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Active Scaly Tails and Trails

The situation seemed to have improved a bit as Demeter's strength returned to her.

Gilgamfried was keeping the Dranth's minions busy. Adelhein had brought her into striking range. The new arrival had filled the area with a blinding light, leaving their foes open to punishment. And everyone who was able had been laying into the dragon man with every intent to remove the biggest threat from the board. With her strength returned, the dryad would do her part to swing the tides of battle in their favor whilst the opportunity presented itself.

She slammed her hands into the earth once more and cast [Root Eruption].

Dozens of spikes would rise from the earth, weave around allies, and seek to skewer the Draynth right where he stood. Demeter knew that this man needed to fall before he could fill these tunnels with flame once more. And all she wanted at that moment was to see his head on a pike.

She wasn't overly concerned whether it was one of hers or Adelhein's though.

Actions (2/3)
1&2) Cast
[Root Eruption] on the Dranth.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Magic Domain[Nature’s Fury] F, Deflect (1) F, Knockback (1) F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Magic Targets F, Magic AOE F, Magic Range F, Blight[Bludgeoning] F- Demeter summons root spikes from the earth to bludgeon, impale and drive back foes. She can choose up to 5 allies to spare from assault should they happen to be within the radius of the Root Eruption. Alternatively, she can choose to forgo the A.O.E. effect and target 5 specific targets to impale.- 30ft Range.- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- 2 actions- Grade E- 1 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley
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Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Gilgramfried knows that none of these shit stains could ever be sold as threatening. A problem at most, but it was an easy solution.

He liked a certain sound.
He must have you know.

The sound of blade slicing through leather, the explosion of a tugged blade stuck in hard bone. It was a common occurrence during war of soft flesh creatures. However, the sound that he loves? Something more than the laceration of flesh and bone? A sound that was more of a recurrence in whore houses and wives punishing their husbands. Any man could tolerate the slicing of their fat and limbs but most would be cowardly when someone would try to grip their extremities.

Walking out of the way of the blinded #1 double dagger lizard. The small creature had no reach against him so he’d easily grab the kobolds balls from behind. With Strength (D) he’d attempt to grip-n-rip whatever gore he could manage to fit in his spare hand. This action took long enough where he couldn’t dodge the #1 Scimitar lizard, but he was counting on it. A slashing weapon would barely do much against his plated armor, betting on it glancing or bouncing against even his rusted state.

If successfully ripped out he’d wrap the organ around the sharpened mimic leg he had in his belt. In a swift motion he’d shove the balls soaked, possibly poisonous bladed leg entirely down the throat of the scimitar monster. Gracefully and with the full intention of making the creature swallow the balls of his companion. Gilgramfried does not care for the risk of losing his arm in the jaws of a monster. In the end he has won emotionally, spiritually and musically as well. For one does not simply kill in battle for the sake of victory but for the beauty of it. “HAHAHAHAHAHAAA”

Projectiled weapons flew past him striking down two more. The power of Jareed was immense and greatly appreciated. He was like an archery platoon firing down into the battlefield uncaring if they hit friend or foe. Great amounts of nostalgia had him in glee. If they came out alive he’d feast in Jareed’s name tonight and tell the tavern bards the tale of the tiny merchant with the power of ten catapults.

1: Dodge incoming attacker
2: Rip the balls of attacker #1 double dagger
3: Prepare makeshift weapon and shove balls down the throat of #1 scimitar
Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Thankfully for the group the chances of their efforts had greatly been bolstered by the assistance of Ceylan who had blinded their enemies to allow for the following openings.

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1-1-1.png

Dranth would tank a good deal of saber’s attack even if it left a large slash across his chest now in his blindness.

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1.png

Shael’s arrow would strike Dranth in the other arm further compromising his ability to fight back in his seeming preferred method of hand to hand combat with how powerfully he had managed to strike Saber. She watched onward alert while the the others attacked Dranth.
With Dranth not able to see properly and properly fen off Saber Alter particularly in combination with his compromised arm from the poison, Adelhein’s magical attack struck true, the metal tentacle impaling him in the chest, blood would spew out of Dranth’s mouth, as he recoiled. Then his heal was successful on Saber as it helped relieve her pain some. Ceylan’s healing coming in further clutch and fully restoring any injury Saber had taken fully.

Even while this was taking place however Saber took a defensive stance with her blade.

Then Demeter’s magical abilities were on full display as the roots ripped forward and impaled Dranth further in different locations, knocking him backwards some at the same time with the force they had, causing him to go prone when all was said and done.

??? Dranth

He was now lying on the ground as even then after all of that he tried to flip himself over.

“<Y-You filthy..race traitor!>” He’d spit toward Ceylan blood coming from his mouth.

“<You’d turn your back..on what’s..right.>” Once Dranth got onto his back and his vision came back he started crawling toward the altar at a slow pace, now bleeding quite a bit all over his body, arrows in his arms, one the largest injuries being caused by Adelhein at the moment.

“Must..finish..the ritual..It can’t be like this..not to these..things.” He said looking a bit desperate now, a stark contrast from how overly confident he had been before. It looked like as he moved along he was heading for some kind of strange ornate golden rod that was among the pile of treasure that had what appeared to be dragonic looking wings as decoration toward the top.

However before Dranth could get there Saber was quick to make her way over to him as he crawled and she took her blade and shoved it into the place where Adelhein had struck, a look of cold indifference on her face as Dranth cried out in pain and she put her foot on his back applying weight to it, she then looked to Adelhein for further orders

While all of this was going on Annellanus was brutalizing the two lizard men who dared to try to attack him in their blinded stupor. While he was busy grappling Double Dagger Lizard #1 his bet was correct that the damage inflicted by the relatively low quality bandit weapon was pretty minimal on his armor particularly with it not landing fully from the accuracy debuff Scimitar lizard #1 was experiencing. The attack was met with a scream from the lizard which had been grappled and the move proved to deal a good bit of damage on the Scimitar lizard as the sharp mimic leg impaled it in down the throat as it choked and gagged dropping it’s Scimitar, the hit striking right into it’s vulnerable insides.After the attack it was pretty obvious that the Scimitar lizard did not have much time left for the world.

Meanwhile the Double Dagger lizard #1 was completely incapacitated on the ground.

Between seeing their ‘boss’ get taken down and the brutal scene which the remaining lizards saw after their vision came back they began to panic and flee all the other numbers starting to turn around and run away from the scene with how much carnage the adventurer group and new comer were inflicting, the challenge was they might be heading to the so called ‘hostages’ to try to leverage them again out of desperation, a real possibility.

What the group did next was anyone’s guess, However Shael looking in the distance took an additional, now basic shot with a Lunen Elf arrow and managed to hit Scimitar Lizard #2 in the leg and it fell over letting out a cry of pain partially in the tunnel it was heading toward.

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1-1-1-1-1-1.png

While this was going on Jareed stayed where he was, until cautiously moving up closer to where Dranth and Saber were during the fleeing, staying about 10 ft back from where Dranth was. Shael also moved up not far behind Jareed.

"They're getting away..what should we do?! What if he's right about there being hostages!?" Jareed said looking nervous again.

1. Move up to Dranth.
2. Immobilize him by impaling him with sword.

1. Use Focus F, Steady Hands F to shoot Scimitar Lizard #2 in Leg.
2. Approach and stay near Jareed.

Enemy status:

??? Dranth: Immobilized, severely injured, dying

Scimitar Lizard #1: Dead

Scimitar Lizard #2: Trying to flee, Injured

Double Dagger Lizard #1: immobilized, dying.

