Safe Haven


Boys, eat your heart out

As of now, I am not accepting any new users

to the roleplay unless someone drops out.

If you want a background on how the economy crashed in 2180, read my CS.

You can also create your own Character Skeleton or use the one I used. I would prefer the one I used, but you may also add in anything you want.

Please read the rules before posting your character. The rules will be up as soon as the Thread Tab request is approved


You know him/her as ~

But once he/she went by ~ (not required if they go by the same name they are known as)

He/She left home because ~

How old is he/she ~

He/she used to have the nickname(s) ~ (leave blank if none)

Favorite Color~

Associated with this gang~




You know him as ~

Derek Grace

But once he went by ~

Derek Dale Kinsley

He left home because ~

His jealousy made him pay the price.

Age ~


Nicknames? ~

Derek or DD

Associated with this gang~

Fallen Angels

Personality ~

Derek was always the rebel of the group. His attitude is based on comments or criticism. Arguments is what fuels his fire. His attitude consists of him being a total jackass, unless he is calmed down. Life caught up with him and his anger is what makes him the rebel of the Fallen Angels. He's always so angry but he never explained to his group why. Only he can understand the pain he was in. Derek would never hit a girl. He grew too used to seeing it daily in his household. He will knock someone on their ass before seeing a girl get hit by a man.


Most babies are born by accident. This baby however was planned for and fully concieved by a timed schedule. Derek was born into a wealthy family. His father Lucius was the owner of the largest bank system in all of the world. Not many people associated with the Grace's adjusted to the idea of a child, but everything was going according to plan with Derek's father, Lucius. His mother Junpier planned alongside Lucius for an heir. She married him mostly for his money, but Luicius married Juniper for her looks, wanting the perfect male child.

Derek doesn't remember much of his earlier life. It always seemed blacked out, as if he never lived them. It always felt as if he started his life around 9 years old, where he began to remember things.

At the age of 5, Derek was already enrolled in the most advanced Prep school in the Country. He spent his years being educated in everything that the teachers could shove down his throat. Derek was put into Marketing by the age of 12, and was already fully taught Mathematics, and English.

Lucius had planned an heir to his 'throne'. A child, male only, to recieve the family buisness. Juniper also had the same thoughts, but always wanted a daughter. At the age of 15, Derek had realized that his mother had been pregnant many times before him. He was known as "The Lucky Child". His mother had first concieved a child at the age of 14. Her first pregnancy was a boy. It was no doubt he was a stillborn though, and was ejected from her body.

At the age of 16, she had given birth to a girl, who was taken away because Lucius couldn't stand the thought of another broad in the house.

At the age of 17, Juniper had given birth to another girl. Juniper had finally convinced Lucius to let her keep a daughter. When the daughter turned 5, she had died of Pneumonia. At the age of 24, Juniper had finally given birth to a set of twin's. One female, and one male. The female had died from lack of nutrients in the womb before she was born, but the male had survived.

Derek finally knew that he was a lucky child to have been born into the family. He finally knew that his life wouldn't be the same. Over the past year, a month before his 14th birthday, he had went through changes. He began rebelling against his parent's and their wishes. Lucius had been throwing many oppritunities to him, but Derek had rejected the offer on handling his father's business. He refused and trashed many parts of his room.

One dead day, he finally broke out of his rebellious stage long enough to talk to his parents. He explained that the life they planned for him was not what he wanted, but what they wanted. After that day, Derek caused everything to be thrown off course. Everything had been ruined by his decisions. Lucius blamed him for the economic crisis they were suffering. The loans the banks had once given out were being denied because the family business was now in Derek's name and he wasn't doing anything about the economic crisis. Lucius warned Derek about his actions, and knew it would be the beginning of an economic apocalypse. He didn't listen to his fathers advice and plummeted the stock market of the company.

The review board agreed with Lucius that Derek was to be overthrown, and Lucius was to gain control over all branches. Lucius and Juniper then both agreed to try for another male heir to take over the family business. After two months of trying, in Junipers age, they were fortunate enough to get pregnant again. When Derek was 15, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, who was already more perfect in so many ways.

