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Fantasy Sakyo High

Welcome to Sakyo High, an elite high school located in Japan. We accept all kinds of students!

Students we currently have:

1st year:

Maruka Fokkusu

Luna Crosby

Hikigaya Houtaro

2nd year:

Aiden Maxwell

Augustus G. Parris

Elizabeth Blackwell

3rd year:

Akabane Akura
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Maru looked up the Three storied building. "So this is what Sakyo High looks like." Maru ran through the door and was greeted by a noisy bunch of students.

She walk through the crowd, took her sneakers off and started looking around. There is the washroom, and the stairs... Maru examined every little thing carefully.

Maru wanders to her classroom 1-B.
"Ehhhh, I got no sleep last night." Seo walks into the schools courtyard, laying down on a bench and falling asleep.
Maru was early, so she looked down there window. There was a bench with a girl laying down on it. There were people complaining since she occupied the whole bench.

Maru Got to her desk. "hmm. My table lost a leg. Poor you."
Luna stated at her new school, a little scared no one would like her, and the plain fact she doesn't know where any of the rooms in the school are, she started walking as a bunch of running kids run by, completely ignoring her presence and knocking her down.
She realized lesson was about to start so she ran downstairs and tried to wake the bench girl up. "Pssst. wake up. lesson is starting."
Luna got back up and dusted off her skirt mumbling about how rude those kids were, she quickly ran to her class and sat down.
Maru saw the name tag hanging on the girl's skirt. It says Seo Yuzuki on it. "Seo Senpai! Wake up!" @Sunkissed

Maybe Maru yelled too loudly, Maybe she got too excited and her tail whipped someone, Everyone is looking at Maru.
Naito said:
  • Name:Akabane Akura
  • Age (1st Year 15-16, 2nd Year 16-17, 3rd Year 17-18):3rd year
  • Personality:Akura is crazy and weird .He just love killing and blood.Although he is really smart ,he is too crazy.Most of the teachers hate him.Always take a knife or gun with him . Kill with smiling .Nobody know what he think.He is a bit too smart.
  • Appearance (Picture and/or Paragraph):Red hair and Red eyes .Always take with a knife or gun.
  • Hobbies:Killing
  • Fears:Someone die before he kill
  • Crush (Not Necessary):
  • Extra:
( you posted on wrong chat)

Luna watches the scene from her desk through the class window, not able to hear through it she wanders what happened.
Luba let a little giggle at red entering during the lesson, she thought the teachers reaction looked weird so she couldn't help it, she immedeitly covered her mouth as if she was yawning.
Luna looked at Akura, "uhm I don't think your allowed to have a gun, please put it away I don't feel safe anymore" said Luna, she surprised herself being able to say what was on her mind.
"EEEK!!" Maru squealed as she saw Akura's Gun. "Please Don't kill me." Maru put her hands up as she passed 2-C's classroom while heading for the washroom. She fur stood on the end and her teeth chattered.

Maru ran away as the teacher approached Akura. "Mr. Akabane, Please go back to your seat. Lesson has started. You will not eat after school. See me after school and you will have detention."
"You choose it. By the way, I get this from the stupid teacher 's wallet.He just put his wallet on the teacher dask."Laugh Akura
"MISTER AKABANE! I DEMAND YOU GO BACK! COME SEE ME AT THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE AFTER SCHOOL! And Miss Crosby, please look after him." The teacher yelled as he snapped the 1000 yen bill back from Akura.

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