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Fandom SAO: Death Game Reboot

Which is your favorite ship in SAO/GGO/ALO?

  • Sinon x Kirito

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  • Suguha x Kirito

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  • Lisbeth x Kirito

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  • Lisbeth x Klein

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  • Asuna x Kirito

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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"I liked pointy objects, I liked dueling, I liked the challenge. Ain't much to say about it. It just came natural to me. The reason my moves were so good just now was because they were my own and not guided by some computer system. There is no substitute for honed skill." He still stayed lying down on the grass, with a small rock for a pillow. He opened one eye to analyze the two, yeah he was sure need be he could take them. He didn't feel the need to get up and prepare for attack. He brought his flask to his lips once more and took another sip. "Anything else?"

Anika Nakano // Persephone

Persephone nodded. "Good to know," she says, sounding like she had tricked him. "And you're the only one that has this Special Skill, I'm guessing?" she presses, walking closer. Because the forest was so dark, her Laurel wreath was somewhat blinding. 'This guy... is one of them, isn't he?' she asked herself, though she couldn't be sure.
"I never mentioned any special skill, but I am likely the only fencer in the game. I'm sure there are others who were decent or maybe even good at kendo, though I haven't met them. Still I haven't met one athlete from kendo who I haven't or couldn't have beaten. So yeah, in terms of real life skill I'm the best." Now she was prying, great. Did she know about his Master Swordsman skill? Yet another who has come just to call him a cheater. "Perfect, all I wanted was to nap and peace and I get this again. Just lovely," He thought to himself.

Anika Nakano // Persephone

Persephone just shrugged. "I observed your profile and status earlier. Listening to you talk about it a lot, it didn't become hard to guess it's your Special Skill," she tells him, pausing for a second,"it'd be pretty hard if you were up against a Witch or Summoner, then, eh?" she thought out loud. "Anyways, I have two questions for you: One, are you one of the four hackers?" she asked rather bluntly.
Mercer lept up and put his blade against her throat, as it turned pitch black. "It wouldn't be so hard to defeat a witch if they were a fool enough to get this close to me. In a way it is my special skill. Master Swordsman allows all my trained, professional moves to have power far greater than any attack the system provides. Ill ask you one question, do you really think a computer nerd could master a sword like I have? Im only here because I heard I could put my training to the test against challenges far greater than an average duelist. So far that statement has been wrong. No, I'm not a hacker, so what do you want from me?"
Lisa frowned looking at the contract on her desk. "Kill him or we kill you. Bottom line. It's time somebody else became the best." The client said with a sickening smile and a gleeful tone. She held her usual emotionless face and nodded before standing with her sword at the man's throat. "But threaten me again and I'll kill you and the target." She said before sitting back down her spooked client leaving quickly. She looked at the name then opened her friends list and saw it was the same. "Damn first friend and I've already been hired to kill him. I'll be nice and give him a heads up. Better leave a recording in case I die too." She thought to herself before sending Raiden a message.

"I've just been hired to take you out so keep your eyes sharp and know that I'll make sure you see me well ahead of time. Good luck may the best fighter win."

She sent it and sighed leaving her typical recording on her desk before leaving to head to the woods and wait for the boy from earlier.
Beelzebub chuckled softly to himself, he'd been picking up a dozen or so rumours of the 'heroes' pouring into the Old Witch's forest, and it seemed like fun in his eyes. After a short pause, silently readjusting straps on his armour and purchasing a handful of health potions and teleport crystals from a convenience store, the lifesaving items came at little cost, so there's no particular reason to not buy them. He'd made sure to get two crystals, one to get there, and the other for his return trip. It took a moments pause, before he groaned out with a VC "Teleport <<Old Witch's Forest>>"

Perhaps it was time to have a reunion with some people he'd already had some... Rather unfortunate encounters with. AKA the heroes.

He let off one last utterance, <<Unequip All>> allowing him to move much faster then earlier, dashing ahead towards the faint sounds of boasting and feeble communication.

It wasn't particularly long before he reached them all, grinning as he slowly, but obnoxiously closed in, making little to no attempt to max his presence "<<Equip, Set Alpha>>!" He groaned out, returning to his normal attire as he slowed down, but started jogging to the group.


