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Fantasy Sail and STeel


One Time Luck
Hello there, newcomers and veterans. I invite one and all to take part in a RP, based around leading your character and his/her humble start all the way to fame, fortune, and a legacy, in the Age of Sail.

The story starts out simple;


You are the son/daughter of a newly appointed Captain; your father. Your father seemed incredibly happy with the role of being a Captain, and even moreso with the prospect of getting his own ship from his kingdom to fight for his Majesty and Country. He was so excited that he'd often write you letters from the naval base by the shore, explaining how he one day hoped you'd get to enjoy the experience of being out on the sea, fighting with a purpose.

You received many letters from him, most were quite happy and filled with stories of his adventures and triumphs, however one day, you and your mother received a letter that was not from him. However, it was detailing him, yet again. This time, his death.

Your father was slain on the sea in a naval conflict, caught in the cross hairs of two other warring nations-- in the wrong place, at most definitely the wrong time. The news is traumatic to your mother, so much so that she refuses to leave the house for anything more than gathering ingredients for food, and to go to church.

Years pass and you mature from being a young adolescent who lost her/his father, to a young adult, working a small garden that you mother set out to help alleviate the struggle she had paying for food. A letter comes by one day, detailing that the Crown has no longer any use for your father's old Sloop, and it is now being delegated to your family in order to pay for it's maintenance. Though of course, you are also granted ownership of it.

Your mother, shocked by the fact she now has another very costly thing to pay that she cannot afford maintenance on, searches for a buyer of the ship, however, with memories of the fond letters your father once wrote you, you set out to the tavern to rally up sailors to set out on your own adventure. The rest of the story, is yours.


Character Sheet-----------------------------





Skills [Detailed Below. Choose 3.]:

Weaknesses [Detailed Below. Choose 2.]:

Weapon [Detailed Below. Choose 1.]:

Ship Details:

The ship you inherited from your father.

Vessel Name:

Rig Type: Sloop

Hull Size: Small

Guns: 2 Left, 2 Right

Crew: 15 Able-Bodied

Notes: Inherited from your father. Has some of his belongings in the captain's quarters.



Sailor's Intuition - You have a natural way with the rigging. Despite your inexperience, you sail just about as well as anyone else, if not even a bit better.

Navigator's Guidance - Despite never touching a helm before, it feels natural in your hands. Your navigation is swift, and above average in finesse.

Gunman's Eye - Your father used to let you fire the flintlock; your ability to accurately fire range weapons is respectable.

Weaponmaster's Hands - Your father sparred with you when you were young. You have an innate knack for close range combat.

Cannoneer's Gut - Despite never touching the large guns before, you seem to understand their working's with no trouble at all. Your command of, and work with the cannons is respectable, even amongst those experienced.

Swindler's Tongue - You're used to convincing those who have a different opinion than you. Even those who are reluctant to you initially seem to like you over time.

Labourer's Arms - You've worked hard in the fields. You're assuredly stronger than the average man/woman.


Slow Blood - You're easily tired, and are commonly seen with a lax, slow demeanor.

Sea Sickness - Your stomach doesn't feel it's best at sea-- you've thrown up aboard atleast a couple times before.

Butter Fingers - You're not the most agile with your fingers, and you're quite familiar with the pain of dropping a cannonball on your foot.

Soft Spoken - You seem to have an incredibly hard time raising your voice to be loud. Even at your loudest, someone only ten meters away has trouble hearing you.

Bad Eyes - You look through the spyglass and have trouble distinguishing an enemy sail or a very square-looking cloud.

Hard of Hearing - "What was that?... No no, this time say it in my good ear... Oh boy, just write it down instead."

Sloppy Drawers - Needless to say, your presentation could be better...

Fearful of Pain - When you stub your toe against tables, you don't yell. You drop to the floor and bawl your eyes out.

Paranoia - You think there's danger lurking around literally ever corner... Let's just say going to mazes gives you panic attacks.

Weak Immunity - You've been sick in bed more times than you can count. You almost always have atleast the sniffles.

Scatter Brain - People often compare your attention span and ability to remember to a goldfish... A dead one.

Starting Weapons:

Musket + 10 Cartridges - Incredibly powerful and will likely drop a man in one shot. Incredibly hard to carry around, slow to load and requires ammo, but if you hit the enemy, there won't be an enemy afterwards.

Pistol + 10 Cartridges - Similar to the musket, just easier to carry around and the enemy may still be an enemy even after a shot or two.

Bow + 10 Arrows - Quick to shoot, easier to carry about and powerful as well. Though it's range and speed leave something to be desired.

Halberd - A big ol' stick with a big ol' ax head on top. This is one of the last things you'd ever be okay with coming towards you.

Spear - One of the most versatile weapons in history. Good defensively, offensively, and damn reliable and easy to fix. Also doubles as something to hunt fish with! Great!

Shield - Sometimes the best way to fight is to simply... not!

Buckler - A small metal shield about the size of a small dinner plate. Sure, it's simple and maybe a bit crude, but a metal plate not only wards off attacks, but also can be used as a blunt weapon!

