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Lawrence gasped for air as he jolted up off the ground. He huffed trying to grab a hold of his breath as he slowly stood up. He pulled at his foot noticing something was around his ankle. He yanked at what felt like a chain. Soon, panic overwhelmed him, he began yelling and screaming trying to pull whatever was around his ankle. He couldn't see, he couldn't move, where was he? "Somebody Help me! Where the hell am I?!" he yelled at the top of his lungs hoping someone, anyone would of heard him. He sat back down on the floor but quickly stopped at what sounded like somebody else in the room. @Endless Love


"What the hell." Antonio's raspy voice muttered as his brown eyes flickered open to find a dimly lit room. He stood up, and tried to walk around to find some sort of an exit, but instead found a chain around his ankle preventing him from further movement. He cursed again, this time a bit more intensely. It was then he realized he wasn't alone. He heard another voice not far away, and when he turned his head he saw a man in the exact same position as he was, fearful and confused. "Hey." Antonio whispered. "What the hell is this?" It was probably a waste of time asking, because the guy looked like he knew absolutely nothing about what had just happened, but it was worth a shot.​
"I, have no Goddamn Idea.." the words escaped from his mouth, shaky and rattled. "Uh, um, is there a light switch over there?" He peered at the man from across the room, but couldn't get a good look at him through the foggy darkness of the room. The chain still clamped around his ankle greatly annoyed him. "do, do you have one of these to?" he shook the chains making a rattling noise. "I woke up here..just like you..." He couldn't help but sound startled.
Riley woke up to the sound of people talking and chains rattling; Her dark hues fluttered open to a room full of despair. It was cold on the floor everything just seemed so tight in here the walls were rotting with mold surrounding the cracks. She then fixated her vision on two men talking with chains wrapped around their ankles. Riley glanced down at her leg spotting a chain as well tightly grasping onto her, She could feel her heart racing against her chest then she spoke out "Where are we?!" Riley exclaimed impatiently shaking her leg trying to get as far as she could but she failed anyways.


Antonio took note of the man's distress. He was just as worried as him, if not more so. Just when he was about to reply with some sort of solution, he caught the sound of another voice, a female one, and averted his eyes to where the sound had emitted from. A light brown haired girl, who seemed to be in the same situation. Her ankle was also chained. She too had a question as to where the bloody hell they were. As he'd had once had when consciousness was regained. "Are you the last of them, or is there more?" Antonio asked her, his eyes rapidly taking in the darkened room. Not another sign of life other than the three.

Riley stopped struggling at the sigh of one of the men talking to her, a lump formed in her throat. She had no idea where she was and didn't know how to answer his question properly "I-I don't know" she said simply taking a huge breath glancing at both of their faces. "All I remember was driving somewhere, then I woke up here" she commented staring into the darkened room with the lights dangling overhead flickering aimlessly at everything. She closed her eyes leaning up against the molded white wall behind her distracting herself from the nonsense that she got put in, Riley ran her finger tips through her light brown strands. "who are you?" she questioned tilting her head at the boy with dark hair that had first asked her if there was more of us.


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