• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern sᴜɴᴅᴏɴɢ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsɪᴛʏ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs



ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʀᴇᴇs
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

. A p p l i c a t i o n s .

Age: (Ranged from 18-24)
Major & department: (e.g. Biochemistry, computer science, all the fun stuff that you can think of here. Your character can change their major whenever they'd like!)
Role: [Your character's role in the RP; mainly for the male roles. Female roles will be: Undercover student]
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The [modern] Prince of S. Korea
Inspiration from: Princess Hours
The modern Prince of South Korea, the one that everyone loves and adores. He is the royal family represents South Korea and face that many recognize around the world. Here, he attends the University of Sundong, a prestigious school where he follows his dream.

Role taken by pasta


The rising Idol

A multi-millionaire family-owned tea-farm that has spread across the global trading center. This person has the talent and money. He is a well-known artist (solo or in a group) who currently attends to an all-boys university in order to finish his education career!

Role taken by weldherwings


The Actor's shadow
Son of a super popular actor and actress back when they were young until now and made millions of money from just their appearance on the screen. This person is trying to get rid of his parent's shadow and is trying to get rid of other people's expectations by doing something that he actually wants to do- and that isn't acting for him!

Role taken by Sign


Boys over Flowers [Influence: Hana Dori Dango/Boys over Flowers]

* Heir to a mall & tycoons
Super bad boy, rebellious, bully, and full of money and riches. This man is in one of the top ten billionaires who could wipe off their bottoms with their own money. He's a total jerk and a bully, but to those that are his buddies (ahem the other 3 boys) are brothers to him. Anything he wants, he can get it, but can he really get serious in a university where he was just joking around to finish?

Role taken by blem

Coffee Prince [Influence: Coffee Prince]

A male heir to a large coffee chain who can't get out of his parent's grasp about marriage. From childhood, the parents had arranged a "date" with another girl, but he's so tired of their pressure of finding the "perfect" wife, he announced that he's not interested in women. Although he is still in love with his first love (who unfortunately doesn't like him back), he has to find a way to constantly lie to his parents that he is interested in men instead.

Role taken by ????
These roles can be adjusted to your taste and personality! They do not have to follow their storyline, but inspiration may be recommended (from the dramas that are inspired!)

[4] Female roles are free to be made however you like!


Female role is taken by: Uxie


Female role taken by . D o v e


Female role taken by glucose guardian


Female role taken by best gril
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"인생이란 선택의 연속이래"
Life is a series of choices



N a m e . Ok Woo Jin
A g e . 22 [ Twenty-two ]
G e n d e r . Male
R o l e . The Actor's shadow
M a j o r & d e p a r t m e n t . Pediatric Doctor // Health(or Medical) Department
H e i g h t . 6'2 [ 188 cm ]
B i r t h d a y . December 14 [ Winter ]
H o r o s c o p e . Sagittarius
B l o o d T y p e . A
E y e C o l o r . Light-Brown
N i c k n a m e s . Woon, Jin, Hyung, Clownfish
F a c e C l a i m . Nam Joo Hyuk


Thanks to his parents' good genetics, Woojin has the natural ability to be charismatic to others, attracting people to him. Although he doesn't like to be the center of attention, he tries to avoid this by being tactless and straight-forward, rejecting and declining girls, getting to the point so there would be no misunderstanding, making him quite impulsive towards others he may not know (and only to those he doesn't know or care). Clever and reliable, he can get his work done and tries to finish his task instead of slacking off. He can be depended on by others to finish his work in a timely manner but is very inflexible. If he has a set schedule, he will not change his agenda if he already has it arranged.

On the other hand, he is very considerate and has a soft heart for children. As a true gentleman, Woojin will never take advantage of others and will do what's morally right, being genuine. He believes that as a man, it is important to never hurt anyone for any bad reasons and always have a motive behind his choices in his life. A perfect example of this would be his tactless answers in rejecting girls because he does not want them to chase after him. He knows that they only chase him because of his appearance and is most likely not genuine with their feelings.


Accidents in life are either a curse or a blessing in disguise. Those that learn from their mistake, may comprehend and become a better person. On the other hand, the ones that made it an issue, will never understand.

This was the life of Ok Woo Jin, the only child of the famous actor and actress, Ok Sungmin and Park Hyojoo. During the highest peak of his parent's career, they were a couple living in secrecy with each other, away from the paparazzi and had an accidental pregnancy that created a sensation around the world. Because of this chaos, Sungmin published his marriage with Hyojoo. After the declaration of their wedding together, they became even more prominent due to the increasing fame and fortune from big companies that offered millions of money. Gradually, finding fame and money became obsessive for the parents, and after giving birth to Woojin, his mother went straight back into acting and even put the spotlight on his son: in support of making him famous just like them one day.

From his childhood to his teenage years, Woojin was granted with love, fame, and money from students and companies alike, being forced to become a child model and actor starring in dramas and movies. He didn't know why his parents overworked him as a child and tried to manipulate him so that he would become a star just like them, but Woojin never liked the idea. They never acknowledged his feelings and what he wanted to do in life.

Yes, he got all the recognition and affection from everyone, but he never got something that he had always wanted: a childhood and a family.

Time passed on and Woojin was forced to act and model until the age of 17. That was when he had the will to do things his way, defying his parents who lived with a bogus, happy life behind the scenes from the camera (Such as always being such a loving and close family, giving money to charity for fame, etc) and people while they were greedy for glory and prosperity from their son and themselves. He began declining offers and proclaimed to his parents that his life was going to be controlled only by him now.

It took him four years for his parents to finally accept the fact that they were not going to get their son back into the entertainment industry, so they chose to be more dedicated to their own work in movies and dramas instead of focusing on Woojin.

Initially, when Woojin first enrolled Sundong University, his first major was to become a liberal arts teacher for children, but after volunteering at the hospital with a peer of his for a finals project, the experience of the children in the hospital was more fitting for him. He believed that they never had a childhood just like him and wished to give them something he never once got.


☾Now and days, entertainment companies are still offering him to get back into acting. He usually ignores these offers or force/make someone go in as him for the hell of it. Many people believe that he should be acting instead of studying medicine.

✰ His parent's net worth combined is about a total of 3.2billion after his mother made her own cosmetic brand.

☾ Wishes to have a sister, but apparently, his parents are too occupied in making money & too engrossed in their own business.

✰ Woojin is closer to his uncle than his own father. His uncle owns a small mechanic shop and often goes there to talk and hang out with him sometimes. Unlike his father, his uncle isn't rich and has an ordinary life (with his girlfriend).

☾ Drives a motorcycle.

✰ Left-handed.


Likes Children. He believes that they are vulnerable and wants to protect them at all cost from harm. Has a soft spot from them.

Likes His motorcycle. He has a Yamaha YZF-R3 2019 Black supersport motorcycle. He often goes to his uncle's shop to clean his car there or see if his uncle needs any help with mechanics.

Dislikes Big entertainment companies. He tries to avoid them at all cost after being harassed and disturbed by them regularly.

Dislikes soccer. He sucks at playing that sport.

Likes The boys (Ha Neul, Junsu, and Han Bin). They're his support in his life and his friends for life.


S o n H a n b i n

A famous well-known idol in the group called DAZE. Woojin was childhood friends with him when he first met them at the royal family event that Ha Neul's family had hosted. He decided to run away with them to an aquarium and it was the place that they often go to talk about life. He was in one of the literature classes in his first year. Because of Woojin's antipathy for the entertainment industry, he makes sure Hanbin is safe and protected, treating him like a little brother. The two volunteered at the hospital for their finals project and that was how Woojin decided to change his major to become a pediatric doctor. Likes to call Hanbin, "Hannie" and still watches out for him in case anything happens to him in the entertainment industry or anywhere.

Y i H a N e u l

The Royal Prince of S. Korea that Woojin respects. His childhood friend that he had first met at the royal family event back then in the past. Han Neul is very intimate with Woojin, and deep down, although he isn't a touchy person, he allows Ha Neul to be affectionate to him as much as he wants because Woojin loves and care for him like his own brother.

S e o J u n s u

His bff to the ff. Woojin and Junsu go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly sandwich. His soulmate to his friendship that he clicked beyond since childhood. Since childhood, whenever Woojin needed to run away from his parent's house to get away from the pressure of being like them, he would run to Junsu's home, who took him in with nothing but support. He has seen his soft side and dearly wants to protect him with all he can. But he usually hides this care by teasing him and making him fluster to make him realize his true feelings and vulnerability so he wouldn't be so much of an ass to everyone (lmao).

Woojin's uncle - O k Y o o W o n

His uncle who owns the mechanic shop. When Woojin has free time, he would go to his uncle's mechanic shop to see how he is doing and often helps him fix up some car parts or see what is needed to be done. He tends to talk about life to his uncle since he was more of a father figure than his father himself. Although Yoo Won has small mechanic shop, he used to be a famous actor also, until he found the love of his life, he gave up everything so that he would live in a humble life away from the cameras and nosy fans.

ll E u n w o o (M) ll C h o E u n j i (F)

"That one person who loves to cook? He's interesting enough... I guess"
Is what Woojin would say about him. He often gets into a fight with Junsu which keeps Woojin entertained since Junsu finally has someone (besides Woojin himself, since he is best friends with Junsu) who he bumps heads against. Woojin would compare the two (Junsu and Eunwoo) like oil and water, yet somehow, Junsu is stuck with him in the same department. Woojin would call this unfortunate fate and is curious what would happen between the two.

Eunji, for some weird reason, hates his guts and Woojin has no idea why. He does not know who she is but has seen her in person giving him nasty scowls as if she would jump on him and attack for no reason. Woojin suggested that she was an anti of his in the past or something, but is unbothered by her hostile atmosphere since he doesn't know her well.

ll M o o n i e (M) ll L e e M o o n h e e (F)

"Moonie....who? That caveman?"
Woojin does not see Moonie as often because he's always stuck in his room. Once he sees his existence though, he tends to nickname him, "caveman" since he's always hiding out in his room instead of getting some fresh air outside. Moonie does not talk to him as often, but when he does, it's little questions such as, "Do you know where ____ is at?" or "Can you pass me the ___?"

Moonhee, on the other hand, is someone Woojin doesn't recognize. He does know his sister who is currently staying in the hospital that he is interning for. She is one of his patients and often calls him, "Dr.Oppa." He doesn't mind her calling him that since she is someone who is friendly and approachable. In order to do as much as he can for her younger sister, he tends to keep a close eye on her in case other people harass her(the younger sister and Eunji, so the younger sister doesn't get hurt).

ll J a e h o ll H a n H y e j e e ll
"Jaeho....He's odd, but I feel like he's a big fan of all of us for some weird reason. He does look familiar to me so... I don't know."

Woojin feels as if he had seen him before somewhere out of school, but can not remember any past with him. Woojin thinks that Jaeho looks up to the four boys because he is always looking at them with goo goo eyes and is really active and participant whenever one of the boys are present in front of him. Woojin doesn't care about his fanboying, as long as he isn't a part of his intimacy and attraction from him.

