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Fantasy Sarraqa, The Land of Mutants and Monsters


The Kleptomanic
school of motivation and hope. We take in those with gifts, and the strange. Founded after the awakening of 1942, we set to train, educate and support the new supernatural generation. Our main aim is to ready them for the world outside and to give them the tools to fight in a community of discrimination. We use strict routines, and principles to ensure our students are resilient, hardworking and ready for anything.
All teachers are qualified paranormals who have numerous degrees and outstanding control. They will develop the pupils education and also enhance the gifts each have possessed. At Lumos, we split our cademy into Paranormal and Academic studies. We cater to a variety of accommodation for pupils of all shapes and sizes, along with differing diets. We won't ever decline a new student, we believe everyone deserves a chance. Even those without gifts, but has prowess in academics can join. No child should be let down, or abandoned.

We hope you decide Lumos Academy is the best for your child, as we are sure to not disappoint.

Character Sheet
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Let me know if you have any questions!

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