Scimitar Lizard #5: dead

Double Dagger Lizard #4 Dead

Scimitar Lizard #4: Retreating

Scimitar Lizard #6: Retreating

Double Dagger Lizard #5 Retreating
Double Dagger Lizard #2: Retreating

Double Dagger Lizard #3 Retreating

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

A shiver ran down the good-boy's spine upon seeing Annellanus do his thing. Was that person truly on their side, or was it just another monster in human guise? Whichever it was, he didn't want to have much to do with such a person. He knew that much on instinct.

“<You're the one that's lost sight of it.>” Ceylan replied, unsure what Dranth was on about, other than cultist behaviour. Although seeing people die wasn't ideal, the Syncretist faith wasn't as naïve as to think all could be redeemed. Cultism in particular, was a case where the death of someone for the greater good was an acceptable solution. This seemed to be exactly such a case. As such, he had neither duty nor desire to try to save, convert or redeem Dranth.

Upon being told there might be hostages by Jareed, he'd nod. “We follow them. If any hostages are taken, all I'd need is to be able to see them to free them, so long as others can cover me.” He'd state, not deeming it needed to further explain what he had in mind due to the possible time pressure. He'd follow suit on his words by giving chase, running after the lizards and hoping that others would follow suit, as he'd probably be in serious trouble if he was the only one doing so.

CD – Ce 0/2
CD – De 0/1
CD – Ee 0/0
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Elvario Elvario

The advantage had been pressed greatly by the group and had taken fully advantage of. Adelhein was glad things had worked so smoothly so far, despite the surprising developments they had encountered up to that moment. The blinding lights from the newcomer, Shael's deadly precision, Saber's primal strength had done a number on Dranth by themselves. And, once more, watching the seamless synchronicity of his metallic manipulation and Demeter's nature control, it amused him to no end, the teen not being able to contain a cruel smile being brought forth on his lips.

Turning around towards the Dryad, his crimson eyes meet hers, as the smile was kept on his lips. "I believe there is quite a bit I can share with you when this is done, if you so wish it." He told Demeter confidently. While he had not the full knowledge of the Clock Tower methodology, he knew quite a bit, one of the perks of having been the 'nephew' of one of his most notorious professors. His crimson gaze would then be directed at Annellanus, having seen the brutish warrior brutalize the vermin lizards in his own monstrous way. The warrior would have made a fine Berserker Class, even more so if all his sanity were stripped away. But alas, the teen magus knew he had not the capability for it at that point in time.

Turning around, his eyes would then next fall on Ceylan. The canine-humanoid help with healing Adelhein's Servant hadn't been gone unnoticed. Bowing to him slightly, he looked at him at the distance. "I am grateful that you've healed my Servant. For that, you have Lord El-Melloi's thanks." The teen's voice was sincere enough, the corners of his lips curling upwards slightly.

Finally, his attention would be devoted to the now impaled Dranth, who was laying down on a pool of his own blood. He walked over next to Saber and Dranth, an amused expression being bathing Adelhein's juvenile face.
"Seems like you have a nasty vermin under your sabatons, Saber. Hopefully, this thing's blood can be washed away from your sword and armor. It would be improper to leave them sullied by it." The sarcasm and mockery on his tone was palpable. Adelhein wanted to enjoy every bit of that moment of control over someone so prideful and arrogant as him. Still, as much as he wanted to actually parade the dragon-humanoid around Ryke with a collar around his neck, there was the boring situation about the hostages that the group had to take care of.

Clicking his tongue in displeasure about the time constraint, it looked like it would be best to take a more pragmatic approach. "Chop off his head and smash it to bits. Make sure that not even a god can make this cur whole again." He told Saber in a cold tone, devoid of emotion, as it would be expected from a magus, ignoring every other horrible whisper that drummed at the very back of his mind, the corruption of the Grail trying to gain ground inside his mind. "Then we follow the lizards and see if there is any truth about the hostages... regardless if it is true or not, better to slaughter all of Dranth's followers." The following command was as much as for Saber as the next course of action. While he didn't care about the hostage per se, giving the El-Melloi family a good name in this world held much value... at least until his will could be simply imposed.

- Curvy Bladed Dagger
- Wooden Wand Catalyst
- Copper framed spectacles with dragon-like drawings (Possibly wearing them)
- Coin pouch
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

A loud crushing stomp.
More chow has been attained.

Groveling was heard. Gilgramfried was quick to work and began amputating the tail of the ball ripped kobold. He had previously used the mimic leg to injure another and had decided to make the dagger one reimburse him. Tying the meaty tail to his belt to eat later. The scimitar kobold that had it's internal organs ruptured was choking on blood that pooled out like a river. It was quite a fun sight. It wasn't the impaling spitroast that he imagined but this would do.

The warrior decided to let them suffer and bleed out. The audible gurgle and rapid squirts splattering against the floor was a feast for the ears. Perhaps the green bean would grant these monsters mercy since she was more attuned to nature, but he'd argue that the aren't natural for the environment in the slightest. The dagger kobold tried to communicate for its life but its jaw and tongue had been stomped out by Gilgramfried. He stood there for a second contemplating if he should skin them now or later, reptile skin would fetch a good price if you find the right craftsmen. Unfortunately Dranth skin's wouldn't cost much. His outer layers were damaged and mimicked human skin like the fae.

He believed that monsters and fae-species all had demon biology. Most fae are born of human form and shape in order to trick humans into some false sense of security. However unlike fae all monsters that try to communicate with the same language couldn't be trusted. He doubt's they actually understand what they are saying. He didn't know if the kobold that was begging for it's life actually understood what it was saying. Was it mimicking words and phrases that one of the caravan victims had cried out? Was Dranth mimicking a human like how the mimic at the entrance pretended it was a barrel? He saw no difference between them, one simply took the form of a human in order to achieve a greater hunt. Whatever Saber decided to do with Dranth he wouldn't see it any better than smashing a barrel because they were of the same value.

He heard orders from the lord boy and began following their path without a word.

Though he did start to make sounds with his mouth. Joining the dog-creature, he began to deeply growl from his lower throat as he sprints ahead. Giving chase he started to drool like a canine tracking it's prey. Jaw snapping as he began to bark aggressively after the kobolds. His manic sounds inside echoed metal made him sound like some wild blood covered nightmare. It was a simple tactic, the world was very used to monsters acting like humans however whenever a human began to lower themselves like the monsters and fae around them, it screams demonic intentions. "BARK! BARK! BARK!" Chasing with beastial vengeance.

Skewered and stabbed, one by one, the enemy fell until their morale was broken and the remaining stragglers fled.

Which was convenient because Demeter was becoming ever-more aware of how taxing her abilities were to use in prolonged combat. Well, that and how freely Ceylan and Adelhein were able to use their own, in comparison. So, when the latter offered to teach her a few things that might've helped her improve in the days to come?

"Yeah, I'd like that. I'd like that a lot, actually."

It was kind of hard to refuse.

It was also something she could devote more thought towards after they'd resolved the situation here in the tunnels. Saber would work to remove the dragon man's head from his shoulders. Adelhein and Ceylan were of one mind to pursue the lizardmen in the off chance that there were any surviving hostages deeper within the tunnels. Gilgamfried would find himself miraculously possessed by the spirit of a Doberman shepherd. And Demeter just wanted to see how this particular story would end with her own two eyes.

"Alright. I'm with you."

She would give chase with the others and advance deeper into the caves.

Elvario Elvario Wheatley Wheatley Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley
Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM.png

Shael upon seeing that the room was largely under control at this point with the enemies fleeing between what Jareed reiterated and what Ceylan was saying, nodded.