Han Hyejee, the person who was stuck in the rumor with Woojin. It all started one night at a party during the first semester of college. Woojin was invited to one of a friend's party and decided to go to show his face there, but found that another guy was trying to take advantage of a drunken girl who was Hyejee. Drunk and idiotic enough to almost follow him back home, Woojin wouldn't handle it and took her on his own, taking her to her family's home and took care of her until she knocked out. Unfortunately, he found out that she was a huge fan of Hanbin's because she was singing all night long while jumping on her bed like a maniac. After throwing up on his dress shirt, she plopped down onto the bed and fell asleep. Woojin decided to leave his shirt there and left home after since she was sleeping soundly like a little baby. Since then, the rumors had spread about Woojin and the girl (although he didn't know her name). He was more aware of his name in the rumor: Woojin took advantage of a girl and slept with her, but Woojin knew for sure that he didn't do anything and watched her until she slept. The rumors haven't been confirmed, but Woojin doesn't say anything about it since no one confronts him about it.

D o S e o h y u n aka

"Pretty chill, I find him probably the best out of them all."
Woojin respects him and doesn't mind his presence at all. Out of all of the four boys, he believes that this boy would be the only one that he would click and be fine with since the others are either fighting against one of his boys or is too busy to worry about anything else. Impressed that the boy is intelligent and hard-working, he respects that and may even start a conversation if he ever needs help in the future.

Woojin does not know the existence of Seohyun. Although he probably saw her face once or twice at a party event hosted from a family, he is most familiar with his step sister (who he doesn't know is Seo's step-sister) who is obsessive over him. She once attempted to confess to him, but Woojin turned her down because he felt like her life revolved around him which is something he greatly detests. He told her to focus on her life first before worrying about love, but she never listened, still obsessed with him until today. She often goes to his school to see his face, but he tries to avoid her as much as he can. Opposite of how Woojin would be to the step-sister, Woojin does sincerely like (as a friend and person) the younger step-sister, who is a big fan of his too. She is timid and reserved towards him, but he does give her all the attention and love as an idol of hers and respects her. Woojin would always remind the younger sister to work hard in her life and focus on herself first before another person.
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  • full


    Stage name: YU
    Real name: Kim Yuta
    Position: Leader + Producer + Writer
    Age + Birthday: 26 years old - 9th January
    According to the members, YU always ... smashes the screen on his phone. He's had to replace his phone screen five times this year alone.
    Memorable moment: Drank a bottle of water in three seconds on variety show, Running Man.

    Stage name: RMX ("Remix")
    Real name: Yang Ji-Sung
    Position: Visuals
    Age + Birthday: 26 years old - 14th February
    According to the members, RMX always ... obsesses over his skin and always has a pocket mirror handy.
    Memorable moment: Trying to learn English from Harley - an ongoing VLive show which they've entitled "ENGLISH RMX".
    Stage name: ERIK
    Real name: Park Ming-Yu
    Position: Main dancer
    Age + Birthday: 25 years old - 6th August
    According to the members, ERIK always ... trying to copy TikTok dances and attempting his own.
    Memorable moment: Scoring the highest score on all the Dance machines in an arcade during a VLive.
    Stage name: HARLEY
    Real name: Son Hanbin
    Position: Maknae
    Age + Birthday: 21 years old - 13th March
    According to the members, HARLEY always ... lies down and falls asleep regardless of where they are; even back stage when waiting to go on stage for dances or interviews. Also very clumsy.
    Memorable moment: During an interview, a host said he looked like Leonardo Dicaprio and he became so flustered he fell off the stool he was sitting on and ended up breaking a finger.

    ▸ Name | Dreamers

    ▸ Concept | Dream Daze; The definition of a daze is a state of stunned confusion or bewilderment. When you first wake up from a really deep sleep and you aren't sure where you are or what is going on around you, this is an example of a time when you are in a daze.

    ▸ First fan meet / fandom revealed |10th January 2014

    ▸ Official Dreamers have access too | Official online fansite where they can interact with members occassionally, first look at new merch and songs, and can enter into competitions for fan meets

    ▸ Fanchant | When DAZE say "Hello, you give us dreams. We are DAZE", Dreamers respond with "
    You leave us in a DAZE"



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Name: Han Hyejee
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Major: Communication Arts (Journalism)
Role: Student Undercover
FC: Nam Su Min


Han Hyejee is the walking definition of a headache. She's loud, boisterous, and her energetic spirit is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Extroverted as fuck; she's that one friend who knows everyone and has a giant web of social connections. She is fun to be around. Hyejee is that type of friend who always ends up being the butt of jokes. People tends to tease her without any worries because she rarely gets angry (although this doesn't mean that she doesn't throw upset pouts). Furthermore, she is very adventurous and has a knack for poking her nose in everybody's business. The young girl is infamous for coming up with the craziest ideas.

What makes her different from the rest, however, is her flirtatious and borderline-amorous nature. Her thirst puts the Sahara Desert in shame. She can and will crack suggestive jokes whenever there's a chance. Needless to say, she can turn most situations into an awkward mess.

Nevertheless, Hyejee simply wants to make people smile- even though her ways are mostly questionable and weird.


Han Hyejee was born and raised in a completely average household. Both her parents were commercial cooks and the two of them ran a small restaurant in the city. Ever since she was a child, Hyejee has always dreamed of stardom. She promised herself and her parents that she'd appear behind the screens of their television when she grows up. Her parents were very supportive and worked hard to cultivate their daughter’s talents and dreams.

She was sixteen when her luck hit a jackpot and she became a trainee in a big idol agency. The girl tirelessly worked day and night. She poured her hundred percent effort to achieve her dream; patiently enduring and waiting for the day of her debut to come.

Sadly, a car accident rid her of everything she had worked so hard for. Hyejee was beyond devastated when she woke up from a brief coma. Her parents were crying their hearts out when they told her the news: her back had suffered a blow and the doctors heavily advised that she refrain from any vigorous activities. With heavy heart, she had to let go of her dream to become an idol.

Hyejee’s road to recovery wasn’t easy (and it's still not), but the presence and support of her family and friends were enough to keep her going. Due to her recent tragedy, her family is currently suffering financially. Henceforth, she decided to pursue Sundong University for their scholarship program together with her friends.


I know you want it.


  • She stands at 5'5"
  • Her talent includes: singing, dancing, playing the guitar and piano, cooking, and thotterizing people
  • She loves her hair so much that it's ridiculous
  • Always smells like expensive perfumes
  • She is social media famous

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most of his personality is up in the goof, gaff, gag tab
[class=major] height:360px; width:500px; background:url('https://flipwallpapers.com/wallpapers/aesthetic-background-For-desktop-Wallpaper.png'); background-size:130%; margin:auto; [/class] [div class=major][class=container1] width:500px; height:360px; margin:0px -0px; overflow:hidden; color:#fff; font-size:11px; font-family:Arial; text-align:justify; line-height:13px; [/class] [class=scrollbar1] width:105%; height:360px; float:left; margin:5px 5px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=textbox1]width:92%; [/class] [div class=container1][div class=scrollbar1][div class=textbox1] [class=filler] height:360px; [/class] [div class=filler][class=read] height:20px; width:100px; border:1px solid #fff; float:left; margin:10px 10px; [/class] [div class=read][div style="color:#fff;font-size:8px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]scroll[/div][/div][/div] [class=bgcolored] height:260px; width:350px; background:#3322aa; border:1px solid #fff; float:left; margin:50px 75px; [/class] [div class=bgcolored][class=img] height:100%; width:160px; border-right:1px solid #fff; background:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/454ec3ee226cc344fa5c5910467a186c/tumblr_pbojmczWqk1wvdv1yo1_250.gif'); background-size:110%; float:left; [/class] [div class=img][/div] [class name=img state=hover] background:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/19f2718e92b39bb96560636ccf41b43c/tumblr_pbojmczWqk1wvdv1yo4_r1_250.gif'); background-size:110%; transition-duration:2s; [/class] [class=wholecont] width:189px; height:260px; float:left; [/class] [div class=wholecont][class=TABS] height:20px; border-bottom:1px solid #fff; [/class] [div class=TABS][class=tab1] width:94px; height:20px; cursor:poiner; border-right:1px solid #fff; float:left; [/class] [class name=tab1 state=hover] background:#9988bb; [/class] [div class=tab1][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;text-align:center;font-family:Arial;line-height:20px;font-weight:800;cursor:pointer;"]basic info[/div][/div] [class=tab2] width:94px; height:20px; cursor:poiner; float:left; [/class] [class name=tab2 state=hover] background:#9988bb; [/class] [div class=tab2][div style="color:#fff;font-size:9px;text-align:center;font-family:Arial;line-height:20px;font-weight:800;cursor:pointer;"]a goof, a gaff, a gag[/div][/div] [script class=tab1 on=click] hide tabcontent2 fadeIn 800 tabcontent1 [/script] [script class=tab2 on=click] fadeIn 800 tabcontent2 hide tabcontent1 [/script] [/div] [class=tabcontent1] height:239px; width:189px; [/class] [class=tabcontent2] height:239px; width:189px; display:none; [/class] [div class=tabcontent1][div class=container2][div class=scrollbar2][div class=textbox2][class=number] height:20px; width:20px; background:#9911aa; float:left; border:1px solid #fff; [/class] [div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#1[/div][/div] [class=info] float:left; line-height:22px; margin-left:5px; [/class] [div class=info]Yi Ha Neul[/div]

[div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#2[/div][/div] [div class=info]Twenty[/div]

[div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#3[/div][/div] [div class=info]Male[/div]

[div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#4[/div][/div] [div class=info]Business Communications [/div]

[div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#5[/div][/div] [div class=info]Modern prince [/div]

[div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#6[/div][/div] [div class=info]173 cm[/div]

[div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#7[/div][/div] [div class=info]Brown[/div]

[div class=number][div style="color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:800;text-align:center;line-height:20px;"]#8[/div][/div] [div class=info]Dark Brown[/div]

[/div] [/div][/div] [div class=tabcontent2][class=container2] width:194px; height:229px; margin:0px -0px; overflow:hidden; color:#fff; font-size:11px; font-family:Arial; text-align:justify; line-height:13px; [/class] [class=scrollbar2] width:105%; height:239px; float:left; margin:5px 10px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=textbox2]width:92%; [/class] [div class=container2][div class=scrollbar2][div class=textbox2]One of the last current members of Korea’s Imperial family, Yi Ha Neul, would have been the direct heir to throne -- after his brother but he likes to pretend he would’ve ruled all of Korea -- if it wasn’t for the Imperial family being stripped of their titles and responsibilities many years before. However, those circumstances didn’t stop his family from growing up in the public eye or living lavishly.

While he is a respectable figure, he’s quite rowdy and playful when he’s around his friends. He likes being “one of the boys,” especially since his childhood felt like a padded room on steroids. Having any toy he wanted didn’t mean anything if he couldn’t play fight with the other painfully rich children. The prince has a habit of lightly smacking his friends or poking and prodding at them in any annoying away he can. A small part of him feels the only reason he gets away with being so touchy is due to his royal status. Paranoid. That intense feeling usually leads to him asking a multitude of questions that all boil down to one point: “Do you really like me?”

To balance out his flower boy face, he often uses his spare time, if not with the boys, to work out. There’s a small glimmer of hope that his golden abs will help him catch a successful, romantic relationship. His history of relationships end at a single night and maybe a brief, awkward exchange the following morning. But even then, those are quite rare; once high school ended, the nights of fun ended with it. Of course, the school has taken up much of his free time, especially when exams roll around. Isn’t he supposed to enjoy his twenties?

A flaw in his plan to catch a fish: when a potential date is rubbed in his face, he’ll decline it and stay back to study.

