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Fantasy Sailing the Seas


Ghostly Bender

Zacharia was never really used to sail a ship on his own. Most of the reason would be how newbie he was to the crew of the ship, the Black Wolf. He had only tried a sailboat once when he grew up. And now he had to steer a pirate-ship-sized boat. It was not really a decision anyway, because his captain was usually very manipulative. It was not easy to get away from his orders.

Zach hadn’t been in the crew for as far as the other members, so he had a little less experience being a pirate. During the one and a half years on the ship, he had made quite some friends. Who even he didn’t consider as friends, because of how 'crewmate' they acted.

A few years later, Zach had drastically climbed up the ladder. Now he was the first mate and the most trusted crewman of the captain. During his years as a pirate had been teaching him a lot, from survival skills, to fighting, fishing to steering ships, almost everything a pirate should know.

This day had been pretty quiet so far.
Zach was standing at the top of the quarter deck, once again, spinning the steering wheel against the wind. Not only was he bored, but he had been standing there since the morning. He held a map in his other hand, using it to locate the place they were to head towards.
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