“I’ll provide cover then.” She proceeded to move swiftly across the room taking note of Dranth who was most definitely going to be killed, part of her thought it might be valuable to try to extract information out of him..even then but for now they had more important things to contend with.

She kept a good distance behind the East Empire brawler and Ceylan as she advanced., knowing that her main support was in range.

On the way there she took notice of Annellanus’ brutality towards his enemies, she found the acts to be quite unnecessary not particularly believe in the rhetoric which was common of her people from the Fae See, even if his display did somewhat further the stereotype about how barbarous humans could be, but she did not voice an objection now was not the time with the situation at hand particularly as he joined in to come help. Striking fear into their opponent’s by barking might not be the worst idea with how violent he had been before hand, she just hoped it wouldn’t spoke any of their enemies into murdering any would be hostages.

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1-1-1-1-1.png

Jareed gave a nod toward Ceylan gulping a bit. “A-Alright I’ll come too! I need to see this through! If not for father or me for Abbas!” He also went running after Ceylan as quick as he could clearly still not the most athletic type with his somewhat awkward gait as he did so.

??? Dranth

“<I’ll..be back just you see..you won’t think I’m crazy..then>” He spat toward Ceylan, realizing pretty quickly that no one was going to help him out of this situation, as he squirmed. “It’s..not too late..if I was just a bit..stronger..”

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1-1-1.png

Saber looked back her bit of a smirk now staying true. “Mhm..I’ll have to make sure I clean this animal for slaughter’s blood off..” She paused watching Dranth squirm with intensified vigor a look of dread on his face, before she gave a “Yes my master, gladly.” She swiftly picked her blade up and brought it down on Dranth’s neck swiftly, the blade ran true through Dranth’s neck, removing his head as the very hot crimson liquid came out.

With out much hesitation from that point saber got to smashing the head with a combination of her foot and sword so that it would be more difficult for Dranth to be revived as her master had suggested, even if Dranth had been conscious temporarily after it would have been for less time than usual with the intense violence being afflicted upon his remains.

After the task was done Saber stayed near Adelhein ready to advance with him toward the enemies they were pursuing when he was ready, doing so, also wanting to make sure she could effectively guard him while she did so.

The group of those who would follow the rag tag band of fleeing Kobolds down a dark caven which opened up into light into the distance, thespace feeling sort of more like a tunnel as there was light at the end of it, which looked like it was coming from a fire. They’d hear the yelling of the Kobolds every now and again, some of them resorting to run on four limbs again when the intimidating East Empire man had entered the chase.

When they got to the end and entrance of the new space looking in they’d all see a precarious situation. About 60 ft away from from the entrance to the rocky space was what looked like a big bonfire where bones and other miscellaneous trinkets had been placed nearby. There were some logs for make shift benches and a pot of some strange stew nearby the bonfire. There were some makeshift wooden shelves once again with another closed chest on the lower shelf and some odds and end belongings like empty option bottles, daggers, flint and steel, rope, as well as more tripwire supplies, against the wall, about 80 ft away from the party against the far back wall.

In front of the bonfire there was a large strange reddish orange circle with symbols scribbled in and what sort of looked like a small thin hole in the ground toward the center of it, like something a rod which could be held in the hand could be inserted into.

What would have been a bit more alarming was that Not that far away on either side of the bonfire were two metallic rusty cages where one contained five people and the other contained six, each person was essentially just wearing rags, their belongings stripped away, with shackles on their arms and legs, some men and women, to which Jareed’s eyes opened up wide. Some of them looked worse off than others, with wounds on them, others looking fatigued on the cage floor. Not all of them were human, a beast, and a couple fae thrown into the mix too.

“Lattef! Reda! Syed! Samara you’re all still alive!”

The Kobolds who had fled stood their ground near the circle, including Scimitar Lizard #4 and #6, an Double dagger lizards #5, #2 and #3. The Scimitar lizards standing closer to the front lines on either side of the dagger lizards.

As it turned out there were four other kobolds , two near either cage with spears facing toward the hostages on either side.

Double Dagger Lizard #5

“Get any closer and we’ll skewer them like a fish in a barrel!” Double dagger Lizard #5 called out.

Scimitar Lizard #4

Scimitar Lizard #4 also said, “And bring us that golden staff with the wings on it out there Or we’ll just start randomly killing people!”

“Don’t..hand it over to them..! No matter what they do..” A young man in the cage who was slumped over, spoke weakly but defiantly.
An odd dichotomy set upon Demeter's mind as gazed upon the Kobolds and their prisoners.

On the one hand, she'd already experienced it herself. She'd learned it well from Gilgamfried and Adelhein both. The simplicity of forsaking the lives of hostages in order to annihilate an enemy before you. And after that last battle, she felt a newfound sense of confidence. Confidence that all of the stragglers could be eliminated with utmost ease; even moreso with the support of her comrades. And yet, even as the simplest of solutions dangled before her, she felt the urge to attempt to save every hostage and only settle for annihilation as a last resort.

Part of it was no doubt the confidence she'd gained from walking alongside a party who'd just seen victory against the supposed strongest reptile in these tunnels.

Most of it came from the positioning of the lizardmen. Their eagerness to punish any suspicious moves from the group by hurting the hostages left them packed together like sardines. A mere 15 feet into which they'd all gathered themselves. A fact Demeter couldn't help but notice as soon as she laid eyes on them. She walked to the center of the group and whispered so that only they could hear her.

"Adelhein and I. Maybe even maybe even Mr. Hound-dog. If just one of us could get into range without spooking the lizards, we cold clear the room before anyone even gets hurt. And we know exactly what they want. Some staff we left behind when we ran in here."

Nervous eyes- no, not quite. Excited eyes surveyed the crowd to see her comrades' responses.

"We could play along. Just until they make a mistake that they can't take back. Then deal with this situation in one move without putting anyone at risk. I know we could just run through them, be done with it and accept our losses. I know that. But I really wanna try something better than that this time around."

Of course, it was up to them. Demeter might've been naive compared to the others, but she wasn't so foolish as to believe that she could do it alone. Certainly not with the way she wanted to play this.

"I mean..." she glanced over at Adelhein with a light grin, "...that is what a truly exceptional adventurer would do in a situation like this, right?"

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Wheatley Wheatley
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein waited until Saber was done with Dranth before moving on. He didn't avert the eyes from the scene, nor he seemed to show any discerning emotion. He fully accepted the weight of the decision, seeing it as nothing short of necessary. The young magus' crimson eyes were locked against the pool of blood for a moment, turning his head to Saber and giving her a nod, hearing the stomping and slashing of bones and flesh. Together, both Master and Servant continued towards the next room.

When it came to it, only a detached gaze could be found on his expression as he watched the scene in front of the group. His attention shifted, from the lizards vermin to the captives. Do their pitiful lives even matter at the end? Helping them doesn't further your own goals in any way: the job is already done. Why go the extra mile? Just slaughter these lizards and be done with it. The voice at the back of his head whispered. It was weak, yet crystal clear. However, could he simply do that? Not even trying for a better outcome would be against everything he was taught while growing up. The lack of dignity would besmirch the name of his family in this unknown world. Ruthless pragmatism didn't seem to be necessary in this case. Even more so, when the most dangerous threat had already been dealt with.

While Adelhein was lost in contemplation, without losing the sight of what was in front of his, his gloved hand gently moved against the cravat around his neck. Gloved fingers ran along the fabric, while his mind worked on what solution he would take. The decision would be made it much simpler as Demeter began addressing the group. His crimson eyes fell upon her, as he absorbed every word she spoke. Thinking back, he didn't remember the dryad's need for any somatic or verbal components when using her magecraft. She probably would be the best bet of catching them off guard.