Rather than go out and party like he wishes to do, he’ll use the time alone to work on school-related things. Projects not due for months ahead will be completed in a single night. Something always blocks his way. It’s a manmade issue that could easily be avoided if he just put down the notebook and left his hunched over position at the desk. Unfortunately, he likes business a little too much to risk his grades; he overworks himself through sleepless nights because he knows if he waits too long, he won't ever complete the project. WIP???

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[div style="height:10px;"][/div] [div style="height:10px;width:40px;font-family:Arial;font-size:6px;text-transform:uppercase;background:#fff;font-weight:800;text-align:center;color:#9988bb;float:left;line-height:10px;float:left;"]Disikes[/div]
[div style="line-height:10px;margin-left:5px;font-size:10px;"]being treated like a child, fireworks, formalities, cliffhangers, action movies, chicken, soda, summer heat, cheese, prudes, pools, herobrine :[[/div]

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=premade] width:19px; height:94px; border-left:1px solid #fff; border-bottom:1px solid #fff; float:left; [/class] [class=fakescroll] height:46px; background:#9911aa; border-bottom:1px solid #fff; [/class] [div class=premade][div class=fakescroll][/div][/div][/div] [class=charrie2] height:110px; width:110px; background:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/a3a2c3d0129460a316abd04b7d89f5d5/tumblr_oul2oonaX91rga5n6o2_400.png'); background-size:100%; float:left; border-right:1px solid #fff; border-bottom:1px solid #fff; [/class] [div class=charrie2][/div][div class=name][div style="width:100px;color:#fff;font-size:9px;font-family:consolas;line-height:15px;text-transform:uppercase;float:left;text-align:center;"]more info![/div][div style="float:left;width:137px;border-left:1px solid #fff;color:#fff;font-size:8px;font-family:consolas;line-height:15px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;"]Can I buy good kush with this?[/div][/div] [div class=desc][div class=container4][div class=scrollbar4][div class=textbox4] lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

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[/div][div class=bigname]SEO
[/div][div class=quote]Rude? no. it's called
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full name seo jun-su
nickname(s) juice-su
age twenty two
gender cis male
sexual orientation heterosexual
role boys over flowers
height 180cm
weight 64kg
hair colour light brown/blonde
eye colour brown
faceclaim jungwoo [nct]

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[div class=scroll]Anyone who knows Junsu is aware that he has a slightly abrasive personality. His tendency to speak in condescending tones has gone on so long that it's just a part of him now, which obviously hasn't earned him the crown of sweet town. However, his icy narcissism and higher than thou attitude has done the exact opposite of what he'd initially intended. In the beginning Junsu was rude to weed out those who were only interested in his wealth, instead his prickly personality combined with his looks only attracted more people (especially women) to him. It was like the less he wanted people to care for him, the more they did. This lead him to develop very manipulative tendencies, if others could try and take advantage of him for his wealth, why couldn’t he do the same? It was all for personal pleasure anyway. Junsu's horrid bluntness is infamous among his business background and peers which repels those who try and outsmart him, for the most part. It might seem that the mall mogul is an asshole ALL the time but there are those few that get to see another side of him, Juice-su. To his three best friends he shows that he is in fact funny in his own way, usually with sarcasm. Juice is very defensive when it comes to his squad and will always take their side whether it’s right or not. Sometimes there is even smiles or laughs that make his belly hurt. Usually these last very briefly and within an hour he’s back to his rude self. He is also notoriously messy with an OCD problem which might seem strange but is actually hilarious. If you expect an apology from him for anything, you’ll be waiting for a long time. He believes firmly in whatever he says and his stubbornness prohibits him from ever admitting a fault. This trait has gotten him in deep trouble when doing things to spite others such as enroll in a university instead of taking on a high position in his family business. Although he dislikes everyone equally there is one thing that will put you on his ignore list forever, violating his trust. His past experiences have made him emotionally distant and he has no interest in letting any other people into his heart. At least, that’s what he thinks.

[div class=scroll]SOONDAE
[div class=scroll]LAUNDRY
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brief history
Junsu is the only son of Seo Jun-Ho and Seo Tae-Hee as well as the sole heir to all of SJ Group and it’s subdivides. The two were married after an agreement to join their two respective companies and beat out the rest of their competition, all for economic gain. Originally there had been no kids in the picture for them, instead they planned on travelling and expanding their business. However, a tense relationship between others who saw potential to steal control once Jun-Ho stepped down brought the birth of Junsu.

He was a pawn, a way for them to keep control of their money once his father stepped down. With the consideration that they had never wanted kids in the first place they hired countless nannies, cooks, anything that the boy might need. His parents spent all their time away from the giant mansion they called home either on business trips or personal vacations. Their visits to their son were rare, mostly during public events where they needed their family to look tightly knit. Otherwise, the house as empty and no matter how much money they spent Junsu only craved affection.

Eventually during a publicity event he met Woojin, a boy who stuck to him like gum on a shoe despite his prickly attitude. He was someone that managed to see past his attitude and provided his friendship despite all that Junsu did. The two became inseparable, bonded by their common issues with their parents. Slowly they roped in the others, wrapping them in their shenanigans.

gallery / fun facts
✧he frequently sleeps in only boxers
✧junsu snores whe he sleeps.
✧his mom calls him junnie
✧he sleeptalks
✧sometimes he hums to calm down
✧he's only had one girlfriend
✧his actual goal is to travel and live a relaxing life
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ok woo jin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper varius eros eu venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pulvinar dignissim lobortis. Duis nunc sapien, suscipit at dolor nec, varius placerat diam. Suspendisse fringilla efficitur euismod. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum ut erat congue imperdiet. Donec nulla augue, tincidunt eget massa quis, euismod porta ex. Ut a finibus augue, at rhoncus ex. Sed rutrum libero ut rhoncus rhoncus. Etiam aliquet pretium magna eget tristique. Donec venenatis mollis lacinia. Sed convallis, diam vitae efficitur facilisis, sapien mauris faucibus enim, condimentum varius ex quam a neque. Sed sit amet tortor porttitor, varius sem sed, semper erat. Sed euismod fermentum augue, id molestie dui finibus id. Quisque euismod, neque id luctus pharetra, risus mi imperdiet nunc, id ullamcorper dolor diam vitae neque. Integer commodo elit eu nibh congue, in tincidunt mauris fringilla.

Duis efficitur imperdiet sapien, quis imperdiet diam pharetra vel. Duis tortor risus, viverra id orci et, vestibulum lacinia ante. Praesent id volutpat lorem. Fusce sodales, lorem ultrices cursus porta, risus felis iaculis turpis, a convallis mauris magna a odio. Mauris neque justo, blandit non aliquet eget, ultricies nec leo. Vivamus facilisis et diam ut ornare. Proin semper auctor erat, in pretium orci eleifend sed. Proin et dui sed ante tristique facilisis in quis nisl.

son han bin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper varius eros eu venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pulvinar dignissim lobortis. Duis nunc sapien, suscipit at dolor nec, varius placerat diam. Suspendisse fringilla efficitur euismod. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum ut erat congue imperdiet. Donec nulla augue, tincidunt eget massa quis, euismod porta ex. Ut a finibus augue, at rhoncus ex. Sed rutrum libero ut rhoncus rhoncus. Etiam aliquet pretium magna eget tristique. Donec venenatis mollis lacinia. Sed convallis, diam vitae efficitur facilisis, sapien mauris faucibus enim, condimentum varius ex quam a neque. Sed sit amet tortor porttitor, varius sem sed, semper erat. Sed euismod fermentum augue, id molestie dui finibus id. Quisque euismod, neque id luctus pharetra, risus mi imperdiet nunc, id ullamcorper dolor diam vitae neque. Integer commodo elit eu nibh congue, in tincidunt mauris fringilla.

Duis efficitur imperdiet sapien, quis imperdiet diam pharetra vel. Duis tortor risus, viverra id orci et, vestibulum lacinia ante. Praesent id volutpat lorem. Fusce sodales, lorem ultrices cursus porta, risus felis iaculis turpis, a convallis mauris magna a odio. Mauris neque justo, blandit non aliquet eget, ultricies nec leo. Vivamus facilisis et diam ut ornare. Proin semper auctor erat, in pretium orci eleifend sed. Proin et dui sed ante tristique facilisis in quis nisl.

yi haneul
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper varius eros eu venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pulvinar dignissim lobortis. Duis nunc sapien, suscipit at dolor nec, varius placerat diam. Suspendisse fringilla efficitur euismod. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum ut erat congue imperdiet. Donec nulla augue, tincidunt eget massa quis, euismod porta ex. Ut a finibus augue, at rhoncus ex. Sed rutrum libero ut rhoncus rhoncus. Etiam aliquet pretium magna eget tristique. Donec venenatis mollis lacinia. Sed convallis, diam vitae efficitur facilisis, sapien mauris faucibus enim, condimentum varius ex quam a neque. Sed sit amet tortor porttitor, varius sem sed, semper erat. Sed euismod fermentum augue, id molestie dui finibus id. Quisque euismod, neque id luctus pharetra, risus mi imperdiet nunc, id ullamcorper dolor diam vitae neque. Integer commodo elit eu nibh congue, in tincidunt mauris fringilla.

Duis efficitur imperdiet sapien, quis imperdiet diam pharetra vel. Duis tortor risus, viverra id orci et, vestibulum lacinia ante. Praesent id volutpat lorem. Fusce sodales, lorem ultrices cursus porta, risus felis iaculis turpis, a convallis mauris magna a odio. Mauris neque justo, blandit non aliquet eget, ultricies nec leo. Vivamus facilisis et diam ut ornare. Proin semper auctor erat, in pretium orci eleifend sed. Proin et dui sed ante tristique facilisis in quis nisl.

lee moon hee
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper varius eros eu venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pulvinar dignissim lobortis. Duis nunc sapien, suscipit at dolor nec, varius placerat diam. Suspendisse fringilla efficitur euismod. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum ut erat congue imperdiet. Donec nulla augue, tincidunt eget massa quis, euismod porta ex. Ut a finibus augue, at rhoncus ex. Sed rutrum libero ut rhoncus rhoncus. Etiam aliquet pretium magna eget tristique. Donec venenatis mollis lacinia. Sed convallis, diam vitae efficitur facilisis, sapien mauris faucibus enim, condimentum varius ex quam a neque. Sed sit amet tortor porttitor, varius sem sed, semper erat. Sed euismod fermentum augue, id molestie dui finibus id. Quisque euismod, neque id luctus pharetra, risus mi imperdiet nunc, id ullamcorper dolor diam vitae neque. Integer commodo elit eu nibh congue, in tincidunt mauris fringilla.

