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Fandom SAO Rp! (Always accepting!)

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He runs out of the shadows charging him and using disarm on both of his spears again

he smiles and before he can get close to him enough, he trows the white spear at his right arm. The spear would stab him making him let go of his sword. He had his arm paralyzed and couldnt move it. My char would then stretch his arm again and the white spear comes to his left hand
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He runs out of the shadows charging him and using disarm on both of his spears again

Both are disarmed and ádis uses a burst stab at his chest and face before slashing at his face bringing Nathan's health to 5%
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Both are disarmed and ádis uses a burst stab at his chest and face before slashing at his face bringing Nathan's health to 5%

(I already countered that)
ashel darkwing]Both are disarmed and ádis uses a burst stab at his chest and face before slashing at his face bringing Nathan's health to 5% [/QUOTE] (Ya I'm not taking mine back if you can just summon your spears back like a Jedi from Star Wars [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28440-jpthewarrior/ said:
@JPTheWarrior[/URL] )
ashel darkwing](Ya I'm not taking mine back if you can just summon your spears back like a Jedi from Star Wars [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28440-jpthewarrior/ said:
@JPTheWarrior[/URL] )
(I dont summon them. I can make them come to my hands. And I countered what you said. You runned straight at Nathan and try to do the ability. Well my char is not going be standing looking at you. He is going to do something and in this case he trew the spear at your char making his arm paralyzed. )
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Tobias slammed yet another ale down he was now surrounded by other players as they all drunkenly shared stories and laughed heartily forgetting about the death game even for just a moment was a great feeling.
"what is it exactly do you want with me Naru" as he stood and began to walk with the mysterious man cloaked in all black

"will you stop asking questions and just follow?" he said with a sheepish grin.
As Frost was walking he sees Aero or his classmate and said "Hey Aero how is it going." He walked up smiling as his white cape showed his mercenary skill.

TheSourPunchLime said:
As Frost was walking he sees Aero or his classmate and said "Hey Aero how is it going." He walked up smiling as his white cape showed his mercenary skill.
Aero wasnt in a good mood, "oh im doing just great! Two of my friends are in a duel and look like they really wanna kill eachother! And one tried to pull the guilt trip on me! Im doing just fine!" She shouts sarcastically. As her eyes flash with rage.

"Wow um well your doing better than me in real life i still have the cut and plus you want to see that duel with me oh and also I finally got the Master Mercenary Cape YES." He acted different in this world more confident and took her hand and lead her towards the duel

TheSourPunchLime said:
"Wow um well your doing better than me in real life i still have the cut and plus you want to see that duel with me oh and also I finally got the Master Mercenary Cape YES." He acted different in this world more confident and took her hand and lead her towards the duel
"H- ah! Wait I gotta break this fight up!" She shouts.
"Oh um ok see you." He sat at the seats and sighed he was sad and then looked at her he had a crush on her since 8th Grade even thought she and everyone else bullied him.

It was kinda true Aero bullied almost everyone though she did stand up for him. She was just rude to everyone and didnt want anyone to get close. With a small sighs she sits next to him, "im not doing this for you.. It just looks interesting.." She lies pretty horribly and crosses her arms.

"leave me alone I always been a loner and when this game came out it was a new start and I did I am the leader of one of the most Famous Groups plus Neil was kinda a Jerk even thought I like this new world." He smiled and then took out some lunch "Want some?"

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Aero was confused, "Well what do you want me to do? Leave or stay?" She asks with a raised eyebrow, "your not the only one with a bad real life." Aero hadnt shared her real life with anyone since that made her sensitive.

"Oh just stay anyway I think you would have a better life Having parents and all." He smiled than looked at the growing group "Oh great Fans uh."

Aero's eyes become full of sorrow. But quickly return back to normal, "Yeah.. Yeah. Parents." She closes her eyes for a brief moment and regains her composure, "eh it is a duel and whats better than two people fighting?" She chuckles.

"Uh people not dieing I tangoed with Death more than once ig and irl even thought oh ya hey you married?" He meant the IG Marriage

"Hey I think your a nice person anyway the only nice person." He almost committed suicide more than once she was the one who kept him from doing it he was happy


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