Next, his gaze would shift towards Ceylan in an appraising manner. He hadn't observed the canine-person rites of magecraft, but he did have quite a bit of range to it. Probably he would be a nice follow-up to Demeter's own assault without endangering any of the hostages, along with Shael at range. Maybe the archer could focus on the kobolds near one of the cages, while Annellanus covered the distance towards the other one. The stratagem seems to click perfectly, at least in his mind.

Adelhein returned Demeter's light grin with a genuine, small smile of his own, his hand moving away from the cravat. To be exceptional, above mediocrity, just as I should. "I agree with this plan and I think you would be the best person to approach them, Demeter. You can probably catch them off-guard with your magecraft." The teenager began, whispering back, agreeing to her plan, next shifting attention to Ceylan. "You could follow up with your own magecraft. It will give an even bigger opportunity for Shael and Annellanus to waylay on them, along with Saber." He said next what he had envisioned in his mind, his attention shifting to Shael, Annellanus and Saber in turn. "You might discuss the nuances of it, Saber and I are off to retrieve the staff." Adelhein added, this time around, walking a bit to the side so he could address the kobolds directly, finally raising his voice.

"Very well. My Servant and I shall go fetch the golden staff, so that Demeter here can do whatever you plan with it." His tone was calm, not appearing to be affected by the gravity of the situation. "Let's go, Saber?" Asking the Heroic Spirit, he began moving back where the group came from, planning to get the golden staff and hand it to Demeter, assuming plan hadn't changed. He could only hope that, during his and the corrupted Servant's absence, things didn't develop against them. For now, darker impulses were kept at bay, yet for how much longer it still remained to be seen.
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Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

He was surprised to be thanked by the young man, rather than by the woman he'd healed. Either way, he'd politely reply. “It's no problem. So long as we are allies against a common foe, it is only natural.” He was wondering what type of 'Lord' this 'El-Melloi' fellow was, but he decided not to question it. Whatever it was about, it could wait.

The crazed knight still worried him, as the latter was now barking like a rabid dog. Ceylan wondered if he should try healing him, to see if it was actual rabies the man needed cured.

“Abbas?” Ceylan wondered if that'd been one of the hostages. Either way, it was yet another thing they had too little time to explain or think about.

“<May your soul find piece.>” He'd offer a silent prayer for Dranth, as he saw the latter get slaughtered just after being threatened a final time. He debated burning the corpse, but that too, would take time they didn't have. That said, not even Ceylan could easily resurrect the corpse with its head in the current state it was in, so he figured they should be good and golden.

He'd debate using magic to light up the cave more, but he decided to save his energy and follow in the (relative) dark. His darkvision helped him and he figured the others would manage on their own accord.

As he eyes adjust to the big bonfire at the end of the tunnel, he noticed suspicious stew and lots of supplies. More surprising were the two cages, with a whopping 11 peple each. They didn't seem to be in good conditions either. He noticed the kobolds near the hostages and made sure to stay behind the others in the group a bit, so that he wouldn't garner too much attention.

As expected the kobolds would threaten to harm the hostages. Luckily enough, he felt like his magic might work here. He hoped he wasn't wrong. He shook his head at Demeter's proposal. “Just draw their attention away from me, please. That's all I'll need.” He stated, with some confidence. He'd make sure El-Melloi would hear as much as well.

Staying as far behind as he could, he'd silently whisper the words and make the motions needed. Even if he got caught, he doubted the lizards could harm the hostages more than he could heal them from or at worst, resurrect them from.

“May the Gods bring closer those I seek. May they help me bridge the passage of time and space. So that those far can be brought closer by the will of the divine. May their path be unhindered and untempered by mortal restraints, so that they may appear as called upon.”

It was a rather long chant, considering it was a high level spell, but he had some faith that his allies would be able to draw attention for long enough. Especially the man with the rabies should be able to keep all eyes on him for as much time as Ceylan would need. Or so he hoped.

Summon Targets – Summon Creature D, Magic C, Magic Duration D, Magic Targets D, Energised C – Character summons a specific creature or a specific group of creatures from the same plane of existence (within a 30 feet search range). Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown

He'd attempt to summon all 11 hostages to him, as far away from the kobolds and the battle that was likely to occur short after his magic had been cast. He'd continue to heal all but one of them (leaving whomever seemed the most 'fit' out cause his targets had reached their limit, unless Area of Effect would be allowed to cover for it).

Divine Healing - Light Affinity D, Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Magic Area of Effect E, Selective E, Healing D, Religion D, Energised D - Character channels the powers of the gods to heal significant injuries. - Grade De - 1 Post Cooldown.

“May the wounds of the wounded be closed. May their bodies be mended through the soothing powers of healing invested in me by the gods. So that they can brave the world anew and reinvigorated. ”

With the hostages away from the lizards (hopefully so, at least), he'd be able to cast at normal volume to heal them. There was only one thing left to do after that. Considering the Summoning had likely given him some limited control to make them do his bidding, a side-effect he normally hated to use, he decided to play it safe. “Get to safety.” He'd order them, hoping to have healed them enough for them to get out of here without issue.

With that, he should've set the stage for his allies to start the slaughter.

CD – Ce duration
CD – De 0/1
CD – Ee 0/0

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Elvario Elvario

Air wheezing through teeth. It's cold and it stings.

Lung pressure heavy enough to squeeze phlegm against the hulls of his throat. The addicted flavor of ones own saliva in a violent rampage was an unquenchable one. Opening his throat muscles to inhale as much oxygen he can, enough to make him feel a poetic haze. Growling with the mightiest intent to drag their bodies across the cavern with his locked jaws.

Neck twitching with an intense urge as he was held back by his subconscious. The green bean commanded.


Instant, it didn't even take him a second to start slurring out a theatre. A new voice came out, demonic. Voice acting like a demon that needed to be exorcized from a human villager. He's seen many in his childhood when the fae would use spirits as weapons of mass destruction. It became quite a staple in his core memory. "THE LORD BOY AND HIS MOMMY. THE LORD BOY AND MOMMY. THE LORD BOY AND MOMMY." He began pounding the ground, digging into it in a craze. A show of the dramatic. Should it let the Kobolds guard down, he did not care. He was asked to stall. "FUCK YOU LORD BOY, YOU'RE BANNED. YOU HAVE TO STAY 100 FT AWAY FROM MAGNET SHOPS. THEY HATE YOU." Where the fuck is a magnet shop he thought to himself, and yet that would probably ponder in the kobolds heads too. Now was the phase to manically jest. "THAT'S RIGHT, WALK AWAY!" Laughing in victory. Slobbering mouth liquids leaking down through his chestplate.

Keep stalling.

He reached out his arm into a serious point, scanning the area until he found the green bean. "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO FLY AWAY IF YOU BLINK TOO FAST WITH THOSE EYELASHES. ARE YOU TRYING TO COMPENSATE FOR YOUR TINY DICK?" None of this was some sort of test of charisma against the kobolds. It was the sole strategy of mental exhaustion. From witnessing your friend getting his balls ripped out, to a man barking at you, to him batting his friends in a comedic show. It was a showmanship of random circus acts and low attention span satisfaction, all in order to stall for whatever thing his comrades were doing.

If there was one thing humans knew other than violence, it was manipulation.