Duis efficitur imperdiet sapien, quis imperdiet diam pharetra vel. Duis tortor risus, viverra id orci et, vestibulum lacinia ante. Praesent id volutpat lorem. Fusce sodales, lorem ultrices cursus porta, risus felis iaculis turpis, a convallis mauris magna a odio. Mauris neque justo, blandit non aliquet eget, ultricies nec leo. Vivamus facilisis et diam ut ornare. Proin semper auctor erat, in pretium orci eleifend sed. Proin et dui sed ante tristique facilisis in quis nisl.

han hyejee
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper varius eros eu venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pulvinar dignissim lobortis. Duis nunc sapien, suscipit at dolor nec, varius placerat diam. Suspendisse fringilla efficitur euismod. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum ut erat congue imperdiet. Donec nulla augue, tincidunt eget massa quis, euismod porta ex. Ut a finibus augue, at rhoncus ex. Sed rutrum libero ut rhoncus rhoncus. Etiam aliquet pretium magna eget tristique. Donec venenatis mollis lacinia. Sed convallis, diam vitae efficitur facilisis, sapien mauris faucibus enim, condimentum varius ex quam a neque. Sed sit amet tortor porttitor, varius sem sed, semper erat. Sed euismod fermentum augue, id molestie dui finibus id. Quisque euismod, neque id luctus pharetra, risus mi imperdiet nunc, id ullamcorper dolor diam vitae neque. Integer commodo elit eu nibh congue, in tincidunt mauris fringilla.

Duis efficitur imperdiet sapien, quis imperdiet diam pharetra vel. Duis tortor risus, viverra id orci et, vestibulum lacinia ante. Praesent id volutpat lorem. Fusce sodales, lorem ultrices cursus porta, risus felis iaculis turpis, a convallis mauris magna a odio. Mauris neque justo, blandit non aliquet eget, ultricies nec leo. Vivamus facilisis et diam ut ornare. Proin semper auctor erat, in pretium orci eleifend sed. Proin et dui sed ante tristique facilisis in quis nisl.

cho eunji
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper varius eros eu venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pulvinar dignissim lobortis. Duis nunc sapien, suscipit at dolor nec, varius placerat diam. Suspendisse fringilla efficitur euismod. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum ut erat congue imperdiet. Donec nulla augue, tincidunt eget massa quis, euismod porta ex. Ut a finibus augue, at rhoncus ex. Sed rutrum libero ut rhoncus rhoncus. Etiam aliquet pretium magna eget tristique. Donec venenatis mollis lacinia. Sed convallis, diam vitae efficitur facilisis, sapien mauris faucibus enim, condimentum varius ex quam a neque. Sed sit amet tortor porttitor, varius sem sed, semper erat. Sed euismod fermentum augue, id molestie dui finibus id. Quisque euismod, neque id luctus pharetra, risus mi imperdiet nunc, id ullamcorper dolor diam vitae neque. Integer commodo elit eu nibh congue, in tincidunt mauris fringilla.

Duis efficitur imperdiet sapien, quis imperdiet diam pharetra vel. Duis tortor risus, viverra id orci et, vestibulum lacinia ante. Praesent id volutpat lorem. Fusce sodales, lorem ultrices cursus porta, risus felis iaculis turpis, a convallis mauris magna a odio. Mauris neque justo, blandit non aliquet eget, ultricies nec leo. Vivamus facilisis et diam ut ornare. Proin semper auctor erat, in pretium orci eleifend sed. Proin et dui sed ante tristique facilisis in quis nisl.

do seohyun
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper varius eros eu venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pulvinar dignissim lobortis. Duis nunc sapien, suscipit at dolor nec, varius placerat diam. Suspendisse fringilla efficitur euismod. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum ut erat congue imperdiet. Donec nulla augue, tincidunt eget massa quis, euismod porta ex. Ut a finibus augue, at rhoncus ex. Sed rutrum libero ut rhoncus rhoncus. Etiam aliquet pretium magna eget tristique. Donec venenatis mollis lacinia. Sed convallis, diam vitae efficitur facilisis, sapien mauris faucibus enim, condimentum varius ex quam a neque. Sed sit amet tortor porttitor, varius sem sed, semper erat. Sed euismod fermentum augue, id molestie dui finibus id. Quisque euismod, neque id luctus pharetra, risus mi imperdiet nunc, id ullamcorper dolor diam vitae neque. Integer commodo elit eu nibh congue, in tincidunt mauris fringilla.

Duis efficitur imperdiet sapien, quis imperdiet diam pharetra vel. Duis tortor risus, viverra id orci et, vestibulum lacinia ante. Praesent id volutpat lorem. Fusce sodales, lorem ultrices cursus porta, risus felis iaculis turpis, a convallis mauris magna a odio. Mauris neque justo, blandit non aliquet eget, ultricies nec leo. Vivamus facilisis et diam ut ornare. Proin semper auctor erat, in pretium orci eleifend sed. Proin et dui sed ante tristique facilisis in quis nisl.


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⠀♡coded by uxie♡
[div class=sidebar] [div class=headerimg][/div] [div class=icon][/div] [div class=bigtextsb]lee
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[/div][/div] do you remember the night the moon [div class=quoteb]fell from the sky[/div]? and we ran through the forest to find where it lie, i was tripping on tree roots and slipping on snow, you were [div class=quoteb]holding my hand[/div] saying [div class=quoteh]not to let go[/div]. when we found it at last there were twigs in our hair, a [div class=quoteb]rose[/div] on our cheeks and our breath in the air. and the [div class=quoteh]words to describe[/div] it got caught in our throats, as its [div class=quoteb]silver light[/div] danced through the threads of our coats. we knew that our eyes had not seen [div class=quoteb]such a view[/div], you were looking at it; i was looking at [div class=quoteh]you[/div]. [/div][div class=buttonsm] [div class="button1 buttonone bselect"]
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[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=contentbox][div class="tabscontent tab1"][div class="scroll stab1"][div class=post][div class=pimage][/div][div class=ptitle]requisite[/div][div class=pcontent][div class=ptag]full name[/div]lee moon-hee
[div class=ptag]age[/div]twenty-one
[div class=ptag]birthday[/div]18th october, 1999
[div class=ptag]ethnicity[/div]korean
[div class=ptag]gender[/div]female
[div class=ptag]zodiac[/div]libra
[div class=ptag]major[/div]visual arts
[div class=ptag]minor[/div]neuroscience
[div class=ptag]role[/div]undercover student
[div class=post][div class=ptitle]appearance[/div][div class=pimageb]
[div class=pcontent2] [div class=pboxc1] [div class=pbox]167 cm[/div] [div class=pbox]52 kg[/div] [div class=pboxe]pretty smile[/div] [div class=pbox]slender[/div] [/div] [div class=pboxc2] [div class=pboxe]dark brown eyes[/div] [div class=pboxe]dark brown hair[/div] [div class=pboxe]pierced ears[/div] [div class=pboxe]fc: ari (tahiti)[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]

[/div][/div][div class="tabscontent tab2" style=display:none;][div class=scroll][div class=msgcon] [div class=msgtitle]hyebee jeebies [/div] [div class="scroll smsg"] [div class=msgr]hey 엄친아[/div][div class=msgblock][/div] [div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgs]what[/div] [div class=msgr]say hello back[/div][div class=msgblock][/div] [div class=msgs]why?????[/div] [div class=msgr]bc i asked u to?? just say it back[/div] [div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgs]hey hyejee[/div] [div class=msgr]wait[/div][div class=msgblock][/div] [div class=msgr]no say hello[/div] [div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgs]i did[/div] [div class=msgr]no like "hello"[/div][div class=msgblock][/div] [div class=msgs]but why? this is so weird[/div] [div class=msgr]PLEASE just do it[/div][div class=msgblock][/div] [div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgs]nugget hyejee[/div] [div class=msgs]nugget hyejee[/div] [div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgs]nugget[/div] [div class=msgr]LOLOLOLOL[/div] [div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgs]HAHAHAHAHA[/div] [div class=msgs]nugget[/div] [div class=msgr]ur dumb LMAOO[/div] [div class=msgblock][/div][div class=msgs]that's so funny!!!! why is it doing that?[/div] [div class=msgr]i can't believe that worked[/div] [div class=msgs] wait how do i fix this?[/div] [div class=msgs]hyejee?[/div] [div class=msgs]hj please respond!!! i need to be able to say hi[/div] [div class=msgs]nugget hyejee?[/div] [div class=msgs]LOLOLOLOL[/div] [div class=msgs]ok no but seriously[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=personalityt][div class=personalityi][/div]personality
[/div][div class=personalitycon][div class="scroll personalitys"]moon-hee is an honest, good, hard-working person. she tries her best and is honestly just trying to get by without any huge incidents. incidents are difficult to deal with, especially those involving people; moon-hee isn't the funniest or the most socially adept. though she isn't by any means particularly shy or quiet, drama is not her friend, and she actively avoids it. it's easy to create conflict when you say too much, conflict usually leads to drama, and she doesn't intend to familiarise herself with either. she's a little gullible and more than a bit dumb at times, usually the victim of practical jokes by her friends. most jokes sail over her head, but it's not difficult to make moon-hee laugh usually. her sense of humour's a little odd and it doesn't take much to get her going.

moon-hee has never been the luckiest in love. she had no time for boys— all of her time was usually spent studying or making art. in fact, she was lucky she even managed to find her 3 close friends who enabled her to do such a reckless thing like sneaking into a boys university. affectionately nicknamed "엄친아" by her best friends, moon-hee lives up to her name; truly "my mother's friend's daughter", moon-hee's unreal concentration and immense hard-work let her top the cohort four years in a row, and teachers loved her. she never missed a homework assignment, and she never got in trouble. moon-hee's always been a terrible liar and her attempts to act her way through situations have almost never succeeded. if not for her friends and her desperation to learn art at sundong, she'd probably have been outed and booted by now.

art is one of her greatest loves, and moon-hee can spend hours on end holed up in the art studio making art. she tells people she thinks it's super necessary to practice whatever time she gets, but you can tell it's a lot more than that by the way her eyes light up whenever she talks about it. while she loves art to death and it's clear she's good at it, moon-hee can't fight the insecurities she has about the quality of her art.
[/div][/div] [div class=personalityboxt]likes [div class=personalityicon][/div][/div] [div class=personalitybox] [div class=personalitytag]♡ art[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ studying[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ painting light[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ romcoms[/div]
[div class=personalitytag]♡ chocolate milk[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ curry[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ pool[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ dogs[/div] [/div] [div class=personalityboxt]dislikes [div class=personalityicon][/div][/div] [div class=personalitybox] [div class=personalitytag]♡ crying[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ failure/rejection[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ dragonfruit[/div]
[div class=personalitytag]♡ drama[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ dirty brushes[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ yucky yellow[/div] [/div] [div class=personalityboxt]fears [div class=personalityicon][/div][/div] [div class=personalitybox] [div class=personalitytag]♡ becoming homeless[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ her sister dying[/div]
[div class=personalitytag]♡ tarantulas[/div] [div class=personalitytag]♡ going to jail[/div] [/div] [div class=extrat]misc. [/div]
[div class=extracon]♡ deadly pool/bridge player
♡ her favourite artist is vermeer, favourite movement is impressionism
♡ owns 2 dogs, pongpong and ollie
♡ sings like a dying cat
♡ used to play the piano
♡ thrives on chocolate milk
♡ has the bones of an old man
♡ wears fake glasses as a guy as an extra disguise
[/div][/div][div class="tabscontent tab3" style=display:none;][div class=historyt][div class=historyi][/div]background[/div][div class=historycon][div class="scroll historys"]born the older of two sisters to a couple who ran a quaint little jajangmyeon shop that was popular with locals but not much otherwise, moon-hee never lived in luxury or got all the toys she wanted as a child. the family wasn't wealthy, but they weren't too poor. they made enough to cover their expenses and maybe splurge on a family trip every two years or so, but that was it. and that was enough for them. the lee family were a happy, close-knit bunch, and moon-hee would've never traded her family for anything else.