Akito Kaisa " Random Glitch "

Floor 25


10:03 PM

Akito woke up when his system alerted him that he had a message, is it another hacker, glancing at the username that was slightly familiar as he thinks that it is probably another hacker, before opening the message to see what it says. He sighed as the message plays and shows that the other hacker was getting bored more than usual. He also saw the only person on his friend list in the Witch's forest, and so was the sender of the message, Hoshi, he thought something was going on there before sending a message back : || If you want to interact, try not being what you are. ||. After sending he set his armor back on and his own Teleport crystal, "Witch's Forest." The forest already seemed louder than usual. Hearing more voices going to his left or already there, he made a turn all the way around seeing a mix of Hackers and others alike....but they were not fighting. A little curious about what is happening he sits down while Activating his meditation skill just for safety as he watches.

Anika Nakano // Persephone

Persephone snorted. "There will always be someone better than you," she pauses, using her enhanced speed to back away a few steps from him,"you might not be a rookie, that's for sure, but even you should know that there's stronger players out there. You just haven't met them yet," she says. "Also, I'm not a Witch. But I guess I do look like one. Anyways, second question: Would you like to join us?" she asks, yet again being blunt.

Add-on: Persephone ignored the players that were heading towards them. She and her party would deal with them after Mercer answered her question, though she became antsy, knowing full well that they were the Hackers.
Amaya Miyo :: Florencia

Florencia walked leisurely through the forest, her sword resting within the sheath on her back. She was always one for solitude and independence... She was commonly found walking around the unlocked areas of SAO by her lonesome. Now wasn't exactly an exception, but she wasn't entirely alone. Someone was watching her back, most likely a PK'er. Florencia's main goal was to eliminate the PK'ers that have been preying on others in this very forest, and it seemed that they thought little of her level. They would be taught a lesson.

"Aw, I'm so tired..." She yawned out falsely, looking over at a thick tree. "I'll rest here." And with that, her plan sprung into action. The girl sat down against the tree, and closed her eyes as if she was really going to sleep.

(( Sorry for taking so long! I was really busy ;; o ;; I'm not entirely sure about this, but is the Hero party created already? Or is it yet to be officially created? Just in case of a mix-up u v u ))
"What I'd like is to take my nap and nothing more. If you can't tell already I don't really work well with others." He drank from his flask once again. "I don't care if I see the real world again or not. The only friend I had died in here, and it wasn't a monster that killed him, no it was one of you players. I'm just a sword fighter nothing more. I care for nothing more than a good fight to keep me busy." He took another sip and laid down again.

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Amaya Miyo :: Florencia

Florencia was aware of the approaching footsteps, and she waited very patiently for the right moment. The PK'ers approached quickly, and it seemed like there was two to three of them. She had a large cloak on, so she was unrecognizable for now, which was good... They were falling directly into her trap. When they were finally close, and were reaching out to make her open her menu screen, she grabbed one of them by the wrist. They let out a squeak.

"Didn't you know that PK'ing is against the rules?" She muttered, standing up with the person squirming in her grasp. The other two tried to escape as their comrade was caught, and that's when she swiftly got in front of them, narrowing her eyes.

"Are you that cowardly? You'd abandon your comrades for the sake of your own life?" Florencia's eyes filled with rage, and the two of them dropped to their knees, shooting out a bunch of apologies and words of remorse. That's when the girl sensed the person behind her, and unsheathed her sword in a timely fashion, whipping around to raise it to their neck.

"You seem like you've misjudged my detection skill." The other two PK'ers rose behind her, and now all three of them were ready to fight. Florencia was ready to fight, but these people seemed like they wanted to fight to the death. That was something that she was not up for doing, killing other people. The thought of doing so filled her with some sort of uneasy fear. One of them signaled to the others, and they began a coordinated attack. But she was ready, she had trained for this. She ripped off her cloak, tossing it to the side.

"Let's go."

(( Okay! Just making sure (^: ))
Vaun Akira "Beelzebub"

Vaun took note of Akito's arrival, popping a message over to him <<Wanna help out the other hacker girl? Or wanna just interfere and have some fun?>> he made care to avoid the creation of loud noises, smiling as he crouched down, fully prepared to dash into the group as necessary.


Anika Nakano // Persephone

Persephone frowned,"I'm sorry.." she apologized sincerely. Walking forward a little, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's not an answer, so I'm guessing you're taking it into consideration," she pauses, thinking,"no one stays solo forever." Taking her hand off of his shoulder, with a quick slash with her right hand, her menu appeared. After sending him a FR, she says,"I hope we see each other again, Mercer." And with that, she walked away, towards Hoshi and Beelzebub. "I'd like to talk first before anything dangerous occurs," she tells them as she walked deeper into the forest. If she could talk some sense into these Hackers, maybe they'd finally tell her how to get everyone out of this death game.