Then he reached deep down in his memories. In a slight pause for dramatic effect he brought out his Intelligence [D] for the next insult. "THE FUCK ARE YOU CHANTING ABOUT YOU MORTAL CANIS LUPUS FAMILIARIS HOMOSAPIEN HYBRID LOOKIN ASS." He didn't call him a fae, that would've been too easy to tell and not entertaining enough to hold attention. In his studies or beliefs, Monsters and fae have the attention span of human toddlers. Either by overexposure to stimulating entertainment in their fairy fuck cities or by having a low IQ monster brain, either way this was a real strategy.

He did a jig while he sang before his stature began to slowly return back to his canine form.
"L" "Y" "N" "C" "H" "I" "N" "G"
Once the dog priest reached the ending parts of his chant Annellanus Gilgramfried the ultimate human began to swipe the bloodied gauntlets all over his helmet in ritual. Then griped the ground with his hands and feet. A beastly position that allowed him to take off into a sprint at moments notice. Deep chants echoed chaotically from within his drooled helmet. Using intelligence [D] he began to mimic whispers of dark spells in ancient made-up languages that he had no ability to cast. Neck twitches came back as if he was possessed by the overwhelming willpower of humanity. A ghastly Gilgramfried in a madden state sprinted off towards the kobold. If he encountered any of them, no matter what tactic they chose against him he'd charge the frontline as if it were a shield wall and throw his entire body to break their line of defense. Head banging the first one he'd get his hands on, until metal won against skin, until metal won against bone, until metal won against brain mush.

He did not care if it was ten monsters or a hundred, he did not care if the hostages were safe or dead, a charge was to be made.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Fortunately, Adelhein had the chance to stop before entering the tunnel which would lead him back to the chamber, where the sacrificial altar and Dranth's body stood. Apparently, the canine-humanoid had a different plan, which he would put into action instead. The young magus didn't particularly appreciate that the plan was going to be kept a mystery until it unfolded, but it seemed that things were already being set in motion.

Furthermore, he looked with genuine and palpable confusion as the armored warrior began shouting things about himself. Walking back where the group was, his crimson eyes narrowed as he absorbed each of the words. Particularly, he didn't feel vexed by it, as he could only assume that, what was being done, had the objective to draw the attention of the kobolds. The young magus' attention shifted from Annellanus to Saber for a moment, observing her usual stoic expression. With a silent understanding passing between them, he nodded, positioning himself back where he was initially.

"As soon as spellcaster finishes what he is doing, we advance." Adelhein whispered to Saber, as he tried to fake being surprised with the ongoing rambling that was coming from the warrior. He stood still, as a deterrence, making sure whatever the spellcaster wasn't interrupted. And when canine-humanoid was done, he would be ready to get into distance, if it was necessary. Let's see how good his plan is
Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM.png

Shael heard Demeter’s plan and while it sounded kind of risky it was better than any other options they had as she nodded..playing around could buy them time before they could suddenly attack and hopefully get their enemies off guard before they did any serious damage. She was glad to hear that Demeter seemed to really actually care about those in danger not wanting to just charge in and accept the losses.

“{I like your thinking.}” She responded quietly in Sylvan. Thankfully Adelhein seemed on board which was a relief, as he spoke pretty authoritatively. Yes describing the nuances of the attack plan.

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1-1-1.png

Saber after doing the slaughtering, with a pretty blank expression on her face was quick to join her master once again. She diligently followed him to the room with the hostage situation, surveying the room. She listened in on the plan, it not really feeling her place to comment on it unless she saw something wrong with it, and it seemed like it was solid. “Yes, My master.” She responded, when he asked if they should go. However she would return when Adelhein did by the time the ranting from the East Empire man started up.

“Understood Master.” She would reiterate when she better understood what was going on and what Adelhein’s actual plan would be.

Shael looked onward at the enemies concerned for the hostages, unsure if they’d be able to get them unscathed, unaware of Ceylan’s rather powerful abilities, however when she saw him casting she got even more nervous, what if the beastmen criminals started to kill the hostages? It wasn’t like people who could revive people from the dead were all that common..and the state of the body mattered.

Worse yet Shael wasn’t sure how the lizards were going to react to Annellanus acting like he had lost some marbles, at least that’s what she assumed he was doing when he started shouting out all those things.

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1-1-1-1-1-1.png

Jareed looked much more pale by the point that Annellanus was yelling and acting erratically, hoping the stalling would work and take the attention away from what the others were doing ,even as he held onto his staff looking like he might be pondering whether or not he was going to start casting again.

The remaining surviving lizards from the first attack, and the hostage holding Spear lizards at first had been satiated by hearing they would be getting the staff they wanted.

Scimitar Lizard #4

“Very well then! We will wait here, try anything funny and they all die!”

While the other Kobolds seemed to be in agreement, it wasn’t all too long before they were bewildered by all the strange things that were being shouted by Annallenus

Double Dagger Lizard #5

“Uh..is he well in the head?” The twin dagger slinging Kobold would ask sounding genuinely concerned.

Thankfully this stalling and distraction would allow for Ceylan to finish up his spell uninterrupted and suddenly all 11 hostages would be summoned a distance back from Ceylan’s proximity, as if they were some creature he brought from another dimension. Thankfully the least injured seemed okay for the time being as the others were effectively healed. The once hostages now freed guild associates stood at attention at Ceylan’s command.

“Yes Sir!” They’d exclaim diligently before they’d all begin to move as quickly as they could down the path that the adventuring group had come down as a means to get away from the lizards and to presumably start making their way out of the cave since that would likely be the safest at this point, all seemingly compelled by Ceylan's words.

"How the hell did you do that?!"

"Our Hostages!"

"Kill them all!"

The lizards were completely thrown off guard by Ceylan's move, looking bewildered, brandishing their weapons.

This display of power was very surprising to Shael as her eyes widened a bit. “I didn’t know you were that strong…” She said softly to herself whilst looking at Ceylan, before she seized the opportunity to take am and get a shot off since it was pretty clear what they needed to do next, Saber Alter charged toward the group of Lizards closest to the circle to go in for a wide slash on all of those who were bunched up (Scimitar Lizard #4 and #6, and Double dagger lizards #5, #2 and #3. ) the Dark slash developing and striking true as the Lizards cried out in pain, at a disadvantage due to being surprised by the encounter, some of them trying to block, but the Dark Excalibur Nova III would strike true the slash looking stronger compared to weaker grade versions she had used prior.

"T-Thank you! Thank you so much!" Jareed exclaimed looking to Ceylan calling out almost emphatically, it looked like tears were going to come to his eyes for a moment before he refocused.

Shael would take a quick shot aiming for the heads of two of the nearest spear Lizards on the right side.

Without having a hostage leverage there was opportunity for a forward assault to finish the lot off.

Shael Actions:
1. Fire Lunen arrow at Spear Lizard #3's Head with Steady Hands F and Stealth F, Focus F
2. Fire Lunen Arrow at Spear Lizard #4's Head with Steady Hands E, Focus E, and Stealth E

Saber Alter Actions:
1. Advance on Scimitar Lizard #4 and #6, and Double dagger lizards #5, #2 and #3.
2. & 3. Strike at them with Exalibur Nova III when in Melee range. (Yes I'm being extra nice on action economy)

Enemy actions:
1.Freakout and try not to die.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

On the topic of 'distractions', Annalenus was providing such a good one that Ceylan himself had to struggle to stay focussed on his magic. He was almost convinced that 'Human' was possessed by a [Monster] at this rate. Even so, the man's ungodly distraction was definitely working. He had a bit of a heart-rate-increasing when his chanting was pointed out. The whole reason he'd been hesitant to explain his plan was due to how easily it was countered the moment someone realised it. Luckily enough, the man's crazy rambling was so distracting that it still didn't call him out.