moon-hee was particularly close to her sister. moon-ae, who was four years younger than her, was a little more outgoing and a little more lazy, but shared the same sense of humour with her older sister, and the two were as close as they could be. so when moon-ae was diagnosed with chronic asthma at age 13, moon-hee took it hard. the previously athletic girl was now in and out of the hospital, and everytime moon-ae woke up in the middle of night crying out that she couldn't breathe, moon-hee wondered if this was it.

gradually, moon-ae's asthma got slightly better with treatment, but the lee family's funds were depleted with the jajangmyeon shop barely providing enough profit to make ends meet. but with both parents uneducated, they had little other career options other than random part-time jobs. it was by then that moon-hee promised her family she would study hard, get into a good university and get a good job to support her family and her sister's treatment. and she made good on her promise, excelling in academics and topping the cohort consistently every year after. her time management was precarious; balancing her passion for art, her studies, students' council and a part-time job all at the same time throughout high school, moon-hee gained the ability to go on nothing but coffee and sheer willpower for 48 hours. it was in council that she met her 3 closest friends who motivated her and helped her throughout her difficulties.

her hard work paid off, and by the time she graduated high school her results were enough to get her into any school she wanted. moon-hee was hesitant when her friends had first suggested sneaking into sundong, but after being convinced of the immense benefits to her education and future career, she made two impulsive decisions: the first even agreeing to cross-dress and enroll, the second applying for a major in visual arts.

though her artistic ability is undeniable and moon-hee would die before she stopped doing art, she wasn't secure, and she knew it. she's taken a minor in neuroscience with the intention to apply for medical school rather than art school— it isn't what she wants, but it's what would be the best for her and her family.

most days moon-hee can be found either at class or the art studio. she comes home late almost everyday, sometimes even spending the night in the studio and sleeps most of her off days, interacting only when forced to or necessary.
[/div][div class="tabscontent tab4" style=display:none;][div class=rst]relationships[/div][div class=scroll] [div class=rsboxt]hyejee[/div] [div class="rsbox rs1"][div class=rsicon1][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: best friend
[div class=rsfirst]out[/div] of all the girls, moon-hee is closest to hyejee. the two met first as deskmates, then ran for council together. hyejee's natural ability to make her laugh with just about anything helps moon-hee destress in any situation, and she's likely the only one who can fully tolerate all of hyejee's antics. moon-hee was devastated when hyejee had her accident and initiated almost all the visits to her in the hospital. it'd reminded her of her sister, and she was worried hyejee's light might flicker slightly like moon-ae's had initially.
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[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]eun-ji[/div] [div class="rsbox rs2"][div class=rsicon2][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: best friend
[div class=rsfirst]without[/div] eun-ji, moon-hee would probably be dead or have a severe case of diabetes. her bad eating habits and tendencies to overlook her own well-being has led the older girl to care for her, and moon-hee is incredibly grateful. she looks up to eun-ji a lot and loves her cooking. truth be told, eun-ji can be rather intimidating at times, but whenever she cracks a smile, moon-hee feels instant relief being around her.
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]seo-hyun[/div] [div class="rsbox rs3"][div class=rsicon3][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: best friend
[div class=rsfirst]though[/div] seo-hyun and moon-hee aren't the closest, with seo-hyun's natural loner nature and moon-hee's social awkwardness, moon-hee enjoys seo-hyun's company a lot! that said, seo-hyun's got just about everything, and it's been more than once that moon-hee's found herself envious of seo-hyun; she seems like she has it easy, but moon-hee knows there's always more to it. moon-hee often seeks out seo-hyun for help with parts of her studies that she can't understand, and the smart girl is usually able to help her.
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]woo jin[/div] [div class="rsbox rs4"][div class=rsicon4][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: acquaintance
[div class=rsfirst]moon-hee[/div] doesn't know who woo jin is. she doesn't keep up with pop culture nor the latest student rumours, and her only source of information on this is hyejee (occasionally eun-ji). woo jin is actually, however, a friend of moon-ae's from her visits to the hospital which he happens to intern at. moon-ae refers to him affectionately as "dr. oppa", because she finds him hot. though moon-hee knows of the existence of dr. oppa, she's unaware that this doctor is actually her new roommate.
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]han-bin[/div] [div class="rsbox rs5"][div class=rsicon5][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: acquaintance
[div class=rsfirst]han-bin's[/div] name is a vaguely familiar memory floating in her head, but moon-hee's honestly got more important things to worry about. she's been to one daze concert in her lifetime after seo-hyun won the whole group some tickets, but that was her one of two brushes with daze's music. hyejee and eun-ji's insistence that she give listening to more a try has led her to give more of it a listen, and moon-hee likes the lyrics of some of the songs, kind of. what was his name again, though?
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]ha neul[/div] [div class="rsbox rs6"][div class=rsicon6][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: acquaintance
[div class=rsfirst]ha neul[/div] terrifies moon-hee. he always seems insistent on dragging her out to work out, which doesn't make sense at all when he himself already seems to understand the importance of maintaining his good grades. moon-hee doesn't have the stamina for this. she doesn't have the time for this. she has brushes to clean. please stop, ha neul. she can't take it anymore. otherwise, moon-hee would love to study with him. he seems like the smart type.
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]junsu[/div] [div class="rsbox rs7"][div class=rsicon7][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: acquaintance
[div class=rsfirst]junsu's[/div] prickly personality intimidates moon-hee a lot, and she tries to avoid talking to him. she doesn't think he likes her very much, and that's okay. his ego disturbs her a bit and she always feels like he's talking down to her, but moon-hee doesn't really have the energy to talk back. eun-ji'll do that for her instead; the two are bound to butt heads anyways.
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]ji ah[/div] [div class="rsbox rs8"][div class=rsicon8][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: acquaintance
[div class=rsfirst]ji ah's[/div] quieter nature lets moon-hee feel more comfortable around her. their time spent together aren't the wordiest, but it's clear they enjoy each other's company, and moon-hee greatly enjoys studying with her. the two bonded over their shared experiences as dog owners, and moon-hee adores min-ho, often bringing up that they should bring their dogs to the park to let them play together again.
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]sung-min[/div] [div class="rsbox rs9"][div class=rsicon9][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: acquaintance
[div class=rsfirst]sung-min[/div] reminds moon-hee of herself, though in a way she can't quite place. she hasn't much of an impression of him, but noticing that he seems to enjoy art as well, moon-hee's been dying to bring it up to him in a conversation, but hasn't quite settled on how to go about doing that. he's intimidating like junsu, but in a different sort of way, and moon-hee doesn't usually click well with intimidating types.
[/div][/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=rsboxt]moon-ae[/div] [div class="rsbox rs10"][div class=rsicon10][/div][div class=rstextcon][div class=rstcontent][div class=srst]status: sister/best friend
[div class=rsfirst]moon-hee[/div] and moon-ae are as close and can be. though their persona
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[/class] [class name="moonhee"] --rImg: url('https://i.imgur.com/mlSRhWQ.jpg'); [/class] [class name="haneul"] --rImg: url('https://i.imgur.com/5q9cvrc.jpg'); [/class] [class name="seohyun"] --rImg: url('https://i.imgur.com/jC9Mpmf.jpg'); [/class] [script class="charaImage" version="2"] (= counter 0) [/script] [script class="charaImage" on="mouseenter" version="2"] (= name (trim (getText))) (addClass "reduceOpacity" "charaImage") (removeClass "reduceOpacity" name) [/script] [script class="charaImage" on="mouseleave" version="2"] (removeClass "reduceOpacity" "charaImage") [/script] [script class="charaImage" on="click" version="2"] (= active (trim (getText))) (if (== counter 0) (group (addClass "hideChara" "charaImage") (removeClass "rDescShow" "rDesc") (removeClass "hideChara" active) (addClass "rDescShow" (+ active "desc")) (= counter 1)) (group (removeClass "hideChara" "charaImage") (removeClass "rDescShow" "rDesc") (= counter 0))) [/script] [div class="variable root"] [div class="gridContainer"] [div class="boxStyling mainImageArea"] [div class="mainImage"] [div class="basicInfo"] [div class="basicInfoScroll"] [div class="infoLine"] [div class="faIcon"][/div] [div class="field"]name:[/div] [div class="info"]cho eun-ji[/div] [/div] [div class="infoLine"] [div class="faIcon"][/div] [div class="field"]age:[/div] [div class="info"]twenty-one (21)[/div] [/div] [div class="infoLine"] [div class="faIcon"][/div] [div class="field"]gender:[/div] [div class="info"]cisfemale[/div] [/div] [div class="infoLine"] [div class="faIcon"][/div] [div class="field"]major:[/div] [div class="info"]business management[/div] [/div] [div class="infoLine"] [div class="faIcon"][/div] [div class="field"]minor:[/div] [div class="info"]culinary arts[/div] [/div] [div class="infoLine"] [div class="faIcon"][/div] [div class="field"]role:[/div] [div class="info"]undercover female[/div] [/div] [div class="infoLine"] [div class="faIcon"][/div] [div class="field"]faceclaim:[/div] [div class="info"]moon byul-yi[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="boxStyling mbtiBox"] [div class="attributeTextL"]introvert[/div] [div class="gaugeCol"] [div class="circle" style="left: var(--ie);"].[/div] [/div] [div class="attributeTextR"]extrovert[/div] [div class="attributeTextL"]intuitive[/div] [div class="gaugeCol"] [div class="circle" style="left: var(--ns);"].[/div] [/div] [div class="attributeTextR"]observant[/div] [div class="attributeTextL"]thinking[/div] [div class="gaugeCol"] [div class="circle" style="left: var(--tf);"].[/div] [/div] [div class="attributeTextR"]feeling[/div] [div class="attributeTextL"]judging[/div] [div class="gaugeCol"] [div class="circle" style="left: var(--jp);"].