Saber - A trusty, average quality blade that's sharp to the touch and dangerous to the guy you're pointing at.

Rapier - Long, slender, leaves shallow cuts and deep holes. Quite ornate and often seen as a gentleman's weapon.

Schiavona - Powerful, agile, and pretty to look at. Not the easiest to conceal and even a teeny bit bulky, but it's damn versatile.

Falchion - A wide, short-ish blade that makes devastating cuts that can cleave limbs off in two without too much trouble.

Stiletto - Small and damn pointy. Doesn't exactly have a cutting edge worth mentioning, but it pokes holes in baddies damn nicely.

Dirk - It cuts, it pokes, it's easily concealed and it's your best friend in a fight as long as you're right next to the guy-- hey, it even cuts apple slices!

Belaying Pin - A ship part used to tie ropes around. It's essentially a wooden baton. Though would you like to get hit by one of these? Likely not.

Steel Gauntlets - Knights used to use these to guard their hands and not have their hand chopped off. Though I'm sure you could use them to punch a hole in the other guy.

Knuckle Dusters - Pop these babies on your hands and not many people will know you have them on-- at least until you leave an imprint in their gut. Then they'll know. Probably be angry at you as well. But hey, that's the point.

Ship Details:

The ship you inherited from your father.

Vessel Name: The Anelace

Rig Type: Sloop

Hull Size: Small

Guns: 2 Left, 2 Right

Crew: 15 Able-Bodied

Notes: Inherited from your father. Has some of his belongings in the captain's quarters.


Simply leave a filled out CS below. Gonna start once 3 people post their CS.
Name: Velva Brink

Gender: Female

Personality: Calm, generally welcoming, can act without thinking thoroughly, stubborn, skeptical.

Appearance: Long, dark brown hair, occasionally beaded. Dark seemingly bottomless eyes. Slighly tan skin wiht a small scar across the left eyebrow.

Skills [Detailed Below. Choose 3.]:

Swindler's Tongue

Weaponmaster's Hands

Labourer's Arms

Weaknesses [Detailed Below. Choose 2.]:



Weapon [Detailed Below. Choose 1.]:


Ship Details:

The ship you inherited from your father.

Vessel Name: The Omage

Rig Type: Sloop

Hull Size: Small

Guns: 2 Left, 2 Right

Crew: 15 Able-Bodied

Notes: Inherited from your father. Has some of his belongings in the captain's quarters.

Accepted, 1 more. As I am gonna join.

Name: Aleksander "Sharp blade" Edward

Gender: Male

Personality: A brave gentleman, but scared from getting wounded so he think SO strageticlly before making a step, he also thinks dangrous is always there, so he always get ready for combat in any second. He know how to treat people well, and stay strong in hard situations. He also can convince people SO easily.

Appearance: (Just how I look like)

Skills: Weaponmaster's , Sailor's Intuition, Swindler's Tongue

Weaknesses: Fearful of Pain, Paranoia

Weapon: Saber


Vessel Name: The Red Flag

Rig Type: Sloop

Hull Size: Small

Guns: 2 Left, 2 Right

Crew: 15 Able-Bodied

Notes: Inherited from your father. Has some of his belongings in the captain's quarters.

Bump, come on guys. The RP is pretty good.
Name: Trinity "Archie" Archimedes

Gender: Female (Disguised quite well as a male)

Personality: A person of generally lax and calm temperament, Trinity is what you would call a gentleman. Or gentlewoman, if you really 'knew'. Polite and chivalrous, she is smooth and has a way with words that tends to flow smoothly around a person, ensnaring them. Quite graceful and keen, she is all fluidness and soft power. She tends to be quite indifferent and cool, however, and is rarely attached to people who want to get close. A bit manipulative, she is sly but non-confrontational, and will often try discrete tactics to gain the upper hand.

Appearance: She has wavy sable hair that ends around the nape of her neck, making her seem like a slightly feminine man. Her build is tall and lithe, and her chest is most often binded. Her curves are not as pronounced as most women, allowing her to wear simple sailor garments that hug the body and allow freedom of movement. Her eyes are a flinty ice blue, and her skin is quite pale, despite sailing in the sun. She remains quite unblemished, and her slender fingers and lack of callouses speak of a different life.

Skills [Detailed Below. Choose 3.]:

Navigator's guidance, Swindler's Tongue, and Gunman's Eye.

Weaknesses [Detailed Below. Choose 2.]:

Weak Immunity, Slow Blood

Weapon [Detailed Below. Choose 1.]:

Pistol (Flintlock)

Ship Details:

The ship you inherited from your father.

Vessel Name: the Moirai

Rig Type: Sloop

Hull Size: Small

Guns: 2 Left, 2 Right

Crew: 15 Able-Bodied

Notes: Inherited from your father. Has some of his belongings in the captain's quarters.
[RP started]

Aleksander would look at the calm sea, with birds singing, and fishermen fishing. What a great day, for a great start.

Aleksander would head to the tavern to drink some bear.

After he finish, he would get his fishing rod, get on his small fishing ship, and sail near the docks. He would stop.

+5 fishs

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