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Fantasy Sanctuary ~-.


The evil one
Hey everyone! I will explain everything here.

This is a not a recreation, but more of an epilogue of an old rp a friend and me where in.

The rp was about a fantasy highschool where all sorts of creatures resided. However, no one in this rp ever cared about the school, it was always a constant adventure. Either one person got kidnapped and everyone had to rescue them, or something along those lines.

Basicly, we are inviting those of you who wish to join to join. But, i dearly hope you will be able to deal with our crazy antics.

"Black Rose Acadamy" (credit to hyuga) however, at this point its been battered, most of you all wont have been involved in the war, as its been about 2 or 3 years. But, many of you are freshman, sophmores, or newly transferred juniors or seniors.

I don't expect many to join us, but if you want to your welome too!

Just remember the basic rules, no controlling other characters without permission, no godmodding (not to say you can't at some point be freakishly powerful ;) as many of us, are guilty of)

There is the city, and the highschool itself. And whatever else your heart dreams of.
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