiting until everyone else went in." He said, looking up at him.




Danny Jackson


Clothing Style

Daniel Rodrick Jackson Jr, more commonly referred to as Danny, ran towards his new school on. He was being quicker than usual as he was running late on the first day. He arrived at the school and ran to his dorm. He wanted to get unpacked and to a piano as fast as he could. He was here to graduate, nothing more nothing less. He grew up being bullied and that had an effect on his grades. He was smart but he didn't like to show it.

He opened the door to his dorm and dragged in his suitcases. He immediately chose the bed closest to the door before thinking about burglars and going farthest from the door and unpacking his clothes, toiletries and other necessities such as his laptop, lion stuffed toy, a picture of him and his old friend Cee Jay before they, Cee Jay's non-binary, got adopted and a large blue blanket. He sighed and threw his suitcases at the end of the bed before getting his journal out and writing in it.

Hey Journal,

So the journey all the way from the orphanage was weird. And no it wasn't the amount of people staring at me. It was actually the amount of different species I began to see. It was actually kinda cool knowing that the weirdest thing in town wasn't me. Sure, a neko is still pretty weird but no one has to say that. Still not used to being so short. Everything back at the orphanage had ways for me to do things, stools, mini-ladders and other things, but everything is just so big. That's what you get for being 4'9''. Anyway, yesterday was cool. Don't get many of those days.



location: school entrance

Mood: excited/sleepy/hungry

Tags: @modest mouse

Thoughts: "i wanna eat some fruit"

"That makes sense." Yuuki said as he looked up at the tree a small smile appearing on his face. He saw what he was looking for and turned into his fairy form becoming around ten inches tall. His wings automatically came out and he flew up the tree and grabbed one of the small berries that were about as big as he was now. He sat on the lowest branch so that he could still see Orpheus and started humming while he ate.
Noah let out a soft moan and smiled. It felt good. He stomped his foot lightly and shook out of it. "Oh... So do you only turn at night then? Or can you change all day?" He turned to Aria. "Nice to meet you-" he saw another Neko. A cat. His instincts kicked in and he let out a little bark, smiling watching it run inside. He sniffed the air and stood, 5'4, he then followed the Nekos scent and ran face first into the front door, leaving a mark on his nose. "Owe.." He mumbled and pulled the door handle. It opened and he barked, "Guys we can go in now!!" His tail wagged and he tilted his head looking behind him. @JaCrispy @Comet @Cookie Dough @Comet @MuffinRPs (NEKOOO xD ))
Jordan stood up and brushed off his jeans as he walked towards the door. "Do you know where the dorms are?, and I can change all day" He had no idea where anything was and thought maybe he did .

"I don't know but that Neko looked like it knew where it was going..." He replied and sniffed the air running inside and stopping at what he was sure was the Nekos dorm door. He let out a little bark and sniffed the door. Defidentaly what he smiled a bit ago he whinned and let out one more bark. @MuffinRPs @JaCrispy


Orpheus Ester

Orpheus watched him fly up and get a berry and smiled sheepishly. "That's kinda cool." He said as he stood up and tried to reach a berry. Being rather small it was difficult but once he managed to get it he nibbled on it quietly. "Cooler than being a demon spawn." He said awkwardly as he leaned against the wall. He wondered if he really was even supposed to be here. He was half human, after all. He guessed it wasn't really worth worrying about. It was probably better than being back in normal schools humans went to and trying to keep to yourself your half demon or else everyone will think your weird or something like that.



location: School Entrance

Mood: Happy/Satisfied

Tags: @modest mouse

Thoughts: "this fruit is good."

"Why thank you!" Yuuki said still in his small fairy form not sure if he had been heard or not, though he hoped he had. "You're a demon spawn?" He asked lying down on the branch grabbing another berry and eating it. "I think being a demon spawn is cooler than being a fairy." He said still not sure if his words were going heard or not.


The little seraph had placed himself on a branch high up in a tall oak tree. He was deep in thought, and had been for some time now. At one point he'd started crying again, and as he laid back on the branch, looking up into the bright, blue sky that matched his beautiful eyes. He thought of his life four centuries ago, and found himself missing it. Of course he would. It was seriously heaven. For once, everything had been looking up. And now, it was all just falling to pieces. "Where are you.. Father, I need to know. I need your help, we all do. I need to know if there is any chance of you returning, of you coming back to us on your own.." he whispered.

He finally dropped down from the tree on his own, landing on one of his knees. Nathaniel slowly rose to his full height - a short 5 feet - before brushing some imaginary dust off of his trenchcoat. He loved that thing, and was rarely found not wearing it. It went well with his usual attire of a pair of black pants, white dress-shirt and a blue, loose tie. He knew how to keep stylish. Either way, he started heading back to the school, knowing it was inevitable, and knowing that he could face dire consequences if he left or just simply didn't go back to the others.

He finally spotted the school up ahead and cautiously walked inside, head drooping unintentionally.
'I will bring you back, if it's the last thing I ever do..' was the last thought that was on his mind before he headed towards his dorm. He spotted Jordan, Noah and....Molly there.. He bit his lip as he hid behind the corner, his back against the wall. Could he do it? Could he face her? Could he hope for forgiveness? For a shot at redemption? Only one way to find out. Nathaniel took a deep breath before rounding the corner, slowly. Looking right at Molly, pain written on his face and visible in his small body.

"Hello sister," he whispered, yet knowing she heard him, being angel and all. Of course, the two weren't actually related. However, with angels created to be the warriors of heaven, they were all considered siblings at arms. Then there is also the thing that God was all their Father, and that he created them all, and Nathaniel still being a bit old fashioned, still believed in the myth that they were really all one whole collective with millions of individual minds. With their own opinions, some with their own families, and some with their own beliefs. However he was an original angel, and so he was far older than Molly. While she had aged normally due to having real parents, he had been 17 for the last six centuries.

@MintPanda @JaCrispy @Comet ]

Noah's hand dragged down the door as he looked at Nathaniel. "Hey!!! You came out!!" He barked happily, tail wagging. His ears went up and he looked at Molly tilting his head. He hugged Nathaniel then went back to the door. He then faces the Nekos door again and scratched on it, whinning. He really needed to see another of him. He rested his hand on the wood door and put his ear to it. @MuffinRPs @Comet @JaCrispy @Cookie Dough
Jordan looked at Noah placing a hand on his shoulder " Maybe we should come back later , I think we are annoying him " He stepped away from the door slightly. "Maybe we could look around and find it ourselves?"

"I really need to see another Neko.." He said, Green eyes big. He sniffed the crack under the door and his tail wagged. Noah loved other Nekos and would do anything right now to see one. He sat there head tilted as he shook off his hand. @JaCrispy @MuffinRPs
Wow so this is the school for supernatural well time to make some friends* remember dont tell them your power* wait everyone has powers
(On my phone sorry for lack of bbcode)

Danny Jackson

Danny grabbed his journal, a pen, his phone, dorm key, and some ear buds. He opened the door to his dorm and immediately saw a dog neko and closed the door. He instead opened the window and ran across the ledge of the building before getting to a gutter and sliding down it. He then went on his long search for a piano.


Orpheus Ester

Orpheus shook his head. "Not really, not when everyone is scared of you." He said as he shrugged sheepishly and watched the fairy and kinda wished out of all supernatural things he could be something more innocent like that. Well, at least with a more innocent reputation anyways. He yawned and leaned against the tree.




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