[/div] [/div] [div class="attributeTextR"]prospective[/div] [/div] [div class="boxStyling nameBox"] [div class="nameContainer"]cho eun-Ji[/div] [div class="subtitle"]조 은지[/div] [/div] [div class="boxStyling iconImageBox"] [div class="iconImage"][/div] [/div] [div class="miscInfo"] [div class="boxStyling personalityInfo"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="p"] Eun-Ji's the person people always rely on. Whether it's troubleshooting a machine or sorting out an argument, people turn to her for advice and direction. Her quiet maturity belies a strong charisma that makes others follow her lead. When given the chance, she'll take charge because she genuinely believes she can do better. [/div] [div class="p"] It's no surprise that she easily comes off as arrogant whenever she butts head against someone. Eun-Ji finds no problem with that. There's no harm in confidence if one has the skills to back them up. Ironically, she gets along least with people who share the ideology. She's a bit of a hypocrite and will get on the defensive if it's pointed out. [/div] [div class="p"] To most, she's a stubborn mule who doesn't know when she's crossed a line. To those that know her better, they acknowledge an emotionally stunted individual who has trouble emphathizing with others. She's good at a lot of things, but emotions aren't one of her strengths. [/div] [div class="p"] Rather than express how she feels, Eun-Ji would rather stamp it down and bury it. Tension radiates from her whenever she does, but she's just never learnt a different way to handle it. Call her up if you need help with your problems, but suddenly she goes mum when dealing with her own. [/div] [div class="p"] It's due to this that she's always struggled to form deeper than superficial relationships. One would require a crowbar to pry a word out of her when she's in trouble, even if they're someone Eun-Ji considers a friend. It's more than just being a burden to them; she hates showing weakness to anyone, especially those who rely on her being the strong one. [/div] [div class="p"] Eun-Ji's stubborn, temperamental and occasionally reminds people of their nagging mother. Despite all that, one couldn't find a better friend - provided you have a crowbar on hand. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="boxStyling relationshipInfo"] [div class="charaImage woojin"]woojin[/div] [div class="rDesc woojindesc"] [div class="descScroll"] [div class="p"]Eun-Ji's relationship with Woojin is rather one-sided. All Eun-Ji knows of him is that he took advantage of her friend. That's enough to get him blacklisted, and Eun-Ji makes no secret of her dislike of the man. Eunwoo, meanwhile, maintains a reserved, if rather disdainful attitude towards Woojin.[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="charaImage hanbin"]hanbin[/div] [div class="rDesc hanbindesc"] [div class="descScroll"] [div class="p"]Being a Dreamer, Eun-Ji can't believe she'll be living with a member of one of her favorite groups. But that's not much frankly. She'll admire him from afar, but being socially inept, she has no idea how to speak with him. Her only interactions with him thus far have been at fanmeets (Eun-Ji), and casual conversations at the dorm (Eunwoo).[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="charaImage haneul"]haneul[/div] [div class="rDesc haneuldesc"] [div class="descScroll"] [div class="p"]Eun-Ji admires Ha Neul's work ethic, even if she does criticize his choice in friends. Besides that, however, she doesn't know South Korea's modern prince that well. She's not averse to befriending him, but she isn't all that gungho about it either.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="charaImage junsu"]junsu[/div] [div class="rDesc junsudesc"] [div class="descScroll"] [div class="p"]The bane of Eun-Ji's existence. If you ask her for what she thought of him, it would be "rude brat". It's just her luck that they happen to share departments and a few classes. Their feud began during her first night at the dorm. Junsu threw away the food she made just because different kinds were touching. The two simply never got along after that.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="charaImage hyejee"]hyejee[/div] [div class="rDesc hyejeedesc"] [div class="descScroll"] [div class="p"]A member of Eun-Ji's inner circle and one of the few who can get her to discard her prickly outer shell. The two met in the student council, and then again in a DAZE fanmeet. Somehow they found themselves running a DAZE fansite named Dreamcatcher. There's a bit of distance between them after Hyejee's accident, but the two are still very close.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="charaImage moonhee"]moonhee[/div] [div class="rDesc moonheedesc"] [div class="descScroll"] [div class="p"]Eun-Ji is worried that if she doesn't take the initiative to care for Moonie, she'll collapse from fatigue and starvation. The two didn't really grow close until Hyejee began acting as mediator between them, despite both being in the student council. Moonie reminds her of her own younger sister, and now that she no longer lives with her family, the big sis tendencies have only grown stronger.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="charaImage seohyun"]seohyun[/div] [div class="rDesc seohyundesc"] [div class="descScroll"] [div class="p"]Of the three girls, Seo-Hyun is the one Eun-Ji gets along with least. Eun-Ji likes her well enough, but Seo-Hyun's natural abilities have been the source of envy more than once. However, her generous nature makes Eun-Ji feel petty about it and so she's quick to stamp the feeling down.[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="boxStyling history"] [div class="hScrollbox"] [div class="lightborder"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="eventname"] [div class="hCircle"].[/div] MOTHER & DOG [/div] [div class="eventcontent"] When Eun-Ji was young, her parents divorced. It was amicable except for one thing: her mother wanted no contact with any of them. She willingly took the dog, but nothing that connected her with the family she once had. [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="eventname"] [div class="hCircle"].[/div] NORMALCY [/div] [div class="eventcontent"] Some might say life in the Cho household settled afterwards. On the surface, that appeared true. But at home her father walked around with tension in his shoulders, while her younger siblings asked where mom was. Each time they did, her father's shoulders hunched, and his lips would harden into a straight line. Eun-Ji quickly learnt not to ask. [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="eventname"] [div class="hCircle"].[/div] "MATURITY" [/div] [div class="eventcontent"] People always complimented her for being mature, on how she handled her responsibilities so well. Unlike the kids her age, she was willingly handling chores and taking care of her siblings. She wasn't prone to emotional outbursts - but maybe that's because she never had the chance. When she had to walk on eggshells around her own family, she couldn't afford to. [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="eventname"] [div class="hCircle"].[/div] PRICK [/div] [div class="eventcontent"] With her brisk attitude and unemotional responses, Eun-Ji quickly earned the ire of her peers. It didn't help that she was often the favorite of her teachers, even if they did have to remind her to be more gentle with her words. [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="eventname"] [div class="hCircle"].[/div] STUDENT COUNCIL [/div] [div class="eventcontent"] Kids grow up though, and eventually the people around her realized there was merit in her methods. She was quickly voted into leadership positions, which she happily accepted. It fed into her desire to be indispensable. This eventually lead to her being nominated as president in high school. [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="eventname"] [div class="hCircle"].[/div] friendship [/div] [div class="eventcontent"] If it hadn't been for the friends she met in the student council, Eun-Ji would be on a path to ruin. They taught her to relax, that it was okay to laugh at mistakes and that she didn't have to try hard all the time. [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="eventname"] [div class="hCircle"].[/div] sundong [/div] [div class="eventcontent"] Until now, Eunji, now named Eunwoo, still isn't sure how she was convinced to join this idiotic plan. All she knows is that now she's found herself crossdressing and living with four men she barely knew. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[div class=Wrap][div class=mainContainer] [div class="scrollWrap One"][div class=textWrap]
[div class=bubbleWrap] [div class=header]do seo-hyun
[div class=tagsBox][div class=title]hangul[/div][div class=tagsText]도서현 [/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]age[/div][div class=tagsText]19[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]birthday[/div][div class=tagsText]august 1[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]gender[/div][div class=tagsText](fe)male[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]sexuality[/div][div class=tagsText]bisexual[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]role[/div][div class=tagsText]undercover female[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]major[/div][div class=tagsText]technological engineering[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]fc[/div][div class=tagsText]bae joo-hyun[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]code[/div][div class=tagsText]ri.a[/div][/div] [/div][/div]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=header]Personality
[div class=tagsBox][div class=title]like[/div][div class=tagsText]physics, math, robotics, inventing and thrift shopping[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]dislike[/div][div class=tagsText]brownies, chemistry and fantasy genre[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]vice[/div][div class=tagsText]overly independent, forgetful, lazy[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title]virtue[/div][div class=tagsText]intelligent, generous, [/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title][/div][div class="socialTab ttwo"]...read more[/div][/div][/div][/div]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=header]Biography
[div class=title]for the first six years of her life, seo-hyun lived in california. she and her family returned to their homeland of south korea after economic problems hit them hard. once there, her family began to return to their feet and continue to have a good life, then the car accident happened. [/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=title][/div][div class="socialTab tthree"]...read more[/div][/div][/div][/div]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=header]Relationships
[div class=tagsBox]
[div class=tagsText][div class=title]ok woo jin | stranger
[div class=tagsBox]
[div class=tagsText][div class=title]son han-bin | stranger [/div] ???[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox]
[div class=tagsText][div class=title]han hyejee | stranger [/div] ???[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox]
[div class=tagsText][div class=title]yi ha neul| stranger [/div] ???[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox]
[div class=tagsText][div class=title]seo jun-su | stranger [/div] ???[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox]
[div class=tagsText][div class=title]lee moon-hee | stranger [/div] ???[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox]
[div class=tagsText][div class=title]cho eun-ji| stranger [/div] ???[/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=header]Description
[div class=tagsBox][div class=title][/div][div class="socialTab tfour"]...see more[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class="scrollWrap Two"][div class=textWrap]
[div class=button]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=tagsBox][div class=header]Biography
[div class="socialTab tthree"]...read more[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=header]Description[/div][div class="socialTab tfour"]...read more[/div][/div] [/div][/div]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=header]personality
throughout her life, seo has been known as a genius. a natural-born genius who didn't need to study until five minutes before the test, someone who didn't need to take notes, and a top dog who was in the top five in all of her advanced classes. seo is absent-minded, a person who forgets her responsibilities by daydreaming. she sucks with remembering people; seo only remembers people that had caught her attention. thanks to her loner habits, seo tends to be quiet and prefers to listen instead of talking. she doesn't have many friends, but she doesn't mind. whenever people approach her, seo can be flirty and loves dirty jokes that can even make her laugh; she also has no sense of personal space. she isn't shy, she doesn't approach people. she can act like a crackhead and can get along with most people, especially if she likes them. seo can be called a couch potato, someone who always find shortcuts and loopholes to make things easier for herself. whenever she isn't working on her inventions, seo can found watching tv or sleeping.

