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Fantasy School Days (now closed all slots filled)

She shook her head. "You're the bravest person I know," she said, "but that can be your downfall."
"Better to die being brave for the ones I love than live being a coward for myself." He said. "I don't claim to be perfect but so long as you stay here for me I'll always be here for you."
She smiled. "Maybe too brave to see Lucinda chewing on your leg," she said and started laughing. Lucinda was down next to them chewing on Connor's leg.
"Warn me?," she asked, "about what?"
"The Police, The judge, the law won't touch Jordan. No matter what you do. And she's targeted you can Conner. Be careful." The cat said. "And whatever happens never under any circumstances should either of you leave this house without the other."

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