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Fandom SAO: Death Game Reboot

Which is your favorite ship in SAO/GGO/ALO?

  • Sinon x Kirito

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  • Suguha x Kirito

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  • Lisbeth x Kirito

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lisbeth x Klein

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Asuna x Kirito

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Raiden decided to not drink it. Mercer seemed like a nice buy, but he also just met him. "Well keep in touch i guess." Raiden said. He then sent him a friend request. Raiden was really surprised that he wasn't part of the top five. There aren't a lot of players who are this high of a level. "So Persephone, should we head out?"
Amaya Miyo :: Florencia

Whispering forest


Florencia noticed a little blinker going off near the button for her menu, and flicked her arm at the button. She mad missed a message from Persephone during her squabble. The girl pressed the message, and read it over. It seemed like they were being summoned. She tapped reply, and quickly typed out a message back to her comrade.

<|< Sorry for not answering quicker; I'll be there soon. I was busy dealing with a group of PK'ers. >|>

She tapped the 'send' button, and took out her teleport crystal. That was the end of her brief time of solitude, but she would definitely be back. Besides, she did need to pick up some things, and the forest was close to where she needed to go. Fiddling with the teleport crystal, she ported out, arriving at the beginning of the destination with the help of the item.

@labyrinthecho you need to re-establish control pretty soon, we're starting to lose cohesion and sorta need a clear plot line >.<)

Raiden then noticed an icon blinking. Raiden opened it and saw the message from Lisa. "Umm i have to go see you guys later." Raiden then headed out for the forest. Why is it that Raiden meets a girl that he likes and now she is sent to kill him. Guess this is his luck.
(OCC: Sorry, I was eating/sleeping~ also, since most of the hackers are 'anti-heroes/villains', maybe there could be a scene where the Heroes land themselves in trouble. But they are rescued by the Hackers and others[charries without a Hero/Hacker rank], and afterwards the Hackers explained what really happened. So the Heroes start helping the Hackers and are considered the bad guys as well? What do you guys think..?)
(Seems nice, but we should keep the rivalry going on for a while... Maybe have a big announcement that the front liners are launching an attack on the next floor boss? That would push certain characters to leave and do things; and due the seriousness of a floor boss, might drive a temp alliance between hackers that go and other players on the raid group)
(so when the Hacker/other raid group go to raid a dungeon/Boss, they find out that the Heroes are there as well but that they are in trouble. Yes, that'll do~[also, we'll keep the rivalry going for a while, as you mentioned before])
(I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ah, and sorry if you feel like I'm hijacking your plot ~.~ I have a tendency to accidentally do that)
(Ah, not to worry~ I'm like that all the time in IRL. eue)


Anika Nakano // Persephone

"My username is Persephone. Look, I just wanted you and your friends to tag along because I need to ask you a question or two," she states, stopping and sitting down on a rock. "I know that you're a Hacker. Your face is plastered all over most towns, though some of the others aren't.." she says,"first question: Why did you bug the game?"

Akito Kaisa " Random Glitch "

Witch's Forest


10:20 PM

Akito looked at the map, seeing his friend icon moving around weirdly as he started to make an message towards Beelzebub/Vaun, :| | Are you okay at the moment? ||. Wondering if he was attacked or found by the Heros that were found in the forest, turning on his straining ability hearing a female's and a male voice. He glanced at North star, "Speaking of him, I think he has already gotten in trouble," He says as he heard the other voice, but not what she was saying however, his straining skill not that high yet.​

Amaya Miyo :: Florencia

Witch's forest


Florencia scanned the area, not really sure of where Persephone was located, or if she even needed anyone's assistance anymore. Better to be safe than sorry. After not spotting any other players, she began walking through the witch's woods, her ears peeled for any sign of another being.
Lisa sat in the spot where she'd meet Raiden and frowned at herself. "It's you or him. That's the answer to your mission. But is it really worth it?" She asked herself before looking at her needles.
(So I'm gone for two days and I have nine pages to catch up on? Wow, popular.)


Sora, who was AFK.

Sora clipped his sword to the belt on his waist while he sat in a tree. He'd used a teleport crystal to head back to town on that floor and buy some new supplies. He opened his menu and sighed. "I guess I should send a message to the rest of the group..." He muttered. He opened his friends list and selected the other 'heroes,' then pushing the message button. He quickly typed out [I went to the town, I'll warp to one of you once I finish getting some supplies.] He pushed send. Honestly, he wasn't sure where in Aincrad they were...
(It has grown) Raiden got to the place where he was supposed to meet Lisa, and he saw her there. "I bet your not too thrilled to see my face."Raiden said. He then sat down next to Lisa. "Would you mind telling me why the guy wants to kill me?"

Hoshiko "North Star" Mikazuki

Hoshiko replied, "Really, shouldn't we help him" she said as she equipped her staff and was ready to use defense though. She was already a hacker yet, she was already hooded off by the others.
"All they said was that they thought they needed a new best player. They also threatened me if I didn't kill you." She said with a frown. She was tossing a needle up and catching it repeatedly.
"Well, then let me think really quick." Raiden said. Raiden then sat there for a few minutes coming up with a plan where both of them could be happy and alive. "How about i fake my death. I will get to stay alive. You will be able to stay alive. We will all be happy. I really don't care if i don't have the heroes tittle. It actually starts to get to you. It makes you think that you are the strongest player even though there is a player stronger than me. All that I have to do in order to fake it is to unfriend every one in my contacts, well except you because you already know about the death being fake, and I will also disband my guild."
"Man, this place looks like something out of a fairy tale." The man said as he walked through the Whispering Forest. He wore no shoes nor armor, something that seemed dangerous or perhaps foolhardy. The ambience soon grew tiresome, and he took to whistling some popular pop song as he continued his trek.

Isolation and solo play were completely normal for him. Perhaps they avoided him because of his appearance, much as people did in real life. Or perhaps it was his sheer force of personality and bluntness. The one factor that didn't stick out was his orange color cursor.

Shinken cracked his knuckles as he looked back momentarily. He had been jumped just a few hours ago and managed to fend off his attackers - a gang of players who had been lurking in the forest. Apparently they took to the bandit lifestyle in this fantasy world. Whatever, it didn't matter to him - he just wanted to keep playing. Not once in any of the 30 levels did he notice the log out button missing. It didn't really concern him, it's not as if he had had heard of the last incident anyways.
(Actually it would since they used the exact methods in a episode of SAO)

"Good idea but don't do anything to risky I could just go after my employer. Either way things will pan out somehow." She said with a smile at his creativity.
(There's a massive monument on the first floor that lists all dead players if I remember correctly)

"Yes but it's guarded by a immensely powerful monster that was only beaten by Yuwi or however you spell it.)

Amaya Miyo :: Florencia

Witch's forest


As she straggled around, Florencia began to wonder where she may have been. No reply message came from the other party member, so she assumed that her help was no longer needed... This was a waste of time, then. Sighing quietly to no one in particular, the player pulled out her <<Teleport Crystal>>, and set her destination to the Whispering Woods yet again.
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