Derek despised them both. The two people who controlled his life and the two who shoved everything at him, as if he were their slave. He wouldn't stay in the house that despised him, and continued to stay angry. Lucius vowed never to speak to his son again, because as far as he was concerned he had no son. Juniper could not leave her son out to fend for himself. She told him he was always welcome to stay home whenever he needed it.

Stained by the anger rising in his heart, he ran. He gave up on everything..

And finally, he was free of them. He was free of anything for himself.

He was always angry with himself. And never told a soul why he was the way he was. He never told a soul, about his true past.

That was over a year ago, and in two years time, Lucius still could not fix the damage done by Derek. And Derek was running amok in the city, not afraid of anything
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16ae1d8e_Pinkhair.jpg.9da7793ec25ee3b2913180f01c2913cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16ae1d8e_Pinkhair.jpg.9da7793ec25ee3b2913180f01c2913cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

You know her as


She left home because

She hated being told what to do

She is




Favorite color


She is shy but comes out of her shell when she gets to know you. Not much of a talker again only if she knows you.


She was born to smug of parents. Trying to find something of a home. She the white lilys And she stayed with them. She did her own thing but stayed protected by the lily's. She would never go back to her old life. She has the nose ring and tatts . (More to come in the role as it is played out. Just the way I rp)

I have read the rules and accpect them



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    Pink hair.jpg
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You know her as ~ Sam Ro Frost

But once she went by ~ Samantha Rose Forrester

She left home because ~ His ex naval seal father beat him and his sister to a pulp.

How old is he/she ~ 16

Nickname(s) ~ Ro,Sam, and Sammie

Favorite Color~

Associated with this gang~

The Yellow Lions

Personality~ Depended on the day you caught her. She could be cold,dark,demeaning, and sarcastic. On other days she could be Funny, lively and talkative. More often then not she leaned more to the dark side of her.


Sammie as a child use to want to be like her father. She was always filled with fun and smiles. She was a great kid, that was till her father started beating her and her brother. Her mother just stood in the corner and watched her kids get beat daily to a pulp. Finally her brother took her away. They joined different gangs but still always helped each other. Z always cared for her and made sure she was safe. Sammie only trusted one person and that was her brother they were almost twins.



You know him as~ Zane Frost

But once he went by ~ Zane Ray Foster

He left home because ~ His ex naval seal father beat him and his sister to a pulp.

How old is he ~17

He has nickname(s) ~ Z actually prefers Z

Favorite Color~

Associated with this gang~

The Fallen Angels

Personality~ Z was basically the twin of his sister. He had many of the same demeanors. Except he was more positive then she was and way more protective of her then could ever imagine.

Biography~ Z as a child use to want to be like his father as well. He was always filled with sarcasm and tricks. He was an okay kid, that was till his father started beating him and his sister. His mother just stood in the corner and watched her kids get beat daily to a pulp. Finally he took his sister away from all of it. They joined different gangs but still always helped each other. Z always cared for his sister and made sure she was safe. Z knew his sister only trusted one person and that was him they were almost twins and his opinion they were.

Read the rules and I accept them

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EDIT: @Cupcake

You know her as ~


But once he/she went by ~

Francesca Doncaster

She left home because ~

Her father abandoned her when she most needed him.

How old is he/she ~


She used to have the nickname(s) ~

Princess (Don't ever call her that. Ever)

Favorite Color~

Associated with this gang~

Fallen Angels


Never in a good mood, Frankie is the most pessimistic girl you'll ever meet. She has a bitter and sour attitude that get her worked up easily. She's quick to bash out on the world with her cold and sarcastic comments. She is ruthless and not afraid to insult people. She'll usually lie her way out of situations or blame others instead of herself. Although she's offensive and people have been known to fear her, Karma has got her in check. Frankie will often find herself in sticky situations that may come off as comical to the people around her. Her quick temper and rash decisions often put her in a pickle.

Although Frankie has developed a tough shell to crack, very few actually know Frankie's story and have become her family. The handful of people who have gotten through Frankie's scales see that's she's really just a hurt soul trying to forget about her past. These people that have earned Frankie's trust have also earned her protection. Although at times she might also argue or fight with them, if anyone else harms them Frankie becomes mama bear protecting her cubs. Only she can mistreat her dorky family.


