Safe Haven

Shew, it's getting late x.x I can't believe I'm actually up. Usually I'm passed out snoring in bed by now with my cat jumping ontop of me and stepping on my ribs.
Just arriving home! I'll work on a post when my laptop turns on =)

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Frankie isn't at the Safe Haven anymore...if you re-read my post you'll see she told Ashley to scout the base and make sure there are no ERTs and then she left.
Good afternoon for me =3

Pretty good I'm going to meet up with my group to finish off our project in a few hours and then I'm ordering pizza and wings!

How about you?
It's almost 15:00 here haha. I'm good. I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. It feels nice <333


you're welcome! :)

Your posts are doing really well. I'm proud of you for how you're doing, even for a beginner! ;)
Hey guys, I won't be posting today. Got some real personal stuff going on and I need to just to rest for the remainder of the day.
Hey all, sorry I've not been on these past few days. I had a really bad experience happen yesterday and it's been tearing me down emotionally and it's hard to get my creative writing going. I can't even sleep lately. I might post tomorrow.
I'm sorry for what ever is happening. Remember that everything happens for a reason and while it might not seem like it now things will get better in the future. I hope you feel better dear.
Uh-oh I do hope you are all right!

I was wondering what has happened but I figured we all had some irl stuff to attend to. But I did not know it was this serious :o
I also have some IRL happening too. With the whole thing about getting in trouble with law, I'm also getting a job at a hospital and I start Monday. Won't be on as much.
Not to sound pushy...but does that mean you wont be replying any time soon?

I just want to know if I have to be on the look out for this RP

And congrats on the hospital job!

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