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Realistic or Modern Safe Haven ( Animal focused roleplay )

Chase glanced down as the clip board was passed to him. He looked at the list of various jobs. Chase loved jogging, but it had been a while since he had gotten out because he had been so busy with work. Although he was tempted to join the list of people taking dogs in the race, he decided that he was probably more needed with the organizational and grunt work. He put his name down to mark out the route early in the morning and decided to help with starting and timing the race. "Well, I should get back outside." he said with a slight reluctance, it was hard to get motivated to go out in the scorching heat after hanging around in the air conditioned staff room and eating a full meal. He passed the clip board to Avery and then left the room, adjusting the baseball hat on his head and walking back to the back room. As he walked through the door to the backroom, he realized he still had a pallet of food to put away before he could go back outside. On one hand, it was nice to stay in the air a little longer, but he had been looking forward to cruising around town for the afternoon.

He propped the back door and feed room doors open with a wedge and began the laborious process of moving the bags into the feed room, and even less enjoyable process of trying to organize the cramped and overfilled room. With the number of new animals residing at Safe Haven, the food usage had skyrocketed in the last few weeks, but they were also accumulating more and more specialized diets for different species and special needs animals. He scratched the back of his neck,with a puzzled expression on his face as he tried to decide the organizational system that was the most economical on space but that wouldn't be too much of a hassle at feeding time. In the end, he found out that he couldn't possibly fit everything in this room, but he managed to transfer a stack of pine shavings for the small animals into the corner of the back room to make all of the feed fit reasonably well. "Hm. That took long enough." he commented, looking at his watch after he stacked the last bag of food almost out of his reach. He sincerely hoped nobody tried to pull a bag down and was trapped under a food bag avalanche.

Chase wandered out to the office and sat at his desk in the far corner beside a window that looked out to the front parking lot of Safe Haven towards Remus and Nichole's property. He checked the voicemail on the stray animal hotline and the email, but there weren't hadn't been anymore stray animal sightings since this morning. He decided to prolong going outside a tad longer, by catching up on some paper work first. Since Chase was almost always the one to bring animals into the shelter, he was responsible for starting the animal's file and also reporting that the animal had been caught to the city. Due to the former dog fighting operations, the city kept strict records of all animals in Harmony.

Avery took the clip board from Chase and signed up to do pre and post race inspections on all of the animals, as well as to be on call during the race in case of any emergencies. She decided that once the race started, she would be able to run some of it with Hunter and knew he would appreciate the opportunity to get out of the house and meet some new dogs. After signing up, she passed the clip board along before following Chase's lead and getting back to work. She walked into the dog room and found a clip board and some paper to make observations about their new finds. The "aggressive" male dog was still pacing around uneasily in his cage, but "Elle" seemed content laying with her puppies in the corner. She pulled a chair about half way down the row, so that she could keep an eye on the male dog without disturbing him, and watch the puppies closely to make sure they were nursing adequately.

Lewis ate a bit before walking over to the opposite side of the table and checking out the list of jobs for the 5K.

He scanned through the list and decided on showing the cats on the side line of the road where the race would be held, as well as

switching out maybe running a few dogs. He loved to run, and had done many charity 5K events, considering his parents

practically dragged him to every HIV benefit in the country, this was no challenge for him.

After signing up he waved to Carter before walking out of the staff room. He decided to check out the

puppies that Chase had brought in this morning and found Avery watching them peacefully.

He took a seat beside her and watched the small puppies nap and nurse.

"They look pretty small young. Good thing the momma was found." he said whispering quietly, not to disturb them.​


Carter grabbed the clipboard from Lewis and quickly signed her name anywhere that was empty, which was

unfortunately for her, working at the sign up booths. It's not that she was anti-social, but she also wasn't a social butterfly, so it wasn't the best job for her. She sighed and sat the clipboard down on the table before walking out.

The best thing about Safe Haven was that there was always something to do, but unfortunately for Carter, most of the time she got stuck with washing dirty animals, and that was exactly what she had to do today. She walked down the aisle in the dog room before finally coming across the pen that held "Copper & Popcorn". These dogs were fully trained, and the last step to the adoption process was for Carter to clean them up so that they could be adopted by some family. She led the two dogs out of the room carefully and passed by the bath rooms, where she usually cleaned the animals. Today was a nice day out, so she figured it would be nice to clean the two outside rather than inside.

She leashed the two dogs up to a small rail on the shelters side and grabbed the shampoo and water hose before returning. She started to wash Copper when the sound of wheels on gravel sounded behind her. She turned to see a large blue truck pulling up to Safe Haven and sat the water hose down, giving Copper a small pat before meeting up with the people as the exited the truck. Two men exited the truck, holding hands as they approached her. "Hiya. This is Safe Haven right?" the larger of the two asked. "Yes. This is, how can I help you today?" she asked with a small smile, leading the two inside. "We were hoping to check out a few dogs and maybe adopt one today. Mind if we look around?" he asked the small girl, a large smile plastered on his face. "Sure, let me get someone to help you with that." she said walking out of the room, and finding Chase at his desk. "Hey, there's some guys here wanting to check out the dogs. I'm kinda... dirty.. So do you mind taking care of them?" she asked gesturing down to her wet shirt and muddy jeans.​


Noel scanned the list, groaning at the amount of boring jobs on the list before coming across one with

a small star next to it. Nichole needed someone to ride Edgar, the large black horse that had been inhabiting the stalls for a long time now. Noel jumped to it, signing her name eagerly next to it. This was by far the coolest job on the list, and to make it even better, it would give her a chance to show up her mom.

Nichole had been trying her hardest to train Tor. He would make a great meet & greet dog if she could just calm his anxiety.

She walked with him outside, in small circles, testing out how he acted on the leash. Which was pretty good, but he still jumped every time Nichole so much as sneezed.​
Remus eventually got the clipboard, he looked around and eventually found something suited to him, which was showcasing the cats. Remus absolutely adored cats, he liked dogs too but preferred the company of cats. He signed his name and got up, leaving the staff room with Tigger following behind, to go find something to do, he decided now would be a good time to talk to his marine biology companions on how to get the marine wing of the shelter started. He walked over to his and Nicole's office, sitting down at the computer and opening up his emails, Tigger jump on onto his lap to continue his sleep. Sure enough there was already a plethora of emails from his fellow biologists and ecologists. Each email containing different advice on how to create an artificial environment for certain species. Since they live next to the coast, multiple species of animals can be found. Some mammalian in physiology, others purely aquatic.
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((Sorry, been very busy, short post to get started again))

Kipty finished up her food, smiling at the conversation around her. When she didnt have an excuse to linger longer, she threw away her trash and grabbed her cap off the counter. "Well, Im back at it," She announced, waving to the crowd as she left the room quietly. Outside, she was greeted by a beautiful dog, anxiously waiting by the door. "Why hello there." She said happily, giving the pup a scratch on her way by.

"Sadie, come!" She called, and Sadie immediately froze. She gave Skye an apology lick before scampering away to Kipty's side. "Come on, lets go to work." There were a few dogs who were getting ready to be put up for adoption, and it was important to properly socialize them with other dogs. Sadie was perfect for the job. First, they would work with Duke. The dog got along perfectly with his buddy Phil, but not so well with others. The pair went to retrieve their student, padding happily along side one another.

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