Frankie hadn't always been an orphan. She used to be the only daughter of the famous Von Hugh Doncaster, one of the richest man alive. Francesca Doncaster, the miracle child conceived to Elizabeth Doncaster, mother and wife. Frankie was considered a miracle because Elizabeth had been told it was 95% impossible for her to bare a child. However Frankie came not a few months after. She was the family's little princess. Both her parents loved her very much although, sadly, their love was not enough.

After a market crash people became desperate for money and food. People were being evicted from their unpaid houses and families went days without a proper meal. However the market crash was only a dent in the pockets of the rich. The Doncasters, along with other wealthy families, became a source of envy and a target for crimes. They got daily break ins and vadalization. To this the Hugh responded by securing his money and valuables in a precious vault. Everything he ever treasured was kept safe from the lower classes. Everything except his little princess.

One day while Frankie was out at the park, some street rats kidnapped her knowing she was the only daughter to the Doncasters. She wasn't kidnapped to be abused, or anything of the sort. The only thing her kidnappers wanted was Doncaster's money. You'd think the love for a daughter would be stronger than love for money, but in Van Hugh Doncaster's case, it wasn't. Doncaster refused to give the kidnappers money and instructed them to do as they pleased with Frankie.

Frankie spend two months locked up in a shack with her eyes blindfolded, water and bread her only meal. She had hope that her father would come to rescue her, but her hero never came. When the kidnappers finally accepted that Doncaster wasn't going to give in to their pleas, they let the child go. Suffering from malnutrition and trauma, Frankie wandered the streets alone for a while until she was finally able to make it back home.

Standing at the door of her parents' mansion, Frankie couldn't have felt more relieved, but when the her father opened the door, he looked strait through her as if seeing a stranger. Von Hugh Doncaster had taken a stance saying that having emotional ties with people made him weak. After Frankie was captured, Hugh divorced his wife and threw her out to the street saying he didn't want anything to come between him and his money. Now with little Francesca staring at him with a dirty face and large brown puppy eyes, Hugh failed to acknowledged Frankie as his daughter. He simply shooed her away and closed the door on her face.

Frankie was devastated. Going through that at such a young age was heartbreaking. Frankie was alone with no one to rescue her. She spend years in foster care being traded around houses as if she was some pair of pants. When she was 13 Frankie ran away from her foster home and resorted to living on the streets with the constant worry of where her next meal would be coming from. Frankie learned to take care of herself and not trust the rest of the people around her. She grew bitter by the constant struggle of living in the streets.

Lucky for her Frankie stumbled upon a homeless utopia. A place most referred to as a safe haven. Although she was very skeptical at first about the place and the people in it, Frankie soon grew accustomed to their way of being. She learned to fit in and became part of the family. Although her attitude hasn't improved much and it took a year or two for Frankie to completely trust the people there, Frankie is finally able to call this place her home. However, with the new law in place, Frankie is going to have to make sure she doesn't loose this family.

I read the rules and I accept​
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You know her as ~ Cat

But once she went by ~ Katja Dinitrov

She left home because ~ She needed a new home after her parents were kidnapped and her house destroyed.

How old is she ~ 16

She used to have the nickname(s) ~ Kitty, Rogue, Sting

Favorite Color~

Personality~ Usually a level headed, brave girl Cat can be really furious if someone breaks a promise or betrays her. She is kind towards her friends and merciless against those who would harm her beloved family.

Biography~ Katja loved her family, especially her father who was a Russian soldier. To her parent's surprise she was never the crybaby girl like they expected: she was a true tomboy, only wearing boyish clothes, having short hair and she always preferred to play with the boys as well. She wanted to be just like her father, a brave soldier serving her country and protecting innocents so she asked her father every year to train her. He always refused, saying that she was too young, but to her joy she has gotten a big machete for her 13th birthday as a gift. Since that day she kept it close to her heart, the most precious present she has ever gotten.

It was the eve of her 16th birthday however when she woke up to loud noises coming from the living room. As she hurried out to see what was happening she heard her mother screaming and her father fighting with the interlopers. She ducked as she heard few shots fired then the noise receded. She walked to the living room cautiously only to find a bomb on the carpet slowly ticking down. She quickly managed to grab her machete and jumped out the window just as the hellish device exploded, leaving nothing but ash behind. Her family taken, her home destroyed Katja now seeks shelter among those who suffered similar or worse fate as she did and vowed that one day she will find her parents.