[/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class="scrollWrap Three"][div class=textWrap]
[div class=button]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=tagsBox][div class=header]personality
[div class="socialTab ttwo"]...read more[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=header]description[/div][div class="socialTab tfour"]...read more[/div][/div] [/div][/div]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=header]biography
born to immigrants, do seo-hyun lived in california for the first six years of her life. it was only when her father was fired from his job and neither of her parents was able to find a job that seo met her parent's homeland of south korea. slowly, but surely, her parents were able to get back onto their feet and continue being the wonderful parents that they were. seo's life was pulled out from under her when a driver ran a red light.

with that one mistake, seo lost her parents and almost lost her leg.

having no other family members, except an aunt who didn't want her, seo was about to be put in the system when the family that her parents worked for jumped in. the father of the family was a childhood friend of her parents, the third wheel of their trio. seo struggled to fit in with the family: the oldest daughter and the mother were rather wary of her. seo retreated into a protective shell, speaking only to her new father, new younger sister and the housemaid.

currently, at the age of nineteen seo is studying to follow her love of inventing. [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class="scrollWrap Four"][div class=textWrap]
[div class=button]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=tagsBox][div class=header]Personality
[div class="socialTab ttwo"]...read more[/div][/div] [div class=tagsBox][div class=header]Biography[/div][div class="socialTab tthree"]...read more[/div][/div] [/div][/div]
[div class=bubbleWrap][div class=header]Description
[div class=title]Height[/div] xx [div class=title]Weight[/div] xx [div class=title]Hair Color[/div] color [div class=title]Eye Color[/div] color [div class=title]Physique[/div] sexy [div class=title]Tattoos/Piercings[/div] giepg [div class=title]Distinguishing Feature[/div] ghiwog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In scelerisque suscipit diam eget elementum. Phasellus bibendum diam eget purus placerat, vitae commodo turpis faucibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris bibendum lectus dui, in condimentum lectus pulvinar in. Quisque auctor tincidunt nulla, a faucibus lectus maximus at. Aliquam id facilisis ante, ut malesuada felis. Nam venenatis fringilla leo sollicitudin accumsan. Nulla in tortor eget libero viverra fringilla. Nulla facilisi. Nam mi arcu, feugiat luctus felis et, dignissim fermentum purus. Mauris augue mauris, sagittis vitae sem et, placerat tempor turpis. Suspendisse rutrum dolor non tellus suscipit maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque eleifend mi et arcu dictum, vel rhoncus urna tempor. Vestibulum et vulputate ex, in porttitor nulla. Maecenas id dignissim purus, aliquet bibendum lectus. [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][div class=block][/div][/div] [class=Wrap] margin:auto;center; width:1050px; height:auto; display:flex; --color1:#F1F1F1; --color2:#FFCAD4; --color3:#FFA0AA; --color4:#9D8189; --img1:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/3fc81aeda99d3450112864dd89db90a8/tumblr_oa56cdfAk11uoodqco1_r1_500.gif'); --img2:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/261c6e608198e139d859fe8a93fe4d08/tumblr_paocrsRRlM1r3hdhfo1_500.gif'); cursor:crosshair; [/class] [class=block] width:200px; height:85vh; background:var(--color3); [/class] [class=mainContainer] width:850px; height:85vh; background:var(--color1); overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=socialTab] width:100px; height:auto; text-align:right; color:var(--color4); font-family:Open Sans; font-size:0.8em; cursor:pointer; align-self:flex-end; [/class] [class=scrollWrap] display:none; width:105%; height:85vh; overflow:scroll; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93.9%; padding:0.5em; display:grid; grid-template-columns: [first] 270px [second] 270px [third] 270px [last]; grid-template-rows: [row1] 170px [row2] 183px [row3] auto [row4] 10% [bottom]; grid-column-gap: 10px; grid-row-gap: 10px; [/class] [class=bubbleWrap] min-width:250px; height:auto; padding:0.8em; border-radius:30px; background:#fff; opacity:0.5; transition:all 1s ease-in; font-family:Open Sans; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color4); [/class] [class name=bubbleWrap state=hover] opacity:1; box-shadow:1px 1px 1px var(--color4); [/class] [class=header] font-family:Poppins; font-size:2em; color:var(--color4); [/class] [class=title] font-family:Poppins; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=tagsBox] display:flex; width:auto; height:auto; padding:0.3em; justify-content:space-between; [/class] [class=tagsText] font-family:Open Sans; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color4); padding-left:0.3em; [/class] [class=button] display:none; width:50px; height:50px; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; background:#fff; font-size:2em; color:var(--color4); border-radius:50%; cursor:pointer; opacity:0.7; [/class] [class name=sbuttoncontainer] display:block; height:50px; width:50px; font-size:0px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:50%; transform:perspective(0); [/class] [class name=sbuttonfilter] overflow: hidden; position: relative; top:-5px; left:-5px; width:300px; height:110px; [/class] [script class=none] show One [/script] [script class=button on=click] fadeOut 1000 scrollWrap fadeIn 1000 One [/script] [script class=ttwo on=click] fadeOut 750 scrollWrap fadeIn 1000 Two [/script] [script class=tthree on=click] fadeOut 750 scrollWrap fadeIn 1000 Three [/script] [script class=tfour on=click] fadeOut 750 scrollWrap fadeIn 1000 Four [/script]
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Choose your love, love your choice
당신의 사랑을 선택하고, 당신의 선택을 사랑하십시오



❥│Name: Song Ji Ah
Age: 20 [January 1]
Gender: [Fe]Male
Sexuality: Demisexual││Heterosexual
Role: Undercover Student
Major & Department: Animal Science││Veterinary Department
Faceclaim: IU [Lee Ji-eun]
Height: 5'4 [162 cm]
Horoscope: Pisces
━━━━━━━━❀. Blood Type: A
Nicknames: TBD

❀│FREE-SPIRITED: Other than her shyness, Ji Ah is actually free-spirited. She’s energetic and enthusiastic when she opens up, enough for others to see the shiny glint in her eyes when she’s excited.
❀│LOVING: When she loves, she loves deeply. Once she has this love, she tries her damnedest to never it go all the while protecting as if it were porcelain glass.
❀│PERCEPTIVE: She likes to observe and scan the people around her along with her surroundings. She's insightful and discerning, and has a sensitive intuition. She can easily read people as if they're an open book.
❀│QUIET: She tends to speak only when spoken to or when she feels as if something must be said, regardless of how nervous she feels. While she doesn't say a lot, there's a lot racing through her mind.
❀│STUBBORN: Despite her silent nature, she is very stubborn and will very rarely change her mind no what the circumstances. That's usually the case when it concerns things she desperately cares about. She's able to choose to stand his ground, even pass the point of suffering for it.
❀│LOYAL: She is loyal to a point where it can even be considered the largest fault she has. This trait is always directed towards the people she truly trusts and cares for. To those she holds up to a considerable high regard, she'll almost never betray them, no matter what. If she ever does have to, the decision to do so will become a very regrettable weight on his heart. Because of this, she's afraid to open up her heart as it can lead to them betraying her.
❀│SHY: She is shy towards everyone in general. He tries to avoid any type of conversation and stiffens up as soon as someone even tries look at him. Her shyness often gets misunderstood as arrogance and aloofness. Her shyness can sometimes be quite annoying, even to herself.
❀│HONEST: She doesn't have the courage to speak frequently, but when she does, it's never a lie.
❀│SENSITIVE: Unbeknownst to the world, she's very sensitive. Underneath is a girl who feels deeply and thinks deeply.


Song Ji Ah has everything: money, her own selection of men, cars, clothes, a dysfunctional and distant family, expectations that never cease in suffocating her, as well as her whole life planned out by everyone but herself. All hope of living her own life and making her own choices, whether they be wrong, gray, or right, have seem to dispersed into thin air. Ji Ah may seem like she has everything, but in all actuality, she has nothing but Min-Ho. Only around him could she truly just be herself. Her life is not even hers anymore. And her family is just purely...sad. They might be the picturesque of a perfect, happy family, but that's just for the publicity and image. Behind the scenes, they can't even have one family dinner without an argument, typically about Ji Ah. To them, the family image is all that matters.

People don't like her. They like her for her money, her family, her cars, the superficial things she has, but not herself. No one sees her. No one cares for her. By keeping quiet and letting herself be misunderstood, she closes herself off and puts up defenses for the sake of his own sanity. People usually leave her alone, which is good enough for her. If someone really tried to get to know her, she'd open up. Then they'd see who she truly was. They'd see a young woman desperately wanting to live and not just survive.

Had she not met her current friends during high school, she doubts she would have survived through it. Min-Ho and the girls were and are her family.

Desperate to escape her controlling family and follow her dreams of becoming a veterinarian, she escapes to the city of Seoul, “where the heart of dreams and inspirations” lie. At the heart of Seoul was Sundong University, a school that everyone dreamed of attending while only few were lucky enough to have been chosen. Ji Ah set her sights on the prestigious school and to her elation, she was accepted.

There’s one catch though. Sundong University was an all boys school.


☽│Is prone to being very emotional so she tries her best to control herself.

☽│Doesn't seem to interact well with people her own age and comes off as quiet.

☽│Has a Siberian Husky that she loves dearly.

☽│Has a habit of twirling her hair with her fingers when nervous.

☽│Considers Min-Ho as her only family member other than the girls.

☽│Not afraid to like what she likes even though it may not be masculine.

☽│Doesn't like for people to know about her rich background because it attracts unwanted attention and people treat her differently once they know.

☽│Prefers biking or walking over driving for the environment.

☽│Is often misunderstood.
✰│Dislikes wasting food [obviously loves food]

✰│Likes all types of living creatures. [animals, bugs, plants, and children]

✰│Dislikes dirtiness and messiness.

✰│Likes the arts. [reading, writing, singing, songwriting, crafting, and flower arranging]

✰│Dislikes being late.

✰│Likes pink.

✰│Dislikes the heat.

✰│Likes all things Asian. [Anime, Asian Dramas, Manga, etc etc.]


Lee Moon Hee.

Cho Eun-ji.

Son Han Bin.

Ok Woo Jin.

Han Hyejee.
Min-ho. Min-ho is Ji Ah's dog and is the only one she considers her family member other than the girls. She's had him ever since she was 15. Min-ho had an accident one day that made her want her to pursue a Veterinary career. She wants to give him a full and happy life, along with all the other living creatures she loves. He is her main motivation in life.

Seo Junsu.

Yi Ha Neul.

Do Seo-Hyun.


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[div class=fyuribox01]

[div class=charactername]Sung-min

[div class=quote]May your coffee be strong and your Mondays be short.
[div class=tags] Male, 19, Coffee Prince, Professional Couch Potato, Potential Artist[/div][/div] [div class=textarea][div class=tabs][div class=tab]Information[/div][div class=tab]Images[/div][div class=tab]Relationships[/div][/div][div class=tabtext][div class="tabsContent tabsContentInformation"][div class=infohdr] Basics[/div]
[div class=info]Name[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Park Sung-min[/div]

[div class=info]Nickname[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Minnie[/div]

[div class=info]Age[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Nineteen[/div]

[div class=info]Gender[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Male[/div]

[div class=info]Sexuality[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Demisexual[/div]

[div class=info]Role[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Coffee Prince[/div]

[div class=info]Birthday[/div]
[div class=sminfo]July 13[/div]

[div class=info]Zodiac[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Cancer[/div]

[div class=info]Major[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Business[/div]

[div class=info]Minor[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Animation and Digital Arts[/div]

[div class=infohdr] Physical[/div]
[div class=info]Height[/div]
[div class=sminfo]5'3"[/div]

[div class=info]Weight[/div]
[div class=sminfo]124 lbs[/div]

[div class=info]Blood Type[/div]
[div class=sminfo]A[/div]

[div class=info]Hair Color[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Dark brown, although he says he'd like to dye it a funky color.[/div]

[div class=info]Eye Color[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Brown[/div]

[div class=info]Scars[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Several from his childhood, especially ones from when he rode his bike. He was not coordinated enough to keep that thing up straight.[/div]

[div class=info]Tattoos[/div]
[div class=sminfo]None; He's not allowed any.[/div]

[div class=info]Piercings[/div]
[div class=sminfo]None; He's not allowed any.[/div]

[div class=info]Face Claim[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Yang Yang[/div]

[div class=infohdr] Mental[/div]
[div class=info]Personality[/div]
Sung-min is an indolent, awkward, and overall sullen individual who likes to distance himself from his fellow human beings. He's known for being passive in a lot of situations, often completely ignoring other people who try and get reactions out of him. There was a period of time where he was being bullied for how quiet he was. They got so fed up with how listless and indifferent he acted that they ultimately left him alone: just how he likes it. However, this won't stop him from intervening in a fight or argument, especially if someone he likes is involved. He'll take it upon himself to resolve everything as quickly and as harmlessly as possible. If he fails, though, he tends to beat down on himself.

Depression is a familiar beast for Sung-min. He's battled with it for a large majority of his life. It's affected him so much that his personality has taken several blows as he's grown up, leaving him much more lifeless than he would've been otherwise. He finds a lot of things pointless, such as studying. He fears the future and often finds himself not wanting to grow up. After all, once he's old enough, he'll take on the family business. That scares the hell out of him. He claims it's because it's too much work, but, really, he's terrified of having that much responsibility. What happens if he messes up then? There are no safety nets in the real world, and he already strikes himself down often enough.

Once you get to know Sung-min, his cold, aloof attitude becomes something much warmer. Sarcasm is his forte. He's also incredibly overprotective and often cares way too much about those who are close to him. There are times where he takes this too far, sometimes to the point where he prioritizes others over himself. He's still learning how to love himself, even though he's nevertheless hopelessly in love with his childhood friend.