Sighing in relief when he was able summon the hostages and heal them, he would gladly leave dealing with the goblins to his allies. After al, magic like that wasn't easy and he did need to remain focussed enough as to not break the [duration] on his summoning and have the hostages end right back up in their cages.

That said, it seemed withholding his plan had paid off, as the lizards were ever bit as confused as he hoped they'd be. Even though his allies were as well, but they'd be able to adapt no doubt. “The enemy still needs defeating.” He'd comment, not wanting to take too much praise whilst there was still a threat right in front of them. It didn't stop his tail from wagging a bit faster at Shael's praise and Jareed's word of thanks.

Deciding to await what his allies might be able to do and deal with, he abstained from casting any more magic and merely focussed on keeping up the [duration] on his summoning for the time being.

CD – Ce duration
CD – De 1/1
CD – Ee 0/0
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein's eyes narrowed slightly when Ceylan had finished up the first part of his chant. Seeing how the hostages who had been in the cages teleport to his location, before running away, following the canine-humanoid's orders. To think that spellcaster had the knowledge and control over spatial manipulation was quite something to behold. It seemed that things would end up exceptionally after all, as the group went for full marks on that job.

Shifting his gaze to Saber, the teen magus witnessed the brutal might of her strength once more, the corrupted blade she held slicing through the kobolds. Adelhein couldn't help, but feel that he had been blessed by the luck of the draw: having summoned such a strong and loyal Heroic Spirit to his cause, the corruption of the black mud just making her better in every way possible.

Not only that, Annellanus had already charged head-first into combat, and the magus was already expecting to see what type of brutality would he pull this time around. And, with two arrows flying from Shael's bow, it was time to press the advantage even further. "Well, we shouldn't let them take all the credit, right?" Adelhein said, turning to Demeter, in a slightly humorous tone. Channeling the mana from within, he extended a single handle towards the lizards which Saber was already fighting. "Fervor Mei Sanguine" He uttered, five metallic tendrils quickly forming around his feet before shooting towards the creatures. If it didn't manage to reach and pierce the creatures, he hoped the could after the explosion of each tentacle would.


1 - Target Scimitar Lizard #4 and #6, and Double Dagger Lizards #5, #2 and #3 with Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Enemies] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0

Selective Magic targeting only the enemies, Int C (4) + Cat D (3) + Ability E (2) = 9 Base Effectiveness

There was a tension slowly growing in Demeter for a while there.

First, it was the threat of the Kobolds slaughtering the captives before any of them could do anything to stop it. Then, Ceylan's chanting as he charged up a spell. Gilgamfried's performance and following charge only compounded upon it. But all of that tension faded away as the hostages vanished from their perilous situation within their cages to the safety at Ceylan's side.

"Oh. I guess that... also works."

She almost seemed to deflate a little, but she couldn't deny that it was a good thing.

Gilgamfried rushed into the fray. Shael immediately started firing arrows. But it was Adelhein who helped her perk up a little bit at what seemed to be the final confrontation. She watched him for a moment as he struck a pose and extended a hand forward to summon forth metallic tendrils and smiled. With a childlike glee, she assumed a sprinter's stance.

"Nope," she replied with renewed enthusiasm.

Then she dashed straight towards the four Kobolds untouched (or at least not targeted) by Adelhein's magic and cast
[Root Eruption].

But this time was different. Adelhein and Saber, in particular, might've noticed a distinct change in the dryad's behavior as she lauched her attack. Instead of slamming her hands into the ground like every time before, she extended one forward as roots erupted from the earth around her to impale her targets. In fact, it was almost like little green bean had taken to mirroring Lord El-Milloi's stance outright.

And also, inadvertently, revealed just how pointless that little habit had been this entire time.

Actions (3/3)
1.) Move 30 ft towards the four Kobolds who hadn't been targeted by Adelhein's spell.
2&3.) Cast
[Root Eruption] on all four of them as soon as they entered her range.

Root Eruption- Magic E, Magic Domain[Nature’s Fury] F, Deflect (1) F, Knockback (1) F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Magic Targets F, Magic AOE F, Magic Range F, Blight[Bludgeoning] F- Demeter summons root spikes from the earth to bludgeon, impale and drive back foes. She can choose up to 5 allies to spare from assault should they happen to be within the radius of the Root Eruption. Alternatively, she can choose to forgo the A.O.E. effect and target 5 specific targets to impale.- 30ft Range.- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- 2 actions- Grade E- 1 post cooldown.

Effectiveness: Int D + Componentless Casting E + Magic E = 7 effectiveness.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Elvario Elvario
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

"Good boy." Complimenting the dogthing.

Arms spread out. The sound of violence eased him in. It’s meditative with a slight hint of pleasure. Green bean and lord boy had brought him what he initially threatened. It wasn’t the perfect spitroast that would make dracula happy but it was indeed a painful impaling. Too fast and spontaneous for his taste but at least it would satisfy any scene for bloodlust.

Though he wanted one for himself. “Leave one!” Sprinting, hopefully before any of the traveling spells could hit his target. He’d leap and try to save one kobold, any of them. Why? Why would you keep any of them alive? It wasn’t any intention of mercy, it was much more than that.

With the help of Precision [D] Gilgramfied would equip the kobold tail that he had harvested before. Whipping it outwards in an attempt to lasso an ankle and pull one down.

Hopefully wrestling one and pinning them down with Strength [C] , he’d offer. “Torture.” Just a single word that would get his point across. “Parade it across the roads of a nearby village that was victim to these monsters.” Such a thing was a normality to him. “Not only would it boost human morale, it would scare any monsters in this area.” He did not bark, he did not warcry. His words were clear and experienced. The torture of a monster and displaying their mangled corpse in a nearby forest was as good as any magical forest ward. It works especially well with fae.

1: Lasso with kobold tail
2: Tackle and restrain a kobold.
Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM.png

Shael’s arrows would collide with #3 and #4’s heads while they had been bewildered by Ceylan’s magic and the East Empire man seemingly acting like he had gone feral, as well as now the group attacking them.

Spear Lizard #4 would cry out briefly before falling over looking inactive due to the arrow penetrating its skull.

Spear Lizard #3 did not fall however despite having the arrow sticking into it as in a last ditch effort it threw it’s spear in the direction of Annellanus however the spear would land short of him while he was going in to restrain one of the Kobolds.

Shael had a steely look of conviction in her eyes as she fell the criminal, it being the first time she had really killed someone who wasn’t a monster, but she didn’t really have a choice at that point when it became apparent the Kobolds were not going to surrender even while the odds had fallen out of their favor.

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1-1-1.png

Saber looked confident, a cold smirk on her face, which now had a bit of Kobold blood on her cheek. Double Dagger Lizard #5 hadn’t really been able to block her more powerful sword as she broke it’s daggers and slashed right into it’s chest. Double Dagger Lizard #2 was also unfortunate facing a similar fate.

The Scimitar lizards had faired a bit better at first at least #4 managing to protect itself even if it’s blade now looked damaged, so did #6 except it did so worse, getting it’s arm cut up in the process.

Surprisingly Double Dagger Lizard #3 had managed to dodge her attacking entirely and looked like it was about to rush in and try to counter attack, before it had been taken down by Annellanus.

The ones who had not been physically subdued were having a considerably worse time however as Adelhein’s spell popped off, expertly dodging his servant and impaling the lizards who she had struck with the metallic tendrils, causing holes through their already damaged armors and chests, and to make matters worse for them, as they would all collapse, the spell he had inflicted and Saber’s attack proving to be considerably too much.

