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Realistic or Modern Sands of Pleasure {A High School Romance}


~Thank You Based God~
By the time it's third hour it's the repetition that gets him.

Time flys by slowly each minute clicking down into the next agonizingly steady and without sound. The steady yet constant tick-tock-tick-tock of the clock makes him want to leave for just a few moments if only to escape the boring reality of the morning. It's not that bad to be honest if you count the admirable traits set on by the tricksters of the class and the soft giggles of the girls he tries to talk over and yet it's the same.

He wonders briefly where they'll be in a future. Will Bobby still be the class clown; still making the same old jokes behind his back or will he grow out of it and learn to take things seriously? Will Miranda learn not to take everything so personal and learn how to become an adult? Will-

He grits his teeth as his eyes try to focus on his handwriting. His back is turned towards his students while he tries and reaches on the tip of his toes to reach the date on the far right of the whiteboard. He ignores the snickers behind his back and continues to not let them see his struggles. By the gruff bark of laughter he can tell that Josh, the team Quarterback, the making jokes about his height. Leon sniffs and makes a mental note to call him out to answer the first question that comes into his head.

Maybe he'll do the hardest one? Leon gives up and instead walks towards his desk and smiles as the snickers stop instantly. He does like the feeling of control he has over these kids--though he's still a kid himself in someways--

Reaching for his planner he opens it quickly and stops on the second to last page, his eyes scanning the paper that's littered with words and highlighter marks. He squints his eyes and pushes the bridge of his glasses upwards and takes a deep breathe. "Alright, guys we get it, I'm short. Now can we please get back the to lesson?" He hears a few grunts of admission. "And yes, Josh, I can hear your snickers now suck it up and answer the problem on the board."

To the left of Josh's seat his classmate, Ethan giggles behind a meaty hand, and winces as Josh glares at him. Leon smirks as he straightens up and sits down at his desk watching as the students--his students-- methodically lower their heads and begin their daily plan. Once again. Like always. Just. Like. Yesterday.

Irritating. Sitting through a class was a gruelling experience - not that the lesson itself was particularly stressful or difficult for her. Having to sit near such immature students was difficult, especially with students like Josh and the other boys snickering and talking under their breaths at the back of the class, acting as if nobody else could hear them. Of course, it was easy to guess. It could have been some rumour, or maybe about a girl at school. Possibly about how horribly boring the lesson was, when the case was just they they couldn't understand it, or maybe they were talking about another poor girl.

Cana didn't presume it was her, easily because she knew that she probably wasn't the most attractive girl in the class. With her olive skin and bright green eyes - they were hidden behind reading glasses she preferred to wear in an attempt to divert attention and immature boys away from her - she was nice looking if you were to put her unruly, matty brown bob aside. She followed what the uniform allowed with the school skirt at the right length, and she liked to wear long white thigh highs underneath. They made her feel quite adventurous, attractive even, while she sat in the front row, thighs pressed together beneath the desk, watching their teacher get mocked by the boys at the back of the class and worked on the question on the board. And, likely to the surprise of the other girls, she'd grown out of her awkward young body while she kept it behind her heavy uniform which was a hundred shades of burgundy.

She tended not to speak as she was too awkward for that, and even when most people looked at her and immediately thought geek, she was a little behind with her work. Maybe her teacher had noticed, but she preferred not to say anything of it, as she said nothing and worked on whatever problems the teacher threw at the class. She was tired and eager to leave the class, even despite her quiet and guiltless reputation. Eyes glued to the clock by the board, she sighed quietly and waited. Everyday seemed to be the same.

She watched the class teacher go on his tip toes to write on the board, and ignoring the hushed chuckles at the back of the classroom, she grinned a little at the teacher. It was, in a way, adorable to watch. But, saying nothing, she looked back at the paper and continued writing.
Gof he hated this class, well classmates. All full of jocks, cheerleaders, and other concieted school bullies that Orlando did not waste his time on. Everyone in this class either was so dumb, well most. Only him and maybe four other kids had the brain power to actually be in the class. No he absolutely hated his classmates, but his teacher that was another story.

Orlando could only sigh in content staring at Le-Mr.Piotr. He was so great. Cute and smart. He scoffed to himself at how his other classmates where behaving. They were college for god sakes. People needed to start acting their age. The jocks were especially annoying with their snickering and mumbled jokes. Yes Mr.Piotr was young, but he was their teacher. If anything they should all respect such a ambitious for taking on the challenge that is teaching Seniors. Well not everyone can appreciate the greatness that is Mr.Piotr. Especially not some dumb homophobic football players.