[div class=info]Temperament[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Melancholic[/div]

[div class=info]Likes[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Cats, sweets, painting, movies, staying up late, sleeping in, evenings, sunsets, flowers[/div]

[div class=info]Dislikes[/div]
[div class=sminfo]Veggies, fruits, needles, crowds, early mornings, expectations, fighting[/div]

[div class=infohdr] History[/div]
[div class=info]Backstory[/div]
Sung-min and Nari were the closest of friends throughout their childhood. They grew up and experienced life together. Sure, they fought every once in a while, but times were good and they were happy. It wasn't until the late teen years that Sung-min started to realize that it was possible he loved Nari. She was funny, lighthearted, and sweet. Perfect in his eyes. This revelation, however, scared him. He didn't know what to do. One wrong move and it was possible that the relationship they'd build over the years would break. On top of that, his parents were constantly pressuring him to find the perfect girl.

When he turned eighteen, his parents took things too far. They set him up on a blind date. Infuriated and disconcerted, he declared to them that he wasn't interested in girls. They were shocked, his father especially so, but they couldn't hate him for this for forever, especially not when he was the sole heir to their coffee chain. What Sung-min really meant by his words, however, was that he wasn't interested in any other girls, as he was already in love. Now he was stuck trying to pretend that he really was interested in men, too stubborn to go back on his words and too afraid to actually confess to Nari.

Over time, his feelings for Nari have begun to regress to the point where their relationship is finally pretty much back to where it used to be. He still is attracted to her, though, and constantly tries to convince himself of otherwise. It's a daily struggle to maintain all these lies, but, somehow, he's managed all this time. Perhaps one day he'll be able to take off his mask and face who he truly is.

[div class=infohdr] Extra[/div]
He tells everyone he's gay.
He takes medications for his depression.
He loves cats but is unfortunately allergic.
He's majoring in business partially because his parents insisted it and partially because he doesn't know what else he wants to do with his life. It seems as though his future is already set in stone.
He has a tendency to get too attached to people way too easily.

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentImages" style="display: none;"]

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentRelationships" style="display: none;"]
Choi Nari
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Ok Woo Jin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Son Han-bin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Yi Ha Neul
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Seo Jun-su
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
[/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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[class name=container] margin: auto; height: 250px; width: 400px; [/class] [class name=containercont] height: 240px; width: 390px; [/class] [class name=chapterpic] background:URL(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/96/3a/54/963a549f9691e062cf23f8f140f73ff5.jpg); float: left; height: 240px; width: 190px; background-size: cover; [/class] [class name=scroll] float: right; height: 240px; width: 190px; overflow: hidden; margin-left: 5px; [/class] [class name=scrollbox] height: 98%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 17px; [/class] [class name=text] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/class] [class name=title] font-size: 18px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; color: #b7c7d4; [/class] [class name=codetag] font-size: 8px; text-align: center; margin-top: 3px; [/class] [div class="container"][div class="containercont"][div class="chapterpic"][/div] [div class="scroll"][div class="scrollbox"][div class="title"]WOO SUNG BIN
우성빈 ☾[/div][div class="text"]
"just because i'm in finance, doesn't mean i'm good at math. i have a calculator."​

sung bin is 22 y/o.

she studies accounting and finance and belongs to the department of finance.

her role is an undercover student.


the essence of sung bin is her rather defensive nature- staring at her? what. you wanna fight? taking a seat next to her too closely even though the bus is packed? what. you wanna fight? though it sounds mean, it usually turns out rather humourous as she doesn't actually know how to fight. her ideology in life is to bs her way through it. you frighten she'll glock you even though she really can't? good, you don't need to know the truth.

because of this rather peculiar trait, many of her friends enjoy teasing her, calling her a big softie. she's not an openly affectionate individual but she is honest and generally open about her feelings. to a certain point, some might call her naive but to be specific, she wears her heart of her sleeves. as such, she tends to get hurt sometimes. vulnerably strong, she'd describe her emotions to be.

another traits of hers that wow many is her large amount of confidence. maybe contributed by her naiveness but if you need someone to hype you up for your obviously failed presentation, call sung min. also, opinionated to a fault, she can open her mouth at the wrong time but that doesn't mean she's tactless. she's probably that one person who's too honest at times with you before panicking as she tries to comfort you.


from a young age, all woo sung bin knew were her grandparents. she is not hurt by it nor does she carry around the burden of being an orphan everywhere. according to her grandparents, sung bin's true parents were encapsulated in her single mother who was a police officer.

her parents met as high school sweethearts and sung bin was born out of wedlock as they entered university. her grandparents initially disowned her mother but eventually, like any true parent should be, decided that they loved their daughter and their gift of a granddaughter more than what society said about them. after a year of marriage, sung bin's parents got a divorce and her mother moved in with her grandparents.

her mother worked as a police officer in the gangnam district. her grandparents used to tell sung bin stories of her mother's 'adventures'- how she single-handedly chased a murderer down an alleyway, about how she saved a politician from a robber and etc. they were all exaggerated but sung bin didn't know that as she was still young. however, at the age of four, sung bin lost her mother to a robbery gone wrong.

her grandparents were devastated and even her father, whom she hadn't seen in three years, went to the funeral and was obviously heartbroken. after her mother's death, sung bin moved in with her grandparents and lived off of them supporting her alongside her father sending in monthly funds, finally deciding to take his father duties seriously.

now, she spends most of her time picking up fights trying to figure out why in the world she took finance.


⋆sung bin is horrible at maths. don't ever ask her to calculate the split bill because she'll probably tell everyone to pay her.
⋆she has a small moon tattoo (the symbol next to her hangul name) on her right wrist.
⋆she gets most of her clothes from thrift shops.
⋆sometimes, sung bin works part-time at a pub as a waitress.

[/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class="codetag"]coded by ukiiyo[/div]
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[/div] [div class="textbox one"]
Name: Tahara Minwoo
Nickname(s): Min, Hiro
Age: Twenty four
Gender: Male
Ethicity: Korean-Japanese
Occupation: Chaebol
[/div] [div class="textbox two"]Virtues:

Personality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mollis tellus sed tortor volutpat dictum. Integer porta tortor nibh, id dictum tellus ullamcorper eu. Mauris pretium cursus mi, a gravida quam dictum et. Ut varius, dui at cursus pretium, nibh metus volutpat libero, nec laoreet eros mi ut tortor. Fusce dui tellus, gravida sit amet arcu vitae, volutpat rutrum augue. Etiam condimentum porttitor felis, at porta ex volutpat in. Suspendisse porttitor, diam eleifend congue lobortis, sapien augue tincidunt dui, pulvinar hendrerit urna eros nec arcu. Curabitur non ligula ornare, dignissim ante ut, porta nisl. Morbi et lectus in enim tempus pellentesque sit amet ut leo. Fusce pharetra facilisis risus. Donec euismod molestie eleifend. Integer eleifend nibh sit amet arcu faucibus convallis. Fusce fermentum augue id felis eleifend tempus. Aenean diam lacus, bibendum in lacus eget, sagittis fringilla nulla.

Hobbies/Interests: [/div] [div class="textbox three"]Backstory: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mollis tellus sed tortor volutpat dictum. Integer porta tortor nibh, id dictum tellus ullamcorper eu. Mauris pretium cursus mi, a gravida quam dictum et. Ut varius, dui at cursus pretium, nibh metus volutpat libero, nec laoreet eros mi ut tortor. Fusce dui tellus, gravida sit amet arcu vitae, volutpat rutrum augue. Etiam condimentum porttitor felis, at porta ex volutpat in. Suspendisse porttitor, diam eleifend congue lobortis, sapien augue tincidunt dui, pulvinar hendrerit urna eros nec arcu. Curabitur non ligula ornare, dignissim ante ut, porta nisl. Morbi et lectus in enim tempus pellentesque sit amet ut leo. Fusce pharetra facilisis risus. Donec euismod molestie eleifend. Integer eleifend nibh sit amet arcu faucibus convallis. Fusce fermentum augue id felis eleifend tempus. Aenean diam lacus, bibendum in lacus eget, sagittis fringilla nulla.

Aenean sit amet volutpat erat. Ut et arcu dapibus, pulvinar sem sed, sagittis velit. Aenean nec malesuada nisi, at dictum sem. Aenean facilisis dapibus tellus, sed molestie mi rutrum laoreet. Mauris tristique, odio venenatis ultrices finibus, leo dui pulvinar nibh, in aliquam justo velit ac ex. Proin a lorem convallis, dictum sapien non, euismod sapien. Donec in enim ornare, venenatis elit et, pellentesque lorem.

Integer viverra mi eros, at fringilla dui dictum quis. Sed efficitur augue quis elit auctor tristique. Suspendisse posuere, lacus at commodo facilisis, lacus ante pharetra leo, ut congue diam ante ut odio. Praesent laoreet nulla sit amet ex aliquam sodales. Fusce vestibulum nibh nunc, vel pulvinar nisl interdum et. Nunc malesuada ligula quis sem viverra mattis. Cras a nunc faucibus est auctor accumsan a nec lectus. Etiam pulvinar accumsan scelerisque. Ut venenatis euismod sollicitudin. Sed ut ultricies ligula, eget tincidunt mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras a elit porttitor, convallis tortor eu, viverra est. In ex odio, convallis ac odio id, facilisis dignissim urna. Nam massa mi, dignissim sed viverra vitae, pulvinar sed leo. In faucibus, libero et sodales condimentum, mi mauris interdum risus, ac tempus est metus id eros.[/div] [div class="textbox four"]Relationships:

Person 01

Quisque eget pretium nulla, at egestas augue. Nunc vitae eros urna. Cras condimentum velit nec diam congue maximus. In convallis elit non dapibus condimentum. Mauris et aliquet ligula, eget lacinia eros. Sed volutpat ultricies magna sit amet semper. Praesent accumsan augue vel risus molestie elementum. Aenean a posuere risus. Ut eu odio eu lorem mollis blandit ornare eu nisl. Vivamus accumsan varius quam, ac dictum metus bibendum eget.

Person 02

Quisque eget pretium nulla, at egestas augue. Nunc vitae eros urna. Cras condimentum velit nec diam congue maximus. In convallis elit non dapibus condimentum. Mauris et aliquet ligula, eget lacinia eros. Sed volutpat ultricies magna sit amet semper. Praesent accumsan augue vel risus molestie elementum. Aenean a posuere risus. Ut eu odio eu lorem mollis blandit ornare eu nisl. Vivamus accumsan varius quam, ac dictum metus bibendum eget.

Person 03

Quisque eget pretium nulla, at egestas augue. Nunc vitae eros urna. Cras condimentum velit nec diam congue maximus. In convallis elit non dapibus condimentum. Mauris et aliquet ligula, eget lacinia eros. Sed volutpat ultricies magna sit amet semper. Praesent accumsan augue vel risus molestie elementum. Aenean a posuere risus. Ut eu odio eu lorem mollis blandit ornare eu nisl. Vivamus accumsan varius quam, ac dictum metus bibendum eget.

Person 04

Quisque eget pretium nulla, at egestas augue. Nunc vitae eros urna. Cras condimentum velit nec diam congue maximus. In convallis elit non dapibus condimentum. Mauris et aliquet ligula, eget lacinia eros. Sed volutpat ultricies magna sit amet semper. Praesent accumsan augue vel risus molestie elementum. Aenean a posuere risus. Ut eu odio eu lorem mollis blandit ornare eu nisl. Vivamus accumsan varius quam, ac dictum metus bibendum eget. [/div] [div class="textbox five"]Others:
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