All the Kobolds in the circle had been killed except for the one which Annellanus had taken captive.

Worse yet for the spear lizards was when Demeter’s roots came in after the fact and knocked back and impaled Spear Lizard #1, #2, and #3, since #4 was already dead. Her roots completely killed off #3 who Shael had already previously damaged.

While #1 and #2 were in the process of being made prone from the knock back, Shael would quickly fire off another mundane shot to finish the job on #1 hitting it in the head.

Spear Lizard #2 was now on the ground incapacitated, however it wasn’t for long as Saber quickly made her way over to it and promptly decapitated Spear Lizard #2, before turning back to Adelhein.

“Hunted down like the simple barbaric animals they were.”

The only visible Kobold remaining was Double Dagger Lizard #3 who the East Empire man held now.

Shael looked over at it and heard what Annellanus had been saying. She wanted no part in torturing criminals, even if they were her enemies and showed them no mercy.

“We could..also take it in alive as proof for the quest and let it be taken in for questioning..” She reasoned out as a possibility, careful not to outright tell him what he was suggesting was incredibly inhumane in her opinion, thinking simply proposing the idea was better.

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1-1-1-1-1-1.png

While this had all gone down Jareed still looked sort of stunned from the whole ordeal. “Woah..you’re all so..strong, thank you all so much for saving my comrades!” He said with a deep bow.

“We should make sure everyone gets out of here safely then and..get a proper report in with the guild so they can work with the proper authorities, then we can get you all paid.”

Now was the time for the group to decide what their next actions would be now that the immediate threats appeared to be pretty well neutralized.

Double Dagger Lizard #3
"N-No! Please spare me I'll tell whoever you want everything! Just please don't let him kill me!" The Kobold cried out in pure terror, unable to even remotely get Annellanus off of himself, looking like prey which was in the face of a predator, Annellanus' display earlier clearly freaking it out further.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

While Adelhein was focused on his magecraft and the opponents, he couldn't help but catch the sudden shift of Demeter's ways to use her own manipulation of nature. It seemed that the dryad was taking after him in the shifting of her stance. The suggestion and offer to share his own knowledge about the arcane appeared to be already been having an effect. It was like seeds who had been planted and were already sprouting. And the teen magus would certainly nurture it. With that, he would prove which El-Melloi was more apt to actually be a mentor. Furthermore, everything that had been shown thus far was that she had the makings of a true magus, subverting the armored warrior worries of keeping her out of bloodshed.

Seeing now that only a single cultist remained, now under Annellanus' mercy and will, there wasn't any real threat present. Turning towards Ceylan for a moment, he looked at the canine-humanoid with curiosity, remembering the magecraft he had used. "Was that spatial manipulation you used to move the hostages out of their cages? That surely isn't an everyday magecraft." He asked, mistaking the true nature of the spell, while his tone held a hint of praise. Even more, since it was done without considerable preparation through rituals and more complex means. It seemed this spellcaster was someone he should take notice of.

After a few moments, he would walk towards Saber, seeing her work from up close. His eyes scanned the bodies with natural indifference, his crimson eyes almost reflecting the blood which now was splattered on the floor of the cavern. His companion's efficiency was on point, as always. "This was nothing compared to what we have already been through, but it is the first step towards something greater." Adelhein said to Saber, turning towards her. Noticing the blood on her cheek, his eyes widened slightly. He would approach her, the stark contrast between their heights just being more evident, as she towered him. Reaching into his coat, he removed a handkerchief from it and, moving his arm upward towards her, he gently cleaned up the blood on her pristine, pale skin, with gentle care. As he finished it, there was a small smile on the young magus' lips.

In the next moment, however, his expression returned to its neutral self, now directing his gaze to the creature under the Eastern warrior's grip. Shael had given her own suggestion, to bring the cultist alive and be charged for his crimes most likely. Adelhein had an entirely different idea. "A living being would make for quite a good 'catalyst' for certain kinds of rituals..." He said that directly to Annellanus, hinting he had one in mind already. However, his was only a suggestion, not really feeling he had the right to dictate what fate should the creature have. Still, the leylines of that particular cavern appeared to be quite right for it. While it could simply end up in a bust, his mind raced with the outcome that could come from it, his crimson eyes glinting with something unknown as he stared at the pleading kobold.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

He watched as the others dealt with the Kobolds. The rabid knight was still concerning to him, so when Shael spoke up, he was quick to back her up. “She's right. It might tell us a lot more about what they were trying to do here, which would help us figure out how to prevent something like this from happening again. Or perhaps use it to our own advantage.” He provided some more arguments.

He nodded at Jareed, as he suddenly realised something. “Oh, right. The situation didn't allow for it earlier, so forgive me for my late introduction. I'm Ceylan, Bishop of the Syncretist church. I learned some people had gone missing along the road I wished to traverse and could sense something wrong, which allowed me to find all of you and your ongoing battle.”

He was a bit surprised by Adelhein's interest. “It's a summoning spell. Yet rather than summoning beings from distant planes of existence, I summon those I'm able to lay eyes upon.” He explained. “You'd also be correct. It is among the most difficult forms of magic I've encountered thus far. Especially ensuring they stay around for long enough. Which reminds me, could someone open these cages? The moment I cancel the duration on this spell, they will be moved back to their original positions, which might make them rather panicked and confused.”

He stated, as he'd wait for the cages to be opened and cleared, before cancelling the duration on his summoning magic, which would return the prisoners to their previous locations and also undo what level of mind-control the act of summoning had done to them. He'd immediately bow. “My apologies for using such a crude method, but I knew of no safer way to save you from the hostage situation.” He'd speak to them whilst still bowing down to show his sincere apology for the method used.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Elvario Elvario

Success is measured in blood

He really wanted the creature to bleed and to be torn apart by villagers. It's the fate of all non-humans however the lord boy spoke of an equally intriguing option. "The Lord said we should sacrifice this one to a god or higher deity. Which one?" He ignored what the fae had to say about letting it serve it's sentence in prison and extracting information. That right is only meant for humans and in some rare cases, a fae who deserves an ounce of mercy. "It's obvious what they were trying to do here, and the answer to get rid of it is the same as always. Warborn humans." Gilgramfried stated on the normality of violence in his species. He leaned forward to speak with the kobold directly, holding it firm as it tried to squirm against his weight. "By burning, ripping, flaying, gouging, and eating all of your kind to extinction." It would be a simple taste of its own medicine, a cycle of vengeance that he entertained to the fullest.

In any case he wouldn't object the kobold's outcome. He was just a soldier and he doesn't have any say. Even if it meant letting the kobold free, he is not programmed to have a mind of his own. looming the question if he even had more conscious freedom than saber. Purely acting on instinctual training and the indestructible mentality of the eastern empire. Gilgramfried as much as he was an individual in this party could not see himself as anybody special. He believes his kind of being would simply blend in and become one of the shapeless numbers in any eastern empire formation. Even if he did abandon his kingdom to invest himself in the freedom of Ryke, he will always be treated as nothing else but a mindless drone.

A mindless drone that could relate to the kobold he held. Complying with commands without thought and killing without remorse. "I relate to you, beast. We are one of the same. We have both killed the innocence of this world. We have both done unspeakable things to the most pure and meek. Which is why I pray for OUR never-ending punishment. Mine will come soon, but sadly yours will be today."

"It's not for me to decide but I do pray for OUR most malicious execution."