Orlando heard in the back, some murmur about Mr.Piotr's height. So what? Orlando was short too! Actually he was about the same measly height as his math teacher. Not being able to cuss out the audacious student himself, Orlando smirked when Leonard denounced Josh. That is what that stupid jock deserved for being so rude.

Once all the student were back to their daily plan, Orlando quickly completed his warm-up ta king a quick glance at his very attractive teacher every few minutes. His mind started to wander more and more the long class went along.
Coughing low in his throat and breathing out through his nose he relaxed as much as he could in his chair as he watched them. Leon marveled for a bit at the students under his care and tilted his head to the left as he gazed at them. His eyes scanning the faces of the crowd of twenty of so students. It was always fascinating at how he could tell their personalities through by which they acted. Some he could tell were quieter and were more incline to listen than answer his questions. They were the ones who's faces were stuck in a determined effort as they whisked away through the problems. Others were noisy and standoffish; by the way they looked around the room hoping that he wasn't staring at them and only ducked in embarrassment when they were caught red handed. There were so many varying aspect in his students that it took a while to categorize them since the beginning of the year. Breathing deeply he swallowed back a grunt of satisfaction as he smiled at Cana, who still seemed to be writing, and at Orlando, who, not to his surprise was already finished.

They weren't his best students, but they among his most favorable.

Pulling his himself up to his feet he clapped his hands together to get their attention. He grinned as one girl in the back jumped and looked at him sheepishly. Leon nodded and pointed toward the board. Big, blue letters stretched across the board each letter styled perfectly to match his personality.

Biology 101

Mr. Piotr

  1. What is the difference between Eurkaryote and Prokaryote Cells?
  2. In what environments can bacteria be found in the world?
  3. How do bacteria reproduce?

To be honest Leon knew these questions would pose no trouble for his students seeing as this would be 10th grade stuff and frowned as he watched about three of his students seem to struggle with the questions. With a prickle of doubt Leon swallowed and wondered if these questions were harder than he intended? After all the second one should be the most obvious one of all, but that was coming from a teachers standpoint and not a struggling student.

Raising his hand he called for a stop. "Alright, enough. We'll go over these tomorrow along with the rest of the bell work so that we can get on with the lesson before the bell catches us." Leon risked a glance at the clock, it hands seem to be moving faster and he suppressed a mummer of irritation. "If anyone wants to stay after class to discuss these I would be happy too, but in the meantime we have to get some work done." he meant top mention something else, but at the moment it had slipped his mind and traveled off somewhere.


The first lesson went flawlessly. His words came out smooth and simple and after about twenty minutes of talking about the basics of what they would be going over and improving on throughout the year. His eyes traveled over his class and with a nod towards Orlando he swallowed back against his dry throat and continued on. as the words left his mouth without fail he jumped a bit as the bell caught him.

Dammit, with a sigh of annoyance he dared not speak those words aloud. Right when I was about to get into the cell wall.

He watched in slight amusement as his class packed up in a hurry each student seeming to be in a race with one another as the grabbed their bags and traveled out of the door. Turning his back towards his classroom he began to restart his day over with the next class. And then the next.

Cana could hardly believe that she was doing this, but knew that she had to. Her grades were getting worse (which was odd to her when she assumed that the more quiet people had a better chance at getting these things). There was something about science that was generally... confusing. And since her mother, since seeing her grades had egged her on, she'd decided that seeing her teacher after school was the best option, even if she was a little tired after her day. But there was no time to waste.

She'd realised that she wasn't one of the best of students, and improvements were needed. But still, there was something about the subject that just left her clueless. It was embarrassing when other classes were a breeze.

She moved down the corridor past the group of yelling jocks and stopped at the door, nervous to knock. When there was finally a cue to go into the room, she pulled the door open and shut it behind her.

Of course, she was nervous to approach him. She was about his height, and there was something charming about him. And she couldn't look him in the eye, not ever, in the fear that she'd blush. So she'd always keep her head down and say nothing, getting over with classes she couldn't understand.

She turned around and looked at him making books or something, her textbooks pressed to her chest and knees together. She looked away again, face half red already. She'd nearly forgotten what she'd come for. "Uh.. Sir.. If you're not busy. You.. You said that anyone could come in after school for help, and I think I need some with my work. I'm trying to understand it, but.. I'm sorry."

She pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose and stared at him. Why was she so nervous?

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