And with that I can say that I have read and accept the rules
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/render_takenaka_by_sakucitah-d4rlfjr.png.551105695547381eee74f98b111db5e3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/render_takenaka_by_sakucitah-d4rlfjr.png.551105695547381eee74f98b111db5e3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

You know him/her as ~ Roxie Heart

But once he/she went by ~ (not required if they go by the same name they are known as)

He/She left home because ~ She was tired of the way her parents were treating her.

How old is he/she ~ 16

He/she used to have the nickname(s) ~ (leave blank if none)

Favorite Color~

Associated with this gang~ Fallen angels

Personality~ Considered as the bad Apple of the family. She doesn't let anyone push her around. She can b a jokester/prankster and a bully. But once you become her friend she will stand up for you to the very end. She also a tomboy. Comes from a very rich family. Even though she shows tough appearance deep down she actually a very shy girl who would rather just curl up and read a good book. She also loves photography. She doesn't like to show these sides of her she considers it to be weak. She also very nervous when it comes to love though she doesn't show it.

Biography~ Roxie was born into a very well known rich family. Her father runs a talent agentcy and her mother is a very famous fashion designer. She also has a older sister named Rebecca. Ever since Roxie was young her parents always treated her like she wasn't good enough. But her older sister Rebecca was considered the perfect child. Roxie was actually a very kind and shy girl. But one day she snapped she was getting tired of the way she was getting treated at school and at home. Two events happen that day that really made her change and a few years after that she ran away but her parents didn't seem to care much I mean why would they? They had their perfect child why would they need her?

"I read the rules and accept them”​



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You know him/her as ~

Adrian Hughes

He/She left home because ~

The life of a drug dealer seemed better than the life of society's puppet

How old is he/she ~


Associated with this gang~

Fallen Angels (Past)

Black Cats (Present)


Adrian is a force to be reckoned with. He learned never trust anyone, unless he had earned theirs. He has the signs of a sociopath. He has no true feelings of love, care, or friendships. If his way is not given, then he may just sign your death warrant. Although he has no true feelings of friendships, he allows people to befriend him personally, but never to befriend another.


Adrian grew up in an old apartment complex in Queens. His mother was a prostitute who stayed out late at nights, and was strung out during the days. Although she did love her sons, Adrian could never understand what it was like. When Adrian was 7 and his brother Leo was 4, Leo had broken one of Adrian's only toys. Adrian didn't like that, and thus pushed him down the stairs. His mother was not home, and Adrian sat in the living room the rest of the night watching cartoons. After returning home, Adrian's mother went through a mental breakdown after discovering the lifeless body of her youngest son. The autopsy report showed that after 'falling' down the steps, he suffered a small brain bleed that could have been treated. Adrian told everyone that he thought his brother fell asleep at the bottom of the stairs for his naptime. Everyone knew he was lying, but his mother had to believe her child was not capable of murdering his younger brother.

Adrian dropped out of school at the age of 14 and joined the beginning members of the Fallen Angels. He was promoted from member to Elder after a few years. He played a part in the everyday lives of members, and brainwashed them into believing they would be nothing without him. Derek was 15 by the time Adrian met him. Adrian was just a few months shy of his 18th birthday, and he needed someone at his right hand side to be a drug mule. Everything fell apart after Derek talked to the other Elders and thus he had to step down to keep from being discovered as someone pushing drugs onto young children. The Fallen Angels did not stand for pushing drugs onto young kids, but to help those in need. He did not do anything to help.

Adrian left, and took the members he selected with particular skills. Some came from the Lions, some from the lilies, and some from the foxes. He chose only the exceptionally skilled to follow him. No one from the Fallen Angels has seen him since the day he left, but he is about to make it change.

You know her as~

Ashley Wolf

He/She left home because ~

Her parents didn't give her freedom

How old is he/she ~


He/she used to have the nickname(s) ~ (leave blank if none)

Favorite Color~


Associated with this gang~

The Ally Gangsters


Scratchy, Kind, Quiet, Open Minded


When she was around 11 she met a boy online about her age. She talked to him and they became best friends but her parents didn't like her talking to people she didn't know. Her parents took away her phone and all other electronics. She grew very depressed and stayed locked away in her room until she was 17 and decided to leave.

I have read the rules and accept them.

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