And he did pray.
That the dog will bite its flesh
That Lady Shael shoots an arrow into its spleen
That plants poison its blood
That we do choose the worse and most hungry God to swallow its soul for eternity.
It was time to take it all in.

With her hands resting proudly against her hips, the young dryad surveyed the area. Their enemies had fallen. The captives had survived unscathed. A cave system full of evidence and a criminal captured for... whatever purposes the others saw fit. Demeter wasn't overly concerned with the lizardman's fate. She had no intention of letting him leave the cave alive in the first place. Whether he ended up a prisoner, a philosopher's stone or... still dead was an afterthought as far as she was concerned.

She was somewhat worried about his stuff, though.

"We should probably bring that staff back to the guild, right? It seemed..." her eyes narrowed for a moment, "Kinda important and there were alot more lizards in that journal than there were in this cave. I don't really wanna see what might happen if one of them comes and takes it when nobody's here."

Then, she heard Ceylan apologize for saving the captives' lives, to which her brow furrowed.

"Pfft. I wouldn't worry about it. Every method we had there was going to be uh... 'crude'. Some... more than others..." She imagined a scenario where the group had simply attacked the kobolds without reckless abandon. She also imagined a scenario where they'd successfully ambushed the kobolds and painted the captives red with the fresh warm blood of their captors, "But anyone who's not happy to have survived this is just plain crazy. I mean, I know I am."

A brief pause as her own words repeated in the back of her mind. She turned back to Ceylan.

"H-happy, I mean. Not- not crazy. There was a barrel with legs that tried to kill us before you showed up."

Wheatley Wheatley Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

With Ceylan's explanation of what he had used to get the hostages out of the cages, Adelhein became pensive for a moment. The idea of using a summoning ritual to call forth something already present in a particular plane was bizarre. And, seeing how there was a duration for it, as the canine-humanoid would further explain, it was rather different from purely spatial manipulation. "That was quite an interesting way you found to deal with the situation at hand, Bishop. Crude or not, the method itself is not as important as the result and, from what I can tell, the result was a success." He commented, showing his more pragmatic to the situation they had in their hands.

And, as he heard Annellanus mention the idea of a god or another esoteric being, the teenager chuckled slightly. "That wasn't exactly what I had in mind... but I suppose if something's powers and capabilities are not bound by the fabric of nature, it might as well be called a god, regardless if it is of human make." The corner of his lips curled up slightly. "No matter, I might as well attempt it without a living sacrifice. Maybe all this blood lying around will do it." He added, since there was no clear consensus of what to do with the kobold captive. Turning his attention to Saber, he began pointing at the cages. "Saber, would you be so kind to bust the locks of the cages open? I will be a busy with something else." His words left questions, even for the Heroic Spirit.

"Demeter, there could be something interesting to learn from this, if you wish to." Hinting at some sort of impromptu lesson, his eyes narrowed a bit. Adelhein began walking towards one of the bodies of the fallen kobolds, his small form stopping right in front of it. Leaning towards it, he would stick both his hands in whatever wound the corpse had, deeply, smearing his gloves with the wet, crimson fluid. Afterward, he would walk towards an open space before he began drawing something with the fresh blood, from the very center to outer part of it.


"The very center is where we would place a catalyst to properly guide what is being brought forth, trying to shift the balance towards a specific Heroic Spirit. Since it would be impossible for me to acquire one in this land, there won't be a physical catalyst. However, I will use sigils referencing somewhere we call the 'Throne of Heroes'." He told the dryad if she were accompanying him, as he was drawing it. Next, he would move back to the body to dip his makeshift 'painting brushes' on the crimson liquid once more, continuing to draw the symbols. "The inner circle is used to focus the mana which will be applied to the summoning circle to the center of it." Adelhein continued to explain, his voice being loud enough for the others to hear it as well.

Getting more vitae to continue his 'art-piece', he went back, continuing to draw the arcanic circle by memory. "The middle-circle is where the elemental sigils are drawn: fire, water, earth and air. In addition, there are sigils also representing the celestial bodies: sun, moon and stars. The use is to focus both elemental and cosmic forces into the circle." The young magus explained further, before beginning the very last part of the circle. "The outer layer is used as both as a containment, making sure all the mana focused on the circle doesn't end up escaping and having some... dangerous result." Finishing, Adelhein walked in front of the circle, extending both of his blood-stained hands towards it.

Concentrating, he began to activate his magic circuits, making his mana flow freely inside his body, pouring it into the circle. "Be prepared for anything." He warned the whole group, without giving specifics of what they should be prepared against. His eyes would then fall back onto the circle, giving it his utmost attention. Soon enough, he would begin to mutter a chant.

"From the cardinal gates, let the elements gather,
By the call of the Grail, come forth and manifest.
By my will, I summon thee,
By my words, I bind thee.

Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill.
Let each be a vessel for the soul,
And as each vessel is filled, let it be shattered."

Each chant held the magus resolve, his mind accepting whatever implications the summoning could bring forth, the Solomon circle burning brighter in a vibrant, crimson color with each passing moment.

"Come forth, Servant of the Grail,
And answer my call.
Heed the summons and emerge from the abyss,
For I am the one who shall be your Master.

By the light of the stars and the power of my will,
In the name of the Holy Grail,
I summon thee!"

And, with the final words of the ritual, a blinding light engulfed the chamber which they were in.

Saber Alter tensed as she sensed the immense mana gathering. Her eyes narrowed at the summoning circle, wary of what entity might emerge. When the light faded, her eyes widened slightly at the familiar presence now standing in the center.


The King of Heroes gave an amused huff, tossing back golden locks as she surveyed her new surroundings. Her gaze settled on Adelhein, a smirk twisting her lips. "Well, well, to think I'd be summoned by a mere child. How interesting."

Those crimson eyes then shifted to Saber Alter, and Gilgamesh's smirk only grew. "And in the company of a faker no less. This shall prove quite entertaining."

Saber Alter's hand tightened around the hilt of Excalibur Morgan, her expression hardening into a glare. "Gilgamesh." The name was uttered with distaste. This arrogant fool was the last entity she wished to encounter again.

Gilgamesh chuckled, utterly unaffected by the hostility radiating from the corrupted King of Knights. "Come now, is that any way to greet an old...friend?" Her gaze slid back to Adelhein, voice dripping with amusement. "I am the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. It seems you have summoned me, though to what purpose I cannot fathom. Speak, boy, and entertain me."

Saber Alter remained poised to strike, golden eyes boring into the side of Gilgamesh's head. She would not allow this insolent Archer to threaten her Master. Adelhein came first, as did his orders. But if Gilgamesh made one wrong move... Excalibur Morgan thirsted for her wretched blood.

Adelhein's eyes widened slightly looking at the figure in the middle of the summoning circle, his mind racing with the implications of it. Even without the Servant's introduction, he knew who it was. He was initially surprised with the gender of the vessel which the Heroic Spirit was summoned into. However, he discarded his thoughts about it in the next moment, trying to contain his excitement of having the luck of the draw on his favor a second time, first with Saber's summoning and now with Gilgamesh's. Or so he thought.

The tension between the new summoned Servant and Saber was palpable. Regardless, it was up to him to navigate controlling both Servants as their Master. Stepping into the Solomon circle, Adelhein's crimson eyes met the golden ruler's. "I shall reveal the purpose of this summoning at a more... opportune time. I beg your patience until then, King of Heroes" Saying that, he bowed slightly, before rising once more. "I am Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer." The teenager magus introduced himself with his usual prideful tone. Turning around, he faced the rest of the group. "Shall we be leaving?"
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