Amaya Miyo :: Florencia [/center


The three PK'ers seemed to recognize Florencia, but still did not heed her warning, nor would they back down. The swordfighter was beginning to look rather bored as she dodged their attacks, waiting for the perfect moment to use a special ability, or to just flee and come back with the party Heroes that she was a part of. Then again, the thought of seeking help was not something that she was up for doing, and it made her narrow her eyes. Suddenly, the three of them left an opening, and she activated her special skill.

"Special skill... Lightning strike!" She shouted, charging at the one that seemed to be the leader. It was no use: her level was much higher than any of the three. With a flurry of stabs into their chest, they collapsed to the ground, barely able to move. Florencia had made sure to damage their health considerably, but did not kill them.

One of the PK'ers became enraged, and started yelling at him. "You could have killed him!" They shouted, their sword poised for another attack. Florencia turned to leave, sheathing her sword.

"But I didn't. Let this be a fair warning... Next time I catch you PK'ing, I won't be so kind." Opening up her menu, she went into her items, and pulled out a healing crystal. She twisted her torso so that she was half facing the trio, and tossed it over.

"Here. I hope that you have learned your lesson."

The three of them nodded quickly, and after a spray from the crystal, they dissapeared. When she was sure they were gone, she sat down beside another tree, breathing deeply. Her special move had drained a bit of her stamina, but it would raise back up soon enough.​

Akito Kaisa " Random Glitch "

Witch's Forest


10:13 PM

Akito looked at the screen opening the message if a response of his own
:| | I got to have enough time to make a Akito - San in this world.... and either way I think we are going to end up helping her aren't we. But I guess I can go help her directly||. Akito said now starting to activate most of his combat abilities, and some supporting ones that might help.

He then sent another message at Beelzebub: || Tell me when you are ready to stir up what probably would be hell||. He said most his armor on, he also checked his MP who right now would be full. Fire in a forest seems nice... he thought pondering if he should bring out Halo again, Halo would love to rip his enemies and.... his guts for bringing him out twice. He sighed as he shut down that option as a maybe.

Raiden was still sitting back listening and suddenly he decides to jump into the conversation. "Well i have skills that i have IRL that i implement into the game as well. I'm Raiden and I have been doing TaiKwando since i was little. Kamas were what i have been training with the past 5 years." Raiden said while taking out his kamas. "Surprisingly I have managed to get the skill to use kamas. I don't know why though."
Hoshiko "North Star" Mikazuki

North got a message from Random Glitch, saying, {If your trying to interact, try not being where you are}. She saw him but more than 2 feet from her and walked up to him. "Hey, What do you suppose we do now, I mean I don't think that we know we are "The Hackers" she said, to quietly. North Star then added, "Where are the others?"

(My Character's Username is North Star just so you guys don't get uninformed)
(She wouldn't statistically have the chance >.<)

Vaun offered a soft moan, uttering simply to the girl "first, tell me your username" he ordered as he quietly followed along.


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Akito Kaisa " Random Glitch "

Witch's Forest


10:15 PM

(-shivers in fear-) "Well considering that we probably have more than a few assassination attempts, I think all of us know that we are the infamous hackers. And to be fair, we did hack the system," Akito said as he got up, looking over at his list, when North Star asked the question, he looked at Beelzebub on his friend's list, previously near blank. He typed it in as a message before sending it to Hoshi, "That is Vaun otherwise known as Beelzebub. As for the other one, I have no idea at the moment." he admitted.
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Amaya Miyo :: Florencia [/size 4]

Whispering forest [/size 3]


Florencia stared up at the sky, sighing quietly to herself. It would probably be best to message a party member, or at least check in with one of them. She had been away for quite a bit of time... Then again, the thought of interacting with others right now seemed like it would ruin her peace. She wanted to just relax, but was such a thing even allowed in this world? If you even dared to rest, someone could kill you. Even Florencia was afraid to sleep on some nights... Most of her skill-points went into her detection skill. At this point, she could detect anyone with a lower level of sneaking than her level of detection. She could also listen in on conversations, but could still be noticed by a higher level.

"I have a lot of leveling up to do..." She mumbled to herself, exhaling with exaggeration. With a flick of her wrist she opened her menu, and scrolled down to her food.

"I'm also down to simply bread... I need to go buy some from a salesperson soon." The girl commented. Her inventory shut within a moment of hitting the 'X', and she rose to her feet, and the teenager started wondering about which store to visit.[/center]
"That's nice kid," Mercer said to Raiden. "I can respect that. Here," he tossed the kid the flask, "have a sip, it will put some hair on you chin. I'm going to take a nap now, wake me if I need to kill a monster or go if you like. Right now I need sleep, I'm a little drunk."

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